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  • File : 1260336516.jpg-(40 KB, 640x480, 1239858358797.jpg)
    40 KB Lets have a ronery thread Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:28 No.28457258  
    Alright /a/, its been a long time since I've bothered posting, and I don't especially want to start it back off with something like this, but I really need a ronery thread right now.

    This girl from work I'd been hanging out with stopped talking to me for about a month when she told me she wasn't sure she was ready for another relationship, but she kept flirting at work,and assuring me she still liked me. She promised me there was nothing between her and her old boyfriend, and that there was no one else. This was about a week ago. Today I find out she's in a relationship with somebody now. She fucking lied to me, and she hangs up on me if I ask her what's up. What do I do to cheer myself up? Maybe some 2D would help?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:29 No.28457307
    Rape her
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:30 No.28457335
    kill yourself
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:31 No.28457341
    Well that would be a great temporary solution, I'd probably be in a great fucking mood on the way to prison.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:31 No.28457347
    Forget about the lying bitch.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 12/09/09(Wed)00:31 No.28457351
    Take it as a sign that you're not showing enough initiative. Try to win her back from that new guy. You've known her longer, you know her better than that guy. Fucking go for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:31 No.28457355
    Wow, I guess you'll never try again, huh? That sucks.

    Anyway, just do....whatever. Time heals all wounds, you know.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:31 No.28457364
    bitches and whores
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:31 No.28457371
    That's what you get for talking to pig disgusting in the first place. What were you expecting?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:32 No.28457377

    Bitches and whores man.

    Shit happens all the time to people who don't deserve it.

    Face it man chivalry is dead.

    Eventually you'll move on and hopefully find the girl of your dreams.

    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:32 No.28457393
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    Dunno bro. That sucks. Sounds like she's just a complete bitch.

    At least you can talk to her though. The girl I like sits next to me in class and she's shy as fuck. I don't even know how to talk to her.

    This is why 2D waifus are better.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:32 No.28457398
    /a/ = relationships and drama
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:33 No.28457422
    Why would you like someone who is shy as fuck? How boring.

    Tsunderes and genki-genki girls are a lot more interesting and fun to be around, you know. At least you can talk with them.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:34 No.28457452

    Tsundere's in real life are fucking retarded as shit. They are the most annoying bitches I have ever met.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:35 No.28457464
    Be happy that you had the experience, some of us aren't so lucky as to have fairly normal lives.

    21, no friends for the last 10 years, and never so much as held a girl's hand. I'm not angry about it, but that's the way things go for some people.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:35 No.28457469
    >to prison

    Not if she enjoyed it. If she did, she is yours.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:35 No.28457489
    Well I don't know who the new guy is, just that its not her ex. He could have known her longer than me, and I'm not sure I want to win her back after she lied to me like that.
    The problem is I have to work with her tomorrow, so time isn't really an option...
    Fuckin' right.
    Well I was doing the math, and I realized that 2D + 3D = YuGiOh and his 5D's so it seemed like an awesome fucking combo move...didn't work friend thinks it was the figures...
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/09/09(Wed)00:35 No.28457498
    2D is always superior.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:36 No.28457524
    Well, some may be retarded, but not all of them. It's all just personal taste, anyway. But for me, I can't get along well at all with shy/quiet people. They bore me, and I can never find a good way to connect with them.

    Tsundere's are different. They are fun to fuck around with, if you can find an intelligent one.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:37 No.28457555
    The girl I'm talking about was a genki-genki tsundere...ffffffffffff god dammit!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:38 No.28457571
    Tsundere is a character type in anime. They do not exist in real life. Get out of the basement and into the real world more often.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:38 No.28457579
    Hey /a/, I have a story to tell you guys:

    I didn't meet a girl recently, so I didn't talk to her, and I didn't get rejected by her. In actual fact, except for my sister and mother I don't see any other girls because I barely ever leave the house. I find it more enjoyable to stay in my room and keep myself entertained with new anime and manga, rather than on social situations which I don't find enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:38 No.28457592
    Still, time will heal it. This will be in the past soon, just endure for now.

