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    File :1242557569.jpg-(53 KB, 364x450, stop-fansubs.jpg)
    53 KB Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:52 No.21314436  
    Would you watch official subtitles if they put in as much effort as good fansubs? So that would mean no ugly-ass yellow font that most licensors like to use and other shit that you find disagreeable with official subs.

    Assume that money isn't an issue; let's say that you would torrent them or that you're loaded and can afford DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:54 No.21314454
    well i can afford the DVDs but. i am not willing to be raped on DVD prices. if they would have acceptable prices then yes
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:54 No.21314462
    How much effort are we talking about "Rumbel" effort or "A.F.K." effort?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:54 No.21314463
    But money IS an issue.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:55 No.21314469
    They wouldn't be sky fucking high if people actually bought DVD's
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:55 No.21314470
    because I don't want to buy
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:55 No.21314475
    I buy what I can (and like) anyways. The issue is that official shit are slow to come over, shit translations (not only accuracy, but also the phrasing), and some don't even find their way over here.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:56 No.21314480
    >ugly-ass yellow font

    I'd rather have this readable font than the lolSORANDUMxD beige fonts that are impossible to read unless the background is completely black.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:56 No.21314483
    that is a lie and you know it
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:56 No.21314486
    The best that you can think of.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:57 No.21314490
    I buy the DVDs in those cases where they eventually (often years after the fact) come out with English subs; but I never bother opening the boxes if I already have fansubs archived and available for rewatch without all that DVD preamble and menu crap.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:57 No.21314495
    That's why everyone should use softsubs. YEAH, THAT INCLUDES KARAOKE.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)06:57 No.21314496
    Alright Crunchyroll then.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 05/17/09(Sun)06:59 No.21314518
    This is eiher very bad copypasta or very bad troll or both.
    1. Those ugly yellow subtitles are from cheap DVD players and can change based on said player.
    2. Money is always issue.

    I would BUY and DOWNLOAD originals if :
    1. they were max. week after original airing.
    2. High-quality in video(HD), audio(5.1) and subtitiles(correct ones with styling).
    3. No DRM.
    4. cheap, something along lines of 2-5$ per episode.
    5. no more than 35$ for 24 episode series

    Only with this they would be able to opose fansubs.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:00 No.21314527
    >1. Those ugly yellow subtitles are from cheap DVD players and can change based on said player.
    lol no. DVD subtitles are pictures.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:01 No.21314536
    Hardsubbed karaoke is better, softsubs always tend to fuck them up, especially with the kanji on the side.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:01 No.21314538
    4. cheap, something along lines of 2-5$ per episode.
    5. no more than 35$ for 24 episode series
    math wasn't your strongest point
    but 2*24 = 48$ for 24 episodes would be acceptable
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:02 No.21314553
    You are not getting my point. If they are softsubbed, then you can turn them off. Get rid of them. Finally.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:03 No.21314565
    this aint 1998 anymore, bro
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 05/17/09(Sun)07:04 No.21314569
    No they aren't.

    Subtitles on DVD's are IMAGE FILES you IDIOT!!!
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:05 No.21314575
    That doesn't change the fact that DVDs handles subtitles as an image layer. There's a reason subtitles are ripped with text recognition programs.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 05/17/09(Sun)07:06 No.21314583
    Well I was thinking this: When you watch show that is currently airing you only pay one episode per week per show so the price is pretty low even if the sum of everything is high(eg. loans).
    But when you buy everything at once you need to pay everything at once and lot of people will think twice before buying for high price. So you make whole set much cheaper so more people are willing to buy it.
    >> Anonymii of Lithuania 05/17/09(Sun)07:06 No.21314585
    I don't collect stuff, dvd's or volumes of manga because they take up too much space, and after watching a series I delete the episode/volume 80% of the time.

    If they made something like, give us 1$-2$ and download an episode of the series you like or give us 3-6$ and download a volume of the manga you want. I'd probably buy most of the stuff I watch.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:06 No.21314589

    dude, he's right, stfu if you dont know what you're talking about
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:17 No.21314675
    Why distribute as DVD's?

    They should be good enough to get a licence to recieve the episodes from the anime studios and do their own encode, not to mpeg2 for broadcast but to h264, and then offer them with perfect subs no later than 3 days (plenty of time considering they would have professional staff and only cover a small handful of episodes a season).

