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  • このサイトについて - 翻訳

  • 10/01/2009 - 4chan turns 6 years old

    File : 1254411192.jpg-(70 KB, 353x500, untitled.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:33 No.25888648  
    This is how 2ch otaku feel about marriage and making babies in Japan amidst their falling birthrates. Seems pretty on-par with /a/ otaku.


    -Make reality more interesting than games please.
    -Yeah I can live on games alone.
    -If everybody became obsessed with games then we would live in a peaceful society.
    -Whats the point of increasing the population of this resourced starved narrow country.
    -I tried to fight with reality but failed so many times.
    -Reality does not want to deal with me you idiot.
    -The world in the monitor is reality. The world we live in is just imaginary.
    -To be honest, I don't want a (real) woman.
    -Love Plus is reality.
    -But in reality women don't want to marry us unless we earn more than 10 million yen (100,000 USD) per year.
    -There are too many Japanese people anyway so decreasing the population would be just right.
    -But the 2D world is ideal.
    -Oh and its OK to be obsessed with movies and books then?
    -My (2D) girlfriend is Aika-san. She lets me meet her whenever I want and greets me with a smile if I forget a date - and she does not cost money. Thats all I need.
    -His words are racist.
    -OK then - hows this for reality?
    -I'm 30 and earn 3.5 million yen (35K USD) - how am I supposed to get married?
    -Why is somebody from a declining country (England) telling me this?
    -The decline of the population has nothing to do with games or manga.
    -My partner is Hatsune Miku. I would do anything for her and we are thinking of having kids.
    -I tried to face reality and it became Love Plus.
    -We must fight reality!
    -The problem is that dolphin waxing feels good.
    -I cant see the merits of getting married - all I see are demerits.
    -When sexaroids become reality, humans will become extinct.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:33 No.25888650
    -Blaming Japanese men is not going to solve anything.
    -Those who face reality risk suicide.
    -They should make a game for the DS called "lets face society"
    -A country of Neets (England) being worried about Japan?
    -Not sure about England but the hurdle to getting married over the past 20 years in Japan is gone up too high - socially and financially.
    -Unless there are more job positions then I cant face reality.
    -Cant trust women - will just be worried about her having an affair - cant be bothered with that.
    -Women are not attractive to me anymore. I can wash my clothes with a push of a button and can eat from a convenience store. As long as I can clean up, I don't see the reason for feeding a money sucking worm (wife).
    -People don't get married because they know that life is over when they do.
    -Japan is on the decline because women prefer good looking men with money.
    -Girls in games wont cheat on us.
    -The solution is to make reality in games.
    -I'm too busy with work to think about getting married.
    -Getting married and having kids is happiness?
    -Working like a slave and then dying after getting married - no thanks.
    -But Sanya is too cute.
    -I'm living off 2.1 million yen. If I don't read manga or anime then I just cant go on.
    -Solution is simple - make it so that anime and manga characters can get pregnant.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:35 No.25888692
    Falling birthrates is humanity's late Mother's Day present to Earth. Do we REALLY need 6 billion people? Just import poor foreigners to do all the shitty jobs, and start working on those HEINREIs already.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:35 No.25888710
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    >My (2D) girlfriend is Aika-san. She lets me meet her whenever I want and greets me with a smile if I forget a date - and she does not cost money. Thats all I need.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:35 No.25888712
    Women are sluts. It isn't the fault of otaku. How does that make any girls reading this feel?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:36 No.25888727
    >Love Plus
    >dolphin waxing
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:37 No.25888747
    I just want to clear this up

    The Japanese are Otaku

    the Westerners are Weeaboos
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:38 No.25888751
    Here's the article that 2ch responded to.

    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:38 No.25888762
    ;_; I cried a little, its so true.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:38 No.25888764
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    >-Women are not attractive to me anymore. I can wash my clothes with a push of a button and can eat from a convenience store. As long as I can clean up, I don't see the reason for feeding a money sucking worm (wife).
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:39 No.25888780
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:39 No.25888785
    >-The problem is that dolphin waxing feels good.

    >-My (2D) girlfriend is Aika-san. She lets me meet her whenever I want and greets me with a smile if I forget a date - and she does not cost money. Thats all I need.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:39 No.25888786
    2chan is super interesting.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:39 No.25888791
    Here's the BBC article that 2ch responded to.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:39 No.25888794
    >>25888692 Do we REALLY need 6 billion people?

    The population spike of the last century will probably slow down and maybe even reverse course and frankly, I can't see the problem there. Industrialization has always been about getting more done with less people. If we can pop this population bubble peacefully (without major war or disease outbreak) it shouldn't be a bad thing.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:39 No.25888802
    /a/, you've got to stop this obsession with virginity.