    This goes to deep to explain online. Do you really like her? Answer yourself honestly. If you do, and you feel a connection, try to talk with her openly about your feelings.

    Things like this are complicated to offer aid for, because I have no clue how deeply you both cared and know each other. Maybe you are both lying to yourselves?

    Giving advice is hard, so just do what you feel is best. Be honest with yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:38 No.28457596
    Chances are, OP, you're a fine and upstanding person who treats women with respect and views relationships as something special, and something to be cherished between you and someone you can grow to love.

    Unfortunately, women don't give a damn about nice guys. If you act nice and come off as a sociable, kind person, you've already lost. Women like total bastards that will do nothing for them, and will abandon them in an instant if he finds a better fuck. They want it fast and simple, even if it ends up hurting them in the long run, because they can't stand putting an emotional investment into a nice man they might actually love in return. They can't stand it, because it might cut off their options. Even if all the other options are slimeballs that don't give two fucks about her future, she wants those options. She craves them. She needs to feel independant, like she's her own woman taking charge of her own future.

    Of course, all she's doing is ruining her future by doing that, but that's how women are. They don't know what's best for them. But they like to pretend they do, and that's exactly why they'll never be as happy as they would be if they let things happen instead of trying to take their future in their own hands and manipulate all the possibilities of their lives.

    Bitches and whores, every last one of them.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:39 No.28457608
    Jesus Christ

    is all of /a/ like this?
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:39 No.28457615
    I've been there man, and to be honest I felt empty after a couple of years. I needed to give social life a shot again, and its turned on me...but I'm not giving up just yet, I'm going to start anew and find someone better.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:39 No.28457620
    How about no?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:40 No.28457636
    Yeah, well they do. It isn't as obvious as in anime, but if you get to know them, the definition fits them well.

    They hide their feelings, and appear rough on the outside. It's fun to tease them, if you know how they act and what affects them.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:40 No.28457652
    I don't know, but I certainly can understand the appeal of tsunderes. Not that I'm interested in the 3D world, mind you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:41 No.28457667

    You are the trues bros of /a/.

    Don't give up ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:42 No.28457693
    What? Do you all seriously like shy girls? Isnt that boring?

    Christ, at least girls like Tsunderes are fun to talk with and tease. Some of you must be dull as hell. For example, Yuki Nagato. What the fuck would you do?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:43 No.28457719
    lets put it this way.
    It is essentially your fault.
    You didn't take the intitiative.
    Instead you pussy footed around and WAITED for her.
    Which was a terrible idea.
    But to be honest, this entire situation was a bad idea. And you're a fucking idiot.
    Life is not like one of your goddamn anime's. Thats the first thing you need to learn.
    Secondly, anytime a girl says it's too early for her to get into another relationship. That's essentially her saying, no I don't want to date you.
    And you should realize that just because a girl giggles around you doesn't mean she's flirting with you. Hell, just because a girl is talking to you doesn't mean she's flirting with you.
    She was probably just being nice anyways.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:43 No.28457728
    Fuck, my clone. We meet again.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:43 No.28457736
    do not do this.
    That is the worst thing you can do.
    Life is not fucking Suzuka.
    You're an idiot if you follow through on this.
    Get over it.
    MOVE ON.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:44 No.28457739
    Well...I did like her. A lot in fact. But my friends seem to think it wouldn't have worked out because I operate on a higher intellectual level than she does. They think we both would have developed an inferiority complex. And I know she liked me, she wouldn't leave me alone for that first month or so.
    This is the impression that I actually get. She was having trouble getting over the dirt bag who cheated on her after nearly 2 years, and that's the reason we weren't already dating a month ago...supposedly...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:44 No.28457751
    >pussy footed.

