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  • File :1239302661.jpg-(113 KB, 1280x720, 1238627931562.jpg)
    113 KB Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:44 No.20351191  
    K-ON-dropped, not interesting, toradora was better

    Dragon Ball Kai- well since its only 100 eps.


    Basquash- usually i wouldnt watch an anime about robots playing basketball, but for some reason i didnt hate it.

    FMA Brotherhood- the way the anime should have been.

    Pandora Hearts- was gonna drop, then the end of the episode got interesting.

    Shangri La- on probation with me. the concept has potential, but watching man ladies disarm trained military soldiers with kisses made me lose faith in the world.

    Valkyria Chronicles- overall ok it will probably get better, although peoples shirts and hair all had the same weird texture...dont know if want.

    Phantom- kinda like if they made an anime of miami vice. alright tho.

    Mazinger- ...what?

    it looks like only K-ON didnt make the cut.

    not because its moe, because its shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:45 No.20351217
    no one cares
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:45 No.20351222
    >although peoples shirts and hair all had the same weird texture...dont know if want.

    Assuming you speak of what I think you speak of, that's just them throwing in an effect that the original game's graphic engine did.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.20351251
    makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.20351257
    >/a/ - suddenly blogs, thousands of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:47 No.20351270
    >but for some reason i didnt hate it.
    Roped in by flashy visuals and appealingly illogical boobies
    just like you were by general anime in the first place
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.20351286
    suddenly fuck you, a thousand times in the ass with a knife.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:48 No.20351299
    opinions about anime = lol blogging.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:51 No.20351348
    sorry for trying to start a discussion about the new seasons anime. i didnt know /a/ was so /b/ about shit nowadays.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:51 No.20351354
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:51 No.20351358
    >>FMA Brotherhood- the way the anime should have been.

    Wtf is wrong with you people. The first episode of the firs series was much, much more dramatic. Not saying FMA 2 first ep was bad, but it had this "bad guy of the week", "endless shounen"-feel. And too much overdone comedy.

    Roze's and the brothers' interaction and conflict (whoa, good guys against each other right off the bat) was cool and dramatic and the auto-mail revelation in the end was epic. It had the feel of shit's getting CASH.

    FMA 1 ep 1 was better. Not saying anything about the later progression.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.20351380
    no, dum-dum. It's not wrong to talk about anime in an anime board. Not everyone is a sheep dragged to whichever season's MOE MOE anime like you.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:52 No.20351384
    I agree with pretty much everything OP stated.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:53 No.20351405
    Do you not get the concept of character introduction?

    The next episode will be the real, canon first episode. This was just to draw in more people. From here out it'll be canon.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:54 No.20351420
    Why does everyone on /a/ seem to fly into a rage anytime some posts an opinion that differs even slightly from their own? Chill out guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:55 No.20351455
         File :1239303330.jpg-(183 KB, 1280x720, 01285964-photo-valkyria-chroni(...).jpg)
    183 KB
    >although peoples shirts and hair all had the same weird texture

    They were trying to imitate the Game's engine

    Did a decent job I guess
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:57 No.20351487
    it was kinda cool. it was different at least, something this seasons anime seem to be lacking
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:57 No.20351492
    Would you say Valkyria Chronicles is worth checking out?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.20351513
    why are you watching a 10 year old anime as if it were just airing
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)14:58 No.20351521
    its worth a shot. the first ep was a little slow, but it seems like it could end up being pretty good.
    >> !saGEru9Pbo 04/09/09(Thu)14:59 No.20351537
    yes. definitely yes
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:01 No.20351586
    If you've checked out FMA 2, Sengoku Basara, Basquash and K-ON (fuck you, I didn't like it but many of you DO!), yeah, go watch Valkyria. Season is pretty good so far.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:05 No.20351659
    Nobody talk about Guin Saga ;_;
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:06 No.20351692
    I'm fucking in love with Pandora Hearts and Basquash. I need to watch some of the other things for this season, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:07 No.20351717
    I like Guin Saga, but I don't expect /a/ to talk about it. It's fantasty and will most likely be a good show.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:08 No.20351738
    >Mazinger- ...what?

    you lost me faggot gb2/toradora/

    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:09 No.20351757
    Guin Saga and Sengoku Basara are probably the only shows I'll keep watching.

    Been a while since there's a show like Guin, it's fucking awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:10 No.20351773

    While I enjoyed the first episode, the personallity of the characters seemed a little forced. I'm assuming this is going to be "characters while war is going on" instead of "war with characters having to deal".
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:12 No.20351846

    They want to rear in new fans to boost game sale but also appease the game fans (which is why Edy is in the anime...)

    So it's going to be a pretty awkward mix I think
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:13 No.20351852
    yeah valkyria is mostly about kawaii characters than war. The story isn't bad, but it is nothing spectacular, just like every video game. The game is awesome due to the great gameplay.

    so yeah, the worst thing you could do is go into this show/game expecting band of brothers. Because it is nothing like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:16 No.20351929
    watch Asura Cry'n it was surprisingly good
    >> HOWLING !7kG4LIurEc 04/09/09(Thu)15:18 No.20351996
    >not watching Cross Game
    >being amazed at itself for watching 10 shows at the same time
    >subtle K-ON thread
    >Soul Eater pic
    Get yourself a blog or something.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:19 No.20352001
    whos subs did you guys use for guin saga? i couldnt find any
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:19 No.20352027
    mistwalker. it is on TT
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:22 No.20352080

    But it's not like the show couldn't benefit from more fleshed out story/characters. This is about the time I remember that I'm watching anime and forget about what I said.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:22 No.20352100
    Downloading now. I figure I might as well, I have more than enough free time and if I end up enjoying it then that's great and if not then no big waste.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:23 No.20352102
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:23 No.20352105
    Nobody appreciates that you made this list, not one poster.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:24 No.20352134
    /a/ - Your own personal blog
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:27 No.20352207
    Tokyo toshokan

    Go back to /b/, faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:36 No.20352397
    I appreciate it.

    Fuck year! How dare they try to discuss varying opinions about anime on here. This board is for k-on, hank spam and trolling only!
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:44 No.20352588
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:48 No.20352658
    OP here, im getting Asura Cryin, and Guin saga as we speak. should i bother with these?
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:49 No.20352686
    I have not seen Guin Saga. Asura is fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/09/09(Thu)15:50 No.20352715

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