time for some copypsata
05/12/09(Tue)19:13 No. 21208081 Do kids need religion? NO typically
kids will need some instruction on basic values, right and wrong etc,
but you can easily do this without bringing religion into it first you have to understand why religions are created in the first place there
are certian questions like "why are we here?" and "what's my purpose in
life?" that simply cannot be answered in scientific terms. and some
people can't handle the fact that maybe they don't actually have any
reason to exist, that they are insignifigant to the universe and the
"grand scheme of things" they can't handle the idea that the universe doesnt necessarily revolve around them they want to feel important because they are insecure and afraid of eventuallities like death so they create religions in nearly every religion you will find that somehow, humans are the most important thing, god loves you etc. fucking pathetic they simply cant cope with their own insignifigance so
they invent religion to tell them "everything's OK, you're gonna be
fine, and guess what? when you die you go to a happy place and live
forever!!!" "AND GOD LOVES YOU!!!" thats the type of thought I would attribute to a 5 year old brat on ritilin and
yet the religious people have been spoonfed this crap for so long, that
they believe it to be absolutely true, and attack anyone who cliams
otherwise this is how wars begin people!!!! the irony of it all is that they are viciously fighting to defend their "beliefs" which by definition CANNOT BE PROVEN they've invented reasons to kill eachother, all while spouting hyppocritical bullshit like "thou shalt not kill" I'm not against beliefs those are fine as long as you can accept the fact that you might be wrong its
when people gather together to form a religion that they declare their
shared beliefs to be fact and then the problems start to arise beliefs are fine religion is bad and the only difference between a cult and a religion is that one has tax-exempt status the end