    God I love that term. But yeah, you are correct. OP is kinda dense, because we don't understand his situation completely. Maybe he read her wrong here or there? Can't give advice based on such little evidence.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:44 No.28457753

    Move on. Why waste your time and effort on someone who would do that to you?

    Not that I'm one to talk, really. I'm in love with this girl who works in a coffee shop. She's taken but I can't stop wanting her anyway. How the fuck can I befriend her so we can at least hang out or something? I'm moving in 6 months and I can't bear the thought of losing her (well, I never actually had her but you know...)

    Also, today there was a cute girl trying to get people to donate money outside the shopping market. I walked in, bought a water and walked out just to talk to her. Then she said "would you like to save animals today?" and I said "I would but I don't have any money" then walked off. What the fuck is wrong with me.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:45 No.28457768

    It felt empty because you are a weakling. This trait is carrying over into your attempts to have a social life and that is why it is all turning against you.
    >> xXxPrOuD_LoLiCoN_666xXx井animes 12/09/09(Wed)00:45 No.28457771
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:45 No.28457772
    Damn it, Ive had the exact situation happen to me too, was a coworker as well.
    Best advice I can give is move on and dont let it fester and rot your moral away.
    Shit advice, I know, but there really is no good end in this situation.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 12/09/09(Wed)00:45 No.28457779
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    She only lied to you because she was too afraid to tell you how she truly feels!

    Besides, you're being a double idiot for saying she "lied" to you when there was a full week between her saying she wasn't in a relationship and the day you found out she was in one. For all you know, that relationship had formed AFTER she told you there was nobody. Meaning she told you the truth.

    You and everyone else saying she lied are being silly. You can't just assume stuff like that! If anything, it makes you look like you're just making an excuse for being too slow.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:45 No.28457786
    Because she's pretty hot. She's a little too thin, but she's a fine specimen. She's got beautiful eyes, too. Plus, from what little I've actually talked to her, she seems really smart. I just know that she takes cool pictures and loves William Faulkner and The Velvet Underground. If only I could get her to talk more.

    Not everyone likes tsunderes (which I'm very skeptical actually exist outside of anime).
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:45 No.28457790

    Even though I agree with this, is it such a bad ideal to want to have a romantic relationship?

    inb4 Shirou vs Archer
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:46 No.28457808
    Don't give up what? I'm not even trying.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:46 No.28457811
    >Im so strong, i needz noone and all else who want social is inferior to me. I da best!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:46 No.28457827

    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:47 No.28457838
    You don't actually know the entire situation, and I appreciate your input, but in this case you're actually entirely wrong. I did take the initiative. I told her I didn't want to wait. I said I'd give her 1 month and that was it. She needed time and I was willing to give her some. But only a little bit. As for the flirting thing I can tell the difference. And considering she told me everyday that she liked me without me inquiring I'd say that there was little doubt there.
    I wouldn't dream of it. That's probably the worst advice I could receive.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:47 No.28457846
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    >bumping this thread
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:47 No.28457852
    Good lord. A lot of the people in here are dense.
    Seriously guys? you're going to believe a girl when she is essentially saying "Oh hey, we'll date eventually."
    You came to the wrong place for dating advice OP.
    /a/ is so socially inept they wouldn't know how to carry a simple conversation with strangers. Let alone know how to handle a girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:48 No.28457872
    Can we make this a little...nicer? Because you're gonna get the people telling you shit you already know, "No one has to be lonely, just bathe, talk, etc."

    I want a circlejerk of happy/pathetic moe fantasies, damnit. This isn't /r9k/.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:48 No.28457878
    In 3D, a happy ending is something that happens against all odds. You aren't the hero; you don't get plot armor in relationships. No random event is bound to happen to bring you close to her like in animu and movies. in 9,999 out of one thousand cases things will turn sour one way or another.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:49 No.28457882
    >If only I could get her to talk more.
    This. This 100%. It's why I find them too boring for me.

