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    File : 1250002669.jpg-(162 KB, 1333x1000, 100_1456a.jpg)
    162 KB Help me, /a/ Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:57 No.23905868  
    So I went to an anime convention today in town for the first time, and I was only going because my friend said it would be fun. It wasn't really even an anime convention -- more like 30 people in a fucking anime store all dressed up as fucking losers.

    I tried to get out, but I was pulled in and quickly got harassed emotionally by the girl in the OP picture. She asked me what my favorite anime was, and I told her I don't rank anime. She told me her favorite anime were Naruto and Bleach. She was annoying.

    Because my friend was my ride, I had to sit and talk to this lunatic for four hours before we left. She gave me her phone number and wants to call. She IM'ed me pics to put on my phone and shit, and I want to fucking kill her. God, I hate fucking anime now.

    Would you hit it, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:58 No.23905882
    Is it me or is the other half of her face purple?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:58 No.23905897

    It's just you.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:59 No.23905905
    I would hit it with my baseball bat.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:59 No.23905919
    Not a bad Hanako cosplayer.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:59 No.23905926
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)10:59 No.23905933
    It's an ugly version of Nice Holystone.
    >> Senjougahara-sama !!vIZa+P4QYRG 08/11/09(Tue)11:00 No.23905942
         File1250002818.jpg-(12 KB, 329x185, am i cute.jpg)
    12 KB
    Go for it, op. it may be your last chance hat having a life.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:00 No.23905954
         File1250002856.jpg-(89 KB, 331x283, arse.jpg)
    89 KB
    She's cosplaying Hanako all wrong, but kudos on the effort.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:01 No.23905960
    Is it me or is she deformed?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:01 No.23905961
    While the hair and clothing don't match, I respect her dedication for actually burning her face.
    >> Gene Starwind !!h0R7cwH2xsp 08/11/09(Tue)11:01 No.23905967
    With a fucking hammer
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:01 No.23905968
    sugoi bakemonogatari, onichan
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:01 No.23905973
         File1250002894.jpg-(101 KB, 676x565, hisao.jpg)
    101 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:01 No.23905984
    'sup, twoface
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:02 No.23905992
    it's both of you
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:02 No.23905997
    >She IM'ed me gave her your IM address.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:02 No.23906001
    Get out.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:02 No.23906014
    I covered the purple part, and she's slightly average.
    >> anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:03 No.23906019
    ahaha, fuck

    never drew that connection before

    brb rewatching Black Lagoon to look at Balalaika in a whole new way
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:03 No.23906026
    She seems to have trouble with grapejuice.
    I would hit it with a shell from an 8-guage elephant gun.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:03 No.23906040
    i would hit it

    because i'm in love with hanako and her horrible face reminds me of her
    >> !FalosJ9ma6 08/11/09(Tue)11:03 No.23906044
    >I hate anime now.

    >anime convention
    >convention girl

    Hey now, don't blame anime.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:04 No.23906052
    i'd hit it, all right

    i'd hit the left side of its face, so at least the color was consistant
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:04 No.23906065
    dem teef
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:05 No.23906083
    send her this thread anon.
    >> Senjougahara-sama !!vIZa+P4QYRG 08/11/09(Tue)11:05 No.23906084
    You mean the right side, right?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:05 No.23906085
    She's hot
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:05 No.23906094
         File1250003133.jpg-(3 KB, 136x95, flamethrower.jpg)
    3 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:05 No.23906101
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:06 No.23906111
    Common now.
    I know this is internet and all but still
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:06 No.23906120
         File1250003194.jpg-(46 KB, 1280x720, screen_057.jpg)
    46 KB
    It's like a mutated ugly version.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:06 No.23906122
    What a fucking ugly being
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:06 No.23906131
         File1250003215.jpg-(82 KB, 300x396, inf.jpg)
    82 KB
    Time to dig into my old /b/ folder, haven't touched that one in two years...
    >> CTK 08/11/09(Tue)11:07 No.23906141
    You guys are fucking cocksuckers. Stop being mean to someone you fags don't even know. Stop judging when you're all on the internet, too.

