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  • File : 1245839895.jpg-(127 KB, 498x650, me and my cousin.jpg)
    127 KB Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)06:38 No.22487048  
    Hey Witches,

    My name is Battler, and I don't believe in any single one of you. All of you are fake, non-existant, liars who spend every second of their day pretending magic is real. You are everything illogical in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever heard of Devil's Proof? I mean, I guess it's fun making up 'spells' because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than killing my family.

    Don't be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect. I was captain of the debate club, and starter in the chessboard flipping team. What hobbies do you have other than "give gold to old Japanese people"? I also get straight A's, and have a banging cousin (She just uu~'d me; Shit was SO cash). You are all fakers who should just stop believing in silly things like magic. Thanks for listening.

    Pic Related: It's me and my cousin
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:39 No.22487068
         File : 1245839972.jpg-(35 KB, 633x475, 2155.jpg)
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    magic fight
    >> Sudo !nAoZUmIAfk 06/24/09(Wed)06:40 No.22487076
         File : 1245840022.png-(450 KB, 755x1255, 1245050923891.png)
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    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)06:40 No.22487077
    That never happened.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:43 No.22487113
         File : 1245840233.jpg-(52 KB, 450x450, 1245622750656.jpg)
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    Battler doesn't exist because he's a cartoon.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)06:45 No.22487130
         File : 1245840311.png-(15 KB, 450x450, red_text_fag.png)
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    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:45 No.22487132
    How do you explain watching the same events happen repeatedly and you watching yourself from a distance?

    How do you get revived after being turned into cat food after being killed by 7 girls that turn into stakes?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)06:45 No.22487140
    You can't prove he doesn't exist.
    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)06:45 No.22487141
    Say it in red.
    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)06:49 No.22487186
         File : 1245840574.jpg-(31 KB, 394x471, Battler7.jpg)
    31 KB
    Could easily be done with some sort of device, or drugs.
    >> Sudo !nAoZUmIAfk 06/24/09(Wed)06:51 No.22487216
    Such as small bombs?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:53 No.22487247
    How does Beatrice turn into butterflies and appear unharmed after you smash her face into a table?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)06:53 No.22487263
         File : 1245840835.jpg-(16 KB, 204x205, beato.jpg)
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    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:55 No.22487287
         File : 1245840904.jpg-(12 KB, 265x297, 1239599217274.jpg)
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    omg where are the posts going
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:55 No.22487294
         File : 1245840939.jpg-(67 KB, 667x775, Furniture.jpg)
    67 KB
    Remember this Battleeeer?
    *cackle* *cackle*
    >> anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)06:55 No.22487296
    oh Battler and your silly incestuous antics!
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:57 No.22487328
    Red texting is difficult.
    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)06:58 No.22487352
         File : 1245841092.jpg-(31 KB, 385x480, battler65.jpg)
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    ihihi, that never happened
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)06:58 No.22487353
         File : 1245841095.jpg-(28 KB, 300x375, 1245042984391.jpg)
    28 KB

    >> Anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)06:58 No.22487363
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)06:59 No.22487376
         File : 1245841187.jpg-(57 KB, 390x355, 1245146204855.jpg)
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    >> anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)06:59 No.22487380
    im just gonna ignore all this 'never happened' crap until the answer arcs come out.
    my head hurts
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:00 No.22487383
         File : 1245841201.jpg-(11 KB, 209x183, 87124426321515876.jpg)
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    >> Turnip !yQ1LVKtZkk 06/24/09(Wed)07:01 No.22487407
    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)07:01 No.22487408
         File : 1245841308.jpg-(32 KB, 382x477, battler8.jpg)
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    I-It's useless...it's all useless!!
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:02 No.22487412

    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:02 No.22487413

    I just created a paradox.
    >> anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)07:03 No.22487444
    are you prepared for the umineko animu, /a/?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:08 No.22487520
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:10 No.22487542
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:11 No.22487546
         File : 1245841875.jpg-(47 KB, 187x190, Beato1.jpg)
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    Boku no Battler.
    *cackle cackle*
    >> anonymous 06/24/09(Wed)07:11 No.22487551
         File : 1245841907.jpg-(242 KB, 1000x689, 1245657549728.jpg)
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    as much as i love Battler, and as much as I would love to make him my husbando...