    Offer them for download at like $5 an episode or something.

    And then when the DVDs/BluRay comes out, they need to get the new raws from the studios again and do a h264 PC encode (not the crappy BluRay encode that often uses interlacing, isn't true 1920x1080, doesn't use cabac, etc).

    And offer those downloads for like $3 an episode only in one big bundle like the other anon reasoned.

    Anything less is fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:22 No.21314706
    I'd watch official if they were aired on US cable TV around the same time the Japanese versions are.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:22 No.21314714
    or that
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:25 No.21314736
    Not if you either
    Don't live in the US (like 95% of people)
    Don't have cable TV
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:28 No.21314759
    wont work. because they would only air manly animes like one piece, naruto, dragonballs, inuyasha or sailor moon and you surely don't watch them, do you?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:33 No.21314795
    Decent price, in Australia we have Madman entertainment the ass-holes sell 10 year old anime for $100 AUS. Which is around $4 AUS for an ep.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)07:40 No.21314875
    Eclipse do a good job. I tend to watch fansubs, buy it anyway to support the guys.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)08:43 No.21315692
    >1. Those ugly yellow subtitles are from cheap DVD players and can change based on said player.

    Except no, DVDs use VobSubs, which consist of 4-color bitmaps, out of which one color is transparent, meaning that you can use a maximum of three colors on DVD subtitles.

    Solution: Don't fucking add kanji, it's completely useless anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:44 No.21315711
    Dude, I got big o for around 2 bucks per ep. Expensive, but still.

    I only buy shit I can't be bothered downloading/or is worth keeping as an alternative to fansubs.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:46 No.21315723
    So I take it you've never seen one of those deals where you pay less when you buy a bunch of stuff all at once?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:46 No.21315731
    >Daiz !H.264BdrFs
    Go back to sucking VLC's cock.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:50 No.21315772
    I'd never buy DVDs of anything, ever.
    I already buy merchandising.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:54 No.21315830
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:56 No.21315865

    You have the wrong person in mind...
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)08:58 No.21315888
    >Would you watch official subtitles if they put in as much effort as good fansubs?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:00 No.21315911
    No, never. I hope the industry outside Japan dies.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:01 No.21315917
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:01 No.21315923
    >like to use
    Its not a choice bro.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:02 No.21315928
    Most anime DVD contain only 3 episodes and it cost $30-$40 for 60 minutes of badly subtitled and extremely badly dubbed anime?

    no thx!
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:03 No.21315937

    Aaaaand here's the first retarded sarcastic reply about the quality of fansubs. Inb4 that retarded comic involving ice cream and shit.

    And yes I like FREE fansubtitles thank you very much, ungrateful brats.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:04 No.21315947
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    >Would you watch official subtitles if they put in as much effort as good fansubs?

    No I would not.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:05 No.21315956
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:05 No.21315962

    Don' t
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:05 No.21315966

    Agreed, free fansubs rock
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:08 No.21316010
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    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:09 No.21316016
    Be grateful you're not living in Japan and paying $120 for 60 minutes of extremely badly voiced anime.
    >> -|- Slaaneshiguard -|- !!bOOhb8C7gxV 05/17/09(Sun)09:09 No.21316017
    that's not how economy works bro
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:09 No.21316023
    I do download and watch DVD rips. I just have no need of DRM or physical media.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:09 No.21316031
    sure is old pasta in here
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:11 No.21316045
    Because people in japan don't pirate anime with 1000mbit connections.

    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:13 No.21316074
    DVD subs have better English grammar and flow about 10 times better.
    How they look is irrelevant.
    Also we don't have triple karaoke bullshit for insert songs and other weeaboo shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:15 No.21316107

    >Implying pretty karaoke subs are shit
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:16 No.21316131
    wrong. Best of the fansubs have a far better quality than even the best of official subs - amateurs that do it for free can easily spend a week trying to find the best translation for a phrase; professionals that are getting paid per episode have to do it quickly and go for the "just good enough" approach - they need to feed their family and they cannot waste their time to research some obscure historical or cultural reference...
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:17 No.21316133
    >implying that they're not
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:18 No.21316158

    >Implying they are
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:19 No.21316163


    But no, I wouldn't buy anything, because I have to spend the money on other things. Why would I pay for something I can get for free? Same goes for videogames and books.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:19 No.21316171
    >implying that they're not
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:19 No.21316177
    Anyone wanting a fansub is a fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:21 No.21316192
    Karaoke are always shit. No exceptions.

