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  • File : 1250781452.jpg-(42 KB, 335x366, equalizer.jpg)
    42 KB Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:17 No.24234416  
    Hey guise, I found another copypasta for you!

    I don't like moeblobs.
    People who like this awful shit are misogynist otakus who hate everything - except their waifus and moe shows of course.
    If your favorite shows are all harem and highschool romance you need to fucking kill yourself.

    I am over 18, and considerably more mature than you retards are. There is a reason you are virgins, its because you are manchild faggots who substitute anime for real life. I watch it as entertainment and its marvelous. However these kinds of anime are just fucking terrible.

    Is this up to /a/ standards? [y/n]
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:17 No.24234424
    Looks like shit. Probably pretty good for trolling. Go for it.
    >> Mute !!3amsoPRqhso 08/20/09(Thu)11:18 No.24234455
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    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:20 No.24234513
    go crazy op, make some nice variations too, I'll be watching.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)11:21 No.24234549
    it's pretty obvious and shitty
    you will troll /a/ perfectly with it
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:23 No.24234600
    I think is too short and a little obvious.

    Watching the bakemonogatari and eva threads, I learned that /a/non is really sensitive to "being mature/clever". But I can't use anymore the IQ card (is overused). Also, misogyny is a good start, but it's not easy to generate a trainwreck.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:28 No.24234767
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    Also gender "battles" seems a good start >>24234180

    But the troll need to reply every time. Too boring.

    brb investigating
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:29 No.24234793
    it sure is namefag in here
    >> Matsuda-chan !ZYIggdNQgg 08/20/09(Thu)11:30 No.24234838
    Totally obvious
    Would probably work perfectly
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:31 No.24234878
    Only insecure adolescents watch fightan' animu. Real men who are secure about their sexuality can watch moe comedies without being afraid of coming across as faggots or pedos. K-On is an unpretentious moe comedy that does what it sets out to do well: being funny and cute.

    Meanwhile I have a normal relationship, a kid, a job, some hobbies and a normal social life.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:32 No.24234893
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    Source here: >>24232774
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:33 No.24234943
    Only insecure adolescents feel to the need to defend them watching moe comedies on an anonymous imageboard.

    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:33 No.24234947
    Hmm. that's a little "abused".

    The fact that one is posting in 4chan is a sign that his life is not really 100% "normal".
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:35 No.24235029
    You're not gonna do anything about it because you're probably a coward, and no one else is probably going to do anything either. You want to do something, but you're gonna let it go. You'll regret it, but you don't care, you're too scared.

    A great guy has been let go, and the people who saged him will never realize their incompetence because you people are held down by fear. Another day in /a/.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:37 No.24235091
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    >A great guy has been let go
    Gendo ;__;

    He was permbanned only because he made a parody to this shitspam of Emma videos. (emma dbz ssj)
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)11:38 No.24235119
    well, fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:39 No.24235137



    >> Matsuda-chan !ZYIggdNQgg 08/20/09(Thu)11:39 No.24235146
    gendo was permabanned?
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:41 No.24235198
    Yes, many hours ago, one thread was about that. I haven't saved the pic, but Gendo was permbanned for "spamming".

    The "spam" was a fun thread about emma with ssj form.

    I don't have more details or pic ;_;
    >> Matsuda-chan !ZYIggdNQgg 08/20/09(Thu)11:42 No.24235223
    that's probably the biggest injustice i've seen take place on /a/
    I'll be pouring a cup of ramen on the roadside for gendo tonight
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:42 No.24235231
         File1250782948.jpg-(48 KB, 450x395, akagi.jpg)
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    This anime blows. It is ludacris to think that this anime is anything above average. The whole 26 episode revolves around 4 Mahjong matches that go on with boring narratives and repetitive 1st person comments. To add on that there are technically no storyline that drives this anime! Oh my gosh there's a crazy mahjong player, here is akagi to the rescue... Even the characters are nothing but ridiculous personality. No history no background. I couldn't care less is if Akagi died! All and in all this anime is horrible.

    At the early glance i kindda hoped this would be condensed and slightly evil version hikaru no go or something. Turns out that it's not. There is no storyline here folks. It's more like mahjong match of the week type of story progression. Nothing really drives anything. They just throw it boring dialogue and monologue heavy matches to put the audiences to sleep. And the ending has to be one of the worst endings i've seen in a very long time.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:42 No.24235251
    Is this really the quality of discussion that we want here?
    www.Yähøø.com - Do you Yahoo?
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    www.Wikipediä.org - The free encyclopedia!
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:43 No.24235277
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    That's is a good material.

    I wonder if this can be adapted for Saki.

    But yuri power > everyone else, so it's really hard.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)11:44 No.24235309
    If you're going to pretend to be a normalfag/girl while trolling it tends to work best if you aren't so blunt. Try and play up to the feminine stereotype of being reserved yet make reference to things that will inspire insipid rage.