    >Not everyone likes tsunderes
    True, it's just a preference of mine. That is why I questioned you: to learn why you like something I dont.

    >(which I'm very skeptical actually exist outside of anime).
    I've known a few. Not many though. Most girls seem to be your average normalfag boring variety. They are kind of rare.

    If you like this girl, by all means go ahead. Try to learn more of her interests, she will probably talk most with you about herself.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:49 No.28457893
    FUCK YOU, OP!!!!!
    DIE in FIRE!
    DIE in FIRE!
    DIE in FIRE!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:49 No.28457899
    Love is putting a target in your scopes, lining up your crosshairs, pulling the trigger, and for one glorious moment when your intentions and your target intersect, you come together for a singular purpose. Over statistically large odds.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:50 No.28457923
    You still made a mistake.
    Anytime a girl is like "oh well hey. I'll date you some time soon." it's essentially her saying, "nope, not gonna happen."
    Think about it. She gave you an IOU in dating.
    Doesn't that sound stupid? Doesn't that sound ridiculous?
    Is she was REALLY into you, don't you think she would of put aside her shit dated you?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:50 No.28457929
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    >Over statistically large odds. is fucking magic?!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:50 No.28457936
    It is not bad. You can want anything in the world, however if you seek to find one in a 3D woman, you will need all the luck in the world, and then some.

    That's why 2D is so highly respected by we waifu-lovers. Only in 2D do you have the chance to experience true romance of the highest degree.

    Also, to OP,
    >You came to the wrong place for dating advice OP.
    This. Go to /r9k/ if you want advice on dating 3D. Come to /a/ when you want to transition to the true beauty of 2D.

    I fucking love that robot.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:51 No.28457950
    No this is not the case. I know this for a fact. Because what I asked her was not if she was in a relationship with somebody else, but rather whether she was even hanging out with another guy. I know from experience how fast she moves, and she does not move this fast. You can tell this about a girl whether you believe it or not I know it for a fact.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:51 No.28457964
    >They are kind of rare

    And let me guess, all these IRL tsundere flock right to you, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:52 No.28457974

    This. Just because a girl "flirts" with you by talking with you and acting real nice doesn't mean they're interested in you. Actually the reason they probably do this to you is because they feel TOO safe around you resulting in a friend-zone if anything.
    >> No time for love, Soul Eater thread. Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:52 No.28457983
    ronery thread, huh? I'm pretty sure you mean Soul Eater thread.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 12/09/09(Wed)00:52 No.28457991

    >Only in 2D do you have the chance to experience true romance of the highest degree

    No you don't. It's all just daydreaming and fantasizing. It's just writing a fanfiction in your head and making yourself a self-insert who gets any girl he wants.

    It's lame and stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:52 No.28457992
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    >Go to /r9k/ if you want advice on dating 3D.
    >Implying they would give better advice
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:52 No.28457996

    Oh lol, here we go.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:52 No.28457998
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:53 No.28458003
    Why is it so hard to believe they exist? Just because you haven't seen any doesn't mean there aren't any. What kind of logic is that?

    And no, they don't flock to me, I've just been lucky enough to know a few personally.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:53 No.28458012
    Some people say love is magic.

    Others say it's a hormonal reaction.

    But I like to believe that love comes from...

    The heart.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:53 No.28458014
    >If she was REALLY into you, don't you think she would of put aside her shit and dated you?
    Woo mistakes galore. My bad.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:53 No.28458026
    I made a mistake by placing my trust in her? If I can't trust her how would I ever have been able to have a relationship with her in the first place? You're contradicting yourself here.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:53 No.28458027
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:54 No.28458041
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:54 No.28458046
    Girl from Starbucks was labeling me tonight at work. I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:54 No.28458054

    Anyway, it probably is hormonal. Science, bitches, it explains all.

