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  • File : 1246280187.png-(122 KB, 274x256, mishaconfus.png)
    122 KB Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)08:56 No.22645931  
    What do your parents think of anime, /a/?

    I mean, most of you are male, but a lot of you watch K-on and other moe garbage, so your parents must be pretty disappointed I'd imagine. Do your Dads beat you or anything over it? Would probably explain why a lot of you are so rage filled all the time on here.

    Personally, I'm a girl, so it's socially acceptable for me to watch moe shows and my parents know I'm a lesbian (don't start) so it seems pretty normal to them.

    I'd like to know what it's like for the weaker sex, as frankly, it would be like me being caught watching shounen or some other awful genre. It would be awkward to say the least.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)08:57 No.22645941
    >Personally, I'm a girl, so it's socially acceptable for me to watch moe shows and my parents know I'm a lesbian (don't start) so it seems pretty normal to them.

    I just read this, but I can feel the shitstorm already
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)08:57 No.22645956
    They are indifferent.
    >> Frenchfag !4ToUU65/t2 06/29/09(Mon)08:58 No.22645974
    my mother say anime and manga make you dumb and we learn nothing while watching/reading it, well i stopped anime & manga for a moment, because there is nothing interesting this years, only moeblob shit
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)08:58 No.22645978
    >I'm a girl... I'm a lesbian
    These words significantly decrease the chance of having a good discussion in this thread.
    Anyway, I don't watch anime when I'm home. Only do so at university.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)08:59 No.22645992
    my parents seem to take it in stride. theyre happy as long as im happy.
    well, thats the impression i get anyway.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:00 No.22645999

    Don't they have any opinion at all?

    They probably talk about it behind your back then; late at night when lying in bed your Mom cries as she regrets your upbringing, wishing you'd be like "all those other kids" who play football and have girlfriends.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:01 No.22646025
    I watch K-on with my father (*o*)
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:01 No.22646029
    >i'd like to know what it's like for the weaker sex, as frankly, it would be like me being caught watching shounen or some other awful genre. It would be awkward to say the least.

    Feels good lesbo.
    >> Taiga !ldMbw5a3BE 06/29/09(Mon)09:02 No.22646041
    carpet munchers sure are rude
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:03 No.22646052
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    >late at night when lying in bed your Mom cries as she regrets your upbringing, wishing you'd be like "all those other kids" who play football and have girlfriends.

    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:03 No.22646060
    All they know is that I'm staring for hours on end at my laptop. And when they come around, I instinctively start a topic about my university.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:03 No.22646063
    My mum doesn't cry.
    Being a straight male who is rather socially active.
    I can have kids. Sorry love.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:03 No.22646070
    Why would they even know?

    Im here on my room, on my PC watching anime.
    Unless they have cameras on my room theres no way they'd know.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:05 No.22646104
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    >Implying I'd want parasitic offspring who will leech from me for 18 years, likely longer
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:09 No.22646161
    >Implying that British geeks are the same as American nerds.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:10 No.22646179
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    Why do you feel the need to announce "I'M A GIRL AND A LESBIAN DEAL WITH IT GUYSE" in every fucking thread you make?

    Oh, right. Because you're a fucking attention whore.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:11 No.22646184
    >Also implying that kids are "Bloody Awful" and forgets about the way the human race works.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:11 No.22646186
    More like Jack copycat.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:11 No.22646187
    implying they aren't
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:13 No.22646220
    Seriously... American nerds are just fuckin awful.
    American Nerds make British Geeks look like jocks.
    >> Sup !9HE7IwpOEo 06/29/09(Mon)09:13 No.22646227
    Take a note here; nobody gives a shit.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:15 No.22646260
    You dont expect a lesbian or a faggot to know how procreation works buddy.

    they're just defective goods.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:16 No.22646270
    Thanks Bro
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:17 No.22646279
    There's a good reason we mock you for being a stupid fat bulldyke lesbian, and that's because you didn't even need to say anything about it you stupid woman
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:18 No.22646292
    There's no need to hate on girls as a whole.
    hehe... hole
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:18 No.22646293
    My parents only ever see me watching stuff with giant robots and lots of explosions, so.
    Stuff with romance in it I usually pause and minimize when they come in.