    For example, one of my moderately successful pastas:

    >Let me explain. I'm a girl and it's more a case that we kind of like the idea of a masculine man 'taming' us if you know what we mean by that.

    >Without that element of sexual domination and degredation (most of us enjoy being degraded in some way) the relationship just becomes dull.

    >I'll be the first to admit in this thread that I'm a bit nerdy and shy and I initially looked for that in a guy. But after a few guys of that kind I started to become unfaithful. I think this kind of experience is quite common at least among equally shy and nerdy friends of mine.

    >I am genuinely sorry for the guys I cheated on, but I've realised now that being dominated is really important for me in the same way it is for a lot of girls.

    >I dont see how this makes me inferior in terms of equality in society though.

    >Any other femanons feel the same way?

    See all the rage criteria points it ticks off? It's quite brilliant.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:45 No.24235332
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    Ever since bumping into the small (but deadly!) Tiffany, Ryan's life has turned completely upside down! First she punches the living daylights out of him in the middle of school, then she breaks into his home with a baseball bat!

    But soon, they're going to learn that two heads are better than one, and together with their wacky friend Miranda and the brainy Amy, they're going to show the whole school what they're REALLY made of! But what will Summer and Kingsley, the student council presidents, think of their crazy antics?

    Grab the first DVD of the hit new series, "Short and Tall", today!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:46 No.24235384
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    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:46 No.24235389
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    I like Konata because she is a otaku like me, except she has friends. Oh god I wish I had friends too ;_;

    Konata also likes videogames and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians in the show and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a girlfriend. Why am I such a loser?!

    Konata is like my dreamgirl she has a :3 face I love that. She is also nice why aren't real girls nice!? I got dumped a lot of times but I love konata and she wouldn't dump me because she's so nice and cool.

    We would play videogames all day and watch Naruto and other cool animes on TV, and I would have sex with her because sex is so good. I wish I could have sex with a girl.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)11:47 No.24235406
    our - you are. "Your gay."
    You're - belonging to you. "You're mom is fat".

    There - they are. "There gay."
    They're - belonging to them. "They're cock's are small."
    Their - meaning a place. "Look over their!"

    Then - used for comparing. "My cock is bigger then you'res."
    Than - something done after something. "I ate lunch, than I played video game's."

    To - "This is to much."
    Too - "Give it back too him."

    Its - short for it is. "Look over there, its a plane!"
    It's - belonging to it, just like we use hi's and he'r/her's. "This doesn't deserve it's own thread."

    To make a plural you use an apostrophe: "I have five video game's".
    To make a possessive other than hi's, he'r/her's and it's you simple add an s: "This is Mikes game."
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:49 No.24235459
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    That's seems really good.

    Whoa, it can work.

    Seems trolladorable :3
    >> 40%, Love Is Blind !sBPA/ggN3A 08/20/09(Thu)11:50 No.24235479
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)11:50 No.24235500
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:51 No.24235516
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    Hahah the basics, and in a compact form!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:53 No.24235569
    Sup, guy from the other thread here

    So I trolled you fags after all?
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)11:53 No.24235593
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    Also, I was responsible for every post in this screencap.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:55 No.24235645
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    That was a little obvious (and too "sudden") but I think that was a good start.

    But the problem is that you need to answer many times. If you stop, after some post everything is forgotten (thread dies or continue normally).

    You need to be more subtle.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:55 No.24235653
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    >with a baseball bat
    >baseball bat
    Strangely enough, this is what really dug into my skin.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:56 No.24235664
         File1250783785.jpg-(36 KB, 300x225, puffy_koume.jpg)
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    hahaha oh wow!

    Time bomb
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)11:57 No.24235685
    >Hi /a/, girl here.

    >I need to know what anime to get my boyfriend to watch. He's the archetypal sporty type (plays on the Lacrosse team at college), and I'm the archetypal nerdy type (love anime, manga, VNs and so on), despite our apparent polarity in interests we really hit it off first time we met but he is always giving me stick for liking nerdy stuff and his friends join in the mocking sometimes too ;_; - despite this I love him a hell of a lot and don't want to make a big deal out of it because he *can* actually be really nice when he wants to be. My question is, what anime do I make him watch to make him like it? Something simple to start off like Azumanga, or something more manly like Kaiji?


    Also a good one
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)11:59 No.24235746
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    >Hi /a/, girl here.
    >I need to know what anime to get my boyfriend to watch.
    That intro is really dangerous when mods/janitors are here.

    But the "my boyfriend" style is really powerful when used correctly.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)11:59 No.24235764
    lol you must be new here, athens needs no tips on how to troll, he's being doing it for years already
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:01 No.24235804
    Yeah, you've got to make sure that it doesn't come across as ham fisted. Don't mention 'HURRR DURR HE BEATS ME AND I LOVE IT' just mention matter-of-factly that he plays in sports teams and doesn't like anime, anon can put two and two together from there.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)12:04 No.24235882
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    Don't misunderstand me. If Lanced Jack, Taiga or athens post, can be a instantaneous trollfest.

