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  • File : 1251724693.jpg-(292 KB, 680x564, 1249327268184.jpg)
    292 KB Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:18 No.24687399  
    Anyone else on /a/ who really doesn't like female anime fans?
    >> H.Ichigo !SUsWc.TT4w 08/31/09(Mon)09:18 No.24687402
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:19 No.24687424
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:20 No.24687444
    I don't like male or female anime fans because they are fucking annoying.
    >> Jacqli !!HEk+fqiTtSB 08/31/09(Mon)09:20 No.24687455
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    That picture is just so sad...
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:21 No.24687474

    what the fuck would she need 6 computers for

    what a dumb fucking bitch, I bet she thinks she's smart or something
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:22 No.24687483
    Goddamn it, /a/.

    Every second thread is "_____ women, /a/?" or "girls _____ ;_;" tonight.

    Give it a fucking break.
    >> Wait... What?! 08/31/09(Mon)09:22 No.24687499
    what the hell are you?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:22 No.24687502
    What the fuck is that under her bed?

    Why would you stack your towers like that?

    fucking women
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:23 No.24687507
    /a/ are like the emo kids back in highschool, they all act like loners, but they make up the majority of the population.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:23 No.24687511
    There are probably virgin girls on /a/ who sympathize with anonymous, but anonymous drives them away with his rampant misogyny.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:23 No.24687519

    I bet she multiboxes on WoW.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:24 No.24687528

    So much of her parents' money wasted on five more computers and a crapload of what appears to be DVD players under the bed.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:24 No.24687529
    I don't like anime fans, I just like anime.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:25 No.24687546
    holy shit, what's with that stack of coins on the left
    >> ℳℴℯ❤ >=----> -=*THE OFFICIAL /a/ TRIPFAG*=- <----=< ♫***ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS!***♫➈ !!3SfBtjVRbxY 08/31/09(Mon)09:25 No.24687558
    Apart from /a/ I don't have anything to do with the anime/manga comunity, works just fine for me.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:26 No.24687566
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:26 No.24687570
    you guys are fucking dump, its not real
    >> Chained One !pQZN8LHdOU!!FQbbXX+MNFA 08/31/09(Mon)09:26 No.24687577

    Why has she got two drinks.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:26 No.24687581

    Those are beer cans, anononononymous.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:27 No.24687592
    Also, she's not even wearing a top. She's probably camwhoring right now.

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:28 No.24687615
    >femanon after her boyfriend been gone for a week
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:29 No.24687619
    Girls like ops picture don't exist, they will never find it interesting what /a/ does. No cam whores are even that cool, if chicks switch with the roles of men. Life would be so much sexier.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:30 No.24687637
    Them's cans, nigga
    >> ℳℴℯ❤ >=----> -=*THE OFFICIAL /a/ TRIPFAG*=- <----=< ♫***ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS!***♫➈ !!3SfBtjVRbxY 08/31/09(Mon)09:31 No.24687642
    Also I don't think I would feel safe sleeping on top of all that.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:31 No.24687651
    GTFO bitch
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:32 No.24687658

    One is for her, the other is for her vagina!
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:32 No.24687663
    The main thing I hate about them is the fact they camwhore.

    I ask myself every day "Don't fem/a/nons have any shame?"

    Then I realise they don't.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:33 No.24687677

    Ever been to /r9k/?

    They have threads were everyone posts a picture of their dick.
    >> BITCHES AND 08/31/09(Mon)09:34 No.24687696
    ­ ­
    >> Whores 08/31/09(Mon)09:35 No.24687706
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 08/31/09(Mon)09:36 No.24687724
    I don't mind them, not at all.
    What I do mind is stupid weeaboo bitches interupting my sleep on the bus by singing the Azumanga Daioh OP IN SHITTY, BROKEN NIHONESE in fucking public.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:37 No.24687749
    Femanons probably request them.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:37 No.24687750
    No one likes female fans of anything. They're not wanted, they contribute nothing and they only create sexual tension.

