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  • File : 1245582161.jpg-(56 KB, 638x563, 1195919134226.jpg)
    56 KB Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)07:02 No.22391255  
    Moot, just make this board forced anon so we can get rid of tripfag faggotry.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)07:03 No.22391262
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    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)07:03 No.22391271
    bump for the cause
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)07:05 No.22391291

    bump. I also support this cause.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)07:06 No.22391306
    cump for the bause
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)07:09 No.22391327
    inb4 b&

    moot has been banging the hammer on anyone who thinks forced anon would improve the board. Have fun.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)07:10 No.22391340
    Heya moot.

    Stop sucking black cock and forced anon plz.

    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)07:11 No.22391344
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)07:16 No.22391373
    I fully support this request. Forced anon is the cure to the aids that is tripfaggotry.
    >> The Big Red Machine. !!7fy6Jj+p2Sh 06/21/09(Sun)07:16 No.22391375
    Samefaggy in here, but Moot needs to put forced anon on.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)07:19 No.22391399
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)07:21 No.22391409
    I agree.

    Forced anon is the only way to prevent these attention whoring tripfags from ruining /a/. I'd suck moots cock if he does.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)07:42 No.22391722
    Oh hi.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:06 No.22392146

    moot please
    >> nanohaismywaifu 06/21/09(Sun)08:07 No.22392153
    I concur with forced anonymous.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:08 No.22392179
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    Even with the board as it is you still haven't learned a thing? stop caring so much about tripfags.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:09 No.22392197
    >> John Smith (alias) 06/21/09(Sun)08:12 No.22392233
    It's simple, don't read trips. Or use one of the forced anon scripts.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:13 No.22392256

    You fucking idiots who go
    >BAWWWW Lanced Jack
    >BAWWWW Taiga
    are a loud minority, and the worst posters on this board.

    Protip: Ignore them and they'll go away.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:13 No.22392258
    you mean 'forced Jack&Taiga' amirite?
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:14 No.22392282
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    >Protip: Ignore them and they'll go away.

    This offends me.
    Ignore me and I'll enjoy participating normally. Retaining my individuality but at the same time being allowed to discuss anime.
    >> Kaiji !L.rG/tZANk 06/21/09(Sun)08:16 No.22392303
    The last guy who said that got banned.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:18 No.22392354

    No one gives a fuck who this person is or that. We dont care about YOUR opnion. Dont you understand that?

    If you wanna make a name for yourself, or create an image, go to a fucking forum. This where people sharee their ideas with people. Not you share yoru ideas with everyone else. Get me?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:19 No.22392359
    wait, people discuss anime on /a/?

    in all honesty, i don't care anymore. The reason why he did this is because of all the bawww and butthurt that was suffered in this room.

    Face it /a/ there will never be forced anon.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:19 No.22392364
    he probably means ignoring you completely, like not replying to your posts ever or even reading them for that matter
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:21 No.22392399
    No, YOU don't get it. I don't give a fuck if you remember me or know how I am or whatever. I just like to have a name, but I don't give care if you identify my posts or anything, I, MYSELF, LIKE TO HAVE A NAME, AND POST USING IT. It's that simple. but you egocentric fucks always assume I'm trying to get your attention or something.
    >> Ignoretrolls. 06/21/09(Sun)08:22 No.22392411
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:22 No.22392418
    I'm guessing it was because of the constant CP.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:23 No.22392441
    Special treatment is another way of giving attention.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:23 No.22392444
    Taiga likes CP
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:24 No.22392446
    >I'm trying to get your attention or something
    Only true statement in this post. In b4 reposts of his countless dramawhoring threads.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:25 No.22392477
    ... fucking hell. It's amazing i'm still browsing this board. It's like /b/'s retarded ass stepchild
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:28 No.22392523
    Why are you still on /a/? While having that trip you'll never be able to participate in good anime discussion,first because /a/ rarely has one, and even if there is one the moment you post in it thread will turn into a shitstorm.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:28 No.22392526
    Just get the fuck out. Nobody likes you.

    /r/ forced anon, trying to get anon to ignore tripfags is like trying to cure aids with abstinence - it doesn't work
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:28 No.22392528
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    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:29 No.22392548
    We all know you ''like'' to have a name. Thats kinda clear by now.

