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  • File : 1252848683.jpg-(93 KB, 802x602, 1214626873262.jpg)
    93 KB Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:31 No.25216179  
    >on its 50th anniversary NASA is unable to send astronauts beyond low-Earth orbit, and thanks to the impending retirement of the Space Shuttle, faces a looming gap of at least five years during which it won’t even be able to do that. The remaining Saturn V moon rockets, each a marvel of engineering unmatched even today, languish as mere tourist attractions on the lawns of NASA centers around the country. Instead of celebrating successful human missions out to Mars, the asteroids, and even further, the agency finds itself scrambling to simply get back to the Moon by 2020.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:33 No.25216225
    NASA needs more funding

    But it's not as profitable as war and business so yeah
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:34 No.25216249
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:35 No.25216254
    just go away.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:35 No.25216255
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    >NASA’s 2009 budget is about $18 billion. In 2009 alone the US will spend $600 billion on defense and homeland security.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:36 No.25216278
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:37 No.25216290
    What you don't think money was the primary motive behind our most recent war?
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:37 No.25216307
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    I don't know why I saved this as a jpg.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:39 No.25216342
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    Nobody cares you fucking hippies. I live in my basement to avoid you stupid fucks and your shitty political conspiracies and arguments that lead absolutely nowhere. Don't bring that shit here.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:40 No.25216348
    Gentle Jena is now playing manually in your head.

    This scene made me fucking cry.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:40 No.25216349
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:40 No.25216357
    War stimulates economy, someone has to build the things we used to fight and so those people get paid, then they have to buy things etcetc... the problem with the U.S. is that they are currently fighting a war on weapons that where stockpiled after WWII, so no one is being paid to make new ones.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:40 No.25216367
    hurp durp I prefer not to argue politics as well.

    But that one is way too obvious, it's more of a general statement.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:41 No.25216373
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:42 No.25216386
    Sure is broken window fallacy here.
    >> Anonyfag !HbmEte0jUU 09/13/09(Sun)09:42 No.25216401


    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:42 No.25216402
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:42 No.25216403
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    As someone with a massive hardon for space exploration, it saddens me to see that the public doesn't share my interest.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:43 No.25216413
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:43 No.25216422
    >You may have a career in garbage pickup. Just not in space.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:44 No.25216429
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    You're right! Nevermind me.

    You're so intellectual!
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:44 No.25216432
    If anyone of you had to watch Schindlers List in high school than you will understand how war does make profit for certain individuals

    as for Iraq war the primary objective was most definitely not money
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:45 No.25216447

    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:45 No.25216451
    Perhaps stating war as "profitable" was not really the best way to get across what I meant.

    I am saying maybe instead of the government funneling hundreds of billions into military buildup, they should considering putting some of it into funding space-related technology so we could get off this rock already.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:47 No.25216485
    NASA is a remnant of the old US.
    Remember? All they ever wanted was put a dude on the Moon before the Commies.
    Now there's little use for it anymore.
    But do expect space exploration to pick up when the planet starts to get overpopulated and resources dwindle considerably.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:47 No.25216486
    The US Air Force has the tech and resources to send 20 men to the moon at once.

    They're spending that money on creating Macross Valkyries.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:48 No.25216508
    >They're spending that money on creating Macross Valkyries.

    ...and that's bad--how, exactly?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:48 No.25216512

    The world needs more people like you, /a/non.


    If I was qualified I would totally be a space garbageman. Spend tons of time in space, prevent KESSLAH SYNDROME, wear a diaper to work. Sounds good man until the inevitable radiation sickness
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:48 No.25216514
    Don't play it unless you like feeling like shit.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:49 No.25216522
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    We'll all die before that happens because everybody's too wrapped up in POLITICS to look outside of any of this. Enjoy your fantasy land.

    Also, this >>25216422

    Everybody's out to get you.
    >> Anonyfag !HbmEte0jUU 09/13/09(Sun)09:49 No.25216528
    Planetarian, the kinetic novel that turned /a/ into a river of bawwing for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:49 No.25216532
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:50 No.25216542
    dont forget bubble shields were you can shout out but not in

    also Crysis suits

    Gotta love the military taking /v/ shit so seriously
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:50 No.25216548
    I'm actually pursuing an Aerospace Engineering degree, emphasis with Astronautics.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:50 No.25216552
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    Bullshit. You'd be one of the ninja guys and you fucking know it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:50 No.25216555
    Sequel confirms that they both survived in the end.

