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  • File : 1255648382.jpg-(132 KB, 417x403, 1255577809177.jpg)
    132 KB Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:13 No.26464107  
    >> Reversetrap !39dOnad3Bg 10/15/09(Thu)19:14 No.26464167
    Oh man, I want to play Persona 4 so bad.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:16 No.26464213
         File1255648570.jpg-(72 KB, 600x600, minato.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:19 No.26464314
    damn straight.

    choke the bitch, then throw her in the tv
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:20 No.26464344
    It will influence you in ways you never dreamed.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:20 No.26464360
    What's stopping you?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:22 No.26464420
    Goddamn I so much hate the dungeons and combat in this game, but I keep pushing forward because I love the characters and the story.

    to be honest, I don't understand how anyone can bother to play this game on real PS2. If it weren't for the savestates of emulator, I had been quite long long ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:23 No.26464466

    Why waste?

    I enjoyed it.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:24 No.26464511
    I liked hanging out with them.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:25 No.26464518
         File1255649106.jpg-(153 KB, 800x566, 1255635300274.jpg)
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    adachi thread?
    >> Reversetrap !39dOnad3Bg 10/15/09(Thu)19:25 No.26464529

    I'm poor, and there are no available P4s in sale anywhere near my area.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:25 No.26464539
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:26 No.26464566
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:27 No.26464590

    Go back to /cm/ sluts.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:27 No.26464604
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:28 No.26464628
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:28 No.26464635
    I'm playing P4 and I love it for the characters too.

    But then I started playing P3 too.

    I just can't love the characters that are so fashionable and reek of money.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:29 No.26464651
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:29 No.26464663
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:29 No.26464678
    I wouldn't mind being thrown into crazy land if it means I get to listen to Backside of the TV all day.

    dum dum tck
    dum dum tck
    dum dum tck
    dum dum tck
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:30 No.26464693
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:30 No.26464696
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    Holy shit, Adachi thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:30 No.26464704
    you mean /v/
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:30 No.26464713
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:31 No.26464732
    ...This is the worst advice ever.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:31 No.26464741
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    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 10/15/09(Thu)19:31 No.26464753
    should i play persona 4
    im sick of not knowing whats the deal with this adachi guy
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:32 No.26464765
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:32 No.26464779
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:33 No.26464793
    bitches and whores
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:33 No.26464798
         File1255649612.png-(127 KB, 600x540, 4997c8d7uqx7zM2d.png)
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    fuck, I love that song so much
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:33 No.26464800
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:34 No.26464846
    Here's all you need to know:
    - He's the badguy (sort of, but still mainly so)
    - A single line about him buying too many cabbages on sale has given him cabbages as his iconic item
    - He's actually a misogynistic douche who's actually more socially inept than the stereotypical Anonymous
    - For some reason, lots of people find him to be moe (I don't get it; I hate his guts)
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:35 No.26464860
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    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 10/15/09(Thu)19:35 No.26464869
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:35 No.26464876
    some fag who does it for the lulz. that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:35 No.26464883
         File1255649732.jpg-(169 KB, 1000x862, 1255458159949.jpg)
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:35 No.26464890
         File1255649745.png-(4 KB, 300x300, 1254731314562.png)
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:36 No.26464918
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:36 No.26464920
    shouldn't be the plural form of maiden?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:37 No.26464932
    I'm sorry, but when the frick did Adachi love cabbage so much?
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:37 No.26464945
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:38 No.26464980
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    >> deleted 10/15/09(Thu)19:38 No.26464984
    scratch that, >>26464932 anwsered that question
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:38 No.26464985
         File1255649913.jpg-(91 KB, 600x600, 4586602_m.jpg)
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    >Implying there are girls in this thread
    >> Gaspode !!571NkRW1ib3 10/15/09(Thu)19:39 No.26465006
         File1255649947.png-(27 KB, 573x556, THE BATTLE FOR EVERYONE'S SOUL(...).png)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:39 No.26465011
         File1255649966.jpg-(96 KB, 400x400, teddiehollow.jpg)
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:39 No.26465021
         File1255649977.jpg-(240 KB, 500x530, 1251124042167.jpg)
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    >> deleted 10/15/09(Thu)19:39 No.26465023
    Dang it, other way around.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:40 No.26465043
    It's cheap and goes well with most japanese cooking. A mad, psychotic villain must keep his diet balanced.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:40 No.26465056
         File1255650036.jpg-(270 KB, 1024x768, 1248407546944.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:40 No.26465060
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    I like him because he's murderer rapist and psychopath.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:41 No.26465098
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:43 No.26465152
    I lol'd. Oh, and btw, Adachi is a fag.
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:43 No.26465153
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    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:44 No.26465208
         File1255650276.jpg-(24 KB, 512x257, 1251717738195.jpg)
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    i hope you get thrown in the tv world and die
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:46 No.26465273
    Sounds better than getting ass raped in the slammer.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:46 No.26465299
         File1255650408.jpg-(152 KB, 450x497, 1255221771528.jpg)
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    That's fine with me.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:47 No.26465328
         File1255650442.jpg-(389 KB, 833x707, ed457eed9592f630d7426a67135116(...).jpg)
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    sup bitches, don't mind me
    just busy being the King of Bel and P3MC's spiritual successor
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:47 No.26465344
         File1255650472.jpg-(112 KB, 600x600, P3memeGUN2FACE.jpg)
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    P4's MC I think, was alot better than the 3rd. Even if it's just by a bit.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:48 No.26465360
         File1255650488.png-(12 KB, 100x100, av-35.png)
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    sup guise. adachi sux dix
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:48 No.26465376
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:49 No.26465403
         File1255650546.jpg-(57 KB, 538x759, at first i was like but then.jpg)
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    If you were in any of the Girl In Concrete threads, you'd know what it's like in Japanese prisons.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:49 No.26465409
    Adachi always looks like his face is fucked up. Does he really look like that, or do you guys shoop his eyes down too far for laughs?
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:49 No.26465414
    Oh hey Jesus.
    Haven't seen you in a while.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:49 No.26465422
         File1255650588.jpg-(215 KB, 600x600, Punch That Lying Bitch In The (...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:50 No.26465438
    He's a psychopath.
    He just looks that way.
    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:50 No.26465449
         File1255650640.gif-(109 KB, 487x535, C_p05.gif)
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    are you hitting this yet?
    >> ⑨Liberty-kun⑨ !!BMIFVnAv/h3 10/15/09(Thu)19:50 No.26465456
         File1255650650.jpg-(82 KB, 728x916, persona_3_plot_01_p18.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 10/15/09(Thu)19:51 No.26465474
         File1255650685.jpg-(129 KB, 600x600, Stare At Her Tits.jpg)
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