    >>No, YOU don't get it. I don't give a fuck if you remember me or know how I am or whatever.
    If thats the truth, which its prolly not, WHY do you ''like'' to differentiate your opinions from the mass and individualise your self? Theres no other reason than trying to make a name for your self. Excuse the pun.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:29 No.22392553
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:30 No.22392564
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:30 No.22392568
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    You'd have more credibility if you didn't tell such obvious lies. C'mon, just admit it, you are an attention whore.
    It doesn't especially bother me, since I get lots of amusement from your antics.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:30 No.22392577
    OP here. I found a far superior site: http://www.UnonTalk.com/ (Unon = Anon)

    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:31 No.22392584
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:31 No.22392585
    faggot spotted
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:31 No.22392586
    Warum musste ich nur lachen? Fick dich.
    >> !LSL/NEVADA 06/21/09(Sun)08:31 No.22392591
    lol who the fuck cares - only newfags who are too easy to troll
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:31 No.22392600
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    I only care about myself. whatever everyone else on the board does is not of my business, nor my responsibility. Also, I don't see most part of the shitstorms, because I'm already filtering sages and a bunch of tripfags who hate me.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:31 No.22392602
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:33 No.22392618
    >>faggot spotted

    lol u just spotted anon
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:34 No.22392651
    I already gave you my argument. If you want to believe it or not is non of my business. suit yourself
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:35 No.22392669
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 06/21/09(Sun)08:36 No.22392694

    That wouldn't help dick. People who want nominal recognition will find nominal recognition. They'll use an avatar, and you'll say "FORCED noPICS!". They'll use an email and you'll say "FORCED NOEMAIL!". They'll use the text field and you'll say "FORCED NOTEXT!", and then wonder why posting on 4chan is so hard.

    Stop being a baby and ignore them if they annoy you. If that's too hard block the damned posts and shut up. The only thing worse than shitty fuckup posters and people who whinge about shitty fuckup posters, because that just encourages them and makes your posts shitty into the bargain.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:36 No.22392698

    Stop giving it attention, are you retarded or something? Goddamn
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:36 No.22392703
    Did you read my post right?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:38 No.22392723
    If you want to believe it or not is non of my business. suit yourself

    >>I already gave you my argument.
    Your arguement? You dont have one. Give it up. Lieking somthing isnt proof of doing so. Lol. ''I like Chocolate. I like it because I like it.'' Lol no.

    >>If you want to believe it or not is non of my business.
    You obviously do think its your business, or else you wouldnt of even gave this thread a second glance.

    Admit it. At your point now you're just digging yoruself into an even deeper hole. And you know whats kinda ironic? Now that yovue madea complete ass of yourself, people can recognise you for it. Hah!
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:38 No.22392733
    It's the people that post as anonymous that give tripfriends the attention. If some of them choose to create shitstorms and troll, it's your fault.

    I'm sick of the durrhurranonisleguntripfagssuck mentality, though. There are some people who use trips that contribute more to discussion than 90% of anons do. Just because a few of them do troll, it's not fair to put the blame on the trip system itself.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 06/21/09(Sun)08:39 No.22392746
    >They'll use an avatar
    An avatar is not unique.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:39 No.22392748
    Forced Anon is the way to go.
    Always said that, always will.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:40 No.22392755
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:40 No.22392762
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:40 No.22392771
    >There are some people who use trips that contribute more to discussion than 90% of anons do.
    They could contribute just as much as Anons, no?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:41 No.22392785

    The trip system itself has no reason to exist on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:41 No.22392787
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    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:41 No.22392789
    yes they could, but they choose not to. Where's the problem? how does it affect you?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:42 No.22392794

    Its not WHAT they post, its why.

    >>There are some people who use trips that contribute more to discussion than 90% of anons do
    Are you fucking kidding me? This is true because they go to the trouble of constructing an essay to shuv up peopels asses and further their own image and ego. i cant believe you cant see that.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:42 No.22392801

    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:42 No.22392816
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:43 No.22392824
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:43 No.22392831
    >>   06/21/09(Sun)08:44 No.22392843
    If they're contributing, I don't see what the problem is. I thought we were talking about triptrolls here. If you have a problem with ALL TRIPFAGS, just because they choose to use trips, then you're just butthurt and there's no fucking point trying to reason with you.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:44 No.22392844
    I'm not interested in the debater. I'm interested in the debate. Anyone who is using a trip without contributing constructively to /a/ values the identity of the debaters and their presentation over the actual topic.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:44 No.22392846
    The easiest way would be to stop giving them attention. But ever since anime-expert anon has been prone to starting a shitstorm everytime a tripcode pops up.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:44 No.22392857
    You're getting something out of it, why should you care if they're doing it for ego boosting or not? How is anything they get out of their actions related to you?
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:45 No.22392879

    No.22392723 here

    Typo's actually.
    >> faggot 06/21/09(Sun)08:46 No.22392881
    But it does. If you hate it that much, just fuck off to another site.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:46 No.22392896

    And what purpose does it serve, exactly?
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:47 No.22392900
    All good content tripfags contribute could be contributed just as well anonymously.

