Dear Lanced JackOn behalf of all tripfags here on /a/, due to the horrible reputation we have gotten due to your trolling, you are no longer shall be considered a Tripfag. From no one you shall be catagorized in your own category known as "Dumbass Troll" , and shall be stripped of being known as a tripfag, that or you can just stop posting and go kill yourself.Sincerely the Tripfag community
Just so you know, we prefer that you choose this option.>>stop posting and go kill yourself.
fuck off
I support this petition. Lets round up the rest of the tripfag council and sign on it.
Oh he still posts?I didn't notice.
>>23227843Definitle agreed anon, this option seems like the best choice.
>Sand Nigger>TaigaFuck off, you pathetic shits.
>On behalf of all tripfags here on /a/, due to the horrible reputation we have gotten due to your trolling>assuming tripfags other than ariafag, anon of colombia or hox have ever been accepted>assuming lanced jack or taiga are even in the same troll league as infinity, miyuki is my waifu or tonberryking ever were
Bump for utmost importance
I support this.*signs name* :3
durr hee hee DOGS!
Come on my fellow tripfags, we must all sign this petition and make our message clear to Lanced Jack
It'd be better if all tripfags just stopped posting.
>>23227883Oh you bitch :3I need some love, let's cyber or something.
I'll sign.
Tripfaggotry makes one a Dumbass Troll by default, this thread is pointless.
but I can't stand a single tripfag or that blue Anonymous whos been running aroundI respect Kagami, but she's still Anonymousbe cool, be anonymous
>>23228371an anyone tell me who this asian chick is, shes so hot
>>23227809I signAlso interview plz?
Sometimes a shit thread needs a good sage instead of a stream of aged imagespam.
>>23228470Some hot Korean slut, I've been building my folder of her but I have no idea what her name is.
i'm taiga's dad
>>23228030>>23227883>>23228262Oly 3 people have signed the petition so far, come on people we need more signatures!
lol, a fucking petition? What the fuck do you think this is? srs business? Nobody gives a shit what anybody here thinks. gtfo
>>23228606Am i invisible or something?Hello?
Dear /v/,You guys are such idiots that you couldn't even see that all those troll threads were made by Janced Lack and not Lanced Jack.
How about I jizz on your fucking petitionWhy are you faggots desperate for "good reputation" anyways?
>>23227809>Sincerely the Tripfag communityhey, don't bundle me up with the rest of you!>>23227883we have a council?
Oh shit I wasn't in /v/? works!
/r/ing the link to the tripfag blocking thing
Actually yesterday it was revealed to me that Jackie and i had a descendant fml
Everyone get out
Tripfags had horrible reputations long before Lance Jack. Sage and hidden.
Damnit... stop shitting up the board... Well, you know, to a more shitty level than it usually is... Also,Greasemonkey: (thread) filter: