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  • File : 1257261877.jpg-(64 KB, 438x450, 1252565026734.jpg)
    64 KB Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:24 No.27235613  
    sup ddudes, anime newbie here. The extent of my experience is watching DBZ, Pokemon and to a lesser extent, Yu Gi Oh before school in the mornings a few years back.

    I've decided I want more after buying DBZ/GT on dvd, what are some good shows to start out with?

    I've heard good things about trigun, full metal alchemist, inuyasha and ghost in the shell. Are these a good place to start? Mindfucks get bonus points, shows about 12 year old japanese schoolgirls lose points.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:25 No.27235623
    UI'm so new I don't even know if this is the right board...I think I posted in the wrong place?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:26 No.27235639
    FMA is probably the best place for you to start if you like DBZ.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:26 No.27235645
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    watch K-On & Lucky Star
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:27 No.27235673
    What about 18 year olds who look like 9 year olds?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:28 No.27235683

    verrrry funny, I saw a photo of some fat weaboo surrounded by all his shit holding a copy of lucky star, so I'm won't be fooledthat easily.

    as for K-on, let me order it online and get back to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:28 No.27235688
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    Go watch Bakemonogatari
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:28 No.27235690
    Go with the ones that are pretty much universally considered "good".

    Cowboy Bebop
    Last Exile
    Trigun (maybe?) and I'm sure some others

    Personally I'd recommend the Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal OVAs.
    Death Note (until episode 28)
    Welcome the NHK
    Case Closed/Detective Conan
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:29 No.27235704
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:30 No.27235715
    um...I'll play along, whatcha got?
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:30 No.27235721
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    >as for K-on, let me order it online and get back to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:30 No.27235724

    Lucky Star!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:31 No.27235726
    If you like mindfucks, Neon Genesis Evangelion is the classic recommendation. It's also so massively influential it's probably a good idea to watch it early, as well. Get the 1995 TV series + End of Evangelion if you do watch it, though, not the new Rebuild films.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:31 No.27235729
    plz stop spamming ur board on www.ånóñtá ( remove dots n shit ) were tired of ur constant fuckin spam plus stop lying about at ok
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:31 No.27235734
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    Refer to the picture.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:31 No.27235740
    Lucky star, they're all supposed to be 18, that makes it so nobody needs to justify pedophilia to fap to them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:31 No.27235743

    Death Note is good until the very end, stop being a fag.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:32 No.27235758
    OP here, general question about anime. DBZ was good, it had some badass moments and characters, but at the same time, had some really random shit, like talking pigs, weird ass characters and stuff. It was sorta crap. Is this just something you come to expect from all anime?

    Also, is ghost in the shell a decent show? I remmeber playing the game on PS1 and liking it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:33 No.27235780
    oh god, I loled
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:34 No.27235796
    In no particular order:

    General should see:
    Planetes (watch and read)
    Cowboy Bebop
    Outlaw Star - best if seen while growing up
    Evangelion - even if you hate it
    Beck (watch and read)
    Natsume Yuujinchou
    Eden it's an Endless World (even if you don't like the story itself, the storytelling is damn excellent)
    Princess Mononoke
    Kino's Journey

    For specific reasons:
    Naruto or Bleach filler (as a way by which to measure all other shit)
    Paranoia Agent (for the mindfuckery)
    two of the following to know what good shonen is: Beck, Kekkaishi, Eureka Seven(anime), Rurouni Kenshin(manga), Trigun.
    Lovely Complex, Kare Kano (or possibly Mysterious Girlfriend X): for good romance
    Ghost in the Shell (any) and Last Exile (for cyber/steam punk)
    Seto no Hanayome - for comedy

    That is all I can think of for now but I'm sure others will improve on and come up with more stuff.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:34 No.27235817
    No, you don't expect that from all anime.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:35 No.27235826
    Ghost in the Shell is an excellent show and set of movies. Watch (or read the manga) any one of them.

    Also, that pic it a good starting point >>27235734
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:35 No.27235836
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    Oh yea, fucker better watch the hellsing ultimate OVAs. So easy to get into and incredibly bad ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:35 No.27235841
    Op again, let me be clear, comedy is low tier IMO, I'm looking mainly for mindfuck/ass whoopings and characters that are fucked up in some way.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:36 No.27235846

    DBZ is a kids' show. Anime is an entire medium, covering pretty much every genre you can think of.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:36 No.27235850

    Naruto and Bleach?

