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  • File : 1259639356.jpg-(852 KB, 1661x2296, [HorribleSubs] Sora No Otoshimono - 09 [(...).jpg)
    852 KB Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:49 No.28183163  
    Sora no Otoshimono episode 9 has the story of Christopher Columbus. The old story is that brave Columbus sailed the unknown seas and faced mutiny on his ships, lying to give the crew hope.
    This was not true. The sea was pretty well known by then, and he surely did not have much mutiny. In fact, the passage that Columbus took from Europe to the New World is a pretty easy route, free from much storm. Columbus was an expert navigator, and picked the best route, which had major currents pushing the ships to the New World.
    The part of the mutiny is also wrong. Certainly Columbus was not the ONLY person on the ships who knew how to navigate? It is stupid to just bring one navigator on a ship when you're making a journey like that. Each ship had their own navigators and such. There was probably no mutiny considering the short voyage (33 days). Voyages to the REAL India took way longer than that.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:50 No.28183191
    About the New World. Columbus DID NOT discover it. In fact, Columbus never set foot on any part of North America. Amerifags, don't believe it when people say that Columbus discovered America, it isn't true. The first known settlers on ACTUAL NORTH AMERICA were the Vikings or people of Northern Europe and Greenland (lol Greenland). The French were also there doing shit. The reason the story is still passed around is because that the biography of Columbus written by Washington Irving was a bs story. Christopher Columbus DID NOT SAIL BECAUSE HE TRIED TO PROVE THE WORLD WAS ROUND. The world was already known as round by most navigators and such. He did it for the moneys gained by finding new trade.
    This is what Columbus did: Get some guys, run a business proposal with the royalty, get some loan money, go out and sail, find land, kill people on said land, take their stuff (trade), and come back and get rich and screw bitches.
    I am assuming that Sugata-sempai also wants to do this as well?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:52 No.28183254
    >I am assuming that Sugata-sempai also wants to do this as well?
    Sugata only has eyes for the President.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:53 No.28183272
    Index physics, Sora no Otoshimono
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:54 No.28183310
    You do know that everything Sugata says eventually degenerates into random nonsense, right? The episodes start off with facts and half-truths, which transitions into non sequiturs and compelete lies.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:54 No.28183312
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:55 No.28183327
    Why don't you tells us about how Columbus landed in Haiti, enslaved it's people into the mines to dig for gold, committed genocide, and then started the Atlantic Slave Trade? What's wrong? Too real for you?
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:55 No.28183334
    >implying the carribean isn't part of north america

    Just kill yourself you turbine faggot. Also, Columbus didn't kill anyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:55 No.28183339
    Their story about Icarus was slightly off too, can't remember what he said, but he flew with his father to escape the labyrinth not because he wanted to just fly.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)22:56 No.28183381
    Columbus basically destroyed the entire island of Hispaniola.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:00 No.28183487
    Funny thing is, Columbus was a weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:02 No.28183547
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    Eh.. I think Columby-chan was a swell guy. killing indians and dont afriand of anythin
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:03 No.28183584
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    >Columbus didn't kill anyone
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:03 No.28183600

    Did your American history teacher teach you that? I'm sure the teach the holocaust in germany and nanking in japan. Hell, they don't even talk about what happened in hiroshima and nagasaki in japanese schools.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:04 No.28183616
    Nice troll
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:04 No.28183618

    Columbus didn't kill anybody. His actions indirectly led to the death of many people, but that was never his intention.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:06 No.28183684
    This is what it comes down to. I went to middle school, like you did. During middle school, my marxist social studies teacher showed me the same essay written by a Native American college student calling Columbus a murderer that you read.

    I was smart enough to trust every other legitimate historian and history teacher as opposed to one article written by a butthurt hippie indian.

    You were not.
    >> Anonymous 11/30/09(Mon)23:06 No.28183691
    actually, columbus was facing a mutiny at one point, but he said "guys, just give me 3 more days, and we'll reach land"
    he thought he was going to land somewhere in Asia, as the best estimates for the size of the world said that it was about 18000 miles around, and we knew the approximate distance Marco Polo traveled from Italy to China was roughly 15000 miles, so if you were to sail from Portual going west, you'd only need to sail 3000 miles. Columbus knew he was close to that 3000 mile mark around day 30. It was pure dumb luck that north america was about 3000 miles away from europe.

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