    I want to look at the anime, not at flashy text animations.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:21 No.21316199
    Who actually likes the karaoke? Is there really demand for this shit? What about the kanji?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:22 No.21316208
    I would torrent them anyway, all my DVD drives are broken.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:22 No.21316215
    >amateurs that do it for free can easily spend a week trying to find the best translation for a phrase
    except they don't do that, most shows have subs a few days after the raws are out before the next episode.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:23 No.21316232

    Anyone wanting to pay for something they can get for free is a fucking faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:24 No.21316242
    You are the cancer killing the state of fansubs.

    I hope you leave the anime fandom, you faggot.
    >> Anonymous !wM5G0xiB/Q 05/17/09(Sun)09:24 No.21316245
    Karaoke faggots: If you dont like karaoke just skip the OP or ED. You skip it either way. Any in-video karaoke is not that common to complain about.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:25 No.21316248
    >People who think it's bad to enjoy delicious free fansubbed anime
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:25 No.21316260
    Karaoke should not be added. It is shit
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:25 No.21316261
    @ The anon who wanted to know who actually likes karaoke subs: retards do. And since the vast majority of anime fans love things such as Naruto, that makes the vast majority of fans love karoke effects.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:25 No.21316263
    It's really nice that you have the self confidence to talk about shit you know nothing about. It's important to feel good about yourself, you know?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:26 No.21316266
    >Any in-video karaoke is not that common to complain about.
    I remember that ruining some awesome scenes...
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:26 No.21316271
    So, fansub haters, you don't like fansubbers and the people who support. What will you do? Whine about it on 4chan?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:29 No.21316307
    >bawwww they don't like my karaoke
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:30 No.21316327
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    >defending hard karaoke
    what kinda faggot are you?

    It ruined Do You Remember Love and Gunbuster.Some of us do in fact watch the OP every time. There is no fucking need for them.

    pic oddly related
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:31 No.21316343
    Anime is for faggots
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:31 No.21316347

    was there karaoke in diebuster? or is that just fanart or something
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)09:32 No.21316374
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    >Hardsubbed Karaoke
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:34 No.21316401
    gunbuster 1.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)09:37 No.21316457
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    Oh yeah, this is the most cancerous Karaoke I ever seen: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBWCxrsUh14
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:39 No.21316482
    When some of us want to watch a show, we sometimes want to watch the entire show and not have to skip things because some asshole thinks it shouldn't be a television show but Japanese lessons for weaboos instead.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:39 No.21316489
    fuck karaoke in general
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:42 No.21316540
    Oh, and what have you translated?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:43 No.21316550
    Hardsubbed karaoke for OP/EDs is cancer.
    Softsubbed karaoke for OP/ED = doesn't matter, I just press "s" in MPC while the OP/ED is running if I don't skip it.

    HOWEVER. For insert songs? That's so fucking annoying it makes me want to claw my eyes out.
    Totally ruins whatever scene has the insert song when I have to see 3 lines of extra text just cause some fat fuck wants to sing while watching.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:44 No.21316562
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    Exactly, I do buy the series that I really like, but I rarely open them. Far too many times I've been let down by ugly fonts, but much worse are the lousy subs themselves, no skill, no heart, no passion, just a job house sub shopped out to some cretin company barking for a paycheck with no clue what a screen play is. Same for most, though not all, dubs.

    Sometimes I'll rip the subs out of my favorite fansubs to use with my DVDs.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:44 No.21316567

    My point exactly. Enjoy baaawwwing about hardsubbed karaoke while I be enjoying it.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)09:44 No.21316569
    >HOWEVER. For insert songs? That's so fucking annoying it makes me want to claw my eyes out.
    Even if it's still softsubbed?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:46 No.21316580
    Since 95% of the staff in fansub groups can't speak Japanese at all and must rely on passing-by Chinese guys, the flashiness of the karaoke is the only way to judge the quality of rival groups, since they can't be sure whether the other guys are more accurate than them.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:48 No.21316619
    Wait so you actually enjoy this shit. >>21316199
    Are there a huge amount of retarded fucks like you that are the reason why fansubs are plague with this shit?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:48 No.21316624
    yes because then you're forced to choose between having subtitles+karaoke and trying to understand spoken japanese.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:48 No.21316626
    What's the goddamn point in putting the karaoke in kanji, hiragana and katakana.