    There is no reason for tripcodes to exist.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:48 No.22392916
    I, for one, like to give respect where it's due. Hox, for an instance, deserves our respect. Him using a trip is perfectly okay.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)08:50 No.22392964
    no, anyone who does this is as good as 90% of the anonymous posters. noone can say that he has contributed to the discussion with every single post he has. we can only try to do that
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:51 No.22392975
    How is he any different? Hes still seeking notification, is he not?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:51 No.22392983

    I think you missed the point of 4chan.
    And no, I'm not talking about ANONEEMOOS IZ LEEJUN.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:51 No.22392984
    Nobody minds Hox, but that still doesn't make the system necessary. He could as well post his links anonymously, and Anonymous would still know who deserves his gratitude.
    >> Janced Laiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:52 No.22393001
    Yes, but why is it a problem?

    They choose to use names. So fucking what? I just don't see how it's a bad thing. As long as they're contributing and not going DURR HURR LOOK AT ME I'M LANCED JACK OBVIOUS TROLL TROLL INUYASHA ETC, why does it bother anyone?

    I can understand people being annoyed by trolls like Lanced Jack, but if the person isn't trolling and is contributing to discussion, why do you care?
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:52 No.22393005
    He gives us Kaiji scans... also has he caught up yet?
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:53 No.22393022

    I ment Zero. Freudian slip there.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:53 No.22393028
    Does it matter? I can't see how you could find that action offensive. As far as I can see, you've just been conditioned to think something like that is bad, and then just react like it was some sort of crime, because that's what YOU believe in, but whatever you believe in isn't necessarily true for everyone.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:56 No.22393077
    Make a board for tripfags only and remove trips from other boards, let them rot in their own ghetto of faggotry
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:57 No.22393092
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:57 No.22393099


    It'd be just like a regular forum
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)08:57 No.22393102
    The problem exists because it affects the way posts are judged.

    Anonymous posting makes each Anon judge every post unbiased. If the post was made by a tripfag it's judged in the context of previous interactions. Those can be positive, or negative.

    Both should have no place on 4chan.

    Posts should matter, not the people behind them. Based on this reasoning, there is absolutely no reason for everyone to take a tripcode in the first place, thus the system isn't needed.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:58 No.22393121
    reported faggot
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)08:58 No.22393131
    The system is there. People will use it. Deal with it.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)08:59 No.22393137

    Nice nazi reasoning there.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)08:59 No.22393138
    Don't misunderstand me: There's a reason why I am anonymous, even now. I do very much appreciate the possibility of anonymity on an international message board.

    But that's a personal preference, not an ideology. Of course, by choosing a name whilst contributing to /a/, one seeks gratification. But that's not a bad thing per se. That's how people work. I'm willing to give respect where it's due if it results in even more contribution to /a/; not many people are altruists, mind you.

    We are too much under the impression of negative tripfagging. It's horrible, granted. But there are also positive elements to it. We can motivate good tripfags to give us new stuff.

    Shut the fuck up with your wikifed armchair philosophy and let the grown-ups do the talking.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)08:59 No.22393142
    okay, I will explain why I am a namefag.
    is this enough?

    when posting as anonymous(LJ/Tagia atm), you feel free to troll/write stupid things/write offtopic things/rage/etc, just because 90% of the content is just that. namefagging is a sort of self-restraint. moreover, it is quite annoying when people rage at you for other people's comments. in two words, it's my method of improving the content.
    inb4, "you just have to control yourself and post as anon" -- I don't see a problem namefagging, and really, I suppose you are even less strong than me, you just want to rage (and I should repeat myself that this is part of the plague).

    I don't use tripcode, because I don't see any need for it. bite me.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:01 No.22393183
    >>Does it matter? I can't see how you could find that action offensive.
    Someone attempting to build upon their own ego does piss me off. Im sorry, but it does.This is also true for a lot of /a/, if you take this thread for any kind of example.

    Being a tripfag screams ''Im better than you. My opinon means more. Remember me? Yeah Im that guy . I rock. Thats right.''

