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  • File : 1257532440.jpg-(341 KB, 1920x1200, 1252395885551.jpg)
    341 KB Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:34 No.27357726  
    So this girl in my dorm caught me watching anime. She apparently likes it too.

    She told me she liked things like Inuyasha, One Piece and Naruto. I told her those were all shit and she should watch Monster or Spice & Wolf with me. She didn't know what they were.

    Should I shit on her car?
    >> ­­ 11/06/09(Fri)13:34 No.27357737
    Your image is strangely appropriate.
    >> ˁ﴾•ᴥ•﴿ˀType-Moon Fanˁ﴾•ᴥ•﴿ˀ !MOONmNft4g 11/06/09(Fri)13:34 No.27357740
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:35 No.27357755
         File1257532506.jpg-(119 KB, 1280x720, shot0142.jpg)
    119 KB
    beat her to death with your cock
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:35 No.27357756
    save your shit for a few days/week in a bucket, and dumpit in and around the car.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:35 No.27357759
    Train her. It's her only hope!
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:35 No.27357769

    Always shit IN her car.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:35 No.27357770
    I don't think you have a female dorm fellow. Enjoy your delusions.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:35 No.27357779
    Well if she's stupid, then Monster most definitely will please her.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:36 No.27357788
    Nia lives in your dorm?
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:36 No.27357797
    in b4 a shit ton of misogyny. Just introduce her to some shows that are higher quality. She'll probably like them.

    And stop being such a fucking hater. One Piece at least is OK, and Naruto has its moments.

    Inuyasha is pretty much terrible, but you don't have to SAY it.
    >> Anonymous 11/06/09(Fri)13:36 No.27357801
    under the hood of the car.

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