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  • File :1244147674.jpg-(17 KB, 238x195, 1213088217174.jpg)
    17 KB Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:34 No.21870773  
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:35 No.21870790
    just give up lol
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:37 No.21870853
    >> mοοt !Ep8pui8Vw2 06/04/09(Thu)16:37 No.21870856
    I agree. I don't think moot does, though.
    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 06/04/09(Thu)16:37 No.21870859
    Age 20.
    Living alone, renting an apartment.
    Never pursued a woman. Never kissed one, or held one. (besides family relations)
    I work a full time job, with a nice, steady income.
    I only scarcely socialize with my co-workers.
    I own a cat, named Henrietta. I love her.
    >> uguu !EuOdrPQpq6 06/04/09(Thu)16:38 No.21870887
    If I was still a mod, I'd ban you.
    you as well
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:38 No.21870898
    never kissed/sex/gf
    work part-time
    beer belly
    >> Juiz is my Concierge !VWPwkuSTi. 06/04/09(Thu)16:38 No.21870899
    >I own a cat, named Henrietta. I love her.
    Iceman....what is it like to hold a cat?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:40 No.21870931
    Age 20, Living at home with parents while attending university, which I hate and dont study for so I will fail this semmester. Have a part time job. Have had sex with one woman even though I am a fag lol
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:40 No.21870933

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:40 No.21870936
    I work a full time job, with a nice, steady income.

    Mother fucker you have no idea how I'd kill for this.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:41 No.21870960
    inb4 404
    >> ZOMBIE CANCER !L.rG/tZANk 06/04/09(Thu)16:41 No.21870962
    Age 18
    bored of life
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 06/04/09(Thu)16:41 No.21870965
    here I am, bitching about the deleted mahjong thread and the OP banned with
    >You have been banned from /a/ for the following reason:./v/ is that way ---->

    newfag mod or troll mod? OR BOTH?!
    Learn how 4chan works, kid.
    >> Yivyn !/H7pFlSeqM 06/04/09(Thu)16:41 No.21870966
    I'm 18, Canadafag (Ontario).
    Taking another year of highschool before going into animation. Been with my girlfriend for 4 months, we've kissed and cuddled and shit. Furthest sexually I've gotten is touching, but whatever.
    I live with my parents.
    I lost my job at a movie theater in August and have yet to find one (thank you recession).
    I have a kitten that I called Lily.
    I also have 2 brothers and a sister. All younger.
    My sister is a bitch.
    I cry when I see imouto threads

    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:41 No.21870967
    What's not funny?
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:42 No.21870974

    >bored of life

    Me too bro
    >> uguu !EuOdrPQpq6 06/04/09(Thu)16:42 No.21870983
    College in August
    Own a car (Nissan Maxima 09)
    Live with parents until transfer to UGA
    Have had sex, currently have a girlfriend.
    I work at Apple store, which is ironic because I despise apple.
    >> Juiz is my Concierge !VWPwkuSTi. 06/04/09(Thu)16:43 No.21871011
         File :1244148202.jpg-(57 KB, 613x469, 1215032623181.jpg)
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    >You have been banned from /a/ for the following reason:./v/ is that way ---->
    LOL. Mahjong /tg/ if you want to be serious about it.

    >newfag mod or troll mod? OR BOTH?!
    Not sure, it is hard to say.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:43 No.21871019
    Living in an apartment with my boyfriend
    Maintaining a part-time job while pursuing my education.
    Have been with my boyfriend for three years now, and have had sex with him on numerous occasions.
    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 06/04/09(Thu)16:43 No.21871024
    It gets me through the day. It's fluffy, adorable, and loves me unconditionally. You should get a kitten.
    Head groundskeeper at the local cemetery. When I turn 21 I think I'll go into security with armored bank cars.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:43 No.21871025
         File :1244148239.jpg-(35 KB, 275x323, HENRIETTA.jpg)
    35 KB
    >I own a cat, named Henrietta. I love her.

    She'll never love you.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:44 No.21871035
    22 next month, unemployed, virgin and never been in a relationship.
    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 06/04/09(Thu)16:45 No.21871069
    I do not require love from an INFERIOR Henrietta.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:45 No.21871070
    There are more fags on /a/ than I thought. I though you were all joking about being fags
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:47 No.21871117
    Been on 4chan for at least 3 years, though I can't remember to be honest
    Male, non-virgin (got extremely lucky last year...a couple times
    Living with my folks over summer, job hunting (got an interview at K-mart coming up, lol)
    Am somewhat sick of socializing with friends, and what to just chill by myself with vidya and animu

    Oh, and I'm a history education major
    >> Juiz is my Concierge !VWPwkuSTi. 06/04/09(Thu)16:48 No.21871133
         File :1244148494.png-(12 KB, 1225x136, 1235400973318.png)
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    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:49 No.21871154
    >and what
    I mean and WANT, fuuuuuuuuuck
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:50 No.21871197
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:51 No.21871204
    Living at home with parents.
    Failed the year.
    no ambition to study.
    No friends, No girlfriend.
    Ive kissed my ex but no sex.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:51 No.21871211

    Mods keep deleting the thread
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:55 No.21871316
    mods keep deleting this shit for a reason
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:55 No.21871319
    lurked for one year, actively posted for two
    living with parents,
    going to Harvard,
    never had a job,
    3 girlfriends, sex with two,
    president of local Anime Club.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)16:58 No.21871400
    >going to Harvard,
    Ughhh, MITfag here; all you Harvard punks are assholes who got where you are because of money.
    >> Anonymous 06/04/09(Thu)17:01 No.21871485

    What's that? I'm sorry I can't hear you over the sound of how rich I am.

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