    Seriously, 99% of the audience barely knows romaji... So, REAL japanese?

    What's the fucking point. Who the hell started that shitty trend?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:48 No.21316631
    Well, having to stop watching and remuxing the subs to remove karaoke is annoying.
    If it's hardsubbed I'd have to get another raw and re-time it. I've only done that once for the Macross F BD raws.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)09:50 No.21316653
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    VobSubs are fucking ugly. Period. ASS subtitles can look a lot, lot better, but unfortunately it is quite often ruined by absolutely atrocious styling.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:50 No.21316662
    Yeah because I want to at least understand what they say but not have fucking three lines of karaoke in the middle of a scene.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:51 No.21316679
    I mostly stick to individual pictures, flash videos, etc. because I don't have the time to sub an entire series nor the patience to put up the bullshit that is in the "fansubbing community." Just for your own information, fansubs are not as accurate the crap that gets repeated by people say they are, and certainly not the "Fansubs are better than pro releases" crap that people spout.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)09:52 No.21316688
    I see. That's what I did with my Candy Boy. 2 sub tracks. 1st the default track has subs with no song translation (not kara) and the second one has song translation.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:52 No.21316694
    anon needs to make its own fansubbing group
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:53 No.21316698
    Any subs that make you think "oh, those look really nice" are badly styled subs.
    Why? Because you're not supposed to notice them.
    They should be as plain and easy to read.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)09:53 No.21316701
    If I recall correctly, THORA's version have softsubbed kara.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:54 No.21316708
    It was the THORA version I took the subs from.
    They mix hardsubbed styled karaoke with softsubbed karaoke actually.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:54 No.21316709

    Yes, there are people in this world who enjoy things you don't enjoy. And there is nothing you can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:54 No.21316716

    Are you implying anon is not too lazy to make their own fucking subs?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:57 No.21316753
    If that happened everything would be hardsubbed just for trolling purposes.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:57 No.21316755
    well if we put our minds to it.....
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)09:59 No.21316764
    All of THORA's releases use hardsubbed karaoke, while the actual subtitles are softsubs.

    It's very annoying, given that their releases are otherwise the best for HD anime out there and usually well seeded too.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:00 No.21316781

    Try it so I can laugh at your hamfisted attempts at learning Japanese and trying to be united.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:00 No.21316785
    How can fansub groups project their brand identity if they can't catch your attention??
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:00 No.21316789
    Another annoying thing about THORA is how their styling is fucking atrocious 99% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:01 No.21316804
    I have seen worse. One sub for Hokuto no Ken had the stylized karaoke romaji lyrics on the top, the translation on the bottom and behind those had gray bars in which the romaji and the english translation scrolled by in. Also whenever the line "You wa Shock" was sung, "Shock" would spin forward into the center of the screen.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:01 No.21316806
    /r/ing better picture of op's image
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:02 No.21316817

    Their old releases are hardsubbed and fortunately, they're practicing softsubbed kara on their latest rips. Take ef ~a tale of melodies~ and RideBack BD, all of their kara are softsubbed.

    I love the group the moment I know this.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:04 No.21316846
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    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:04 No.21316847
    >"You wa Shock" was sung, "Shock" would spin forward into the center of the screen.
    Reminded me of AHQ's FMA OP2 where the "READY STEADY GO" filled the entire screen. Oh yeah, got youtube link on that video?
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:05 No.21316857
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:05 No.21316861
    Ok, so yes there are people that enjoy this shit. right? I am asking an honest question here that people always fucking dodge. So there is a large amounts of faggots out there that enjoy this garbage karaoke crap, yes?
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:08 No.21316892
    not the guy you're quoting but only a minority liked it. people like who wants to learn Japanese (people nowadays thinks fansubs are portable Japanese class lessons.)
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:08 No.21316894
    Yes, but none of them are on 4chan.
    Except those that watch KyoAni stuff, I guess.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:09 No.21316921
    About ~75 000 people download the latest Naruto episode by HorribleSubs.