    My dad once gave me shit for watching Digimon 02 on TV, but then I shot back with him watching Dawson's Creek. He then comes up with a half-ass excuse like "I watch it to try to understand you". I couldn't stop laughing, but I think it made the poor chap sad.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:18 No.22646302
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:18 No.22646307
    But... you ARE the parasitic offspring who leeches from her parents for 18 years!
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:21 No.22646340
    I dont understand why you people hide your powerlevels from your parents.
    theyre your parents for fuck sake, they should love you for who you are.
    if you cant be honest with them, then your life must feel really shallow.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:21 No.22646343
    >I'm a lesbian (don't start)

    nasty, to bad you miss out on a chance at my delicious penis, but you prolly wouldnt make the cut anyway.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:23 No.22646361
    I don't. Thats the brooty of it.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:23 No.22646366
    >>they should love you for who you are
    Just because they "should", doesn't mean they do.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:23 No.22646369
    >I'm a lesbian (don't start)
    stopped reading right there, saged and hidden
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)09:23 No.22646371

    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:24 No.22646380

    Are you 12?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:25 No.22646392
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    If you're posting on 4chan asking about parents then you probably fit into this category.

    Get a job and move out and no one will know. In my case a couple friends and my girlfriend know and none of them give a shit. I think this is in part because I don't watch coma inducing moefaggotry.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:25 No.22646394
    I only watch GAR stuff, sorry.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:27 No.22646418
    Some parents are either:
    a) excessively friendly and interested in what you do - mine for example. They got into computers because I did, and now they keep annoying me with shit they could just go google up. I can't imagine if they got into anime.
    b) excessively negative - ie: "Don't watch kids' stuff or I'll beat you up! Be a man and go on to drinking parties" or some shit.

    Then there are the ones who don't care what you do, wish mine were like that.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:27 No.22646421
    My parents don't really care if I watch anime or not. As long as I'm not doing drugs or some illegal shit or hanging out with the wrong crowd, they don't mind anime.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:27 No.22646431

    I am moving out in September.

    I've only been 18 for a month though.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:28 No.22646434
    My parents were fine with me watching anime. Never watched it themselves, but always willing to buy DVD's and wallscrolls as gifts, discuss, etc. There were some anime they like less than others.

    I particularly remember my mother being pissy about all the smoking in Cowboy Bebop.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:29 No.22646445
    Oh dear fucking god, a teenage lesbian.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:30 No.22646463

    I've got one of each, the being interested is far less annoying than the type that hate anything you do.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:30 No.22646472
    Ah yes, the teenage lesbian. Don't worry, you'll be choking on a dick soon when you get into college.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:31 No.22646477
    >just turned 18 a lesbian.
    Nothing more to see
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:31 No.22646485
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    I had a cousin who was a teenage lesbian, lasted for about 8 months.
    >> SiCk !.r1/zqbUpg 06/29/09(Mon)09:32 No.22646491
    My father is proud of me. He loves Lucky Star and K-on. My mom prefers bleach though.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:33 No.22646509
    My parents know and think it's childish. On the other hand, I'm plenty childish for a twenty-something-year-old in other aspects anyways, so it doesn't stick out. And I'm the more successful of their sons, so they just leave it at that.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:34 No.22646518
    my mum doesn`t care. i remember way back she saw an ad for the supanova convention, she said that she`d go with me to just look. i told her i would never stoop that low to go to one.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:34 No.22646522
    Me and my dad go out loli hunting together.

    Cus we're broz like that.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)09:35 No.22646529
    iz ur namez konata?
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:35 No.22646530
    Ahh i remember when i got into anime... being 10 years old. Akira first DVD i ever watched.
    My dad bought it back from the rental place. and was like "This is like that show you watch Sailor moon but more manry."

