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  • File : 1255546621.jpg-(57 KB, 468x711, 52175__468x_spicewolf_1-where-is-horo.jpg)
    57 KB Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)14:57 No.26415876

    What the fucking fuck? I mean...............jesus...........what the fuck.................
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)14:58 No.26415911
    you can get the real version for $10 more
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)14:58 No.26415930

    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)14:59 No.26415943
    >Sankaku Complex
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)14:59 No.26415963
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    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:01 No.26416015
    The very fact that they are doing this just goes to show that light novels will never work in the US.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:01 No.26416017
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:02 No.26416037
    Whats the matter bros, not legit enough for ya? Too scared to click on a sankaku link?

    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:03 No.26416072

    mother of god this book isnt going to sell shit now. Think about how popular the anime/manga section is at a bookstore. Sticking this piece of shit in some fantasy section is not going to let it get noticed by anyone.

    Wow Yenpress, way to fail on this one. Although that isnt saying much considering the other shit they put out.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:10 No.26416280

    Dude just go find a copy of the magazine in a store and rip out the real cover. Put it on the book and problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:11 No.26416315
    Sankakucomplex is a shit site, and everyone making a thread with a link to it should have his guts ripped out.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:11 No.26416324
    itt: a tiny minority complains about something that will probably boost the success of their favorite series.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:16 No.26416467
    Sadly, it won't boost the success. If anything the cover will be a turnoff for a lot of people.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:16 No.26416474
    They're trying to break into the "teenagers who read shit" market
    I'm pretty sure all the books my sister reads have retarded covers like that
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:17 No.26416498
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:17 No.26416504

    Yeah because I want to walk into my bookstore and grab something that looks like a softcore porno on the front of it instead of the original.

    You sure showed us bro.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:18 No.26416520
    I bet you don't know really know this stuff but still.
    While anime and manga books might seem popular they don't sell nearly as good as that of regular books.
    Sure that may not be the case in asia but here in the west it is still true.

    I don't even know why I bothered visiting this board just because someone cross linked it.

    Well, I guess that I might as well copy paste some posts from the other thread and then leave this board to rot from the inside or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:18 No.26416531

    This right here just disgusts me. If you want more people to buy your book fine, but dont change your marketing tactics just to line your shareholders pocketbooks with more money.

    Consumers before shareholders. Without consumers you dont make ANY money.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:19 No.26416553

    Softcore porn is better than cartoon girl.
    >> StrayWolf !!WAKT8jz2yER 10/14/09(Wed)15:19 No.26416557
    op you're 10 light years late, this have been discussed to dead here, also >Sankakucomplex
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:19 No.26416573
    While this actually does make me rage RAGE...I don't like this ;_; I can very well understand their reasoning, I myself being educated in these fields of marketing business.

    I am actually happy that they took this approach I cry at the same time though ;_; You would probably be surprised of how much this will be able to affect the sales. By doing this the books can stand next to other fantasy books in bookstores and will look a lot more "serious" to the average reader. even though it is their fault for judging a book by it's cover, everyone does such things subconsciously to a certain degree anyway so I guess that you can't blame them
    By doing this I (just like they seem to believe) think that Spice and Wolf will sell noticably better. If it does then it is very likely that this will "open up" the light novel market here in the west and increase the overall sales of all light novels.
    When light novels are recognised as books the same way here in the west as they are in the east then stuff like this won't matter anymore and then the original covers will most be the ones who will be used.
    And they seem to agree on this
    >so that one day — hopefully! — we’ll be in a very different place where we can confidently and successfully utilize the original cover art for these books.

    The original interior illustrations will still be there and it is still the same book. The story together with the interior illustrations will "soften up" people so that light novels will appear more appealing to them.

    About the jacket with the original cover art though.
    While I mut ay that it would be a lot more appealing with a limited edition "original cover print" I know that there are alot of factor that affect how possible would have been to carry out in reality, so I respect their choice of going with a book jacket.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:20 No.26416580
    I am aghast.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:20 No.26416596

    Really? Everytime I walk into a B&N or Borders the only place that is packed with people is the Anime/Manga/Artbook/Science Fiction novel section.

    Certainly people go in there to buy other books, but I think some people are underestimating the power of how much manga has grown. I remember when manga used to get a little tiny corner of a bookstore. Now in Barnes and Noble they have an entire wall full of it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:21 No.26416635
    >hey guys what is a light novel anyway?
    A book that is easier to read than most other books.
    Illustrations aren't neccessary but it is the trend and it's excpected.

    Now, a book that is "easier" to read might sound a bit stupid here in the west but to them it is basically a book that isn't consisted of millions of kanji and other unreadable moon runes that even japanese people can have trouble understanding.

    If you go to a Japanese book store then you will notice that the books are sorted after certain difficulty levels were they have books that
    You should understand as long as you can read
    Books that you should understand if you have the average high school education
    And books that you probably wouldn't understand unless you are over thirty years old or above.

    Now, the japanese language may actually be a good language in itself and there isn't really anything wrong with the spoken part and the written language actually does have certain qualities.
    But no written language should take over 30 years to learn before you qualify to read and write stuff of the "higher level". The quality and flexibillity of the language when mastered doesn't really compensate for the fact that it takes too long to learn properly.
    Dictionaries have always been a good thing though and the Japanese are quite good at using them, but one shouldn't have to.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:21 No.26416638
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    Superior normalfag cover.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:22 No.26416664
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:22 No.26416672

    Is that REALLY the cover they used?

    Holy shit that is terrible.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:22 No.26416677
    It can't be helped.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:23 No.26416700

    I like it.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:23 No.26416707
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:24 No.26416764
    about a couple weeks late as usual sankaku.