    I speak as a female anon first and foremost. You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18, it's unreasonable to expect a girl to wait that long, it's unreasonable to expect ANYONE to wait that long. But I think any girl who waited until prom night deserves at least some respect, there are more opportunities to have sex as a girl so you're turning down guys literally all the time. On top of that, sex is more of a temptation to us because it feels better for a girl than it does for a guy, especially if the guy you're having sex with is experienced. So in many ways it's not just unreasonable socially, it's biologically unreasonable too and it's being unreasonable to any future partner who has had sex because you're not going to be able to pleasure her that effectively because you've been hung up on outdated ideas of purity. There are still good girls out there who have had sex, there are good girlfriend material girls out there who have even had a few flings (everyone makes mistakes, don't be so harsh and hold people to insane standards), so go out there and look, work on yourself and maybe you can get one! I'm just trying to help you guys you know. Because I too know what it's like to be ronery (I only had my first boyfriend when I was 18 and was single all before that).

    Oh well, maybe you'll ignore and flame me, but femanon here, signing out.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:40 No.25888813
    The overpopulation issue isn't with us, it's the fault of niggers and other shit races. They're pumping out children they can't afford whereas the ubermensch live within their means.
    >> Saya-tan !!xGVIGOIpnm4 10/01/09(Thu)11:41 No.25888819
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    If I give myself to you /a/non, do you consider me as a slut?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:41 No.25888824
    >My (2D) girlfriend is Aika-san. She lets me meet her whenever I want and greets me with a smile if I forget a date - and she does not cost money. Thats all I need.
    >My partner is Hatsune Miku. I would do anything for her and we are thinking of having kids.
    >Women are not attractive to me anymore. I can wash my clothes with a push of a button and can eat from a convenience store. As long as I can clean up, I don't see the reason for feeding a money sucking worm (wife).
    >But Sanya is too cute.
    Somebody brofist these guys.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:41 No.25888826
    Why are journalists so stupid?
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 10/01/09(Thu)11:42 No.25888843
    >But Sanya is too cute.

    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:42 No.25888848

    You are so cute. Pure and virginal.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:42 No.25888853

    That's what I keep saying. Why are all these news outlets freaking out over a declining population? Having our population decrease by natural means is probably the best thing that can happen. It's certainly a lot better than removing people through war.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:43 No.25888859
    Sounds rather like you're trying to convince yourself more than anyone else.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 10/01/09(Thu)11:43 No.25888862
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:43 No.25888863
    >You'll never find a female virgin above the age of 18

    But what about me
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:44 No.25888879
    The only question is whether the population reversal will come as a Malthusian crisis or not.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:44 No.25888890
    >-They should make a game for the DS called "lets face society"
    fuck, ROFL
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:44 No.25888897

    I hear ya ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:45 No.25888924
    Probably not. Industrial Revolution sort of fixed that.
    People are just not having kids anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:46 No.25888929
    You trying to troll son?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:46 No.25888933

    He probably wasn't talking about fatties.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:46 No.25888936
    You too, huh

    No man will ever love me... but I think I can be fine with that, as long as I have my animu waifus ;_;
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:46 No.25888938
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    >> I ♥ !dicksF09Vo 10/01/09(Thu)11:46 No.25888942
    We never said anything about virginity your over self-conscious birthing machine.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 10/01/09(Thu)11:47 No.25888956
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    If I give myself to you /a/nons, do you consider me as a slut?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:47 No.25888964
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    We can't have sex with you if you're in your rooms all. the time.

    Don't you know we're waiting for our Misaki? Why haven't you saved us yet?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:47 No.25888969
    Fuck off bitch, Saya is a truly cute femanon. You aren't.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:48 No.25888989
    Stale copy pasta is stale. We're talking about vampirism not virginity.

    >Solution is simple - make it so that anime and manga characters can get pregnant.
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 10/01/09(Thu)11:48 No.25888996
    Men can't be Misaki, son.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:48 No.25889005
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:48 No.25889009
    Because you're a complacent bitch who just sits and whines instead of making an active effort to fix things.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:48 No.25889011
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:49 No.25889012
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    Japanese men want submissive women, but the only way women aren't gonna demand that the men make $100 000+ a year is if they themselves work, but if they make their own money they become less dependent on the man and therefore less submissive. Educated women also have fewer children and in a later stage of life than uneducated.

    Welcome to fucking reality Japan. Also, their ridicilously strict imigration laws are finally biting them in the ass. If I've learned anything from anime then it is that low-wage jobs like janitors and fastfood joints are staffed by japanese, not 3rd worlders like in the West.
    Sweden has a steady population-rise, but that is mostly credited to immigration and the fact that immigrants have more children and have them earlier in like because their cultures are mostly paternal with the woman taking up the household responsibilities.

    Japans double standard equality wants to eat the cake and still have it

    Japans strict immigration laws has strangled their population growth
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:49 No.25889013
    They can when they wear a skirt, asshole.