    This is not just an anime thing, it's the same way in the world of sports. Female football fans are not well liked, if they can even be considered proper fans.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 08/31/09(Mon)09:39 No.24687776
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:41 No.24687802
    I don't like americans in general
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:41 No.24687806
    I somewhat agree

    whenever it's a female fan, it's ususally just some skank in the teams jersey grabbing all the attention

    Also, the only good female fans are the ones are more "fans" than "female" if you catch my drift
    >> ronery DK /a/non !!PZFvfT0pKqM 08/31/09(Mon)09:42 No.24687825
    Regardless of gender, any anime fan who doesn't have the decency to at least somewhat suppress their powerlevel is a fucking tool.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:42 No.24687828
    I'm a fem/a/non. I don't camwhore. I'm ugly like the rest of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:43 No.24687844
    I've only really known one female anime dork, and she was a CLAMP fangirl and as gay as the universe is old.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:43 No.24687850

    Under normal circumstances I'd give you shit for being ugly. But the truth is in reality I don't really care. An ugly girl who can shut up about her gender > A hot camwhore who is padded with attention and has her ego bolstered.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:44 No.24687857
    No, but you still feel the need to tell people about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:44 No.24687860

    I don't like people with shitty tastes, regardless of their gender.

    Then again, it can be said that 99 % of female anime fans have shitty tastes, so yes, I hate them.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:44 No.24687864

    Im to ugly to camwhore.
    >> Jacqli !!HEk+fqiTtSB 08/31/09(Mon)09:46 No.24687889
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    She's only mentioning it now because it's very relevant in this thread. Complain when you see her putting it in her email field or something.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:46 No.24687892

    There's probably a guy out there who has a fetish for brutally ugly fat women like you.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:47 No.24687915
    >An ugly girl who can shut up about her gender
    >Replying to a girl who felt the need to tell everyone she's a girl
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:47 No.24687918

    Theres no "supressing powerlevels'

    Theres only "stop acting like an annoying fag"

    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:47 No.24687920
    I hate anyone that describes themself as an "anime fan" regardless of gender.

    The ones that don't feel the need to inform everyone of their gender and the shitty anime they like are fine.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:48 No.24687930
    I know a really great female anime fan. She literally watches and reads everything under the sun that's good.

    In fact, she often digs up a lot of really bad ass and manly shit that even I had never heard of. In public, she hides her power level, and she's not social at all due to some intense social anxieties.

    She's not hot, but she's not fat, and she's not ugly enough not to hit. She's oddly charming.

    Unfortunately, like the one you know, she's also a lesbian. What's with that?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:48 No.24687933
    oh fuck you

    its relevant to the fucking thread. Only when its irrelevant do you have any reason to bitch.
    >> ronery DK /a/non !!PZFvfT0pKqM 08/31/09(Mon)09:48 No.24687938
    Pretty much.
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 08/31/09(Mon)09:51 No.24687985
    Oh shut up, you're male.

    Dude.. the one girl I've known who was a fan of anime was a Narutard, a cosplayer and a gaiafag.
    Sure, she was hot and quite fit.
    But Naruto... she even made hand the signs and pretended to be using ninjutsu.
    Luckily, this didn't happen very often.
    >> Tim Bisley !OYY14nHynA 08/31/09(Mon)09:51 No.24687996
    >I don't like people with shitty tastes, regardless of their gender.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:52 No.24688014
    I know a female fan, she's sluttier than all the cheerleaders and emo chicks I used to know combined.

    Anyone else notice this tendency? This girl used to let guys fuck her at the park in broad daylight.

    Anime messes up girl's head.s
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:52 No.24688022
    Female anime fans all like anime for lame, girly reasons.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:53 No.24688026
    They usually are fat and like bad shows. They also seem to hate female characters(jealousy?) and moe but think that some rapist bishounen is so hot and cool. They are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:54 No.24688050
    One of the main reasons that women involved in anime and the like are horrible is that they are more interested in the fanbase than the anime itself. They will usually watch a popular show that is crap just to write bad fanfiction about it and do other faggy things like that. This is also shown in the way that they often will go through phases. A female anime fan may like Naruto for a year, then Death Note for another, maybe Code Geass next, etcetera. This shows that they do not really care about the original work. For these reasons, female anime fans are essentially eternal newfags. You touched upon this in your post but I thought that it wasn't as accurate as it could have been.

