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  • File : 1256333908.jpg-(57 KB, 1024x768, 345345345.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)17:38 No.26784469  
    He is a fucking EMO!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)17:42 No.26784597
         File1256334133.jpg-(39 KB, 720x480, shinji.jpg)
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    Shinji sucks

    He has no guts

    I hope a football

    hits him in the nuts
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)17:48 No.26784798
         File1256334510.jpg-(18 KB, 360x396, thumbs-down.jpg)
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    Fuck you people! I thnk you'd be traumatizised if your mother died when you were 3 and your father hates you!
    >> Mr. Nice Guy 10/23/09(Fri)17:49 No.26784823
    Itt: Eva with brave non emo Shinji
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)17:50 No.26784855
    I see you have no idea what "emo" means, OP. You'll fit in well here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:00 No.26785160
         File1256335234.png-(52 KB, 600x600, shinjiemo.png)
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    fuck you people.

    this faggot cries all the goddamn time.

    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:01 No.26785195
    Leave my ex-husband alone.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:02 No.26785229
    Especially when your in a fucking mech
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:02 No.26785241
         File1256335367.jpg-(71 KB, 400x300, emo-shinji.jpg)
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    Hi, my name is Shinji Ikari. I am a cipher, a symbol, a representation of human futility and impotency--creative impotency, I mean. Thanks to the narrow-minded dedication of the director and his writing staff, I am the locus of a squandered plot. I anthropomorphize failed character development. When you loathe me, it's supposed to be art. But let's be honest, that's bullshit spread over a sewage sandwich. From a characterological perspective, the climax fails spectacularly. The primary conflicts are completely abandoned in exchange for a philosophically shallow, symbolically incoherent ending. Most of the other protagonists are killed or driven nuts, because death is easier to write than emotional maturation. And I think our budget was running out.

    Did you know that a hentai circle produced a doujin series with a better ending?

    Yeah. I'm sorry. At least you can pretend that I scored the emotionally vulnerable German chick. I mean, shooting fish in a barrel, and somehow I missed...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:04 No.26785301
    i hat e when charactesr arent likeable it sjust whats the point of even wtaching a show if i cant like them
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:05 No.26785338
    You think Shinji's a pussy?

    Hey, here's a tank. Me and some other folks want you to drive this tank to fight gigantic mutants that will probably kill you. Oh, also, your tank is alive and may absorb you into it, with you losing your individuality entirely. Also, your tank may spontaneously blow up at pretty much any time. Oh, and we're not going to teach you how to work it until AFTER you've already fought one of those giant mutants.

    And whenever you gripe about it being hard, we'll talk about how immature you are and meanwhile use you as a chess piece in our own agendas.

    Don't like it? Too bad. Because it's the only way your father will even talk to you. And those attractive girls? One is too inexperienced with emotions and loves your father. The other hates you as much as herself. And the older woman you live with is pretty much just using you to prove she's not worthless.

    But hey, that's okay, because tons of fun action, amirite? And when you're done mopping up those mutants, we're going to let you decide whether or not all the agonizing pain in your life is enough to destroy all of mankind or let it stick around to continue to hurt you.

    By the way, the tank is your mom. You witnessed her being absorbed into it as a child and were abandoned by your father.

    Have fun.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:05 No.26785354
         File1256335559.jpg-(36 KB, 400x590, viploader2d626326.jpg)
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    The secret of Evangelion is that they took super robot pilots and reversed their genders
    if Rei was male, he'd be the awesomely silent/cool/calm guy.
    When he rushes that angel with an N2 mine under his arm sacrificing his life ... that is the scene where MANLY TEARS flow for A MAN'S WAY OF LIFE AND DEATH.
    Asuka, if a man, would be an awesomely HOT BLOODED pilot. And pervy with his advances on Shinji, but a little tsundere.
    And Shinji, as a weak little girl, as a girl, puts it into context. You'd be fapping furiously to Shinjiko every night because of her shy demeanour
    And with girl Kaworu, Shinji x Kaworu would be amazingly hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:12 No.26785579


    though the "shinjiko" picture...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:13 No.26785623

    That's just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:14 No.26785639
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:16 No.26785717
    >And with girl Kaworu, Shinji x Kaworu would be amazingly hot.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:17 No.26785746
         File1256336245.gif-(81 KB, 400x400, 1198447843578.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:18 No.26785807
         File1256336309.jpg-(20 KB, 383x480, bat gay.jpg)
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    This is the single most AWSOME Scene EVER!

