Is anyone else content with just surfing the internet for the rest of their lives? I'm pretty fine just laying in bed with my laptop surfing 4chan and other sites while watching television. I'm pretty high strung for someone my age and in my AP Psych class the teacher put mood stickers on us and everyone around me had color changes such as blue and green which indicated being relaxed and happy. Mine, stayed black which means stress and tension. But when I whipped out my phone and started lurking /r9k/ it changed to a light brow color. Whether you think those mood sticker/rings are bullshit or not, there was a change when I got online. I'm happy when I'm on the internet for some reason, the computer has always been there for me and made me happy, people have not. Now I don't want come off as another Wikipedia diagnosed asspie but I think I have a social disorder because I often make people feel awkward yet nothing makes me feel awkward. I just want a job that will allow me to live in a decent apartment with a nice HDTV, animu, wireless high speed internet, food and utilities for one. I don't think I'll ever meet a girl and maintain anything, if I have trouble maintaining friendships with the same sex, what makes me think things will be different with a girlfriend? A relationship that is even more demanding than a male-male friend relationship. I know this will sound pathetic but honestly, you guys are my best friends. I don't know any of you in real life but you'll always be here. I love you guys and I love the internet.
how many times you asked this already...?
Don't worry Gunther still loves you man.
You have a mental illness.
Pretty much OP.
>I love you guysI love you too, Anon-kun
Well that's what /a/ really isAn anonymous collective that will never really die as long as the board is here. You talk to the collective, the collective usually spouts back with something laced with katanahs and anime.
>mood stickers
how far can you escape from real life? Sooner or later you need to pay the internet bills or to eat.
Fucking pathetic.
>mood stickers that change color...t-t-t-that sounds k-k-k-kinda c-cool...
>>26416778>I love you guys and I love the internet.Dawwwww..B-b-but this isn't a feeling that is mutual anon.Sorry.
>>26416875>Well that's what 4chan really is>An anonymous collective that will never really die as long as the board is here. You talk to the collective, the collective usually spouts back with varied responses.Fixed.