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    File : 1249312025.png-(140 KB, 962x915, 1237023089895.png)
    140 KB Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:07 No.23586235  
    Summer '06 :Haruchi

    Summer '07: TTGL

    Summer '08: Code Geass

    Summer '09: ???
    >> Matsuda-chan !ZYIggdNQgg 08/03/09(Mon)11:07 No.23586254
    there were no memorable shows this summer
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:07 No.23586260
    Bakemonogatari, easily.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586268
         File1249312084.jpg-(7 KB, 160x142, 123241247474.jpg)
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    Endless Eight
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586270
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586274
    >> 朱直 Sunao !OBPVSBKCFE 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586275
    There is no show capturing all of /a/ this season.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586282
    Haruhi again, Umineko and Bakemonogatari in second maybe
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586283
    Is this a remember when thread?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:08 No.23586295
    Haruhi S2 trolled /a/ really, really good.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:09 No.23586307
    Umineko currently gets the most threads
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:09 No.23586318
         File1249312185.jpg-(235 KB, 700x664, 1248029271020.jpg)
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    I only watch sugoi anime for sugoi persons such as my sugoi self.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:09 No.23586322
    Haruhi and Spice & Wolf.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:10 No.23586336
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    Deviant waifu is best waifu
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:10 No.23586341
    It wasn't during summer really, but that taiga show did catch /a/ up for a while, whether you hated it or loved it, it was posted fucking everywhere.

    Now I can't remember the name. Christ. All I remember is Taiga. Toradora. There we go.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:10 No.23586344
         File1249312258.jpg-(151 KB, 1280x720, bakemonogatari00.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:11 No.23586348
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:12 No.23586373
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:13 No.23586413
    Bakemonogatari is douchier than bleach
    >> THE FLYING DUTCHMAN !KVW31moNek 08/03/09(Mon)11:14 No.23586438
    Haruhi again.

    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:16 No.23586462
    erminus: its amazing, used to be #1 in MAL, and its the same company that made Evangelion. It's all about doing the impossible and going against all odds, even fate and the universe.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:16 No.23586464
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:16 No.23586467
    Anyone that doesn't admit that umineko is the summer flavor is fucking desilusional.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:16 No.23586484
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:17 No.23586494

    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:17 No.23586497
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:17 No.23586501
    But not as douchy as you.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:18 No.23586534
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:19 No.23586545
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:19 No.23586553
    There's no troll show this summer. /a/ got so shitty spamming one show over and over to piss everyone off doesn't have the effect it once did.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:19 No.23586559
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:20 No.23586573
    I'm glad this season is so awesome there aren't any newfag-magnet troll shows.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:20 No.23586577
    I think we should all pretend Summer '09 never happened.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:20 No.23586579

    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:21 No.23586595
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:21 No.23586601

    Your dising me, fellow?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:24 No.23586679

    I'm a newfag, and I love this season
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:24 No.23586683
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:28 No.23586761

    What about Needless?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:30 No.23586811
    None of the shows have reached an epic point yet. Can't decide.

    And Endless Eight is NOT epic.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:32 No.23586848
    06: utawarerumono
    07: ttgl
    08: sw/s&w
    09: biribiri/SUGOI anime
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:33 No.23586901
    Haruhi S2

    Best show has to be Bakemonogatari though.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:35 No.23586928
    uuu uu uu uuu uu uuu u uu
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:36 No.23586949
    Umineko is the most popular show this season. But it doesn't dominate like the others did.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:37 No.23586983
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:39 No.23587026
    14% other stuff
    12% Canaan
    20% Spice and Wolf II
    22% Bakemonogatari
    32% Umineko
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:39 No.23587030
    Cool bakemonogatari, aniki.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:40 No.23587054
    Haruhi S2.

    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:41 No.23587076
         File1249314112.jpg-(90 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090730134427.jpg)
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    >Summer '09

    Endless Summer
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:41 No.23587077
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:42 No.23587081
    god code geass summer was the best
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:42 No.23587090
    Lol 0/10 everyone knows bakemonogatari is the best show currently.
    >> Sui-seiseki !uW5xQSDMck!!k1FLcWjSNJP 08/03/09(Mon)11:42 No.23587091
    you got it wrong bitch.