    Stop being dicks. Fucking God.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:07 No.23906150
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:07 No.23906153
         File1250003275.jpg-(16 KB, 240x320, anime-thinking.jpg)
    16 KB
    oh, yeah. our left then.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:07 No.23906155
    She watches Naruto and Bleach. Reason enough to hate someone.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:08 No.23906176
    All of you are dicks and IRL pussies.

    I would kick all your asses IRL if you ever set face me.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:08 No.23906178
    I don't believe you. Post more pictures for proof.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:09 No.23906200
    That ugly shit loves Deidara so much that she masturbates to him and wants his babies
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:10 No.23906210
         File1250003408.jpg-(150 KB, 800x999, Picture_020a.jpg)
    150 KB

    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 08/11/09(Tue)11:10 No.23906212
    If you watch some good anime like Darker than Black, Wolf's rain, Gantz or any of Hayao Miyazaki's works then I'm sure you'll fall in love with anime, OP.

    Bleach and Naruto may be addicting, but they're both mostly shit.

    The Naruto anime went to shit after the battle at The Valley of the End.

    And Bleach... well I love Bleach, but even I admit that it's pretty shitty these days.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:10 No.23906218
    say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:10 No.23906221

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:11 No.23906235
    you would run away like whore chased by her pimp. skinny white basement dweller.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:11 No.23906236

    You guys are stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:11 No.23906249

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:12 No.23906260
    Bring it on bitch.
    >> Senjougahara-sama !!vIZa+P4QYRG 08/11/09(Tue)11:12 No.23906263
         File1250003545.png-(638 KB, 1920x1080, 01.png)
    638 KB
    lol op posting her pictures to see what people think of her. Stop it. It's obvious, pathetic, and it also makes you look like a retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:12 No.23906266
    e-egad, it's a monster.
    >> Thelostcup !1cFi6ry2ks 08/11/09(Tue)11:12 No.23906267
    Most likely some kind of addict.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:12 No.23906269
         File1250003559.png-(15 KB, 126x121, 1245272098448.png)
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    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:12 No.23906272

    girl in OP sighted on /a/
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:13 No.23906303
         File1250003624.jpg-(248 KB, 563x422, meandtarynbx8.jpg)
    248 KB

    This is me IRL. Now post a pic of yourself, anus licker.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:13 No.23906304
    Has she heard of conditioner? Why is she showing her teeth? What the fuck is that eye makeup? Naruto and Bleach? She's quite obviously retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:14 No.23906311

    'sup kenan thompson.

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:14 No.23906313
    you're a fat white bitch. i knew it.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:14 No.23906319
    If OP is the girl in the picture, then she had it coming for asking fucking 4chan. What the fuck did she expect?
    >> Senjougahara-sama !!vIZa+P4QYRG 08/11/09(Tue)11:14 No.23906321
         File1250003690.jpg-(19 KB, 329x185, i am the moest.jpg)
    19 KB
    You look fat and your boyfriend is a nigger. your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906329
    sage for bud light.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906343
    I don't need to know her to know that she's ugly.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906346
         File1250003740.jpg-(47 KB, 291x206, har.jpg)
    47 KB
    >browsing 4chan
    >expecting internet love machine
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906348
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906351
    ITT: Trolling, super easy mode.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906352
    Girl in the picture is a stupid bitch from Narutofan who likes to think of Deidara while masturbating.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:15 No.23906353
         File1250003754.jpg-(26 KB, 307x404, 44c72e4f920dede5327f22d8cd8bab(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    That's a pic from my setcard.
    >> Senjougahara-sama !!vIZa+P4QYRG 08/11/09(Tue)11:16 No.23906360
    >Why is she showing her teeth?