    That's why we are having more and more narutards around here. Doesn't matter the reason, stay away from those OP
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:37 No.27235878
    then watch Hellsing Ultimate now!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:38 No.27235889
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    Hellsing Ultimate OVA. This will make you want to shit yourself.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:38 No.27235896
    No, don't stay away from those, just make sure to watch other shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:39 No.27235910

    Stop dragging him to the wrong way!!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:39 No.27235916
    Yu Yu Hakusho
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:39 No.27235928
    Who said I was a guy?

    but yeah, I am.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:40 No.27235939
    What? I recommended him the Helsing OVAs. And , if you liked DBZ you'll probably like bleach more.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:42 No.27236003
    bump for further discussion
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:42 No.27236007
    OP, hellsing Ultimate has count Dracula fighting catholic priests with guns, at the very least watch the ones that have been dubbed (because Hellsing Ultimate has, in my opinion, the best dub ever, and judging by the OP you're probably not used to subs). Then come back
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:44 No.27236038
    quite simply, if you like DBZ, you'll like the big 3. But if you don't agree on the fact that the big 3 are shit, then we won't like you.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:44 No.27236048
    Ass whoopings and characters that are fucked up? Watch Black Lagoon, then. You'll love it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:44 No.27236052
    Serial Experiments Lain
    Mindfuck, yet it's about a 12 year old Japanese school girl.
    FLCL was good too.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:44 No.27236059
    OP, you're new here, so let me introduce you: This is known as the elitist .
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:45 No.27236064
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    OP will be fapping to loli porn within three months.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:46 No.27236076
    I think you should not start with mind fucks.

    Get something more basic (not naruto, one piece and bleach, if so your brain will be toasted) and then move on to the good / god tiers
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:46 No.27236088
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    Oh yeah, almost forgou about it. BL is a good choice for beginners.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:46 No.27236092
    see first post!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:48 No.27236110
    Which /a/ used to be full of, before you know, it became complete shit.

    Remember when /a/ would have just told OP to lurk more, or better yet, ignored his shitty thread?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:48 No.27236112
    OP is not about to be fried by a cartoon....
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:49 No.27236122
    Hellsing Ultimate is easier to get into if you have a very short attention span.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:49 No.27236126
    since after browsing this sub-forum there are so many more interesting things happeneing here.

    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:50 No.27236136
    /a/ is not complete shit because we lost elitists, /a/ is complete shit due to the lack of mods and shitty image spanners.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:51 No.27236167
    Go for Bokurano and Tokyo Magnitude 8
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:52 No.27236187
    So I was subconciously an elitist my entire life until a year ago when I started watching good anime?
    I grew up despising it and everyone associated with it because I thought it was all DBZ Naruto Bleach One Piece shit. I actually watched some good stuff a year ago and now I can't imagine not watching new shows every season.
    It's not elitism, those shows are honestly shit for brain dead retards.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:53 No.27236193

    Image spammers combat shitty threads, they are /a/'s friends.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:53 No.27236207
    No, all spammers are cancer.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:54 No.27236229
    You're an elitist because you think anyone who enjoys certain shows is a
    >brain dead retard
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:56 No.27236261

    as if everyone else was not like that, just in a different point of view... In the end all of us are elitists with our main purpose of defending what we like. Some are more aggressive while others don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:56 No.27236267
    So the term elitist means someone who has a different opinion than yours?

    I really fucking hate you.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:56 No.27236275

    The threads they spam are cancer. They are our allies
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)10:57 No.27236281
    Image spammers are cancerous pricks who take matters into their own hands when they really shouldn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)10:59 No.27236331
    right now you two bickering is the cancer
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:00 No.27236340
    Sorry, how else would you define an elitist? Most of my judgments about people are based on their opinions and their actions.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:00 No.27236344
    They spam any thread.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:01 No.27236363
    It is not their decision to make, whether a thread is cancer or not. Especially since all you need is one person to imagebomb a thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:03 No.27236397
    The Big 3 are the bottom of the barrel. Anyone can see this, not just /a/.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:04 No.27236430

    Most of the threads they rape are cancers.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:05 No.27236447
    It is also not your decision to make if they are cancerous.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:06 No.27236482

    If I can't decide if a thread is cancer or not, neither can you say image spammers are good or bad for /a/.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:07 No.27236490
    I have never seen a thread that's actually worse than the spammers themselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:08 No.27236507
    Hi spammer. Reported.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:09 No.27236528

    I'm not a spammer. Also: >Implying the Report buttons does anything.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:10 No.27236568
    Ok, then. I'll play it your way.