    Summer '06 :Haruhi

    Summer '07: LUCKY STAR

    Summer '08: Code Geass

    Summer '09: Bakemonogatari
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:43 No.23587125
    All anime sucked this year
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:43 No.23587128
         File1249314227.png-(7 KB, 398x307, endlesstroll2.png)
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    Obviously Haruhi S2. Way too much trolling power.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:43 No.23587136
         File1249314237.jpg-(38 KB, 1280x720, fumi-and-yasukos-kiss.jpg)
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    Aoi Hana
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:44 No.23587154
         File1249314275.jpg-(54 KB, 256x353, chucklingfairyguy.jpg)
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    >Implying anyone gives a shit about Bakemonogatari
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:46 No.23587189

    The fuck? Is that Revy?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:46 No.23587191

    It's sad cause it's true ;___;
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:46 No.23587210
    thread ended with >>23586254
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:46 No.23587214
    All these shows were never really the only big thing in their respective seasons.

    07 had Lucky Star for example, which was at least as popular as TTGL.

    Same this season, Bakemonogatari and Umineko are the most popular shows.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:47 No.23587231
    The Bakemonogatari-trolls we'll of course say their show without any proof.

    At the end of the day Umineko is the most popular though so probably them.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:47 No.23587239

    If only that were true. At least Endless Eight is better than this horrific Umineko crap.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:49 No.23587258
    Sugoi baka monogari, aniki.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:50 No.23587288
    K-ON actually qualifies for this.

    I remember /a/ being nothing but ten pages of K-ON threads when the first few episodes aired until some janitors deleted every thread. Considering download numbers its the most popular show as well, and trumphs any show this season by a mile.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:50 No.23587295
         File1249314645.jpg-(76 KB, 519x600, 1246626824656.jpg)
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    >Comparing TTGL/LS popularity level to Bakamonogatari/Umineko
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:51 No.23587310
    Summer '06 :Haruchi

    Summer '07: TTGL

    Summer '08: Code Geass

    Summer '09: Umineko

    Anybody that says otherwise is in denial.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:52 No.23587316

    K-On was spring. We're discussing Summer.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:52 No.23587318
    The Code Geass times wern't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. I remember just before the first season aired when nobody was looking forward to it. Someone posted a youtube of the OP and i figured it would be interesting. But when it came out it didn't get immediate subs and /a/ ignored it for a time. It wasn't until R2 that fags got ahold of it and shitted up the whole board.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:52 No.23587330
    Go back to watching the same episode you've been watching for the past 7 weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:53 No.23587338
    There are more people who download Bakemonogatari weekly than Umineko, with a 50% margin.

    Considering Bakemonogatari didn't have an established fanbase on /a/ already (Umineko did because of the translated VNs) I'd say its more popular.
    >> Grandmaster Penisman 08/03/09(Mon)11:53 No.23587340
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    did someone say penis?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:53 No.23587352
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:54 No.23587353
    Summer '09: Naruto Shippuden
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:54 No.23587367
    Haruhi (which is in the OP) was a spring show as well, so K-ON qualifies. The second half aired in the summer after all.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:55 No.23587375
    >Umineko is the most popular
    Trollface etc.
    No one give a shit about it except those fags who played VN.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:55 No.23587376
    >> Anonymuos 08/03/09(Mon)11:55 No.23587378
    You mean:
    Summer '06: Haruhi
    Summer '07: LUCKY STAR/TTGL
    Summer '08: Code Geass
    Summer '09: Haruhi S2
    Summer '09: Haruhi S2
    Summer '09: Haruhi S2
    Summer '09: Haruhi S2
    Summer '09: Haruhi S2
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:56 No.23587391
    You keep thinking that buddy.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:56 No.23587399
    >> Bannedwagon !!ZW6GYhHPWbZ 08/03/09(Mon)11:56 No.23587402
         File1249315014.jpg-(95 KB, 1280x720, snapshot20090725155431.jpg)
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    Here is the unbiased truth:

    2006: Everyone with bad taste learns who KyoAni is--everyone with good taste already knew who made FMP2 and Fumoffu. Also Ray Romano.