    I believe in witches so far
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:16 No.22487586
         File : 1245842164.jpg-(72 KB, 646x537, 25.jpg)
    72 KB
    I can't wait to piss in fire
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:16 No.22487595
    Drama cd is out. Go grab it.
    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)07:20 No.22487626
         File : 1245842427.png-(94 KB, 300x247, beatrice.png)
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    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:21 No.22487640
    The ED is fucking awesome
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:25 No.22487668
    what do the top menu things do anyway? since they're not in the english version.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:27 No.22487691
    Not gonna fall for it you shit-tier trolls

    (let me google that for you? seriously? fuck off!)
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:28 No.22487708
    Is this actually worth reading or is /a/ just sarcastic about it?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:29 No.22487719
    /a/ is like a fly. It loves shit.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:30 No.22487732
         File : 1245843028.jpg-(292 KB, 640x480, genex.jpg)
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    and said in red,,
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:31 No.22487740
    Yes, it is great
    Here is the the already installed download version, just extract and run onscripter-en in the [WH] Umineko English folder
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:31 No.22487745
    This is actually pretty good
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:32 No.22487756
    Your hand is looking pretty QUALITY there Beatrice.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:33 No.22487789
         File : 1245843218.jpg-(31 KB, 364x480, battler16.jpg)
    31 KB
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:34 No.22487796
         File : 1245843241.jpg-(316 KB, 897x1000, e9ce5e05875763f3219d57b312e16d(...).jpg)
    316 KB
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:35 No.22487815
         File : 1245843305.jpg-(61 KB, 640x427, 2e6a2ee1ac4d628d9c750a3972f376(...).jpg)
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    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:35 No.22487816
    I can't get over how bad the art is.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:35 No.22487830
    what would you consider good art
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:36 No.22487840
    Why not just torrent it bro?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:37 No.22487845
    Not moe enough for him, I guess.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:37 No.22487847
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:38 No.22487861
         File : 1245843480.jpg-(69 KB, 389x461, me.jpg)
    69 KB
    >>>/rs/Upgraded red text
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:38 No.22487869

    Playing Episode 2 right now, and Beatrice seems very nice to Shannon, they're even buddies! Fuck, if Beato is nice to Shannon, then I have no choice but to believe.... ;_;
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:39 No.22487900
         File : 1245843594.jpg-(116 KB, 600x600, ange2.jpg)
    116 KB
    Don't mind me. I'm only the best character on Umineko
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:40 No.22487912
    That's not Kinzmoe
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:40 No.22487922
    Yup they turn into great friends.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:41 No.22487926
    Beatrice is nice to her so she can fuck over Kanon.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:41 No.22487937
    Just you wait.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:42 No.22487945
    If you think she's nice now, wait until you play episode 3.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:42 No.22487954
         File : 1245843737.jpg-(43 KB, 664x480, Beato.jpg)
    43 KB

    Enjoy your Angeburger.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:42 No.22487958

    something that isn't as QUALITY
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:43 No.22487972
    Is Episode 2 in >>22487740
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:43 No.22487977
    so is this the first ep of the game?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:43 No.22487978
         File : 1245843818.jpg-(143 KB, 850x960, ange.jpg)
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    You don't exist.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:43 No.22487980

    Bricks were shat.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:43 No.22487982
    Yep, that's 1-4.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:43 No.22487983
    All 4 episodes are in that
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:45 No.22488006
    I didn't like it the first time I listened to it, but it grows on you.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:47 No.22488030
         File : 1245844022.jpg-(207 KB, 650x581, 64549d804fad500b305eeadf89891e(...).jpg)
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    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:47 No.22488031
    So who's the killer?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:47 No.22488037

    Get over it. Because otherwise you're missing out on a great story. And the art style grows on you after a while; trust me. (I would say "or just watch the anime", but the anime's art is even worse.)
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:48 No.22488051

    The small bombs. They are sentient.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:48 No.22488054
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:49 No.22488066
    I wonder how gory the murders will be.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:49 No.22488077
    >> Ushiromiya Battler, Paranormal Master (have denied existence of 899+ witches) 06/24/09(Wed)07:49 No.22488080
    The seagulls. It's been obvious from the very start, No one had seen them when murders took place, and they could easily get into all the closed rooms.
    >> Anonymous of Austria 06/24/09(Wed)07:49 No.22488087
    >already installed download version
    I have seen someone download that and it doesn't work. After downloading and starting the game, a message pops up saying the game is not installed.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:50 No.22488103
    The anime art isn't that bad, it's just that it's different from what we expected, if someone hasn't read the VN they wouldn't find anything strange in it.