    There was a railgun thread I was in, it went to 4 threads, but the 4th thread had a post number ending in "555" , and thus it got yami-spammed. Are you really telling me that one thread at a time, about an anime and thus is relevant to /a/ , is more cancerous then spam?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:11 No.27236606

    Sacrifices must be made in order to achieve the greater cause.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:13 No.27236639
    And what is this greater cause? To fight the cancer that is killing /a/ with more cancer that is arguably slightly better?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:14 No.27236667
    Suzumiya Haruhi
    Lucky Star
    School Rumble
    Princess Tutu
    Scrapped Princess
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:14 No.27236681

    no, fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:14 No.27236684
    Spamming has ruined /a/ more than any other thing.

    If you don't think so you're an idiot and deserve to have your posting privileges permanently revoked.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:15 No.27236701
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:17 No.27236763

    Once cancer threads like Sup mugi and other shit stop, so will spams. It doesn't matter if other threads get involved on this.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:18 No.27236805

    So with that... WHAT IS cancer after all? If good threads get raped by this then they are the cancer and cancer threads are not cancer?
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:19 No.27236817
    sup mugi??

    Also, you can ignore a bad thread , you can't ignore spam in a good thread that you're in.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:20 No.27236841
    What's that, someone thinks a show about god that's actually kinda good at philosophy AND has decent slice of life is good?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:20 No.27236853

    No, John. You are the cancer.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:20 No.27236865
    The spams will never stop, you fucking ignorant moron. That's like Light from Death Note thinking he'll stop killing people eventually. No he wouldn't, because his standards for cancer that deserves killing will grow increasingly wide until he kills everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:21 No.27236878

    It's the lamiest shit ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:23 No.27236944

    >Bringing Death Note to a silly discussion.

    This will not end well, let's just hope to not see a bunch of people discussing what justice is, why L died, why they hate Near so much, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:24 No.27236970
    Spammers are good for bad threads, but a friendly new guy spammer will spam anything popular regardless if it is a good thread or not.

    Spamming shouldn't be necessary, and spammers should at least use the sage function to stop bumping the thread.
    Christ, they are the cancer if they keep bumping a bad thread with spam.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:24 No.27236975
    The conversation was over as soon as someone actually tried to defend spamming. The only people who defend it are either trolls or people so morally bankrupt they can't be reasoned with.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:26 No.27237026
    Well, I don't mind if image spammers when they spam a thread I dislike..

    So maybe is a evil we need to handle since it does good things sometimes (from whatever the point of view you have, you WILL be happy if a thread you hate is being raped).
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:27 No.27237054
    >>27237026So maybe is a evil we need to handle since it does good things sometimes (from whatever the point of view you have, you WILL be happy if a thread you hate is being raped).

    I'm not.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:27 No.27237056
    >Spammers are good for bad threads
    Spammers are worse then bad threads. It allows one user to effectively kill a conversation.

    There is a reason that not everyone is a mod
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:28 No.27237071

    Well, I have to agree with you there.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:29 No.27237097
    > Well, I don't mind if image spammers when they spam a thread I dislike..

    Then you are a selfish prick.
    > (from whatever the point of view you have, you WILL be happy if a thread you hate is being raped).

    No, I don't want spam anywhere. Even those retarded "katanah" threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:29 No.27237106

    Oh now you touched something that we will all agree:

    /a/ does not have mods, and this contributes to so many cancers around here.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:30 No.27237119
    I hate spammers, I avoid normal forums so I dont have to deal with back seat mod bullshit. god damn kids
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:31 No.27237150
    Wrong, wrong, wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:31 No.27237160

    So you are saying Spammers are like a bad people's militia or something due the lack of security the government (mods) 'offers'?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:31 No.27237175
    Boku no Pico is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys DBZ.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:32 No.27237180
    Actually, I think we do have mods, I've seen posts disappear that I highly doubt were deleted by the poster.