    Magic is our explanation when we don't understand something; science is the actual truth.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:54 No.28458057

    Exactly. Only in one's imagination does true romance exist, because in reality it cannot exist.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:54 No.28458058

    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:54 No.28458059
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458078
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458088
    God, such a troll statement. If someone is going to fight you on this, you have many opportunities to defend yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458091
    I bet I'm the roneriest of all of you.
    See, I love this girl.
    I spend a lot of time with her.
    However, this girl happens to be my sister.
    She doesn't think of me any more than a brother/friend.
    I have to leave for college next year.
    She'll still be in high school.
    I don't want to leave her, I want to hold her hand and be with her forever. I too scared tell her I love her either, because it'll ruin our relationship. ;_;
    I want her so badly.. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458096
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458097
    Do not underestimate lucid dreaming. Having held my waifu in my arms, having smelt the conditioner in her hair, having heard her call my name...Until you experience these things for yourself, you are not qualified to write off such things as nonsense.

    Meh, /r9k/ is 80% girls now, so you could take their advice and do the opposite, and have a pretty damn good shot, I'd say.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458099
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    >The Heart
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458100
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:55 No.28458107
    what the fuck is wrong with /a/? is this some shitty 3D therapy fucking counceling?
    its fucking /a/!
    /a/ - fuck your reality
    Take your stupid problems to your normal friends and your doctor!
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:56 No.28458108
    The difference here is she told me about her feelings. What I'm not telling you guys is she would come over everyday, we'd cuddle, make out, and one time we almost had sex. We were fucking naked guys. I was this " " fucking close guys. God Dammit.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:56 No.28458118
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:56 No.28458132
    trust? PFfFFFt.
    You haven't known the girl long enough to actually put any kind of trust in her romantically to begin with.
    Why would you even do that with someone you haven't even started dating with yet?
    You're investing too much emotion into a person too early on.
    And again. That's still your mistake.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:56 No.28458133
    OP, she was trying to keep her options open while testing the waters with you. The fact that she moved on meant that you weren't her best option. Sad, but them's the breaks.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:56 No.28458135
    l-l-like sexually want? Wow, but hey, you are going to be with her the rest of your lives, right?

    You fucking baka, you are extremely lucky. You two are like bonded to each other for life by fate. No fucking? Hey, at least you are still by her side, right? Much more fortunate then some of the poor bastards on here....who are totally alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:56 No.28458136

    It's beautiful isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:57 No.28458155
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:57 No.28458162
    >We were fucking naked guys. OP a lesbian in the closet?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:57 No.28458164
    In no way did you imply this in your original post. I don't think this girl was ever interested in you.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:57 No.28458167
    Holy shit, man, what? That's a far cry from "hanging out".

    Forget it, you were the rebound.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:58 No.28458173
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:58 No.28458181
    Ooh~ That statement sounds like you know what you're doing. I'm half inclined to fight you on that point, just to see what you can come up with.

    Anon can be so amusing sometimes.....
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:58 No.28458184
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    It's not like sexually want.
    I just want to stay with her, never leave her.
    Hold her..
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:58 No.28458188
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    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 12/09/09(Wed)00:58 No.28458194

    >Do not underestimate lucid dreaming. Having held my waifu in my arms, having smelt the conditioner in her hair, having heard her call my name...Until you experience these things for yourself, you are not qualified to write off such things as nonsense.

    I experienced it plenty. When I was a child, of course.

    Then I actually started experiencing it in real life with real people. And it was much better.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:58 No.28458197
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    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 12/09/09(Wed)00:59 No.28458208
    You think you have it hard?
    I haven't been capable of feeling joy or happiness for months now.
    I don't know why this has happened to me, but it bothers me.

    I'm so to speak emotionally blank.
    All that remains is anger and fear.
    Fuck my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:59 No.28458209
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:59 No.28458210

    Say this shit first next time man.

    Shes a slut that just wanted to fool around because she was "vunerable" after her break up.

