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08/03/09(Mon)18:17 No.23598273  File1249337862.jpg-(150 KB, 524x670, 5152957.jpg)
 Anyone who thinks Lelouch is more fabulous needs to open his eyes.
Sure, he has overblown gestures and a melodramatic speech. He even rides a white horse. What a fag, you may think.
But Itsuki Koizumi, oh my god, he is the EMBODIMENT of fabulousness. Do you know what this man did already? How fabulous he is? This
guy doesn't need to open his eyes to bowl. He just stands there smiling
while bending his body like the fabulous guy he is. He winks at Kyon.
He always gets too close to his face. For god's sake, he PUTS A PINK
RIBBON ON HIS HEAD and presents it to Kyon. This man is so fabulous, he isn't creating sparkles, the sparkles come to him volunatrily. Just
look what he did in the recent episode. First he wears that scarf,
looking like some freaking movie director or beatnik. Then, he hugs
Kyon out of nowhere and whispers "I luuuuve you" in the most homoerotic
way possible into his ear. Fuck, even when Kyon pushed him away he
danced around like the king of fabulousness.
"WHY THE FUCK DOES HE BEND OVER BACKWARDS WHEN CATCHING BUGS?", you may ask. The answers is, because he's that fabulous.
his haircut is fabulous, jesus christ. HE ALWAYS SMILES. Any person
smiling that much would have a nervous breakdown, but Koizumi is just
"nah, if it makes more fabulous.." Holy fuck.
Just listen to his
Hare Hare Yukai version. He sounds more fabulous than any boyband could
ever be. If they had added sparkle sounds, it would turn everyone into
a fag who listens to it.
I swear, Itsuki Koizumi shits rainbows. He shits rainbows.
And here comes the kicker, he might not even be gay. He just does it for giggles |