    Good anime fans are overwhelmingly male. This likely stems from the basic biological differences between men and women. Women enjoy the shallow social aspect, while men tend to be the true, devoted fans. That is not to say that outliers do not exist, of course. There is a sizable amount of shitty male fans as well. You also may find a rare female fan that is truly dedicated to the medium. (On a side note, many female anime fans believe themselves to be this type, while they are very much not).

    I also agree that the overwhelming majority of female anime fans are sluts. I disagree in opinion with some of the other posters in this thread on the subject of male sluts. I believe that promiscuous behavior is deplorable in both sexes.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:57 No.24688103
    I have no problem with anime fan girls, the bad part is that the most I've known were big yaoi fans. But the few that didn't like yaoi were just plain awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:57 No.24688105
    Gb2/r9k/, just gb2/r9k/ already, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:57 No.24688106
    I dislike yuri fans and taiga, there are how ever some pretty interesting female anime fans out there that don't induce headaches.

    >/a/ are like the emo kids back in highschool, they all act like loners, but they make up the majority of the population.

    You mean the all 5 of the kids you used to pick on because they where an easy target and took the attention away from yourself?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:58 No.24688126
    I would never, ever date a female anime fan.
    They're fucking awful.
    They're all either fat or scene kids who think watching Hokuto no Ken is some kind of ironic hipster achievement or something.
    Female anime fans are all so fucking deluded too, they think that because they're interested in anime too i must immediately overlook all of their flaws.
    They have no idea how to properly conduct themselves in society either.
    I have long hair, I'm aware of that, you don't need to keep telling me how so and so looks like some bishie or whatever, please fuck off and die.
    Poorly written impluse rant was poorly written.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:59 No.24688149

    Who knows. I'm kind of accustomed to the fact that any girl who legitimately shares any of my nerdy and artsy interests will inevitably wind up being a mentally unhinged lesbian, which is cool because then we can hang out without any sort of stupid sexual tension.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)09:59 No.24688150
    I don't like women who like anime. I think the people who idolize these women end up making their egos and narcissistic personality disorders even more exagerrated than they already were.

    In short, I am here to explain to you why women in our hobby are cancerous and need to be expunged, as a cancer is cut out or blown away by radiation.

    Let me explain.

    1) They never get into anime of their own accord. They are almost invariably lead into it and shown all the major shows by a guy, namely one of their many boyfriends or perhaps their brother. Its exactly the same with any other hobby frequented by nerds as well, video games, tabletop gaming and so on, their involvement in it was started by a guy. Oh, and perhaps more importantly, their interest is maintained by the guy in question (if they are attracted to him) or if they are attracted to another one of the nerdy group.

    2) Secondly, their main facet of enjoyment doesnt come from watching the shows or reading the manga but from getting attention for playing up to the 'geek chic' image. For them its less a hobby to be enjoyed and more a competitive atmosphere in which they can employ methods such as cosplay to gain male attention.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:00 No.24688163
    3) Thirdly, they always involve themselves in the friendships of guys in lieu of friendships with girls whom they consider to be beneath them. Ironically they claim that the reason they like guys is because we arent bitchy, but the moment they enter into any geeky circle of (all male) friends they immediately start drama by dating/fucking around. Proving once and for all women only really care about sex. This is funny in a roundabout way because deep down they know that men are superior to women are providing intelligent and thoughtful discussion.

    4) Last but certainly not least, they are fucking outrageous cockwhores. Anyone who has been to a rave at a major North American con will know what I'm referring to here. They suffer from hideously low self-esteem and in a vain attempt to give themselves some self-worth they let a succession of guys fuck them, they're usually into pretty degrading, humiliating stuff too (nah this isnt first hand, this is from a friend who used to date one), which is usually a manifestation of these feelings of worthlessness. However they are incredibly defensive about their promiscuity, instead preferring to describe themselves as 'liberated' or 'independent' or other such terms. For them their sexual identity _is_ their identity. Everything else is secondary and even their like of anime, manga and video games is a means to this end.