    Just fuck off and move on.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)00:59 No.28458211
    I'd known her for 4 months, and she told me she had trust issues, so by placing my trust in her I was setting an example for a health relationship.
    The thing is I'm certain her options are not better. If I wasn't I couldn't succeed in life. I'm not being pretentious, I'm just merely stating that I know I can take better care of her than someone else.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)00:59 No.28458225
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:00 No.28458237
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:00 No.28458241
    What the hell? You can pretty much be by her side after college right?

    Hold her? I dont know how deep your relationship goes, but you can probably still do that know, right?

    I dont see your problem. You will be by her side for a while, probably your whole lives. That seems sufficient.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:00 No.28458246

    >I'm just merely stating that I know I can take better care of her than someone else.

    Did she know that OP? If not whose fault is it?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:00 No.28458254
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:01 No.28458269
    >emotionally blank
    >anger and fear

    Apparently your intelligence hasn't been affected, eh?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:01 No.28458270
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:01 No.28458275

    I too experienced it in real life.
    It was really boring. My imagination is so much better.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:01 No.28458276
    College = 4 years.
    I can't stand not being with her.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:01 No.28458285
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    Normal faggotry. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:01 No.28458286
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:02 No.28458299
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    >women don't give a damn about nice guys.
    >Women like total bastards that will do nothing for them, and will abandon them in an instant if he finds a better fuck.

    This is what "nice guys" like to tell themselves to make themselves feel better about their romantic failings.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:02 No.28458301
    No I'm sorry, I'm a man.
    Well if this is the case then she is the greatest actor of all time. I have had girls attempt to use me as the rebound in the past, and this one approached it nothing like the rest.
    We were hanging out as well. People thought we were dating. Honestly. And her closest friends would tell me in secrecy that she told them how much she liked me...I just don't get it...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:02 No.28458303
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:02 No.28458318

    You're a moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:02 No.28458327
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:03 No.28458352
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    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:03 No.28458368
    I know this, and I'm aware of it. But the thing is I tried to make sure she knew this, but I apparently failed miserably.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:04 No.28458375
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:04 No.28458388
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:04 No.28458393
    My gf lied for a whole half year to me and cheated on me the whole time.
    3D megapigdisgusting.
    >> Movie Theater Lad !/RUz7lnpiY 12/09/09(Wed)01:04 No.28458399

    That's because you were a boring person. I bet if you're waifu met you IRL, she'd agree.

    Oh wait, she won't. Because you'll just manipulate her until she feels everything you want her to. You really are a terrible fanfiction writer when it comes to your waifu.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:04 No.28458401
    Why thank you. Would you like to suck my cock?

    But still, hold out until it's over. Look forward to the future. You are still lucky that you are related.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:05 No.28458411
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:05 No.28458416
    Sounds like you lost OP, give up and find someone else. Just because a girl is "flirting" does not mean she is necessarily interested, she might just be bored.

    I'll admit my bias, I'm in a similar situation but I am the guy who got her.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:05 No.28458433
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:06 No.28458439


    Shut the fuck up, both of you. One likes reality, one likes his mind. So just shut up. Neither is better, it's subjective.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:06 No.28458444
    Christ dude.
    fucking really?
    You may have KNOWN her for 4 months through your job. But that doesn't' really amount to squat until you've actually been romantically invested with a person.
    The way you were going about this was wrong to begin with.
    >so by placing my trust in her I was setting an example for a health relationship
    this right here. Where the hell did you pull that crap from?
    Sounds like melodramatic bullshit you'd hear in an anime.
    OH WAIT.
    But seriously dude, like I said, your fault.
    Why would you even think about something like that when you haven't started dating yet? NOONE DOES.
    You go out with a person you like to have fun. You see how it goes. If it goes well you go on another date.
    You don't start thinking about having a "healthy relationship" with someone when you just started dating. Yeah, it's nice to think about that happening, but you don't try to push that as being your top priority. Especially if when you havent started dating. AT ALL.
    That kind of stuff falls into the "creeper" side of things. I bet you would of been the type of person to tell her you loved her after the second date.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:06 No.28458446

    Cool assumptions bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:06 No.28458455
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:06 No.28458472
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:06 No.28458476
    Tsk this is what I hate about Humans, they're socialist animals who just can't get enough of their lifeblood, emotions and drama. You know very well using what little of your left brain that no amount of sympathy will sustain you. And yet you lavish the attention and comfort anything and anyone will give you, anonymous, pets, women, etc.