    I have never seen anything better than this and i have been watching anime for 20 years
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:18 No.26785812
    What's up with all those Eva threads lately? Did subs for 2.0 come out or what?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:19 No.26785863
    they should put someone strong, not fucking whiny

    someone as cool, as... Gohan, for example. Gohan hates fighting, but he understands that sometimes he has to do what he has to do.

    No supaa pawars, of course...
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:20 No.26785888
         File1256336434.jpg-(97 KB, 400x500, 04.jpg)
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    Refusing orders to run away and stabs a giant dildo
    Sniping a giant octahedron with all of Japan's power
    Synchronizes with Asuka for a week
    Diving into a volcano to save Asuka
    Kills an angel with a round of bullets
    Runs at SUPER SPEED to catch a miles wide angel from orbit
    Mans up after one of his best friends is hurt to mutilate the strongest Angel yet
    Starts third impact 2.0 in the same battle
    Stabs a giant version of Rei
    Fights Unit-02, Stabs it in the head, kills the only friend he had in a while
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:21 No.26785906
         File1256336461.jpg-(20 KB, 200x300, 1251087543865.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:21 No.26785913
         File1256336475.jpg-(15 KB, 303x489, Penser_Rodina.jpg)
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    >Evangelion thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:22 No.26785943
    >Implying that the characters of EVA were meant to be liked
    >misusing emo
    >possibly missing the entire fucking point of Eva
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:22 No.26785944
         File1256336537.jpg-(202 KB, 800x734, 1240142655757.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:23 No.26785981
         File1256336599.jpg-(118 KB, 450x811, 1238835113689.jpg)
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    Shinji after adding 10 gallons of pure manliness
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:23 No.26785991
    so true
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:25 No.26786050
    i wish there was a sex scene betwn the 2 dancings robot
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:26 No.26786061
         File1256336773.jpg-(144 KB, 642x1082, 1246110503300.jpg)
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    This thread
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:26 No.26786085
    fisting robots
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:27 No.26786110
    /r/equesting rei staring creepy face
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:29 No.26786154
         File1256336977.jpg-(34 KB, 640x480, 1249548758975.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:30 No.26786189
         File1256337059.jpg-(27 KB, 760x640, 1144596728525.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:32 No.26786235
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    oh, i thought i had lost it but here it is
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:32 No.26786246
    should I watch rebuild
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:34 No.26786311
         File1256337281.jpg-(33 KB, 598x448, 1256065711338.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:37 No.26786388
         File1256337426.jpg-(55 KB, 650x441, 1255182881607.jpg)
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    what the fuck am i READING!?

    There can't be enough idiots in this world to produce the massive amount of STUPID in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:37 No.26786389

    >Hot Jessie

    Wow, it's been so long.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:38 No.26786431
         File1256337499.jpg-(45 KB, 640x480, teh rei.jpg)
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    I think this is what youre looking for
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:38 No.26786440
    >You think Shinji's a pussy?
    >Hey, here's a tank. Me and some other folks want you to drive this tank to fight gigantic mutants that will probably kill you. Oh, also, your tank is alive and may absorb you[...]
    Cool. I may be a little scared for the first time, though
    >And whenever you gripe about it being hard, we'll talk about how immature you are[...]
    So I stop gripping. Demand cash and bitches instead.
    >Don't like it? Too bad. Because it's the only way your father will even talk to you. And those attractive girls? One is too inexperienced with emotions and loves your father.[...]
    Fuck her, fuck second her, fuck third her. Fuck him. Well, don't take "fuck him" too literaly.
    >But hey, that's okay, because tons of fun action, amirite? And when you're done mopping up those mutants, we're going to let [...]
    Fuck it. Stop thinking too much. Just do it what lies ahead of me. When the time to make decision comes - fuck it, life without bitches would be boring.
    >By the way, the tank is your mom. You witnessed her being absorbed into it as a child and were abandoned by your father.
    Say "Hi Mom!" and stop masturbating in the tank. Also, did I say: "Fuck him"?
    >Have fun.
    Gimme the tank.