    But Lanced Jack is too obvious (re-pasta of a re-pasta of....)
    Taiga is more creative, but she is posting rarely in the last month.

    The problem is too many people fall for stupid threads or obvious copypasta. So the trolls can't really improve.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:06 No.24235938
    Taiga tends to fit the model of classic troll quite well. Make no mistake, to be a good troll, you need to believe in what you say.... to an extent. At least with all the good troll routines.

    But you have to be grossly hyperbolic about it. Like, construct a female character who has bad character judgement - But make it really absurd in the degree of this misjudgment, so there's a kernel of truth - but it's so exagerrated it inspires utter disbelief and consternation and rage.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)12:08 No.24235981
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    In my humble opinion, the trolls reflects the quality of the board.

    See /jp/, even if the board is a catastrophe, it's more hard trolling here. The thread is almost always ignored, and sage is used correctly.

    If a board have good/sophisticated trolls, it's a good sign.

    If a simple "hurr I'm a Christian" thread is enough for 200+ post....well....that's really a bad sigh.

    Better trolls = better overall quality
    (Not that one must "troll", but it's a logical consequence.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)12:08 No.24235982
    >If Lanced Jack, Taiga or athens post, can be a instantaneous trollfest.

    all of the people trolled by them are low tiers
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:09 No.24236001
    /jp/ is low tier.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:09 No.24236016
    Yeah, take the girl gamer posts on /v/, there was a time that they'd get 200+ rageposts, but they've become so frequent that people have been forced to become inventive. Competitive trolling effectively.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)12:10 No.24236030
    its funny coz you left them because they told you to stop trying
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:11 No.24236051
    And you came here around the same time as I left /jp/ :3

    /jp/ are too easy anyway. And I like a few people from there, so I don't want to ruin the experience for them.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)12:11 No.24236055
    /a/ - trolling
    R.I.P. /a/
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)12:13 No.24236095
    i was there since it was born i just didnt respond to your low level trolling
    I started using a tripcode around the time you left though, and i was amused when i saw meru kicking your ass in the ghostboard
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)12:13 No.24236102
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    athens is a bigger piece of shit than i thought.
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)12:14 No.24236125
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    It's funny because this thread is actually one of the few "decent" (and this is a thread about trolling and how-to's).

    Good discussion without shitposting.

    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)12:15 No.24236147
    Proves it's fucking dead.
    Thanks to shitposters like you.
    I hope you're proud.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)12:16 No.24236173
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)12:18 No.24236229
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    If you are butthurt because your threads are unsuccessful (OH NOES NOBODY ANSWER ME) or pathetic, it's not my fault.

    And yes, I'm proud because the thread is clean.

    For me was enough, and I thanks everyone that have contributed.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)12:19 No.24236259

    Isn't that just because /jp/ moves at less than half the speed of /a/? If a troll thread gets ignored off the bat on /a/ it's not likely to be seen again, but on /jp/ it's difficult to miss a thread that stays on the front page for a good minute or so.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:20 No.24236280
    >I started using a tripcode around the time you left though, and i was amused when
    >i saw meru kicking your ass in the ghostboard

    Haha, oh wow. Could you get anymore conceited?

    Go back to playing Touhou you faggot.

    "herp derp /a/ is shit /jp/ mature touhou gaems for mature touhou gaemers such as myself!"

    >starts using a tripcode on /a/ for some ostensibly bullshit reason

    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/09(Thu)12:23 No.24236337
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)12:24 No.24236357
    aww how look at how cute you are you cant keep up with me so you try to make me mad by bringing up some senseless things
    i really wonder why people take you seriously at all wwww
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)12:25 No.24236377
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    I think that counter the "butthurt" post is not really easy.

    1. You can ignore (most effective solution).
    2. You can reply with "NO U", but it's really stupid and /b/-like
    3. You can argue with some text, but it's a fail in every case.
    4. Or using >implying, but I'm not sure that is really effective.
    >> athens !SysNpnp3nU 08/20/09(Thu)12:25 No.24236385
         File1250785542.jpg-(94 KB, 686x617, 1248803415313.jpg)
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    >try to make me mad by bringing up some senseless things
    >senseless things

    Sorry, I forgot we were having a deep, rivetting discussion here.
    >> Nandaba !!c/xttdfLniB 08/20/09(Thu)12:26 No.24236409
    Hay guise am I late for the tripfag circlejerk?
    >> Saya !!XcmXK1dwGvD 08/20/09(Thu)12:27 No.24236421
    My dear Suigin, I have a question for you:

    What is the meaning of "wwww". Yeah, I know that is a stupid/newfag/blabla question, but I can't really understand (I have viewed this in many japan-videos).
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/20/09(Thu)12:27 No.24236435
    nope, just a conversation that makes sense ( ≖‿≖)

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