    It's pretty safe to say that there are enough retards to like karaoke too. Unfortunately quite many fansubbers seem to genuinely like effected hardsubbed karaoke too (see: Eclipse).
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:10 No.21316923

    Yes, and what's your point? Just because you say hardsubbed karaoke is objectively bad it won't change the opinions of us unwashed masses.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:11 No.21316943
    Unfortunately the people who dislike karaoke are the minority, as sad as it sounds.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:12 No.21316954
    It does, dissing karaoke has gotten bigger and bigger the last few years.
    Probably due to threads like these and Otaking's video, that article by Triad, etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:13 No.21316965
    So /a/, you are up against tons of people who like hardsubbed karaoke. What will you do?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:14 No.21316980
    Gather my nakama ~de arimasu
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:14 No.21316981
    kinda figured that. hardsubbed kara in fansubs had been around for many years and lots of people had grown used to it. People now think that Karaoke is a fansubbing standard together with the honorifics. (which is actually retarded IMO)
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:15 No.21316990
    Thanks, I always ask the question and no ones answers. Its like fags know its retarded so they are ashamed to reply. Fucking retards I tell ya.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:19 No.21317043
    Karaoke is one of the oldest parts of fansubbing. If there is no karaoke it's just because a shitty group doesn't know how how to use AFX or has banned the TSer from doing so.

    Usually it's butthurt encoders just trying to piss on it seeing as actual knowledge is needed to make it, unlike encoding where all you have to do is press a button.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:19 No.21317047
    OK, one honest answer. I don't mind karaoke if it does not take up a significantly larger portion of the screen than the standard subtitle lines do, and any effects are so modest that they are not constantly pulling the eye away from the rest of the picture. I don't like karaoke that is too large or overly "busy", and it doesn't bother me at all if there isn't any. Ideally I would prefer a simple translation in the same style as the normal subtitles.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:21 No.21317072
    Official subs are fine. They must be if increasingly all groups do now is steal them and slap them on better raws.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:21 No.21317074
    I can't fucking believe people say American anime is too expensive.

    Glorious Nippon pays about $60 for two episodes.

    America gets about 5 episodes for $20 or less even when the DVDs are brand new. It's even cheaper by the time the box sets come out.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:21 No.21317076
    I'm an encoder and my hate has nothing got with it. karaoke blocks the eye candy of the video, animation and syllable syncing is not needed because who sings in the OP and ED anyway? etc.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:22 No.21317081
    While fansubbers often fuck up. It's better having somebody interested translating than somebody with no interest typing away for a days pay. Stops fuck-ups where the translators keep translating phrases common to the anime differently or not to the true meaning, or mistranslates something that makes no sense for a character to have said because they haven't been following the show.

    Also fansubs have competition where you can watch the best goups subs. With retail you get what you get.

    Though I would love to support the anime I watch if the companies brought subbing up to the same professional standard as everything else.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:22 No.21317087
    >got to do*
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:23 No.21317093
         File :1242570188.jpg-(176 KB, 1280x720, [Underwater] Phantom - Requiem(...).jpg)
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    Become a fansubber that does fully softsubbed releases, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:24 No.21317108
    >all you have to do is press a button

    damn, I wish
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:25 No.21317130
    Obvious troll is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:25 No.21317134
         File :1242570316.jpg-(85 KB, 848x480, snapshot20090511211503.jpg)
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    If only official subs were kawaii blue/pink like this! And the font is sugoi! "Readability" is overrated, I want Comic Sans!
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:25 No.21317142
    Actually, remove "got"
    "has nothing to do with it"
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 05/17/09(Sun)10:26 No.21317153
    okay, my bad. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:27 No.21317159
    People that bitch on here will never buy anything, ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:28 No.21317180
    I am not an encoder and I hate karaoke for the same reason. I always try to find releases with the best video quality, and hardsubbed flashy shit covering up the actual animation is blasphemy.

    There's no better way to shit all over the video stream than to plaster karaoke on it. That angers me even more than things like improper deinterlacing.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:29 No.21317196

    I stream the official fansubs of Phantom from the Funimation site... it's ad free and comes out before most of the fansubbers subtitles. Unfortunately the only problem is the site isn't fast enough to keep up with the streaming so you gotta let it load for a while before starting to watch it.