    In any case we've been over this already. We get the reasoning behind the change in cover but think the cover they picked is absolute shit.

    And not to mention the dick move of "hey pay an extra $10 and we can give you a slip on cover".
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:25 No.26416802
    I've said this before

    They should have the two-way grating on the cover that displays one picture from one side, and another picture from the other side.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:27 No.26416857

    ITS NOT FUCKING FINAL. Shit they even say that on the opening post on their page. Its a sneak PREVIEW of what it could be.

    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:28 No.26416878
    As long as they dont butcher the inside illustrations I am fine with it all.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:28 No.26416888
    Sure manga have grown a lot, very much so actually.
    But it is still a niche market overall.
    If you study market statistics you will find that there is a signifigant difference between how good the sales are between manga related stuff and ordinary books.
    Manga has always been a niche market and it still is, it may be different in the future but as it is, it is still true and it will take a lot to rival the book industry.
    The book industry is huge and after weapons/porn, games and moveis then books aren't far away and those are the biggest industries there is so that is really something.
    Manga can't even be compared, really.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:29 No.26416898
    The cover is fine until you get to her teeth.

    I mean seriously, what.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 10/14/09(Wed)15:30 No.26416919
    I thought this was all a joke.

    Well, this is silly.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:31 No.26416965
    yes, i can see the controversy now. why would those fuckers change some half assed mango cover and put on a stylish 3d render of horo? fuckers probably translated it holo and named lawrence bill so redneck americans can relate better to the naked fox god stealing their wheat. wait, what are they complaining about again?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:32 No.26416971
    They are trying to sell the books to people who aren't really into anime and manga. Can't you dumbasses see that?

    Now, if that's going to work, I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:33 No.26416999
    >We get the reasoning behind the change in cover but think the cover they picked is absolute shit.

    Are you serious?
    Sure nothing can beat the original covers but hey, you have to agree that this cover is still good compared to that of other books, right?
    I would say that it at leasts show how dedicated they are to the series, it is actually a serious cover and it probably costs a lot more than whatever kind of hit they could have chosen instead.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:33 No.26417003

    Yes and we're making it very clear we don't like what it could be.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:34 No.26417037
    >Well, I guess that I might as well copy paste some posts from the other thread and then leave this board to rot from the inside or something

    Good. We don't need self-righteous pricks here.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:34 No.26417039
    Isn't this very old news?
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:35 No.26417064
    It might not be a burning weaboo cover, but they still kept her naked. That's the spirit.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:36 No.26417078
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:36 No.26417082
    >The cover is fine until you get to her teeth.
    Yeah.. it is actually a good cover... but the teeth ;_; what is that?
    Overall though, it is a high quality cover and I am happy that Yen press was serious enough about the series to actually make a cover that is of quality.
    But the teeth Orz
    And I still wan't my original covers ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:36 No.26417089
    That can be a problem, actually.

    At my B&N, the manga section is usually always with a few people also. The problem arises in the fact that everyone reads the shit at the store, puts it back on the shelf, and lolgoeshome. So sure, it's gaining in popularity, but it's also getting no profit because it's easy enough to read in 30 minutes or so at the book store.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:37 No.26417108
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    can't unsee!
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:38 No.26417126
    Ok heres the problem.

    With this cover its gonna probably do two things.

    1) Alienate fans of the series who have been waiting for the light novels to be translated.

    2) Bring in non-anime fans and will probably alienate them because of the illustrations in the novel.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:38 No.26417147
    fail complex tries and apparently succeeds at getting everyone in a tizzy, story at 11
    >> Chao !!eFZ1anCCqZ2 10/14/09(Wed)15:40 No.26417177
    People do the same shit in Japanese bookstores. Causes occasional awkwardness since the aisles are barely a person-and-a-half wide in some stores.
    I will concede, however, that the Japanese are ten times the consumer whores that Americans are. I didn't believe, but then I came here.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:41 No.26417212
    rawrence is a badass that's why we call him RAWRence
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:43 No.26417267

    No there are plenty of other genres which are popular too, the thing is that manga fans are socially awkward aspies who think it's okay to read right in front of the bookshelves instead of in the chairs that Barnes and Noble kindly provides or at home or something. Young adult and science fiction/fantasy are both fairly big sections in their own rights.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:44 No.26417293
    >1) Alienate fans of the series who have been waiting for the light novels to be translated.
    So you won't buy it just because they changed the cover? Well, I guess that shows how good of a fan you are if chose not to.

    >2) Bring in non-anime fans and will probably alienate them because of the illustrations in the novel.
    The average book reader might be react badly to the original book cover (even if it may be subconsciously) cause of the manga art but if they buy the book with the new cover then the interior illustrations really won't matter after they have started reading.

    It is more likely to "soften up" regualar readers.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:44 No.26417294
    This is old. Months old. practically older than the internet itself. If you're shitting yourself about it now, I can't wait to see your faces in a couple of months when.... you'll see.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:45 No.26417305

    they're trying to pass it off as something it isn't. Someone who simply opens the fucking book after picking it up will see what it really is beneath the 'lolmature' cover.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:45 No.26417307
    sankakucomplex are only like a month late...
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:46 No.26417337
    >>26417126 1) Alienate fans of the series who have been waiting for the light novels to be translated.

    I don't see *why*, there's no obligation to maintain the original covers and many novels and manga do not. And the original cover is no better anyhow, it's really pretty dull and doesn't attract attention at all.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:46 No.26417342
    Suddenly furries are the new vampires.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:47 No.26417369
    So it's business as usual.
    >> Anonymous 10/14/09(Wed)15:48 No.26417376

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