    *whole family gathers round to watch the movie*

    * 5 years later *
    Dad: Hey josh i got that show you like Azumanga on DVD wanna watch it?
    Me: Sure.
    *family gathers round to watch the anime*
    >> Anonymous !!QyK508UrNBk 06/29/09(Mon)09:35 No.22646537
    >Personally, I'm a girl, so it's socially acceptable for me to watch moe shows and my parents know I'm a lesbian (don't start) so it seems pretty normal to them.

    You must be 300+ lbs if you're a teenage lesbian and you're posting on /a/ at 9:30 on a summer morning.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:37 No.22646554
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    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:38 No.22646571
    FACT:half the people on /a/ are girls pretending to be guys watching K-ON -
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:38 No.22646572
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    what i watch anime on and browse on.
    i've lost alot of weight since then though
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)09:38 No.22646576
    Fucking dyke.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:39 No.22646579

    I don't live with my parents. I am not a teenage faggot.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:39 No.22646582
    Your parents are just waiting for you to grow out of your "phase."
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:40 No.22646597
    Eh, they don't really care about it, and actually think some of it is okay. However, I've hidden moe animu from them since one of them would try to fix me into being normal.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)09:41 No.22646614
    My parents know I watch "asian cartoons" but there is no distinction between them and western cartoons. They don't know about my figurines, wall scrolls, dakimakura etc. I imagine they'd be disappoint if they did.
    >> The Sound and the Fury !!ryNUDThtPTn 06/29/09(Mon)09:42 No.22646620
    My father has disdain for anime because he still believes in the stereotype that it's solely for kids, while my mother accepts that it's a hobby of mine. She still thinks it's a waste of time, though.

    Yes, I watch female-oriented shows, and among my favorites is Honey and Clover. They don't really make it a big deal, though. They just know I watch them, advice me not to, and then go about their business.

    I love my parents.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:42 No.22646626
         File : 1246282939.jpg-(1.45 MB, 3264x2448, This is why i'm better then yo(...).jpg)
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    more pics of my epic set up
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:42 No.22646627

    I would care what you think, but everyone here knows that the only thing worse than a pathetic moe-loving faggot is a fat weeaboo bitch.

    Girls who love anime are depressing.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)09:43 No.22646640
    >I'm a girl
    I don't believe you, enjoy wishing to be the little girl like the rest of us.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:43 No.22646645

    That's nice, but how long do you have to wait for the projector lamp to warm up?

    I'd rather use a monitor.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:43 No.22646651
    My parents don't say much about me watching anime (I doubt they know I watch as much as I do), but I think they think it's a little childish (I'm 25), but I don't really care. Sometimes I'll watch a movie or short series with one of them, and they actually seem to enjoy it.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:44 No.22646661
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    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:44 No.22646666
    >I'd like to know what it's like for the weaker sex
    What it's like for women?

    Also, I'm not even sure if my parents know what anime is. Power level hidan
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:45 No.22646669
    Moeshit was made for the male audience, suck a wet donkey dick you troll.
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:45 No.22646670
    warm up?
    about 6 seconds. it was broad daylight when i took that picture.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:47 No.22646711
    My parents are shit Koreans. Racists.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:48 No.22646731

    Yeah, I know.

    I started watching Gundam and Dragonball on CN/toonami before I was 10 though, so I think they're hoping too hard.
    >> Anonymous !!QyK508UrNBk 06/29/09(Mon)09:49 No.22646738

    They don't know, neither does my girlfriend. In fact, no one knows. The evidence is all hidden on my computer which has more security on it then the pentagon.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:49 No.22646741
    Nice camera
    >> DJPaperChaos !Xpt7TKvbTc 06/29/09(Mon)09:49 No.22646747
    yea i know it's a shit cam alright?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:50 No.22646756

    I'm a fucking University graduate and a large part of my degree was in Film Analysis subjects for which I scored straight HDs. The fact that I am more intelligent than any of the people who tell me anime is for children, and the fact that I can generally justify their worth in a 2,000 word scholarly analysis means I don't come off as a manchild.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:54 No.22646818
    Ummm Moe is for men while Shoujo is for girls. I thought trolls knew this shit? That is why moe is in seinen manga. A lot of moe shows are based of Visual Novels directed towards men. OP's post make no sense to me. Women can't life heavy objects with their minds. Still the weaker sex.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:56 No.22646845
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    >Moeshit was made for the male audience

    Obviously, but to an unwary outsider who knows little about anime it seems to be shows designed for girls.