    And THATS why I hate them. I hate people like that.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)09:01 No.22393188
    You were making a great argument up until you replied to me. Why would you fuck that up? :(
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)09:02 No.22393198
    Disregard that, I suck cocks.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:02 No.22393201
    >>22393142 proves >>22393183 's point fully.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)09:02 No.22393202
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:03 No.22393224
    Nobody questions its existence. What we question is its purpose.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)09:04 No.22393235
    Well I just think guys who think like that should learn to accept that not everyone does things their way. You should be more accepting of other people's ways, because otherwise you're the one causing trouble for everyone else with the way you react.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:04 No.22393236
    And there is why people trip, summed up in 5 words.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)09:06 No.22393266
    learn to accept that we don't want you here
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 06/21/09(Sun)09:06 No.22393269

    Yes there is. Half my posts are multiple posts long. Without an easy means of tracking who said it, it's fucking shit trying to read a long argument in the midst of several. This way people who want to read my shit can read my shit, and people who want to ignore them can ignore me right off the bat without having to read through half an essay before figuring out 'hang on it's that longwinded fuck goddamnit'.
    >> Lanced Jack !!05UoUkeE209 06/21/09(Sun)09:07 No.22393278
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    You guys are an unruly bunch.

    If I see one more of these threads I'm going to kill your first born sons.

    Now prepare a feast, minions.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:07 No.22393292
    how do you guys feel about this state of affairs?
    >> Turnip !yQ1LVKtZkk 06/21/09(Sun)09:08 No.22393317
    Forced anon sounds like a good idea.
    If that doesn't happen, >>22392528 is the next best thing.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)09:08 No.22393318
    You cant do a shit
    lame triptroll
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:09 No.22393322

    People can make distinctions even without the aid of trips. Not all of us are that stupid.
    >> Lanced Jack !!05UoUkeE209 06/21/09(Sun)09:09 No.22393325
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    I like it and have no problem with retiring my trip but of course Taiga, being the attention whore he is, has to revert back to using it.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)09:09 No.22393333
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    first confused
    then amused
    then bored
    then indifferent
    then a bit amused again
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:11 No.22393367
    >>Well I just think guys who think like that should learn to accept that not everyone does things their way. You should be more accepting of other people's ways, because otherwise you're the one causing trouble for everyone else with the way you react.

    The world doesnt work liek that. People have their own opnions. And sure as fuck theyre gonig to conflict with the next guy. Thats what makes the world turn. I accept others ''ways'' Sure I do. I also question them. I also have that right. Dont I???
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)09:12 No.22393378
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    I, I'm not looking for attention.
    Shut up. if you want I can go back to posting as taiga. Idiot.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:13 No.22393404
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    I would appreciate if you did. Keep insulting me, too.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 06/21/09(Sun)09:13 No.22393413
    People who aren't interested in reading walls of text will ignore them no matter who wrote them.
    Others should be able to decide for themselves if a post is worth reading based on the specific post, not based on a name.

    It might be convenient at times but no justification for the faggotry that is tripcodes.
    >> T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US 06/21/09(Sun)09:14 No.22393426
    You can have your own opinion, but it certainly turns into other people business when you're opinion makes you a problem for everyone else. Of course, your could argue that my way of thinking makes me a problem for everyone else, but then again, I'm not the one who's acting aggressively towards other people's opinions. That's why the point is accepting each other.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)09:14 No.22393431
    If I wanted to build up my own ego I wouldn't be in 4chan at all.

    What I admit is that
    1) there are such tripfags (I cannot name anyone, cause I do not lurk enough so that I can feel justified to judge. do you? oh wait, anon usually feels justified even when is the total newfag :) )
    2) for me a tripfag's post is more likely to be thought out and not just mindless rage/etc (and this I think is quite proved by reality, just look at what percent of anon posts is spam!)

    Really, be a little more open minded and accept that there can exist such people like well-meaning tripfags. I gave you one possible reason for it.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:15 No.22393436

    Look at >>22393333

    You just had to give your opinion.

    A T T E N T I O N W H O R E
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 06/21/09(Sun)09:16 No.22393456

    The very first time I posted a decent-length post it happened to be in /tg/. It was a suggestion, an idea of the sort I'm somewhat well-known for over there. Within three minutes of posting no less than four people had picked my last post and told me to stop ruinign the other guy's idea, referring to the earlier posts. This happened again within an hour.