    2007: TTGL drives everyone into a frenzy, and Seto is a better comedy than Lucky Shit.


    2009: Bakamonogatari is fairly popular, Haruhi achieves universally-recognized troll status, KyoAni goes bankrupt from people returning their original Haruhi DVDs in protest, and Seacats remains popular with the 4 people from /jp/ who don't hate anime and make hundreds of posts about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:57 No.23587431
    Summer '09: Kyon-kun, denwa.

    Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:58 No.23587455
    >KyoAni goes bankrupt

    Yeah, no. K-ON is on track to become KyoAni's most successful show next to Haruhi S1.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:58 No.23587459
    Instant shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:59 No.23587468
    >Seto is a better comedy than Lucky Shit.
    By a long shot.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:59 No.23587474
         File1249315178.jpg-(49 KB, 525x600, 1249307157307.jpg)
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    >2007: Seto is a better comedy than Lucky Shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)11:59 No.23587476
    Pretty much this
    CG summer was hilarious
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:00 No.23587493
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    Those 4 people must possess magic to be able to make so many threads and posts at the same time.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:00 No.23587504
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    don't mind me, just passing by
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:01 No.23587505
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:01 No.23587516
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:01 No.23587522
    2009: Bakemonogatari, Saki, Baseball Girls, FMA(v2)... there's plenty to nii-pah about this year.

    Presumably we'll see more posters going apeshit over FMA once we hit some of the more exciting WHAT A TWEEST arcs that the first series didn't reach.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:02 No.23587538
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:02 No.23587549
    It's easily Umineko or Bakemonogatari in terms of populartity. I havent watched Umineko, so I'm going to go with Bakemonogatari. When I do get around to watching Umineko, its going to have to do some hell of a job to beat Bakemonogatari in my opinion.

    I've onjly seen 1 episode of Umineko, is it just pretty much the same as Higurashi, or is it more interesting?
    >> Anonymuos 08/03/09(Mon)12:02 No.23587551
    Speaking of which, from which episode on should one bother watching FMA2?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:03 No.23587561
    They have nothing better to do anyway. NEETs, mother basement, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:03 No.23587566
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:03 No.23587570
    oh, you must think I like Ruki Suta. Negative.

    Seto no Hanayome really is that shitty. Not trolling here.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:04 No.23587574
    You know.. that may be true but most anime fans end up playing the visual novel because they're impatient, so in they end up as visual novel fans.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:04 No.23587582
    A lot of the non manga readers already dropped FMA2 because they were too impatient.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:04 No.23587587
         File1249315474.jpg-(46 KB, 280x320, haruhi102.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:04 No.23587589
    Uh... damn... like 5 episodes ago, when they went to Rush Valley.
    Sorry I can't pinpoint precisely.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:04 No.23587591
    is umineko good or not?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:04 No.23587597
    Get out. /a/ loves SnH
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:05 No.23587612
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    >Seto no Hanayome really is that shitty. Not trolling here.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:05 No.23587618
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:05 No.23587621
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:06 No.23587623
    Um... I think it diverged a couple of eps ago? I dunno. I haven't bothered keeping up with it, but I know it's diverged already
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:06 No.23587626
    I for one enjoy when /a/ isn't taken over by a single show.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:06 No.23587632
    i'm a moefag and i find you and your opinion, troll or not, disgusting
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:06 No.23587636
    >Summer '06 :Haruchi