    Case in point.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)09:56 No.22646850
    My parents always thought I was playing some video game.

    Now I live alone, so I don't really give a damn what they think about anime.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)09:57 No.22646858
    I meant the teenage lesbianism.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)09:58 No.22646882

    Oh lol.

    Yeah, my Dad would probably be pretty damn disappointed if I didn't come home with some Jock one day.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 06/29/09(Mon)09:59 No.22646892
    mom don't care at all one way or the other.
    dad don't know but I think if he did he'd be more angry then ashamed.. I wonder if he'd try to hit me? hmm..
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:00 No.22646913
    My dad doesn't mind, he thinks a little perverted, but again, he doesn't really give a shit,
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:00 No.22646926
    > I'm a girl I'm a lesbian

    doesn't the second part make the first part redundant
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:01 No.22646943

    It's a little known fact that Lesbianism can be cured by a dose of cock.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:03 No.22646968
    The only anime I bother being secretive about anymore is the kind featuring cuteness or sex appeal.

    For example I will always surruptitiously click off Azumanga Daioh or Diebuster butIf it's dead Leaves or the Big O I'll just pause it to see what they want.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 06/29/09(Mon)10:03 No.22646975
    you can cure awesome with disjusting? isn't that more tainting or corrupting?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:05 No.22647004
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    > That is why moe is in seinen manga.

    Am I kawii? uguuu
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)10:05 No.22647010

    Enticing monologue, onii-chan.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:06 No.22647038
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:08 No.22647059
    Men afflicted with Down's Syndrome.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:08 No.22647071

    Your dad has never been in your room?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:11 No.22647115
    The average reader age for Akumetsu will probably be lower than the average reader age for some generic moe-shit series like Lucky Star.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:13 No.22647144

    The average reader age for any hentai is lower than Akumetsu's, your point being?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:14 No.22647168
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    I never asked their opinion.
    I don't care really.

    >so it's socially acceptable
    Also I fucked only one thing in this world - social norms and morals.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:15 No.22647190
    Teenage lesbianism is what girls turn to before they're ready to handle the cock and true sexuality.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:16 No.22647201
    I can't imagine anyone giving a shit as the only things I own are DVDs and manga. If my parents did freak out it would be Fahrenheit 451 in here I guess.
    >Son, books and movies are not allowed in your room, they will corrupt your Puritan spirit.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:16 No.22647205
    >I'm a girl

    Stopped reading there.
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)10:16 No.22647208

    Trendy anecdote, Brother.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:26 No.22647404
    >weaker sex
    You're one of the lesbians who really just want to cut of some guys penis and attach it to yourself, aren't you. As an independant female raised by independant females, even I find you and your stance disgusting. Feminazis make serious people myself look like a joke. I hope you feel proud of the fact that your fanaticism has made it even harder for anyone to take a woman seriously when she talks about being self-reliant.