    And that, my brohans, is why I hate female anime fans.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:01 No.24688179
    >I have long hair,
    You've just resigned your right to complain about anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:01 No.24688190
    Think about a poker game with a couple of dudes, talking shit with each other and getting drunk. Enter a woman player at the table, who isn't sexy or anything but average, the tone of the night would undoubtedly change due to this alteration. To abysmal.
    And thats what unisex groups are like. Abysmal.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:02 No.24688201
    The japanese stack everything. They don't have a lot of room to play with.
    >> Pokerfag !5BF3zqJzXc 08/31/09(Mon)10:03 No.24688210
    I'm indifferent. Never met one, so why would I even know whether or I not like them?

    I don't think it would matter to me either way.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:04 No.24688243
    The A-Team wiki. yeah, i was that bored one day. but there's an anecdote on there about how the woman they brought on the show, just to have a woman on the show, was taken aside by george peppard, who played hannibal, and he said "noone wants a girl on the show." look it up.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:05 No.24688259
    I know a female anime fan, fairly attractive, but pretty much mechasexual. Since I am a big unapologetic moefag, we rarely have anything animu-related to talk about.

    I like her enough, though, even if we're not exceptionally close. We go out to movies, play the vidya together, sometimes go shopping etc. But some of her friends fit the fat annoying ^___^ omg bishounen fangirl stereotype through and through. I guess they're just the female versions of raving fanboys, though, finding somebody who's pretty into anime and not hugely into the fandom or obsessed with "marrying" a character etc seems to be rare, whether they are male or female.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:05 No.24688263
    I enjoyed reading this rantoftext.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:06 No.24688275

    Every great institution on earth has been a sausage fest: From the Roman Senate to NASA.

    It's like that group of nerds who spent their school life playing d&d together, you have the fat one, the thin and gaunt one, the clown of the group etc.

    And then a girl comes along... and within a few weeks somebody is dating her, and he doesn't have time for his bros anymore and she causes no end of drama with her constant desire for sex, companionship and her wish to be around him 24/7.

    Why do you femanons do this?

    Why can't you feel loneliness?

    Why do you have to add insult to injury by ruining a group of bros?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:07 No.24688311
    Fangirls are the worst kind of fans

    But I like them for producing some nice doujin and fanart. They're nice when they just shut up and draw

    Of course I'm not talking about weeaboo fangirls. They can't draw for shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:08 No.24688329
    >Northern American anime con.
    What the fuck? Which one? I haven't seen this happen before.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:08 No.24688347

    When I play poker with some of my guy friends, it's boring as fuck because they're all Very Very Serious, but when the tomboys show up it's fun as hell because they talk continuous shit, are somewhat decent at the game, and so on. Now that I think about it, I really don't like being with straight guys, because they're all boring as hell and emotionally retarded. I guess that's why all of my good friends are queer.

    Sage for livejournaling on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:10 No.24688398
    I bet the fucking whores start flirting immediately though.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:11 No.24688400
    beware the coven of anime fangirls. If a male gains entrance, it'll suddenly turn into a harem anime, except everyone of them thinks that they're the female lead and have the upper hand.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:11 No.24688401
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    Fuck you u fucking shitbag fags. You're just afraid of vaginas. Sure, some femfans that are *exactly* what you describe, but even their whorishness has a limit, i.e. YOU. That's what its all about, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:11 No.24688405
    Its not like the girl who entered the game is doing anything wrong, its just there is a split reaction among the bros who want to bang her and the bros who think shes just another woman. The bros who want to bang her are going to cause shit whenever shes around by focusing ALL of their attention to her. Its as if some great celebrity jumped in out of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:12 No.24688433
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:12 No.24688442
    Tell your boys that if they want to play for serious cash, pony up 10k and join in the main event next year. They'll either seriously consider it or instantly realize that they're acting like assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:14 No.24688473
    I think you may have to draw a line between fanartist/artist and fangirl. Artists are a somewhat more subdued about their shit by direct comparison to fangirls. .probably has a lot to do with art requiring a degree of talent and skills compared to just having boobs and a vagina and walk around screaming about yaoi and OMGBISHI at the top of their lungs.
    At least ,that's been my experience. I could be wrong and have met some odd artist enclave in the middle of a sea of insanity.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:14 No.24688474

    They are whores. They are filthy fucking useless whores who have swallowed more loads than Jenna Jameson.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:15 No.24688500

    Hell no.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:15 No.24688507
    You know what I just remembered about being a female aime fan /a/non?
    My MOM got me into anime. Like Dragon Ball and all that shit when it was still on Cartoon Network.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:16 No.24688526
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    >even their whorishness has a limit
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:17 No.24688550
    Mothers aren't whores. My mother was a good girl when she grew up.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:18 No.24688574
    I could have sworn I heard the sound of a vagina flapping in the wind as I read your post, as there are no women on the Internet I'm just going to assume you're gay.

    I'm not even sure why I dislike female anime fans so much, but oh how I hate them.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:19 No.24688596

    And my grandpa made my mom and her siblings grow up with all the new technology as they were growing up.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:19 No.24688599
    So you're saying when the tomboys show up the game gets derailed because they're not taking it as seriously, and in effect causes the game to end prematurely amiright? How is this a good thing?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:19 No.24688600
    first, thats monitors, second, I have 4 of them for programming and working and gaming and anything else at the same fucking time.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:21 No.24688676
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:22 No.24688683
    I don´mind a chick anime fan.

    What i don´t like is screaming weeaboo attention whores that like to vocalize each and every single thought that goes through their very shallow brain.

    There´s a difference /a/, don´t immediately judge a person by the first impression, that only leads to roneryness.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:23 No.24688702
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:24 No.24688745
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:24 No.24688751
    Why doesn't the whore put some fucking clothes on in that pic?
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:25 No.24688763
    They're only interested in sex.
    >> Jacqli !!HEk+fqiTtSB 08/31/09(Mon)10:25 No.24688770
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    Because the artist wanted to draw a naked chick.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:26 No.24688784
    >implying that /a/ doesn't sit around in his underwear all day if he gets the chance.
    >> ronery DK /a/non !!PZFvfT0pKqM 08/31/09(Mon)10:26 No.24688790
    To be honest, I'm sporting a similar get up myself.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:26 No.24688796
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:28 No.24688823
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:29 No.24688844
    I hate those anime fans who are anime fans only for the attention it nets them.

    I like or am indifferent to anime fans who geniunely enjoy their anime and don't go around looking for people to praise them because of it.

    This goes for both genders. holy shit it's almost like we're the same species as girls or something ffffffffffuuuuuuuu
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:30 No.24688868

    That's pretty much how I'm dressed now.
    Also, I read your post as:
    >Hay guise, am I cool yet?

    No, you're not; swearing and making retarded observations does not make you one of us.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:30 No.24688873
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:31 No.24688891
    >one of us

    Well as a girl you'll never be one of us anyway.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:32 No.24688917
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    I wish I had one of these. And room for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:33 No.24688926


    Brilliant deduction there, old chap. But I'm afraid you're forgetting that there ARE no females on the internet, mmyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:34 No.24688954
    We get it, no one likes female anime fans. Thread over.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:34 No.24688963
    >there ARE no females on the internet

    Who is trying to fit in now huh?

    There are girls on /a/, unfortunately some are asspained whores like you. Put some clothes on.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:34 No.24688970

    Good god. Back and shoulder strain ahoy!
    This is why they make computer chairs. Whoever drew this obviously has never had to use their computer on the floor for long periods of time.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:35 No.24688986
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:36 No.24688998
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    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:36 No.24689017
    Everytime I see these pictures I remind myself to remodel my computer area to become the ultimate magnet to the artistic females. I don't live in a western country so I don't see too much of the "fat ass bitches" and since I'm a lone wanderer, sluts and whores stay away from me. I happen to get to talk to a few shy drawing type females that ask me computer questions and stuff on digital drawing tools (scanners, printers, tablets stuff like that). Since I have a reputation to be knowledgable in computers but have a bad unapproachable aura. This some how computes as "nice guy that doesn't do things for them to get into their pants", at least that's what one told me after I slipped up and asked. Also said something like I don't talk too much and try asking them out, so that makes it easier to ask things without having to come up with a reason to refuse invitations and run away.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:36 No.24689024
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:37 No.24689035
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    notice the anonymous poster
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:38 No.24689064
    >"nice guy that doesn't do things for them to get into their pants"

    Women like men who are openly sexual, who boast about their sexual conquests and that kind of thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/31/09(Mon)10:40 No.24689088
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