    They're just no where near active enough . If we even had one mod on at all times we wouldn't have this problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:34 No.27237249

    Ok, spam defender here.

    I was trolling a bit about spams. I don't like those just like you guys. But I would be happy if there was a "sage squadron" or something for retarded threads... I mean, threads that 90% of /a/ hates.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:35 No.27237290
    No, no sage squadron. If you think a thread is retarded then sage it if you have to respond to something and leave. Otherwise just ignore shitty threads and report them.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:36 No.27237294
    why don't you just ignore the thread
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:36 No.27237303
    KoG said he's gonna release a bomb later today.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:37 No.27237335
    And any thread that is imagebombed by KoG automatically doesn't deserve it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:38 No.27237350

    I can't help but to rage when I see 70% of the front page loaded with crap.

    Yeah that's what I usually do.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:40 No.27237400
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    Listen, OP.

    You sound like a normalfag. This is a precious thing. What you are doing is trodding down the dark path of the otaku.

    It only starts here, but one day you're going to wake up and realize you don't remember the last time you watched anything that had English audio and you've been yelling at people for streaming all week long.

    You're going to post in threads about your waifu and declare 3D to be PD.

    You are going to become ONE OF US. If this is the path you have chosen, I want you to have no regrets.

    Watch Cowboy Bebop if you haven't already.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:42 No.27237436
    > you've been yelling at people for streaming all week long.

    Another example of an elitist.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:44 No.27237473
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    I'm not saying what's right and what's wrong, just what happens around here.

    If I could have seen myself like this five or ten years ago, I wouldn't have believed it.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:45 No.27237502
    Oh, I wasn't saying that you necessarily do that or think it's right, I was just saying that people who do that are elitist.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:45 No.27237508
    fuck you noobie faggot
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:46 No.27237548

    Then why're you still here ?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:46 No.27237555

    Streams is faced as a concept like that of "only gay people get aids" that happened in the early 60's.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:47 No.27237574

    Because I want, deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:47 No.27237582

    A "Sage Squadron"?

    Like, an official source of authority on 4chan?

    You mean, like, mods?

    Spammers are just faggots who wish they were mods and are taking out their frustration on threads people like to post in.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:48 No.27237598
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:49 No.27237613
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    You sure showed him!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:49 No.27237616
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    I have no idea what you're trying to say. Like, streams are a failed rumor, or bashing streams is like saying you get aids from being gay?

    Ah, I just don't get it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:50 No.27237638


    Sage Squadron would be people that gather in a certain thread to sagebomb it.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:50 No.27237662
    Sage Squadron he says, /b/tard mentality at its finest.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:51 No.27237675
    That sounds awfully similar to imagebombing to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:51 No.27237677
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    That's stupid. You're stupid.
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 11/03/09(Tue)11:51 No.27237678
    You seem like an earnest fellow, something 4chan lacks sorely. So I'll give you my dummy MSN adress.
    If you want recommendations from a fellow channer contact me.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:53 No.27237739

    I think hes trying to say that people look at streamfags like: ZOMG GO DL SOME EPISODES YOU FAG. Because they tend to think that someone who downloads episodes, OST, etc is a 'better fan' than someone that only watches it by a stream.

    At least that's what I think he tried to say
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:55 No.27237796
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)11:56 No.27237808
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    >Outlaw Star - best if seen while growing up

    thing for furries at a young age eh?
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)11:57 No.27237846
    How did you get that from what he said?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:03 No.27237971
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    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)12:06 No.27238055
    Same as who?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:07 No.27238075
    your mom
    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:11 No.27238158
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    I'm answering your question, numbnuts.
    >> the combat oriented trip user !!F5+x4IzRikf 11/03/09(Tue)12:11 No.27238162
         File1257268267.jpg-(3 KB, 111x126, This thread intrigues.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/03/09(Tue)12:14 No.27238261
    Watch Genshiken if you want to be an Otaku
    >> Anonymous of College Park,MD 11/03/09(Tue)12:15 No.27238277
    >FMA is probably the best place for you to start if you like DBZ.

    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is superior. It's follows the manga more closely.

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