    dude that's rude. You know she can't close her lips.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/11/09(Tue)11:16 No.23906362
    I practice Aikido.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:16 No.23906369
         File1250003786.jpg-(150 KB, 407x396, meandheatherfl0.jpg)
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    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 08/11/09(Tue)11:16 No.23906370
    Post your pic and I will give you an honest answer.
    Keep in mind, that unless you're as huge as Isley then you wouldn't stand a chance in hell.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:16 No.23906372
    you're ugly
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:17 No.23906384
    /a/ - Standards
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:17 No.23906411
         File1250003871.gif-(57 KB, 321x240, 33443-24647.gif)
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    >> Senjougahara-sama !!vIZa+P4QYRG 08/11/09(Tue)11:17 No.23906412
    Nice try. I know you're that girl. Don't try hiding it now.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:18 No.23906416

    You're a stupiid.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:18 No.23906421
    Sorry, but you deserve a nice fat serving of troll and hatred for posting your pics on 4chan, man. That's just fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:18 No.23906425
    Hi there!

    You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

    Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:18 No.23906430
         File1250003897.jpg-(43 KB, 500x375, mad.jpg)
    43 KB
    Jamal, honey. You watch anime.
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 08/11/09(Tue)11:18 No.23906440
    You better be taller than me, because that pic is really fucking unimpressive.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:18 No.23906446
    she actaully looks pretty cute if she covered half her face, so just dont pay attention to it. Put some towels over that half of her face while you fuck her and its all good.

    Also to all the typical faggots who says "I'd hit it with *insert random heavy object*". You've never had pussy and you probably never will.

    I'm only saying this because I have a fetish for this kinda thing.
    >> Kintaro !!Y2zFDlFeQit 08/11/09(Tue)11:19 No.23906457
    OP do you know if she has a left eye or what it looks like? Cos this asian girl I knew wore her hair over her eye like that, turned out she had a glass eye.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:19 No.23906471
         File1250003965.jpg-(40 KB, 568x426, MeandKat1.jpg)
    40 KB

    I'm not afraid of showing myself. I'm confident. I'm wise. I'll kick your ass and make you bleed from your stupid faces.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:19 No.23906481
    so your name is heather, huh.
    >> Kintaro !!Y2zFDlFeQit 08/11/09(Tue)11:19 No.23906486
    You're black, fuck your opinion.
    >> Thelostcup !1cFi6ry2ks 08/11/09(Tue)11:19 No.23906492

    Shut up.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906493
    Geass brah
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906501
         File1250004016.jpg-(52 KB, 333x420, Me on my 19th birthday.jpg)
    52 KB
    Alright you newfag nigger. Let's do it.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906504

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906506
         File1250004021.png-(313 KB, 688x480, 1247695681765.png)
    313 KB
    >> Friend of Justice! 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906512
    Also crying while masturbating, can't forget about that.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906513
    whats your name irl
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:20 No.23906514
    I don't care if she's ugly or not, I avoid judging people by their looks. I'm in no position to do so anyway. But I fucking hate 3D pig disgusting posts on /a/. This shit does not belong here. If I see that shit, I try to afflict as much damage and pain as possible for a mere anon. That is all. Now fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:21 No.23906531
    first heather, now kat

    you sure are a slut, CTK
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:21 No.23906542
    You are a black person posting on 4chan. Therefore weaboos > you by default.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:21 No.23906544
    Anyways, you guys are dicks just because she likes Naruto.

    You know what? I like Naruto.

    I like lots of animes.

    I enjoy things that are entertaining. Stop being pretentious hipsters, /a/.
    >> Sex Goddess Miya-chan !LovENagI1I 08/11/09(Tue)11:21 No.23906548
    Shut the fuck up CTK.

    By the way, still rockin' the spic stache?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:22 No.23906556

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:22 No.23906558
    trolling failure
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:22 No.23906561

    Girls can be friends, dufuses.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:22 No.23906566
    hey it's a fat race traitor kristen bell
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:22 No.23906576
    >>CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0

    posting someone elses pictures.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:23 No.23906585
         File1250004181.png-(40 KB, 142x165, 1241552073392.png)
    40 KB
    Alright, alright.

