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!ygsc3vL/Pg 11/05/09(Thu)21:53 No.27336659  File1257475999.jpg-(46 KB, 968x1400, [Doremi-fageat] Hyakko 30 - 10.jpg)
 The end.
What the mangaka didn't tell us is this: Ayu and Konomi didn't meet ever again. And here is why: Both
being busy with their own lives, the contact grew dimmer by the day.
One day, they stopped texting each other, just because they forgot
about doing it.
But that wasn't the main reason why they didn meet anymore.
couple of months later, in Konomi's first ballet recital, she fell and
broke her ankle. It was a big shock for her, because ballet was her
excuse for having such terrible grades, for not having any other
hobbies. And then, while her dad, who hadn't been able to go to her
recital, was driving to the hospital to check on his little girl, he
had a horrible car accident, and died instantly. At the same time, a
doctor was telling her that she wouldn't be able to dance for, at
least, a couple of years.
Konomi was devastated. She needed to
talk to someone, but they were all treating her with such care, not
being honest with her. And then she remembered Ayu. Ayu was her friend.
She'd understand her. She called her, but Ayu never picked up. She
had to change her number and had lost her contact list, because Torako
had broken her phone a couple of days before. But Ayu was OK with it.
She knew she'd bump into Konomi on the street eventually. The town
wasn't that big, after all.
Ayu was wrong. That night, Konomi had a nervous breakdown. It was raining when they buried her.
never really thought about Konomi afterwards. Later in her life, she'd
remember her, maybe just a little, and she would ask herself what ever
happened with her friend. But then she'd dismiss it, having the burden
of her own life ahead. |