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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1239199497.jpg-(20 KB, 400x400, 69.jpg)
    20 KB Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:04 No.20317192  
    Does anyone want to talk to me about this anime?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:05 No.20317210
    /a/ doesn't talk about good anime.

    Enjoy your lesbian loli Jesus.

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:06 No.20317219
    I would but I'm only on EP 4.
    Maybe another day.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317230
    One of the best there is.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317231
    Does /a/ only talk about bad animes?

    Where should I go to talk to people about this one?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317234
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317238
    >> irulan !IBdmWfSrrg 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317240
    >lesbian loli Jesus.
    sounds like the most perfect formula for success
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317242
    Sorry, I hate confusing shit
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:07 No.20317243
    >/a/ doesn't talk about gPRESENT DAY
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:08 No.20317251
    I haven't watched it in years, but god I love the opening theme
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:08 No.20317258

    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:08 No.20317263
    I know... I really loved it. The artwork and animation is kinda sub-par for this day and age, but what they did with the artwork and animation was really creative and it looked brilliant despite being technically underwhelming
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:08 No.20317268
    The anime community doesn't talk about good anime in general, so you're pretty fucked. It's all moe, shounen, and mainstream bullshit.

    The best anime is often looked at then thrown away in favor of shit like Toradora and K-On.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:09 No.20317274
    Lain was not confusing.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:09 No.20317275
    And you don't seem to understand
    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 04/08/09(Wed)10:09 No.20317285
    I'd love to, Op. Which was your favorite episode?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:10 No.20317287
    A shame you seemed an honest man
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:10 No.20317289
    She's a bit of a robot-girl type of a character, and gets naked in the credits.

    Guess that makes her a little like Index.

    T.A.M. Index, though is more recent and has Biribiri, whereas Lain only has Suicide Girl, so Index is more popular.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:10 No.20317294
    I bought the box set of this, I wish I hadn't, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. Scene where Lain watches whats her face schlicking was good though, or was that the bad guys pretending to be her? Messed up poo poo.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:10 No.20317298
    And all the fears you hold so dear
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:11 No.20317306
    Will turn to whisper in your ear
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:11 No.20317311
    You're comparing Lain to Index? Really?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:11 No.20317319
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    >Comparing Lain to Index
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:12 No.20317322
    I didn't really have a favorite episode... I just watched the whole thing at once and really enjoyed the whole thing. I like the philosophical aspects of it and like when it says we only have bodies to verify we exist and stuff. Also the part where her sister is at the top of the stairs talking into her hand and then she suddenly disappears was really cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:12 No.20317326
    I watched like 2 episodes on this channel no one fucking knew about that showed like, 2 hours of anime every monday. They played cool stuff tho. Dual, Girugamesh, miko prist with purple hair that cut it off-- a mecha anime thing. Oh, and this one where there on this ship and everythings dark and it's this psycho episode talking about fear or something. (if anyone knows what I'm talking about, feel free to tell me, I want to see it again.) Yeah, anyway, I thought my head was gonna explode. Shit confused the hell out of me.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:12 No.20317327
    And you know what they say might hurt you
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:13 No.20317341
    And you know that it means so much
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:13 No.20317343
    >lesbian loli Jesus

    sums it up quite well
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:13 No.20317344
    Remember that Lain is from 1998, and still is not completely forgotten.

    I know what you're saying though, sigh.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:14 No.20317358
    >I refuse to challenge myself to attempt to infer information regarding plot and character development
    >I am unwilling to put forth effort to understand even basic themes that are presented in a way that does not involve a character or narrator directly explaining them
    >I think that coasting through life without even attempting to use my intellect is a winning strategy that will result in great rewards in the future
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:14 No.20317359
    And you don't even feel a thing
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:14 No.20317370
    I am falling, I am fading, I have lost it all
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:15 No.20317375

    Boogiepop Phantom (some of the same team as Lain, and a similar feel) was fucking confusing, as they basically expected most audiences to either have read the novels or not care.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:15 No.20317386
    In most entertainment communities ample attention is given to classics and the best regardless of time period. The anime community seems to defy this for the next moe of the month.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:16 No.20317400
    And you don't seem the lying kind
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:16 No.20317402
    Niea_7 was superior and I've never seen a single Niea thread on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:16 No.20317410
    I got boogiepop phantom more than lain. Basically some ghost possesing kids at random and using their bodies to hunt demon things. At least, that's what I picked up in the 2 vol. I've read.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:17 No.20317413
    A shame that I can read your mind
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:18 No.20317435
    where can i get this?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:18 No.20317448
    It's on realitylapse
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:19 No.20317454
    Overrated shit
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:19 No.20317464
    I loved NieA ;_;