    >Personally, I'm a girl, so it's socially acceptable for me to watch moe shows and my parents know I'm a lesbian (don't start) so it seems pretty normal to them.
    Your parents allow you to watch moe shows BECAUSE you're a lesbian? Would you not be allowed to watch them if you weren't, or something?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:30 No.22647493
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    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:31 No.22647506
    They already consider her worthless broken goods anyway.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:32 No.22647515
    OP is doing a good job at making women look like dicks
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:32 No.22647526
    Mine don't care about it. I actually already made they watch some good shows, and they enjoyed it. Stuff like Cowboy Bebop or Death Note, but mostly movies.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)10:32 No.22647528
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:32 No.22647530
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    >>22647493 you are heartless bitch! Hisao will be mine
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:33 No.22647532
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    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:33 No.22647540
    >Wittich !MOE.v8OInk
    >I'm a girl
    >I'm a lesbian
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:38 No.22647636
    I have shown some amount of powerlevels to my parents, but they think I only watch seriose deep stuff.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:41 No.22647666
    My mom doesn't care what I do as long as it doesn't make her look bad.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:42 No.22647682
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    >105 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:42 No.22647687
    >Personally, I'm a girl, so it's socially acceptable for me to watch moe shows and my parents know I'm a lesbian (don't start) so it seems pretty normal to them.

    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:47 No.22647788
    They don't know I watch it.

    Job done.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)10:51 No.22647853
    >>You're one of the lesbians who really just want to cut of some guys penis and attach it to yourself, aren't you.

    More likely she's one of those girls that weigh 300 pounds too much.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)10:54 No.22647891
    I dont tell them.
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)10:58 No.22647965
    I'll go with the obligitary serious answer.

    I assume that you're not just trolling, OP. Well, not really.

    I'm also a girl, and I think 'moe' sucks. I feel embarrassed watching them. K-ON! and the like is just atrocious, with no substance. In before HURRR DURRR DERP replies. The only thing relatively moe I ever liked was Ichigo Mashimaro because, c'mon, that was just dawwwsome.

    I hate all this lazy stereotyping. As if you're a lesbian honestly means anything. I watched anime like Baccano!, Detroit Metal City and Kaiji, but then again I adored shoujo like Utena and Tutu, and have watched my fair share of yaoi shit. I think (old) CLAMP are awesome, but also think things like JoJo and Freesia are equally awesome.

    And some shounen is decent. Like, Gintama. That's genuinely amusing, imo. And Nougami Neuro, although rather underrated, is a god tier series.

    Lurk moar, OP. Take off that trip. Start watching proper series, and stop being so close-minded.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)11:09 No.22648166
    This is a good example of a seasoned anime fan.

    Why are animu newfags so set in their ways about everything? They're all 'OH, SHOUNEN IS SUCH A BAD GENRE LOL'. And it's like, 'genre? what?'.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)11:13 No.22648229
    i don't know and i don't care because im not an underage faggot
    >> Lanced Jack 06/29/09(Mon)11:13 No.22648238
    has anyone here felt the urge to rape a lesbian with full force?
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)11:14 No.22648255
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    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)11:16 No.22648292
    I doubt that actually. A lot of office-based hentai get read by salarymen.

    The point being that the reader-base of Akumetsu is less representative of what young men over 18 (i.e. seinen) read than the reader-base of crappy moe series.
    >> 朱直 Sunao !OBPVSBKCFE 06/29/09(Mon)11:17 No.22648329
    A month or so ago I watched episode 7 of Sketchbook (the episode with MOTHERFUCKING KATE) with my parents.

    Felt good, man.
    >> Taiga 06/29/09(Mon)11:22 No.22648404
    They were indulging you. They really wish you'd be normal and stop watching cartoons about little girls, but they've given up on that ever happening so they just smile politely and try to make you happy.
    >> Yivyn !/H7pFlSeqM 06/29/09(Mon)11:25 No.22648447
    My mom is pretty cool with Ghibli shit.

    My dad however...well...
    You know the dad from that "Girl Cartoons" comic?
    Basically like that ಠ___ಠ



    Me: Er..well yeah.

    Dad: WHAT IS IT! INUYASHA?! *starts singing the mexican hat song replacing each word with inuyasha*

    Me: No? It's called Eden of th-


    *rushes out*

    I hate my dad...
    >> Anonymous 06/29/09(Mon)11:25 No.22648457
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/29/09(Mon)11:27 No.22648473

    Wow, you're dad sounds like a kid.

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