    Guys, that's a new systematic troll attempt. Probably Lanced Jack or some copycat.

    Stop replying.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:23 No.23906603
         File1250004212.jpg-(30 KB, 293x473, kis.jpg)
    30 KB
    don't compare me to that
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/11/09(Tue)11:23 No.23906608
    its not jackie
    >> Sex Goddess Miya-chan !LovENagI1I 08/11/09(Tue)11:23 No.23906612
    No, I know who CTK is. He's a real faggot. Even has a foot fetish.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:24 No.23906619

    I knew a kid who looked just like this guy..

    Biggest oreo closet case I'd ever met.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:24 No.23906628
         File1250004268.jpg-(460 KB, 800x600, PICT2904.jpg)
    460 KB
    Yes /a/, hard to believe, but I fuck lots of women.

    Baww baww black sheeep.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:24 No.23906629
    Naw come on, you say that guy's for real?
    >> sporkhead !!XhY0ryBzyLz 08/11/09(Tue)11:24 No.23906630
    You're a faggot.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906639
    Some guy goes to an "anime convention" in a stripmall. Gets hit on by a girl. Gives out ALL his personal information. Has to wait for his parents to pick him up because he has no car. Leaves by saying NEEEEEEEEEERDS.

    OP, sorry to say but a girl with horrible burn wounds is probably the only female who will ever willingly speak to you in your lifetime. You should hold on to her before she realizes how much of an pathetic loser you are.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906640
    >>implying foot fetish is wrong.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906647
    >> Sex Goddess Miya-chan !LovENagI1I 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906648

    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906650
         File1250004318.jpg-(106 KB, 360x296, foot.jpg)
    106 KB
    Nasty beaners!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906660
    Hi there!

    You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

    Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906661
         File1250004336.jpg-(376 KB, 640x480, JustinCharice2.jpg)
    376 KB
    Yeah, I'm better than you, fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906662
    and they're all fat, ugly or ginger.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906664
         File1250004342.jpg-(29 KB, 299x334, 6171_1164032654673_1043559974_(...).jpg)
    29 KB
    I am the best looking person on /a/

    Now stop this faggotry!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906668
    Wow man she is pretty fucking ugly.
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/11/09(Tue)11:25 No.23906670
    this nigger reminds me of an old efriend
    i wonder how hes doing
    >> Lon !!Stownxj7Uv6 08/11/09(Tue)11:26 No.23906680
         File1250004363.jpg-(11 KB, 200x228, Inu_monocle.jpg)
    11 KB
    >Byakuya 6th division captain
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:26 No.23906683

    I'll make your Mom see gingers.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:26 No.23906687
    I love you /a/ never change
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:26 No.23906696
    nice purse
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:26 No.23906701
    Fuck, you know it's summer when threads like this get posted on /a/ every 5 minutes
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:27 No.23906709
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >That's a new systematic troll attempt. Stop replying.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:27 No.23906714

    can i haz a wedding with you?
    >> R.A. 08/11/09(Tue)11:27 No.23906723
    She masturbates to a Naruto character while crying

    Not normal at all.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 08/11/09(Tue)11:27 No.23906724
         File1250004454.jpg-(113 KB, 1280x720, 1244940169900.jpg)
    113 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:28 No.23906740
    how does it feel to be the daily "retarded faggot on display"?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:28 No.23906748
    well, i don't diagree, but i have to ask what gender you are
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:28 No.23906755
         File1250004508.jpg-(619 KB, 960x1280, DSC00120.jpg)
    619 KB
    Here she is from behind, /a/.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:28 No.23906756
    >>T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US

    Now you did it fucking CTK

    also CTK and Taiga are the same person
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906770
    Only in your imagination.
    >> Sex Goddess Miya-chan !LovENagI1I 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906773
    You guys really are getting trolled. CTK is not the guy he keeps posting in the pictures. He's really like a 17 year old mexican from New York.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906774

    You are every white girls "Big black gay" friend.