    Yeah, it got a sequel.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:51 No.25216568
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:51 No.25216569
    It isn't. It's completely fucking awesome. They already have a model for jets that can break escape velocity. At the current rate they're going they could have a jet that can make it into orbit and successfully re-enter Earth's atmosphere by 2021.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:51 No.25216573
    No need to tell me to enjoy my fantasy land, I was just saying that was what they maybe should consider doing.

    I didn't say I actually expected it to be done.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:52 No.25216590
    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:52 No.25216592
    That fat weeaboo ninja made me rage like a motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:52 No.25216594
    This story occurs as the war reaches its height. The South American Unification Army receives reports of a rogue sniper operating deep in the jungles of Patagonia, and sends a platoon under the command of Master Sergeant Murdock to neutralize the threat. However, the entire platoon is killed off one by one by the sniper, until only Murdock is left. All alone, Murdock catches a glimpse of this mysterious sniper through his binoculars—and is shocked to find that he gazes upon the figure of a beautiful nun.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:52 No.25216603
    Military technology is where the vast majority of consumer technology is born. Hell, the US Military already have work prosthetic limbs. They're slow and clunky right now but in fifteen years we could have widely available cyber brains and prosthetic bodies like it's Ghost in the Shell.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:53 No.25216615
    We will never fulfill Yumemi's dream.

    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:53 No.25216645
    Not exactly.
    He lives to be an old man, but he never got a new body to put the memory card into.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:54 No.25216664
    If they successfully build working Tachikomas, then it's a bright fucking future, indeed.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:55 No.25216674
    Wait, did you read Hoshi no Hito?
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:55 No.25216681
    Do it, /a/nons. Come on. We had no hope for a social life. Put yourself to use and get educated, expand technology, and achieve the stars.

    If not for yourself

    Then for her.

    2D you can believe in.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:55 No.25216682
    >Enjoy your fantasy land.

    Oh the irony.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:55 No.25216684
         File1252850136.gif-(1.39 MB, 245x217, EVERYOOOOOOONE.gif)
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    You're so mature. Enjoy your calm and collected appearance. You still know that EVERYBODY'S OUT TO GET YOU

    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:55 No.25216686
    A flying aircraft that can go into space and re-enter made for space and atmospheric combat.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:56 No.25216693
    Tachikomas are already reality.
    But a bright future? Here come the brain hackers!
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:56 No.25216704
    I could of sworn it showed him with a figure... oh well. The point is, he got out of there alive with the memory card. That's close enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:56 No.25216705
    They are. Didn't you see the LAPD using a robot on a dude? They're coming.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:56 No.25216706
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    It's not ironic, it's just ironic.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:56 No.25216708
    I look forward to the day when I can finally hook up my cyberbrain to the net and abandon a physical body.

    Though there are downsides. Like sex-related stuff. But you know, have to take the good with the bad.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:57 No.25216747
    Technically, if you were wired directly to the net, you could have all the sex you wanted. Anytime you wanted.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:58 No.25216772
    I'd want to be the future Laughing Man.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:59 No.25216775
    He never got to see her again? FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)09:59 No.25216785
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    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)09:59 No.25216788
    The US Military's technology is roughly 15 to 25 years ahead of consumer technology. Part of the problem is that most of their FUCKING AWESOME ideas require too much training and too much money for practical use.

    Imagine Valkyries in Guardian mode flying over Russia. That would be a reality right now if the projected costs for that type of plane weren't astronomical.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:00 No.25216814
    There's a short story that serves as a sort of "X YEARS LATER" sort of epilogue. As somebody already stated, it's called Hoshi no Hito.

    Unfortunately, nobody scanned it.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:00 No.25216820
    Well, the downside of having no physical body is...well, I'm not sure how hormones would work when you don't have the proper equipment. So I'm not sure if I'd even DESIRE sex.