    The VN art isn't bad either, except for the hands, of course.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:50 No.22488105
         File : 1245844230.jpg-(31 KB, 549x480, maria_naku1.jpg)
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    Uu- Beatrice 'exist', Beatrice 'exist'. Why don't Ange believe in Beatrice?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:50 No.22488108
    You mean seacats.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:51 No.22488129
         File : 1245844314.png-(21 KB, 327x216, BeatriceClose.png)
    21 KB
    Were they carrying small bombs?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)07:52 No.22488133
    But the windows are closed.

    Now this makes more sense, they could crawl around in the water ducts and I bet most rooms have a private bathroom.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:52 No.22488134
         File : 1245844327.jpg-(688 KB, 1164x829, 1243521818630.jpg)
    688 KB

    You will not be disappointed.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:54 No.22488184
    or are they going to show how goat gets his nuts impaled in ep4,,
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:55 No.22488206
    Yeah, why does this look like a flash game? There's better ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL art on Deviantshit.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)07:58 No.22488255

    What? A seagull carrying a small bomb?
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:01 No.22488330

    DIDN'T I?!
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:04 No.22488374
    Child abuse the animu.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:05 No.22488395
    Somehow I can relate to Rosa when she beats her up, she can get really annoying at times.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:05 No.22488409
    I think you mean good parenting.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:06 No.22488424
         File : 1245845206.jpg-(72 KB, 523x578, sample-a1da9bc0f36e3badd3b9220(...).jpg)
    72 KB
    they better not ruin this moment
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:08 No.22488448
    Bad Mama is bad.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:09 No.22488465
         File : 1245845341.jpg-(15 KB, 472x166, uuuu.jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:09 No.22488474
         File : 1245845368.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 87 KB, 600x450, 5b49e5d30ed82e3326c48fe88604ff(...).jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 87 KB

    They better not ruin this moment.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:09 No.22488477
    Jessica and Kanon are killers.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:10 No.22488481
         File : 1245845405.jpg-(163 KB, 410x327, domesticviolence-copy-copy.jpg)
    163 KB
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:11 No.22488496
    ......It doesnt seem like you intend to stop.
    I understand,
    In that case mama has an idea

    Mama won't stop saying "UU UU" either!

    UU UU !!
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:15 No.22488545
    Only for EP1, 2 and 4. They screwed up in EP3 and got their asses kicked by Eva and Hideyoshi.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:17 No.22488587
         File : 1245845876.jpg-(165 KB, 400x400, best mother ever.jpg)
    165 KB
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:18 No.22488613

    thats not mama !!
    its diffrent from the normal mama
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:21 No.22488658

    I don't know what to think of Rosa. Maybe she's good or maybe not. What happened at the end of episode 2 was surely a delusion, maybe she's really a bad Mama after all.
    >> Yan !UjujIgIpHw 06/24/09(Wed)08:22 No.22488674

    Yes, it's the black witch.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/24/09(Wed)08:22 No.22488693
         File : 1245846174.png-(240 KB, 500x666, eec9a44e010e93337b3d63c2218f5e(...).png)
    240 KB
    it's the evil witch
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:23 No.22488708
    trust me, you DO get used to the art.
    >> Yan !UjujIgIpHw 06/24/09(Wed)08:24 No.22488738

    I hope that Nakahara Mai will be her seiyuu.
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:25 No.22488753
         File : 1245846339.jpg-(37 KB, 500x600, 1221455418877.jpg)
    37 KB

    Well there are moments when she regrets what she has done.

    Also i think she made/repaired a second sakutaro doll to make up with maria
    >> Taiga 06/24/09(Wed)08:26 No.22488761
    What was seen in episode 4 could just as easily have been a delusion as well especially what happened in the meta-world. Really, Rosa is just difficult to place.

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