    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:29 No.21317201
    So 90 seconds of karaoke is worse than 20 minutes of shitty video?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:29 No.21317206
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:32 No.21317229
    I clicked on the link hoping it would be something different.

    But it wasn't. Thread ruined.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:33 No.21317241
    >official fansubs

    Nice oxymoron you got there, bro.

    Also, regarding the FUNimation streams, links related:

    tl;dr FUNimation uses horribly inefficient codecs and has relatively huge filesizes for the quality they offer, which they could easily fix and save tons of money in bandwidth costs by doing so.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:33 No.21317244
    I'd buy anime if they put more than 3 episodes on a disc.

    And fuck buying anime on bluray. You could fit all of both series of Code Geass on one disc and they still only give us a few episodes on there. Fuck that.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:35 No.21317270
    You ever going to get tired of writing love letters to Funimation? You're acting like a butthurt stalker.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:36 No.21317277
    They must have hired Your-Mom.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:36 No.21317280
    I download subs because the alternative is paying ludicrous shipping fees and waiting weeks to get hold of a dvd box set, or only watching the limited variety of anime available in my country.

    Sites like funimation wont let me see what they are streaming for free since I am not in the US. Why should I support the US anime industry when they don't give a fuck about me?

    If I want to support an anime I get the DVD's from japan and use a subbers ASS files.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:37 No.21317298
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    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:38 No.21317310
    Lol wut? FUNimation is just easy to mock. How on earth would I be "butthurt" about what they do? They give me Phantom subtitles that allows me to watch the show in awesome quality about 24 hours after airing.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:39 No.21317327
    Well the thing that stops fuck ups most of all is BEING A COMPETENT TRANSLATOR. You obviously don't know jack about language if you think something would be mistranslated just because they don't watch the show which is a bullshit argument in the first place since they watch the show to sub it!
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:41 No.21317352

    Only Viz does that. Most anime DVD's have 4-5 eps per disc. Today that's not even an issue as most series coming out now are half season sets or the whole show at once for cheap rereleases.

    Subtitles or not, people on a/ are mostly retarded and will find ANYTHINg to justify not buying a show they like.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:42 No.21317369
    There are legal issues when dealing with distribution, dumbshit.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:44 No.21317404
    Daiz go make us proper encoding for Galaxy express
    funi has all 113 eps translated
    raws are on net
    do it
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:45 No.21317406
    And those "legal issues" are caused by the fact that the industry is still hopelessly clinging to the old and outdated model of regional licensing, which is fucking stupid in the modern age where the internet has made the world global. They only have themselves to blame for it.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:51 No.21317496
    Only faggots torrent anime,
    Streaming > Downloading,
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:52 No.21317508
    you should try harder.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:53 No.21317516
    Daiz your shitty fansubs get people DMCA'd what the fuck is this about?
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:55 No.21317530

    The market is cruel, but honest.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)10:55 No.21317533
    FUNimation teaming with BayTSP to bully leechers, which is fucking retarded considering they haven't even sent C&D to me. Solution to this is simple though, don't live in the US or alternatively XDCC.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:56 No.21317552
    >I'd buy anime if they put more than 3 episodes on a disc.

    What American company does this? I would actually love it if they did, because it sucks that they use shitty bitrates of ~5mbit to cram as many episodes on the disc as possible to please tasteless retards with vision problems like you while Japan gets nice crisp 9mbit video streams.

    >And fuck buying anime on bluray. You could fit all of both series of Code Geass on one disc and they still only give us a few episodes on there. Fuck that.

    Wow, you're a complete and utter retard. Why the hell would they put SD shows on a blu ray disc? Obviously bluray is going to have HD video. Or are you one of those morons who thinks that HD and SD video should have the same bitrates? Because having more pixels is so great when those pixels don't actually have any extra bits to encode them.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:58 No.21317576
    I don't buy. The end.

    If subtitling dies out, I will watch raws before buying.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)10:58 No.21317580
    BAWW more americunt
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:04 No.21317678
    Bullshit. An American company that wants to buy the rights to distribute in the American market does so. They are not going to buy distribution rights to fucking Guatemala and it's idiotic to expect to them to. There is absolutely no good reason to force anyone to sell all their DVD distribution rights to one company for the whole world and just throwing words like "clinging to old and outdated models" does not add credibility to what you are saying.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:04 No.21317680
    Why would they C&D people when they are offering the episode for free already? That's lame.