    >Summer '07: TTGL

    >Summer '08: Strike Witches

    >Summer '09: Saki

    There, now it looks better.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:06 No.23587642
    This Summer didn't have much of interest, so it will be known for trolling and how bad Endless Eight is.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:06 No.23587647
    It's fine if you don't like SnH...but saying it isn't a better comedy than Lucky Shit is just plain trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:07 No.23587652
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    >Seto no Hanayome really is that shitty. Not trolling here.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:07 No.23587660
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:07 No.23587668
    There's always one or two SnH fanatics per thread who can't seem to accept that people don't really like their show, it just don't get trolled because nobody cares about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:08 No.23587673
    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:09 No.23587702
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:09 No.23587711
    More like everyone who has decent taste.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:10 No.23587715
    I tried watching Bakemonogatari. Kind of boring and the weird camera angles and random screens of text are just distracting.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:10 No.23587719
    Because it has to be a troll when someone's opinion doesn't match your own right
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:10 No.23587729
    >nobody cares about it.
    I wouldn't say that. There are a few SnH threads a week that get well over 200+ posts and hit the image cap
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:11 No.23587734
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:11 No.23587737
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    This anon speaks the Truth!
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:11 No.23587738
         File1249315864.jpg-(30 KB, 424x395, AsahinaSamidare.jpg)
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    This season's Haruhi is only popular because of KyoAni EE trolling, but that's only good for generating hype and money for ther studio.

    It's benefinnig for THEM at a certain degree, and the popularity (although it's mostly a negative hype) in undeniable, but as far as WE, the audience are concerned, it is shit, because "trolling =/= good"

    It is popular "now", in a way that people really DO talk about it a lot, but it won't be remembered as something good, thus it will simply fall out of history and will only remain as a possible negativ reacord nobofy will acare about.

    The fans will pretend it doesn't exist because it suxx, the Studio will pretend it doesn't exist because it will brought in no money, and in the end nobody will WANT to remember it.
    Although I'm sure Bakemonogatari and CANAAN will be forgotten too.

    They are good in their own ways, but neither seems to grab a really great fanbase.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:11 No.23587744
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:11 No.23587757
    No, I'd agree with him.
    It's because you have your genres confused: Lucky Star isn't a comedy.

    You could say Lucky Star is a better moe slice-of-life than SnH, but calling Lucky Star a good comedy -- when it's not a comedy at all -- is either ignorance or trolling.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:12 No.23587767
    you don't know for sure
    >> Saya Reisen !E2LQ1rvZT6!!z8cuxz7tS60 08/03/09(Mon)12:12 No.23587777
         File1249315959.jpg-(63 KB, 915x810, 1249301237133.jpg)
    63 KB must wait 4-5 episodes for AWESOMENESS
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:12 No.23587782
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:13 No.23587785
    Episode 5 is shit. Lol randum confess, BAWWW imma dead snail is so sad

    It's like I'm watching FLCL with 1/500 speed and without the awesome music
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:13 No.23587786
    In other news, L&BH scans fukken WHERE.

    We haven't had a chapter in months. I heard something was going on with snoopycool, but seriously...
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:13 No.23587787
    No. Lucky star isnt funny, aside from the lucky channel, and that's being nice.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:13 No.23587794
         File1249316003.jpg-(39 KB, 960x540, 1248886335555.jpg)
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    Umineko's popularity on /a/ is going to last until the visual novel finishes. 2011 when it'll be fully translated.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:14 No.23587799
    please just write "umineko" instead. seacats makes me think of scat.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:14 No.23587801
    son, you've brought down the wrath of anon
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:14 No.23587811
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:14 No.23587819
    Summer '06 :Haruchi

    Summer '07: TTGL

    Summer '08: Strike Witches

    Summer '09: Endless Summer of nothingness.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:15 No.23587833
         File1249316130.jpg-(808 KB, 1103x1574, snhgroup.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:15 No.23587841
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:16 No.23587846
    Summer 09

    Trolls. everywhere

    Hence Endless Summer wins
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:16 No.23587850
    This. A thousand times this.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:16 No.23587852

