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  • File : 1260428269.jpg-(12 KB, 257x300, cat-girl.jpg)
    12 KB Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:57 No.28495007  
    hay guise. i like animu girls with cat ears n tails, n my friend calls me a furfag :<
    is it true? dos it make me a furfag?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:58 No.28495032
    someone post the chart for this fag...
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)01:59 No.28495033
    I dont know but you sure type like a 13 year old faggot.
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 12/10/09(Thu)02:01 No.28495103
    No, a furtard is a person who likes furries. Girls with cat ears and tails are not furries. You should be safe.

    And straighten up your grammar next time. Capitalize the first letter and replace the 'n' with 'and', will you?
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:01 No.28495108
    plz plz tel me... :< i dun want 2 b a furfag ;-;
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:02 No.28495123
    lol not that one (i cant find it; it's a clusterfuck of images in my folder)

    I'll quote something someon I met at an anime con 2 years ago (ACEN) said. "There's a difference between catgirls and furfags; catgirls are a natural genetic mutation". lol =/
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:03 No.28495146
    you're not a furfag....
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:04 No.28495156
    That's not furry enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/10/09(Thu)02:04 No.28495166
    Oh thank god, I was beginning to think I was a furfag for a bit.
    Now that I have my identity cleared up, it seems that my ability to type grammatically correct sentences has also returned.
    Thank you, Anon. Truly.

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