    Congrats on all these "buddy" pics being posted. Seriously the amount of effeminate behavior being shown in these pictures by you is almost nausiating.
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906776

    You're a troll.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906779
    a tarp, you know them.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906798
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/11/09(Tue)11:29 No.23906799
    oh well my efriend is from Florida
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:30 No.23906808
         File1250004623.gif-(2.66 MB, 250x150, ayu2.gif)
    2.66 MB
    Best thread on /a/.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 08/11/09(Tue)11:31 No.23906829
         File1250004664.jpg-(43 KB, 1024x576, 1244033462213.jpg)
    43 KB
    Well, you're a faggot, and I mean it. What's with the smile? I must have more chest hair than you. Grow some balls, sissy.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:31 No.23906831
         File1250004669.jpg-(123 KB, 1024x768, Picture2726.jpg)
    123 KB
    I am the sexiest!
    >> CTK !!apzF0dxfhO0 08/11/09(Tue)11:31 No.23906838

    You live with your Mom.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:31 No.23906848
    Hi there!

    You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

    Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:32 No.23906854
    Meh, I'll bite.

    There's a fuckton of places online to discuss the most popular anime, places for what you call the normalfags. But these places are horrible. We don't go there. They are even more horrible than /a/. That's why we want to preserve whatever is left from what /a/ once made special. But how the fuck would you know, you're not even here for a whole year, fucktard.

    Best regards to Aniki, by the way <3
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:32 No.23906861
    you really are, but boy or girl!!??
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 08/11/09(Tue)11:32 No.23906863
         File1250004750.jpg-(65 KB, 560x421, 1ae18660d803a8e44f72c7c191c34e(...).jpg)
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    So? What does that have to do with anything?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:33 No.23906884
         File1250004806.png-(16 KB, 285x281, 1247248548895.png)
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    ITT: Retards thinking anyone would actually post their own picture in 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:33 No.23906896
         File1250004827.jpg-(77 KB, 336x455, 21966644_l[1].jpg)
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    are you retarded or something? You can't tell if I am male or female?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:33 No.23906904
    ...Now. Back to the subject at hand. What is really wrong with her face? Is that really a burn scar?
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:33 No.23906905
    >implying living in rent-free accommodation, having your meals cooked and clothes washed for you while you sit around watching anime is in some way stupid
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:34 No.23906912
         File1250004847.jpg-(100 KB, 696x618, 1244680608320.jpg)
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    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 08/11/09(Tue)11:34 No.23906934
         File1250004894.jpg-(383 KB, 1000x1399, 01.jpg)
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    hurr I hide behin anonymity. At least give me your email so I can delete you, moron. And don't act like you fucking now me. I've been here more than that, not that you'd know, and it doesn't makes a difference either.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:35 No.23906939
         File1250004900.jpg-(9 KB, 240x180, kramer.jpg)
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    Fifty years ago we'd have you upside down with a fucking fork up your ass. You can talk, you can talk, you're brave now motherfucker. Throw his ass out. He's a nigger! He's a nigger! He's a nigger! A nigger, look, there's a nigger!
    >> Suigin !YUsuiginy. 08/11/09(Tue)11:35 No.23906943
    haha, so true
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:35 No.23906944
    even now i've seen flat chest, i'm still not sure.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:36 No.23906963
         File1250004964.jpg-(41 KB, 343x393, yourchildhood.jpg)
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    Hey /a/ did anyone else have one of these as a kid?
    >> wer23 08/11/09(Tue)11:37 No.23906987
    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:37 No.23906991
         File1250005034.png-(83 KB, 394x332, trollann.png)
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    Man, if that's the calibre of women you're nailing, you can have them. Take all the butterfaces and leave the rest for those with SOME degree of taste.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:37 No.23907004
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:39 No.23907062
    Fuck yeah I did. I still have it in my closet somewhere probably.
    >> Anonymous 08/11/09(Tue)11:39 No.23907074
         File1250005191.jpg-(18 KB, 320x240, DSC00241.jpg)
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    Just go with whatever you like the most.

    Hell yes I did!

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