    If by "having decent taste" you mean "starting to see anime this year". Because I refuse to believe that someone who has seen anime for more than 1 or 2 years and with a decent culture doesn't feel sick by watching the same shit already seen in 28468934 other harem anime, or romantic comedies, but done worse. You know, scratch that, even when it manages to be done right, I feel sick. It's just THE SAME SHIT OVER AND OVER AND OVER.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:16 No.23587859
    I wouldn't reccomend that. Not during daytime /a/. Wait until night.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:17 No.23587868
    when you find lucky star funnier than seto it means your sense of humor is shit or troll. Mind you this is coming from a lucky star fan.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:18 No.23587885
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    I agree completely
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:18 No.23587887
         File1249316304.jpg-(37 KB, 704x396, snh1235555357423.jpg)
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    B-B-But I want one now...
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:19 No.23587905
         File1249316352.jpg-(92 KB, 700x429, capslock_fury.jpg)
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    Calm down kiddo, it's just a discussion
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:19 No.23587918
    Don't bother, it's just two or three butthurt Seto fanboys in here. Nobody else needs convincing.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:20 No.23587927
    wait until night, otherwise you're gonna have this troll on your ass
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:21 No.23587952
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:24 No.23588001
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    I can't believe there would actually be a troll in my thread.
    That's something that only happens on the internet!
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:24 No.23588008
    >Is applying his/her logic to the one type of anime he/she dislikes when the logic works for all types of anime that he/she likes/dislikes.

    Seriously, if you dislike something try something other then it's unoriginal.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:24 No.23588021
    I agree with this, I really wanted to like it and sat down for some awesome comedy. It really isn't that special in any way and the jokers were the same thing done before. I don't know maybe /a/ hyped the show too much but as it stands the show isn't hugely popular nor would I call it obscure and I am happy with that.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:25 No.23588035
    Please stop the samefagging. It's painfully obvious.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:27 No.23588075
    Not samefagging, and it's kind of funny how you just can't accept that people don't like your show.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:27 No.23588079
    I can accept that more then one person doesn't like my favorite show, why can't you?
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:28 No.23588089

    It doesn't really matter, I just wanted to get it out of my chest. It was therapeutic, in a way. Also the same could apply for Hayate, or any other harem shit is airing now.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:28 No.23588092
    wow this certainly turned into a shitstorm.
    have a sage
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:30 No.23588130
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    >> Bannedwagon !!ZW6GYhHPWbZ 08/03/09(Mon)12:30 No.23588132
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    Ranma 1/2 was never good. Seto no Hanayome, on the other hand, is one of the greatest comedies ever created.

    It has been compared to some of the timeless classics of comical literature such as The Divine Comedy, MacBeth, and the original Batman TV show.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:31 No.23588153
    Except Seto no Hanayome wasn't a harem.
    >> Saya Reisen !E2LQ1rvZT6!!z8cuxz7tS60 08/03/09(Mon)12:32 No.23588165
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    ITT butthurt SnH fags
    >> ronery DK /a/non !!PZFvfT0pKqM 08/03/09(Mon)12:32 No.23588166
    But we'd be lying if we didn't admit that it did have quite a few harem-like qualities and cliches.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:36 No.23588223

    it's a harem comedy.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:37 No.23588246
    >or any other anime that is airing now.

    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:37 No.23588253
    No, it's a romcom. Think about it.
    The theme of a harem is "Which girl should i choose?"
    Nagasumi only cared for San since the begining.
    Also, only two girls wanted his cock, San and the class president.
    Mind you, it did have a few harem themes, but in the end it was a genuine romcom.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:38 No.23588258

    Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night.


    You know, you have a point. That's probably why I'm quite picky with anime these days. But the harem genre is one that I think suffers more from this than other ones (yes, even more than shonen). Maybe because the premise is absurd in the first place.
    Also it's not the only flaw in SnH, far from it, I just wanted to rant about harem shit. And it's not even the worse, really, there's Hayate for that. Shit, I could rant about Hayate for hours, it fails in so many ways it's not even funny. I was actually ashamed to see Watanabe being involved in that episode.
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:38 No.23588262
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:39 No.23588287
    The Broken Music Box
    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:40 No.23588301
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    >> Anonymous 08/03/09(Mon)12:40 No.23588304
    >The theme of a harem is "Which girl should i choose?"

    Not really. I'd say that more often than not, the main character doesn't even want most of the girls craving for their cock. That's also why school days was the best harem anime ever.

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