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10/23/09(Fri)18:38 No.26786440  >>26785338 >You think Shinji's a pussy? Yes >Hey,
here's a tank. Me and some other folks want you to drive this tank to
fight gigantic mutants that will probably kill you. Oh, also, your tank
is alive and may absorb you[...] Cool. I may be a little scared for the first time, though >And whenever you gripe about it being hard, we'll talk about how immature you are[...] So I stop gripping. Demand cash and bitches instead. >Don't
like it? Too bad. Because it's the only way your father will even talk
to you. And those attractive girls? One is too inexperienced with
emotions and loves your father.[...] Fuck her, fuck second her, fuck third her. Fuck him. Well, don't take "fuck him" too literaly. >But
hey, that's okay, because tons of fun action, amirite? And when you're
done mopping up those mutants, we're going to let [...] Fuck
it. Stop thinking too much. Just do it what lies ahead of me. When the
time to make decision comes - fuck it, life without bitches would be
boring. >By the way, the tank is your mom. You witnessed her being absorbed into it as a child and were abandoned by your father. Say "Hi Mom!" and stop masturbating in the tank. Also, did I say: "Fuck him"? >Have fun. Gimme the tank.
thirteen is an age when you actually can grow up in short time. In 19th
century kids at that age worked 10 hours a day, doing a shitty job. It
was faaar worse than controlling gigantic tank that actually likes you.
They had parents that thought of them as of free labor force. That's far worse than having jerk father. Still,
they grew up and did wonderful things. We owe them today. Only because
they didn't just cry, but actually did something instead. |