    It's a very simple thing, if you're going to play the fools game of love and relationships then you're going to deal with the losses. If you can't don't play to begin with. The people on this board I cannot say whether or not they're your friends, whether you consider them as such, or they you, but they're certainly not gods, they cannot warp reality and probability. So please stop making these threads that do nothing, I admit wholeheartedly that endlessly talking about anime, especially the anime we have no is equally pathetic, however I'd rather indulge in a sea of endless moe and shonen, then have people get the idea that such threads as this are in any way or form acceptable. To cry, dry up and cry again is pointless, and while you are only human and it is only natural, that does not excuse the fact that it is annoying.

    tl;dr Bad shit happens in life OP, REALLY bad shit, your little romance drama isn't the worse thing that can happen so I'd appreciate it if you didn't make entire threads just to talk about small things that won't affect anyone but you just for emotional comfort.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:07 No.28458493
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:07 No.28458496
    I may not be one of the waifu fags, (yet) but I know that for /a/, there's way too much 3d girl counseling here. /r9k/ is always open for relationship advice, though. /a/ is here when you lose all hope for the 3d world.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:07 No.28458511
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:08 No.28458516
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    GODDAMNIT Jon, get off of /a/...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:08 No.28458527
    >that does not excuse the fact that it is annoying.

    B-but I dont find it annoying. Your word isn't law faggot, report the thread or hide it.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:08 No.28458529
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    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:09 No.28458546
    You sir, are a fool. You may think you are giving the correct advice, and perhaps for another situation you would be, but you have absolutely no idea about the actuality of the situation. I did go on several dates with her. I took it slow at first, and then stepped it up once she felt comfortable with it. I made sure I wasn't being the creeper, I even asked her if I was being a creeper and she told me I was an idiot to even ask because I was doing it perfectly. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:09 No.28458550
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:09 No.28458572
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:09 No.28458584
    A few dates isn't a relationship. She lost interest and moved on. Deal with it like a man.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:10 No.28458589
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:10 No.28458606
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    Honestly brother I woudln't have even tried to get with the chick. You work with her, if you did get something going and it didn't work out, you'd still have to see her ass the next day at work.

    Shit sucks but it's true, bro.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:10 No.28458609
    My name is hasmokliff. I kill you now.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:10 No.28458616
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:11 No.28458637
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:11 No.28458667
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:12 No.28458685
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:13 No.28458709
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:13 No.28458727
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:14 No.28458750
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    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:14 No.28458758
    If you know someone named Jon going through the same shit as me give me his number. We can toast to bitches and whores over a good drink and a pipe.
    You're partially right. I will get over it, and it won't drastically effect the rest of my life. Her and I probably wouldn't have worked out anyway, but I wanted the emotional comfort you speak of.
    >so I'd appreciate it if you didn't make entire threads just to talk about small things that won't affect anyone but you just for emotional comfort.
    What is wrong with seeking emotional comfort? I clearly stated in my original post that I wanted advice on how to cheer up, and that I thought some 2D would do the trick. I didn't intend for this to be a relationship advice thread, but now that it is I will fully accept the advice with all of my heart. If you want discussion on things that will effect all of our lives go to CNN faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:14 No.28458779
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:15 No.28458801
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:15 No.28458821
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    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:15 No.28458823
    Well I'm going to go back to school in a month, so I won't work there anymore and won't have to deal with it. So I figured it would only be hard for a few weeks if anything.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:16 No.28458840
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:17 No.28458855
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:17 No.28458887
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:18 No.28458894