    Brain is as much chemicals as electricity, after all.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 09/13/09(Sun)10:01 No.25216827

    Actually, working neurally-linked protheses are available right now, with a degree of control similar to that of muscle-trigger protheses. They're sold only by, I think, Otto Bock, and those ones are basically concept limbs, to prove it is possible. The next generation of products is the one that will sell, and they will sell at enormous prices. They will not be stronger or more dextrous than a normal limb, as they will not increase strenght to beyond human norms until they have the contro lsoftware perfect, which will take seven years in low uptake and two and a half with maximum uptake and some luck. Then, though, strength-enhancers will likely be concept-only, because it will ot be legal in nearly any country to remove limbs explicitly to have the replaced, and the limb-loss market that can afford protheses that are likely to cost $38000-$90000 is very small indeed. Progress will be slow until cultural norms change, in at least thirty and as many as a hundred and ten years, to make this alteration acceptble, during which time development will more or less exclusively be conducted by the Otto Bock corporation, the only major privately-owned prosthetics corporation with the income to do so, who will likely do it as the man slated to be next in charge once Hans Georg Nader retires is very much in favour of pure technological advancement regardless of profitability, the very reason eh left a more minstream shareholder-owned firm.

    I have the planning documents in my car.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:03 No.25216860
    This. There were old Air Force recruitment commercials for the Space Program in the Air Force. The guy in it was all like, "we could put men on the moon right now if we wanted to." I laughed it off and was like, "that's bullshit."

    Turns out it isn't. The US Air Force is more concerned with exploration of Mars, potential resource satellite asteroids, and space capable fighters.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:04 No.25216893
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    Hoshi no Hito's a drama cd.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:05 No.25216915
    Let's first find a way of making space cheap.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:06 No.25216940
    Don't be silly, the chemicals only act by triggering certain electric receptors in the brain. They'd just have to be able to compensate for that by simulating the equivalent stimulation with programing that duplicates the effects of a given hormone.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:08 No.25216960
    Space Elevator
    Launch Loop
    Mass Driver

    The launch loop especially is possible at current technology levels, provides a "gentle" 2-4G acceleration over a length of time, and makes space launch very, very cheap.
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)10:08 No.25216961
    Sexual desire is primitive. If I could live without any of it, why the hell would I ever choose to have it instead? Just doesn't make any sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:08 No.25216963
    Have China start WW3 by bombing Alaska. Have the US proceed to kick its ass, driving the military manufacturing industry through the roof, bringing in trillions of funds into the US, and training capable next-generation pilots.

    You'll have a space station on the moon with in ten years of the war as a dock for resource gathering from outlying asteroids and scientific studies.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:10 No.25216999
    /a/ - Shuttles and Novels
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:11 No.25217014
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    Sounds interesting /a/, let me get back to you on this.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:11 No.25217023

    A Conventional, high-scale war would kickstart technological development for both nations.

    ...unfortunately, the chances of a successful Conventional war of any decent scale happening are near zero. We live in the age of terrorism and have the shadow of nuclear weapons over our shoulder.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:12 No.25217040
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    Not so fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:12 No.25217048
    Generally, people live for pleasure, and by design sexual pleasure is the most intense form of pleasure, satisfying on physical and emotional levels.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:13 No.25217070
    Terrorism is just a new form of tribe waring. You should see the success rate of small, special forces units against terrorist cells.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:15 No.25217098
    Small Special Forces operations and fights don't supercharge a nation's production capabilities and technological development.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:15 No.25217107
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    I won't let you rewrite histo-
    >> Traavy Tripfag !!pYkN8+/vJA9 09/13/09(Sun)10:16 No.25217113
    But if everybody could live without a desire for personal pleasure such as sex, can you imagine what kinds of things could be accomplished? That would be a truly superior race.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:17 No.25217144
    Depends. All those super suits the US military is developing are going to go to small, special forces units that will eventually replace the larger forces as efficient soldiers.
    >> Anonymous 09/13/09(Sun)10:17 No.25217166
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    You will never serve aboard a starfleet vessel ;_;

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