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    File : 1251942922.png-(336 KB, 1006x750, pokeuni.png)
    336 KB Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 09/02/09(Wed)21:55 No.24792836  
    Welcome to Pokemon Academy. Here, you'll learn the ins and outs of Pokemon training along with your designated Pokemon partner, and work to earn your Training License to become a full-fledged Pokemon Trainer.

    Pokemon VN discussion time, friends. I'm really excited about tonight's thread since we've got some of our first concept art to show you, courtesy of younk on the forums. Right now, it's just uniforms, but I'd still like to get you guys' opinion.

    Forum is as always
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:00 No.24792949
    Looked like Squall and Quistis in the thumbnail.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ 09/02/09(Wed)22:01 No.24792974
    The art looks good but it just doesn't fit a visual novel

    It looks like it came from a Shoujo manga, to be honest,
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:02 No.24792986
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:03 No.24793020
    Too much emphasis on details, If you are using this style for a VN of this size, it needs to be toned down or else it's going be a bitch to draw everything
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:04 No.24793040
    >> Lulu !d.dl6lXNb. 09/02/09(Wed)22:05 No.24793065
    So...I haven't been following these threads, but I guess i'll pop in to ask what this is.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:05 No.24793069
    Male character looks emo, Jeffrey. Female needs to be more loli-like.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06 No.24793087
    I have to agree, you seem to be making it too serious. Have the art more 'moe' for want of a better term, because that pic looks nothing like Pokemon art style.
    >> sage sage 09/02/09(Wed)22:06 No.24793088
         File1251943583.png-(147 KB, 550x650, 1251579789929.png)
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    sage in all fields
    have some cp while you're at it
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 09/02/09(Wed)22:06 No.24793095
         File1251943597.png-(330 KB, 1024x891, maleuniform.png)
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    Some male uniforms. Don't hesitate to tell us which you like. As our audience, your opinion is valued highly.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06 No.24793100
    I'm here to help. just feeling a bit sick today.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:06 No.24793106
    Why not ask /fa/ about the uniform?
    I'm dead serious.
    Because I sure don't have any fashion sense at all.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:07 No.24793112
    Are the uniforms what they wear out on any field trip? Because if they are they should be of a more practical design.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:07 No.24793116
    I like the uniforms, but the guy's design doesn't seem to suit the setting.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:07 No.24793122
    That's because they're concept sketch, sweety.

    A bit dark for pkmn, no? I like how the pokeball has been incorporated into the design though.

    Considering these kids are learning to be trainers you should have some thing for battled, either a belt or sash or some such to hold pokeballs or even a special uniform not unlike gym uniforms (you could replace gym with pokemon battles even with the fields having special props and thus shed for protagocist and misty to get stuck in.)

    Also; what, no hats?
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ 09/02/09(Wed)22:08 No.24793151

    My idea is, the VN isn't meant to appeal only to the female fans but to the male fans as well, I'd rather choose a Pkmn VN that has similar art as Umineko or Higurashi than this one, the art may suck, but at least it seems to be right for the VN it's been used on.

    Just like a portrait, the art must match the story like how a picture is to a frame, make the frame to grand, and the picture will be disregarded, while making the frame too poor in appearance makes the picture look like trash as well, they must synergize to achieve the perfect result.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793162
    I was honestly hoping more drawfags were going to contribute to be honest. I cant stop my shoujo from showing!
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793163
    The characters are nobody in particular.

    And an important note. This art is NOT representative of the final art style of the visual novel. I'm just asking your opinion on the designs themselves.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793170
    Ash has a hat, not everyone has a hat.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793172
    Either the first or the second one.
    The green one is horrible and I don't know what I should think about the brown one.
    The brown one would fit the principal well.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793177
    lol @ the brown one.
    2nd for the left is best.

    It's about the uniforms. They're using characters from the series.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793178
    The concepts are good but like everyone else has said, you need to simplify them unless you're willing to work that hard for everything. The art also would require the pokemons themselves to match the style. Are you guys willing to keep that up is the question.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793180
    >Credit cards accpeted: Vista
    >> !!fHVe5tIOF06 09/02/09(Wed)22:09 No.24793182
    /fa/'s taste level is pretty low.
    Asking TFS is lot better.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:10 No.24793201
    Far left is best. Brown is horrible.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:10 No.24793202
    Hats are sometimes part of a school uniform. Seeing the male uniform has clear Jap influence there should be a hat.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:11 No.24793230
    perhaps a homage to the hat?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:11 No.24793233
    This has got to be a fucking joke. What the hell... are you 7 years old?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:12 No.24793253
         File1251943938.jpg-(125 KB, 538x600, 1155881311206.jpg)
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    Something like this then?
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:12 No.24793262
    Maybe. Ash can keep hit ORIGINAL hat, not that new whore of a hat, and everyone else and have something more low key.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ 09/02/09(Wed)22:13 No.24793268
         File1251943984.jpg-(51 KB, 640x620, pokecrystal_characters_wall_64(...).jpg)
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    Make this an example, Pkmn is meant to be light and happy

    My advice is, just imagine you're drawing adolescent who has a mind of a 12-13 y/o person.

    thinking of the personality while drawing may affect the appearance.
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 09/02/09(Wed)22:13 No.24793283
         File1251944016.png-(319 KB, 862x750, femaleuniform.png)
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    Some female uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:13 No.24793289
    This guy knows what I'm talking about.
    >> !!fHVe5tIOF06 09/02/09(Wed)22:13 No.24793291
    Is this the final sketch design for the uniform? I thought it was preliminary. If this is final, this has to be redone.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:14 No.24793304
    this. sketches way too detailed and SRS
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:15 No.24793338
    indeed this is what I was getting at
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:15 No.24793346
    #4 design, warmer colour scheme.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ 09/02/09(Wed)22:15 No.24793349
    Looks too out of place, mang.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:15 No.24793357
    None are great, but the first one is ok due to it's simplicity.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:16 No.24793376
    They're concepts. These are just to get and refine ideas before going through the stylisation process.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17 No.24793388
    Yeah, 4 would be half decent with an improved colour scheme
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17 No.24793390
    The third one.

    But seriously.
    Did you play FF8 lately?
    Those look like SEED-Uniforms.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17 No.24793397
         File1251944240.jpg-(57 KB, 475x535, 1247965891414.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:17 No.24793404
    Uniform numbers one and three are the better of the set.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18 No.24793413
    Just gimme the fire starter and free pokeballs.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18 No.24793417
    But the characters are older in this. And if this is Pokemon how we want it then a middle ground between the two would seem more pleasurable.

    These are just some of the first ideas. It's good but we've made no choices yet.
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:18 No.24793419
    I still think the school in F/SN has the best uniform.
    >> Clockwork Loyalty !!4b3DtY5ordZ 09/02/09(Wed)22:18 No.24793429
    They seem to be based from FF

    dude looks like Squall in the thumbnail, just like what this dude said
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:19 No.24793441

    Shit man, I don't even remember FF8.


    I.. Don't know if I can make loli happy things. Someone replace me, I'm too lazy to make anything at the moment. I know there's people out there who can draw. Draw dammit!
    >> Anonymous 09/02/09(Wed)22:19 No.24793443

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