    If you have to make assumptions about the intelligence of any userbase you will rarely be wrong with a low estimate.
    >> T­aiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:16 No.22393464
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    I'll insult you, when, how and IF I feel like it. you big baka.
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)09:17 No.22393474
    he always was
    >> Wittich !MOE.v8OInk 06/21/09(Sun)09:17 No.22393478
    >forced anon
    >stop tripfags

    Enjoy your image avatarfags.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)09:17 No.22393479

    Disregard that, I suck massive cocks
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 06/21/09(Sun)09:20 No.22393526
    Images can be copied. They don't give their users a unique identity.
    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 06/21/09(Sun)09:21 No.22393539
    Sir, you are a faggot.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)09:22 No.22393562
    hey, I will use trip when I see a post under my name that is not mine and that can be taken for mine. that requires something more than >DISREGARD THAT I SUX KOX LOLOLOL

    everyone tends to reply to posts with questions directed at them...
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:23 No.22393567
         File : 1245590580.jpg-(217 KB, 500x681, kagamiblush5.jpg)
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    That's even better...treat me how you please! I must not have demands... break me...break me...
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:25 No.22393610
    >>You can have your own opinion, but it certainly turns into other people business when you're opinion makes you a problem for everyone else.
    What? Everyone else? I think you mean ''Your opnion is a problem for ME'' I have been constantly proving your points wrong in this thread. You have nothing to back yourself up. Im a problem for you because you fail to deffend your name?

    Of course, your could argue that my way of thinking makes me a problem for everyone else,
    >>Yeah, it does. Take note of the thread.

    but then again, I'm not the one who's acting aggressively towards other people's opinions.
    >>Of course Im acting aggresively. Its my opnion. Im going to state it and deffend it. Thats what makes us individuals. Our opinions. Im me. I dont need to prove that to everyone and myself with a user name.
    That's why the point is accepting each other.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:26 No.22393638
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:27 No.22393653
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.

    Put this in your signature if you prefer KissXsis to Boku no pico
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:28 No.22393668
    >>You can have your own opinion, but it certainly turns into other people business when you're opinion makes you a problem for everyone else.
    What? Everyone else? I think you mean ''Your opnion is a problem for ME'' I have been constantly proving your points wrong in this thread. You have nothing to back yourself up. Im a problem for you because you fail to deffend your name?

    >>Of course, your could argue that my way of thinking makes me a problem for everyone else

    Yeah, it does. Take note of the thread.

    >>but then again, I'm not the one who's acting aggressively towards other people's opinions.

    Of course Im acting aggresively. Its my opnion. Im going to state it and deffend it. Thats what makes us individuals. Our opinions. Im me. I dont need to prove that to everyone and myself with a user name.
    That's why the point is accepting each other.

    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:28 No.22393674
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> T­aiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:29 No.22393690
         File : 1245590971.jpg-(58 KB, 500x283, 1238542373850.jpg)
    58 KB
    Hey! you're that guy who can barely write in his own language, right? yeah, I'm sorry. I got bored of talking to you. Think whatever you want :p
    >> Sonic !.Fast1kv6c 06/21/09(Sun)09:29 No.22393699
    And everyone causes drama over it.............

    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:29 No.22393700
         File : 1245590991.jpg-(124 KB, 450x338, konatabored2.jpg)
    124 KB
    Stop double posting what the fuck... I'm trying to fap here
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:30 No.22393715
    wtf is going on?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:30 No.22393721

    >I can't think of a way to reply so instead I'm just going to insult your grammar
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:31 No.22393723
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:31 No.22393741
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:32 No.22393754
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> T­aiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:33 No.22393770

    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote T­aiga !!dMbDe6oa7US to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:34 No.22393772

    lol this
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:34 No.22393784
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:35 No.22393798
    That was pretty ironic.


    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:37 No.22393819
    Good one, troll.Nearly hurt my feelings there.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:37 No.22393829
    Does anyone actually know which posts are Lanced Jack or Taiga's anymore? Are there any key identifiers?


    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:38 No.22393842
    Hi Taiga!!! Haven't seen you in ages!

    Love you xxx


    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> T­aiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:38 No.22393845
         File : 1245591529.jpg-(53 KB, 728x616, 5.jpg)
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    We can only guess.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:39 No.22393852
    >>You can have your own opinion, but it certainly turns into other people business when you're opinion makes you a problem for everyone else.
    What? Everyone else? I think you mean ''Your opinion is a problem for ME'' I have been constantly proving your points wrong in this thread. You have nothing to back yourself up. I'm a problem for you because you fail to defend your name?

    >>Of course, your could argue that my way of thinking makes me a problem for everyone else

    Yeah, it does. Take note of the thread.

    >>but then again, I'm not the one who's acting aggressively towards other people's opinions.