    You are just taking load off their already overloaded servers (they can't even stream the shows they offer, you have to let it finish loading before you can watch it). And also offering far better video quality so the show isn't spoiled by watching crappy video. I'd be much more likely to enjoy a show and thus consider purchasing it after watching it with decent fidelity.

    I'd suggest ripping the ads they show at the start of their streams and including that in the torrent but it appears their ads are region based, since I got an ad for a Canadian ISP when I checked out their site.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:07 No.21317714
    You don't "get" business, do you? I think it would be best if you just stopped posting.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)11:07 No.21317722
    Buying DVD distribution rights to one country makes sense, but selling "internet distribution rights" in the same package is fucking stupid. The regional licensing model DOES NOT WORK when dealing with the internet. Period. Revenue sharing and global distribution makes a lot more sense for internet distribution, yet for some reason the industry wants to keep the model of regional licensing around even on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:09 No.21317753
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 05/17/09(Sun)11:11 No.21317778
    >Greg Ayres' panel on fansubs and how downloading them is harmful for the anime industry.

    I can tell from just the description how bullshit this is going to be.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:14 No.21317822
    No I don't like to fill my already little shelfspace with bulky DVDs when I can slap a couple dozen bookcases worth of DVDs onto a few harddrives.

    I also live in an asian country with english as my primary language so buying local DVDs would be stupid as I can't fucking understand them.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:15 No.21317837
         File :1242573334.jpg-(1.06 MB, 1657x782, DVD colle05.jpg)
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    >>21317552What American company does this? I would actually love it if they did, because it sucks that they use shitty bitrates of ~5mbit to cram as many episodes on the disc as possible to please tasteless retards with vision problems like you while Japan gets nice crisp 9mbit video streams.

    This is true. 4-5 eps a disc (6 if it's an old show that's sub only) isn't going to be a problem but Funimation lately has been putting 13 eps worth of episodes on TWO discs when three-four is the norm. I've been hearing that Negima Season 2 has has some problems due to this. Companies are now forced to make their DVD releases SO compact but in the end the quality of the product suffers.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:19 No.21317879
    Seems to be working fine for Hulu & iplayer.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:21 No.21317906
    >Obviously bluray is going to have HD video.
    That's bullshit. SD profits from h.264 and you could fit lots of SD material in decent bitrates on one BD.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:21 No.21317907
    I think the problem with traditional distribution companies is that they want to exercise monopoly rights on the licenses they own. It's really the same problem with old music labels and movie studios who are used to having a monopoly on anything they produce.

    Companies have not yet adapted to the reality that illegal distribution is a legitimate competitor. They don't understand that they have to actually be competitive in the marketplace.

    Offering atrocious video quality for free might seem generous to people who are used to having monopoly powers, but it is an absolute joke when their competitors are offering excellent softsubbed video for free.

    Companies could easily make a lot of money if they understood the concept of being competitive. If they offered things in a higher quality than fansubbers at a reasonable price a lot of people would be willing to pay as long as it came with ease of use and fast dedicated servers so they didn't have to bother with p2p distribution. It would also be nice to have an account with your shows tied to it, so you could download it quickly in a variety of formats anywhere you are. People would not have to store files just to ensure they can still access them after the torrents have died.

    Companies would also have the benefit of being "first". All things being equal I bet that a lot of people would pay for instant gratification instead of waiting for an illegal copy of the licensors shows to come up. Especially if they saw people on their favourite anime discussion sites discussing the show before illegal copies have even made their way to the regular distribution channels.
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:21 No.21317908
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    I still pirate...
    >> Anonymous 05/17/09(Sun)11:21 No.21317916
    Just saying something "DOES NOT WORK" doesn't make it so. It's simple. If an American company buys the rights to distribute in North America and then starts broadcasting it over the internet to where ever then they are distributing the product to places that they do not have the rights to distribute. The company that bought the rights to distribute in, let's say Germany, is not going to like the fact that some one is distributing their product in a place that the German company paid for. It's not hard to understand!

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