    Listen: thirteen is an age when you actually can grow up in short time. In 19th century kids at that age worked 10 hours a day, doing a shitty job. It was faaar worse than controlling gigantic tank that actually likes you.
    They had parents that thought of them as of free labor force. That's far worse than having jerk father.
    Still, they grew up and did wonderful things. We owe them today. Only because they didn't just cry, but actually did something instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:38 No.26786449
         File1256337532.png-(63 KB, 900x1200, 1113779658310.png)
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    You're on 4chan and you say that?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:40 No.26786508
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:40 No.26786521
         File1256337640.jpg-(22 KB, 478x359, 1111.jpg)
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    Do any have this wallpaper
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:41 No.26786536
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:41 No.26786552
         File1256337695.jpg-(56 KB, 472x472, 1256231502159.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:43 No.26786606
         File1256337788.gif-(112 KB, 628x609, eva-explained.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:46 No.26786713
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:47 No.26786727
    Watch it but don't expect to see the old Eva, Rebuild 2.0 is just an ordinarie Mecha movie with lot of shining battles, moe and pantsu.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:48 No.26786774
         File1256338107.jpg-(79 KB, 353x292, 1246119667671.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:49 No.26786817
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:50 No.26786866


    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:52 No.26786912

    If I explain it to you now you will drop the series right away.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:52 No.26786940

    Why don't you finish watching the series you dumb shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:54 No.26786985
    Sorry faggot
    I have other things to do than rotting away in my mother's basement
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:56 No.26787051
         File1256338596.jpg-(50 KB, 197x300, Rei_Ayanami.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:58 No.26787122
    ITT: basement dwellers arguing whose basement is deeper
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:59 No.26787135
    why, thank you sir
    thank you very much
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)18:59 No.26787155
         File1256338790.jpg-(37 KB, 640x490, 03_C279_big.jpg)
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    Go watch episode 3 again and check all the details
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:01 No.26787214
    Kay, Although i might be dissapointed when I find out what his whole anime is about
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:03 No.26787258
    Sure is 1990 in here.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:03 No.26787272
         File1256339013.gif-(77 KB, 420x600, volleyball-yui.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:03 No.26787289

    ITT, internet tough guys.

    You'd be shitting yourself.

    Also, should I fucking remind you that Shinji's weakness is the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT OF THE SHOW. If you replace him with a loud mouthed super robot pilot, it defeats the purpose of Evangelion entirely.

    Go watch another show, Eva isn't for you.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:04 No.26787296
         File1256339050.png-(7 KB, 503x420, ATX.png)
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    All that shit, and still acting like a pussy.

    He should have had a vagina instead of a face.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:05 No.26787327
         File1256339108.gif-(122 KB, 598x590, COPY VIDEO TO GIF.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:05 No.26787328
         File1256339111.jpg-(179 KB, 1124x1343, xhe_1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:05 No.26787356
         File1256339158.png-(366 KB, 1920x1200, GAEMAN RIG AUGUST 2009.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:06 No.26787392
         File1256339207.jpg-(40 KB, 640x480, 02_C328i_big.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:07 No.26787399
         File1256339225.png-(1.79 MB, 960x1360, HW CHART.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:07 No.26787425
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:07 No.26787426
    lol, Evangelion has no purpose other than take away your Mom's cash

    I maybe would be shitting myself when in Eva, but I wouldn't be such a pussy when it would come to out-of-Eva life.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:08 No.26787441
         File1256339298.jpg-(316 KB, 1428x1975, 1255862237986.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:08 No.26787461
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:09 No.26787475

    Sure you wouldn't. Which is why you're here asserting yourself over a cartoon character.
    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:09 No.26787485
         File1256339375.png-(164 KB, 767x554, POWER ATX.png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:10 No.26787506
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:11 No.26787528
         File1256339461.jpg-(96 KB, 352x500, 1190747957485.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/23/09(Fri)19:11 No.26787543
    I'm saving all these /g/ pics and I don't even know why

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