    Of course I'm acting aggressively. Its my opinion. I'm going to state it and defend it. Thats what makes us individuals. Our opinions. I'm me. I dont need to prove that to everyone and myself with a user name.

    That's why the point is accepting each other.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)09:39 No.22393853
    ugh, this got boring

    at least sage, dammit.

    anon is raging, taiga cannot defend herself adequately and is just raging too, and I have no idea what useful did Lanced Jack say at all.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:41 No.22393885
    I guess they will post using their tripcodes...silly me then.


    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:41 No.22393894
    >>taiga cannot defend herself adequately and is just raging too

    now you look even more like a fool taiga
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:42 No.22393903
    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> T­aiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:42 No.22393908
         File : 1245591739.jpg-(82 KB, 731x619, 7.jpg)
    82 KB
    Learn to quote, f*cking newf*g.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:42 No.22393922
         File : 1245591779.png-(235 KB, 405x499, konatacute3.png)
    235 KB
    I don't need to say anything. I've reached the point where everything I grace with my presence is automatically DEAD.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:43 No.22393941
    Actually, I'd say quoting is "easier" than doing that and hence newfags wouldn't be identified by them using lines of text from a post they are directly replying to.

    Besides, the method used there makes it easier to identify the parts of the post he/she was replying to and also allows for replying it bits.


    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote INSERT USER HERE to moderator.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:44 No.22393956
    Konata, you masturbating or something? You sound bored.


    Put this in your signature if you want the mods to promote >♥υАLL☺█►Gendo(☞•∀•)☞Ikari◄█☺ to moderator.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:45 No.22393968

    plz teach me hw to do thsi
    >> KoG 06/21/09(Sun)09:45 No.22393971
    Oh yeah.


    Put this in your signature if you think you can get a 5!
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)09:45 No.22393975
         File : 1245591936.gif-(119 KB, 432x412, ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff.gif)
    119 KB
    >this thread
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:45 No.22393980
         File : 1245591950.jpg-(122 KB, 400x400, konatawakarimasen2.jpg)
    122 KB
    I was until Taiga decided to be a cocktease.
    >> erejnion 06/21/09(Sun)09:46 No.22393988

    okay, I have never understood why the hell such posts even exist. do you think this genuinely?
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:48 No.22394027
    I see /a/ still has some intelligence left.

    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)09:51 No.22394105
    Thanks. I now feel like an idiot for putting that sig thing up in a decent post.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)10:02 No.22394331
    I filter all tripfags, /a/ is really good that way, I suggest you do the same.
    >> T­aiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:04 No.22394358
    Shut up, jack.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:06 No.22394391
    hi tripfag
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:06 No.22394399
    There is no longer any tripfag faggotry.

    With these forced names we are all the same again. They are just the new version of anonymous.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)10:07 No.22394413

    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:09 No.22394435

    And exactly what this piece of crap board deserves for bitching about things it could easily ignore.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:09 No.22394452
    Its ok. I wont be able to identify you in the future anyway. Its not like your reputation has suffered, anon.

    Thank god for anonymity, says you.

    Aye, says I. Aye.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:10 No.22394458
    You don't need to make this threads, just filter the shit, problem solved.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)10:10 No.22394459
    This thread pretty much taught me how to filter tripfags so I guess it was a decent read.

    Newfag out.


    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:12 No.22394496
    Anonymous?.I dont see any Anon here.Fuck newfaggotry
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:13 No.22394513

    All you dick-loving namefaggots make me sick. Go suck a rail spike and end your miserable fucking existence, you sick fucking bastards.
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:14 No.22394520
    tripshit is worst
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:15 No.22394528
    >wrote Taiga in namefield

    oh u
    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:15 No.22394535
    This is pretty awesome, It feels like I'm browsing a good board.
    >> Sum3a 06/21/09(Sun)10:18 No.22394565
         File : 1245593883.jpg-(201 KB, 800x443, 1244738594940.jpg)
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    >> Taiga 06/21/09(Sun)10:20 No.22394608

    Not sure if serious..
    >> Anonymous 06/21/09(Sun)10:21 No.22394622
    Anon is the new namefag.
    >> TheGryphon !WVTAuRuuxE 06/21/09(Sun)10:26 No.22394698
         File : 1245594382.jpg-(106 KB, 1280x720, taigaisgoingtokillami.jpg)
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    Death to the fake Taiga and the other idiot.
    >> Lanced Jack 06/21/09(Sun)10:29 No.22394753

    Troll? wat

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