    How about you think next time and just make a goddamn anime related thread you pile of shit. If you want emotional comfort go talk to your family or some shit. Or go watch CNN like you told that other faggot to do so you can laugh at other people's shitty lives.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:18 No.28458899
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    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:18 No.28458908
    Anyway I'm going to leave it to Soul Eater guy for about 5 minutes and then delete the thread unless he stops bumping it. I've had my fair share of comforting advice. Its been nice to know there are some intelligent fellows here, as well as some complete morons to make me feel better about myself.
    Cheers for this thread /a/. If you have anything to add do so within the next 5 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:18 No.28458920
    Well then dude, my bad.
    The only thing you can do is just say fuck it and move on.
    And It's not like I don't understand.
    There was a time when I a girl approached me at my place of work. Asked me to go hang out with her for a while. I was like sure whatever. I didn't have much experience in dating, so I figured what the hell. She was a freaking eccentric, and a huge flirter. Which really meant nothing once I found out more about her down the road. Eventually one of her friends was like, why don't you guys just start dating. So we did. about 2 days in, she told me she had just broken up with her ex, and that she needed time to figure it out. I was like. Sure whatever. So we went our seperate ways. After that she kept leading me on, and leading me on, while at the same time keeping in contact with her EX, and then crying to me about it. She kept saying, "oh I'll date you".
    The longer this went on the more I began to discover how fucking crazy she was. She was a freaking psychotic.
    She was a pathological liar of sorts as well. Said she tied herself up to a grind rail when a tornado came so she wouldn't blow away. I shit you not.
    After she stole money and dvd's from me, not to mention brought over her EX to my house and made me hang out with the chump, I told her to back the fuck off and leave me alone. I left for college and she would visit my house while I was away. Hoping to somehow get into contact with me through my parents. She actually told my parents "skater kids tripped me and she got back at them for me one time". Nothing like that happened. It was a all ruse so she could sneakily get my phone number off my parents phones.
    What I'm getting at here is the girl was probably a crazy bitch to begin with.
    She doesn't deserve your time.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:18 No.28458926
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:19 No.28458942
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    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:20 No.28458956
    >watch cnn and laugh at other people's shitty lives
    That's not emotional comfort that's tricking yourself into believing you must be happy because somebody has it worse.
    >talk to you family
    Yeah no. They're douchebags.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:20 No.28458960
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:20 No.28458973
    A girl can fall in love with someone she just met and be in a relationship within a week. It's nothing personal faggot - she just met someone she actually does feel a spark with, as she does not with you. When you know when you know. When you know there's nothing, you can't just say there's nothing and "I'll never love you, sorry." It either hurts them greatly, makes them hate you for something you have little to no control over, or hurts them -AND- nothing changes; they still follow you around like a lovesick puppy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:20 No.28458975
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:21 No.28458992
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:21 No.28458993
    To hell with her.

    Get over it and move on. I realize this isn't the easiest thing to do, but if you let yourself waste time being emo over this sort of shit you'll blow other chances to be happy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:21 No.28459011
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:22 No.28459026
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:22 No.28459028

    Well I wish you wouldn't come here for it. I mean either go full bitches and whores thread or make an anime related thread.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:22 No.28459038
    >What I'm getting at here is the girl was probably a crazy bitch to begin with.
    She doesn't deserve your time
    Well she did try to kill herself once...but thats something we had in common, we're both bipolar.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:23 No.28459047
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:23 No.28459062
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:23 No.28459068
    TRUTH. Brofist.jpg

    Is (or would be) a great copypasta.
    >> Cink !sWdnfnr5Yw 12/09/09(Wed)01:24 No.28459077
    Wow that was a failed quote there...can you tell I haven't posted much in the past 2 years?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/09(Wed)01:24 No.28459079
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