Choose one.
Misaka all day long. I want to cuddle with her and tickle her and hug her, and poke her, and lick her toes.
Kuroko.Index is retarded.
Misaka family is the correct answer.
The hot mad scientist chick.
Only choice
Science > Magic
i stare at this picture for hours
Saten Ruiko de~su
Out of those two, Index. Out of all the Index girls, Uiharu.
i've never felt so much olev, /a/
>>28477429I'd show her my level upper, if you know what I mean.
indexu ofcourse!!
>>28477519report you.
>>28477134>>28477116>>28477181>>28477192>>28477204>>28477207>>28477251>>28477255>>28477313>>28477339>>28477362>>28477341>>28477429>>28477461>>28477487>>28477494Fine.More Index for me!
Delicious Index.Her voice plays in my mind like a never-ending railroad.
so hungry....
>>28477519Wonder how she managed to shave me entirely down there without waking me up.
Accelerator or Kanzaki.
Hm, tomboyish tsundere versus loli nun... gonna have to go with SCIENCE on this one.
>>28477791samefag here
>>28477598I'm really sorry. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
>>28477837>implying god isn't science
>>28477313I had not seen this before. Pretty good ronery ;_;
>>28478251Number one and two choices, respectively
Left obviously.
>>28478278Top three choices, not in any order.
Top three: Saten, Uiharu, Biribiri
I would say Railgun for the Imagine Breaker.
LO would be my first choice for adoptive daughter
Biribiri anytime.