    Everyone I've told about it were turned off because of the MANRY opening theme.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:20 No.20317468
    It's normal for shows that are currently AIRING to get the most discussion, it's normal for pretty much every sort of media out there.
    Lain got ample discussions back in the days.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:20 No.20317479

    I vomited.
    Use boxtorrents.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:20 No.20317481
    And all the things that I read there
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:21 No.20317496
    I have, twice. Though, I think I started one of them.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:21 No.20317501
    Candle-lit smile that we both share
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:22 No.20317509
    And you know I don't mean to hurt you
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:22 No.20317514
    You kidding me, there seems to be an Eva thread at least once a day.
    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 04/08/09(Wed)10:22 No.20317515
    Well, I too appreciated and enjoyed its philosophical and psychological elements.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:23 No.20317524
    But you know that it means so much
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:23 No.20317528
    Each good show gets like 1 thread every couple of days. I've pretty much found that good anime doesn't get discussed until after the season is over.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:23 No.20317529
    What is there really to discuss about NieA?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:25 No.20317567
    And you don't even feel a thing...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:25 No.20317569
         File :1239200713.jpg-(17 KB, 200x248, Niea_7.jpg)
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    Picture spam!

    Really, ABe is one of the few "cute girl" artists I like because he uses natural colours and not wacky neon and pastel like what is the norm for anime.
    >> Exile !lulzsP3zP. 04/08/09(Wed)10:25 No.20317575
    I watched it so long ago I don't really remember, but when I've gone through it I wanted to discuss it too.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:25 No.20317581
    I am falling, I am fading, I am drowning, help me to breathe
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:26 No.20317584
         File :1239200770.jpg-(26 KB, 320x311, circle-01.jpg)
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    >miko prist with purple hair that cut it off-- a mecha anime thing.

    Sakura Wars?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:26 No.20317590
    I am hurting, I have lost it all, I am losing, help me to breathe...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:27 No.20317605
    I don't think so... I think it started with an M...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:29 No.20317648
    I don't even have any pictures... what have you got?
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:31 No.20317680

    Kannazuki no Miko
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:32 No.20317699

    Start here.
    >> Saber_is_mai_waifu !mgdbCGYnF6 04/08/09(Wed)10:32 No.20317704
    Lain is still known as the biggest mind fuck out there. Or has something beat it that I'm not aware of? Most likely not.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:33 No.20317727
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    >> Iceman !qYswBxs6mk 04/08/09(Wed)10:33 No.20317730
    No, definitely not.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:34 No.20317745
    I meant for NieA actually... but Lain is fine too
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:34 No.20317751
         File :1239201286.png-(123 KB, 491x540, 1239119111598.png)
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    Eva is probably the most important anime of the last 30 years though. And it has Asuka and Kaworu which were the greatest anime couple ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:35 No.20317771
    Try watching Cat Soup.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:36 No.20317781
    >And it has Asuka and Kaworu which were the greatest anime couple ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:36 No.20317782
    uh... maybe? I'd have to see a picture of it...
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:37 No.20317804
    He was arguing that the classics were never discussed.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:38 No.20317822
         File :1239201519.jpg-(2.38 MB, 2295x3327, 694ddbb42cb020d2bafb7cc797dc4b(...).jpg)
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    Lain is loev.
    She also stares into your soul.

    And sees you fapping. No, seriously
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:40 No.20317861
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    More proof of their love for you.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:40 No.20317863
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    They're out there. You just have to find them.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:41 No.20317889
    Hey, if she wants to watch, that's her choice. Not sure what she would get out of it though.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:42 No.20317900
    Its weird, but I think most of /a/ cant really get their heads around Lain (outside of wanking to the loli like a faggot).
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:43 No.20317928
    I approve of this thread; for once, no loli.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:44 No.20317962
    It's not weird, /a/ is full of people who were either too young to talk when Lain first aired or are too stupid to understand it now, or both.
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:46 No.20317996
    Oh thanks... I hope there's some cool artwork
    >> Anonymous 04/08/09(Wed)10:47 No.20318009
    I wouldn't say most by any means. There are certainly those in /a/ like that though. Doesn't mean we have to welcome them with open arms.

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