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  • File : 1260217574.png-(448 KB, 1052x663, 47914v1.png)
    448 KB Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:26 No.28415413  
    Why does /a/ hate ANN?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:27 No.28415418
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:29 No.28415430
    I don´t hate ANN. I am using it for anime list. I checked every anime/manga from ~1930 and on available on net. I am now at year 2002
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:29 No.28415435
    because its full of fags who whine about Shelf Life
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:30 No.28415445
    >Shit reviews
    >Shit columns
    >Sucks the R1 distributor's cocks
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:30 No.28415448
    >> Anonymous of Philadelphia !!CF3BKIiUIDY 12/07/09(Mon)15:31 No.28415456
    Oh good, all three reasons, neatly lined up.

    Now leave, OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:31 No.28415460
    It's mediocre and because it gets it's revenue from advertising for anime distributors they're very biased.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:32 No.28415468
    Because they got Kodomo no Jikan's US release cancelled and they gave Natsu no Arashi a bad review.

    They can go get fucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:34 No.28415484
    Sankaku is just way better than ann so i dont care about them
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:34 No.28415487
    Anime News Nina is sometimes not complete shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:35 No.28415498
    too mainstream
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:41 No.28415552
    Full of normal fags.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:43 No.28415576

    they're not a real news blog. they're pure yellow journalism and shitty tabloids
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)15:58 No.28415725
    here here
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)16:29 No.28416022
    There are columns and reviews in ANN? I thought there's only useful information.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:07 No.28416460
    Because they're an anime website that's embarrassed by anime, and the reviews try to be funny but are just forced and one-note.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:11 No.28416504
    I don't hate it. It's an okay alternative to wikipedia for episode counts and air dates and seiyuus. I read opinions from better bloggers elsewhere though.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:14 No.28416546

    Fucking Answerman.

    I don't care for loli myself, but I wouldn't deny it to anyone else.

    Answerman and those posting on ANN forums are some of the most retarded moralfags I've encountered anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:14 No.28416560
    ANN is good for their user rating thing, which I have found to be surprisingly accurate.

    Even the reviews can be useful on occasion, if you remember to account for the spectacular faggotry of the person who wrote it.

    But basically the site is faggot faggot faggot retard faggot.

    If you need a dose of RAGE try reading some of their reviews or Answerman.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:15 No.28416581
    I like it. I think that the reviews range from being meh to horrible. A sample of a horrible one . But generally they seem to have their shit together and their news seems to usually be reliable.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:16 No.28416592
    Because they're weeaboo faggots.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:18 No.28416616
    I refer to their database often for things like identifying voice actors, the names of theme songs, episode titles, etc., and sometimes their news is okay, so I don't hate it. But I sure don't give a shit about anything else they have to offer.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:19 No.28416633
         File1260224367.jpg-(129 KB, 800x614, anime-022.jpg)
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    Eh, hit the spot right here.
    Say anything, absolutely ANYTHING in one of their forums, and you will get assraped and banned.

    Also, the figurine review of FFIX.
    The entire thing was the guy complaining about how terrible he thought the game was and that it's the worst FF ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:20 No.28416661
    If you need a laugh, post a thread asking who does the best subs for a licensed series, and watch them all crawl out from under their rocks to show you the folly of your ways.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:24 No.28416701
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:24 No.28416710
    >how terrible he thought the game was and that it's the worst FF ever.

    IX wasn't DEEP enough and didn't have enough slutty dressed girls to satisfy the average FF fan.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:25 No.28416723
    'cause it's full of faggots who think you should only watch dubs or streams on LOL, CRUNCHYROLL!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:28 No.28416747

    Yeah, the fact that Rin explicitly masturbates in a future chapter has nothing to do with a series about a fourth-graders attempts to seduce her teacher not getting released in the U.S., which is conservative as all hell. It's the fault of one Internet personality.

    People, I appreciate the psychological aspects of KnJ as much as the next guy, but come ON now. The freaking Tampon lessons, people! This is a series that freaked even Japan out! Grow the hell up!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:28 No.28416757
    god, we are horrible fans
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:32 No.28416798
    sup ANN
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:35 No.28416840

    ...Since when is an A- a bad review? Proof here:
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:36 No.28416848
    Because they got rid of newtype USA
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:42 No.28416917
    Because they're people with opinions and a different outlook than me. Being a person who has opinions of my own, I can't really deal with the fact that others may have opinions or likes/dislikes that are different from my own.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:53 No.28417071
    They probably meant the one for the second season. Which can be summed up with: "THEY DON'T EXPLAIN ANYTHING DESPITE THIS BEING THE 14TH EPISODE"
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:55 No.28417094
    the only useful thing is the va database
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)17:58 No.28417129
    Wait, /a/ hates ANN?
    I thought we always use it for info and sauce.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:05 No.28417213
    Hasn't tentacle porn been getting licensed(not exactly high on the radar, of course) for ages? So it's okay to watch a fictional bitch get brutally raped because she's of age, but not someone masturbating of her own free will because she's a minor?
    If it's that LOLOFFENSIVE, just slap an 'adult' label on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/09(Mon)18:13 No.28417321
    >>28417213 much as I despise it...yeah, that's how it works.

    Like I said, the U.S. is as conservative as all hell. I know I don't want to be tossed in the slammer for CP.

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