    Don't you know how skirts work?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:49 No.25889018

    It's not as necessary. When you don't need ten kids, you quickly stop having that many. Guy I worked with came from a family of 11 (the classical big Boston Irish Catholic family), but he himself only had 2.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:49 No.25889020
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:49 No.25889028
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:49 No.25889040
    Isn't it fine like this? I mean, mankind should just die out already. There's really no point in living anyway. Nobody is going to care that they are dead after they're dead so who gives a shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:50 No.25889045

    But I'm waiting for my male Misaki. ;_;

    I come out of my room. I just think my nerdiness turns guys off.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:51 No.25889077
    Nice copypastah

    But this thread has nothing to do with virgins. Just women and reproduction
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 10/01/09(Thu)11:51 No.25889085
    >Implying Western immigration models are something to be emulated.

    Yeah, I think Japan enjoys their lack of LA riots and OJ Simpson like trials thanks. But hey, you just carry on importing those immigrants and thinking that vastly different races can integrate. After all, unicorns exist, why not racial equality?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:51 No.25889105
    The problem is that I am not attracted to real women any more, only animu characters
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:52 No.25889114
    >Women are not attractive to me anymore. I can wash my clothes with a push of a button and can eat from a convenience store. As long as I can clean up, I don't see the reason for feeding a money sucking worm (wife).

    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:52 No.25889130
    >-But Sanya is too cute.
    This guy has a point
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:53 No.25889136
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 10/01/09(Thu)11:53 No.25889147
    Oh yeah, Misaki-chan wore that denim skirt a lot. Sorry about that.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:53 No.25889157
    >-There are too many Japanese people anyway so decreasing the population would be just right.

    this guy gets it
    why can't more people think like this?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:53 No.25889163
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    Are you sure these responses aren't just /a/ responses translated into moon speak?
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 10/01/09(Thu)11:54 No.25889164
    The world needs less pepole, not more.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:54 No.25889174
    >>25889085 I think Japan enjoys their lack of LA riots and OJ Simpson like trials thanks

    What they enjoy is probably having a population who is largly made up of tax-payers. No country can sustain a population where a large majority is senior citizens not working. I'm probably going to have to work until I'm 70 because otherwise they'd be too many senior citizens for the system to work.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:54 No.25889175
    It's copypasta.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:54 No.25889181
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    In london we opened our doors to immigration, this is what it got us
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:54 No.25889185
    2ch = /a/?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:55 No.25889199
    That's what I keep saying. Why are all these news outlets freaking out over a declining population? Having our population decrease by natural means is probably the best thing that can happen. It's certainly a lot better than removing people through war.

    decreasing population is another way of saying low birthrates. in countries like japan and many nations in europe, a low birth rate = fewer people to pay for social securities that the governments needs to take care of their aging populations that are getting bigger and living longer. this produces a drain on the economics of that society, espcially since older persons aren't often as productive as younger persons. as a result, nations like france and briton require immigrant populatinos to sustain their greying populations. most of their immigrants come from africa and the near east. as a result, larger minorities of muslims are creating politcal and cultural instabilities in their nations and fundamentally changing their way of life. the same could be said though with less significance to latinos and america. however in xenopobic japan, if they don't bring in foreigners, it's likely that the japanese culture and way of life may all together disappear since no one will carry it on as children often due. even if you bring in immigrants they still need to assimilate to carry on the traditions and history of your people and if they come in large numers they may just overwhelm the existing population, subplanting their culture for the current one.

    so while population decline worldwide isn't a bad thinig, it may ending meaning less of you and more of 'them' and no one likes more of 'them'
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:55 No.25889210
    i dunno, that game sounds pretty hard...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:55 No.25889212
    Wow, THIS is London?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:55 No.25889219
    Men are not like women. We are turned on by nerdiness. As long as you're not a ridiculously disgusting landwhale, you can find a decent man.

    You don't live in Albuquerque, NM (no one interesting does ;__;), so I'll end this conversation here.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:56 No.25889235
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:56 No.25889239
    If you were any attractive whatsoever, I don't think guys would really mind that. Then again, you're on /a/...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/09(Thu)11:57 No.25889255
    >-A country of Neets (England) being worried about Japan?

    Pot. Kettle. Black.
    >> I ♥ !dicksF09Vo 10/01/09(Thu)11:57 No.25889256
    Better then losing your jobs. Mexicans stole my job. When I go try to find a job, all the employers are Mexican too, and only hire Mexicans. Its like everyone here is being replaced by Mexicans.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 10/01/09(Thu)11:57 No.25889257
    Herp Derp lets give up our birthright to solve a labour shortage.

    >No country can sustain a population where a large majority is senior citizens not working. I'm probably going to have to work until I'm 70 because otherwise they'd be too many senior citizens for the system to work.

    Funny thing is, they are working until 75 in some cases. You underestimate the collective mentality the Japs have.

    Nations don't fizzle out to populations of 0 anyway, most likely the cost of living will decrease in line with declining population to a point whereby having more children will be economically viable again thus ensuring equilibrium.

    Immigration = Short term solution.

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