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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238907845.jpg-(264 KB, 800x598, untitled_01.jpg)
    264 KB FMA STREAM 04/05/09(Sun)01:04 No.20213754  
    So... are we getting any stream of this baby today or should I just go to bed?

    come on /a/!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:05 No.20213781
    I'm sure there will be one by the time it airs. There's still 3 hours left.
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:07 No.20213841
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:08 No.20213868
    Hmm, what show shall be spammed more in the next 24 hours? K-ON or FMA?

    My money's on the dweeb.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:11 No.20213926

    K-on has been already spamed to dead.


    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:12 No.20213971
    This is slipping into Gundam 00 S2/Code Geass R2's timeslot, right? So, TBS at 4 AM?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:15 No.20214035
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:16 No.20214072
    I have an admission to make, I've never seen FMA before. Is this a good time to start?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:17 No.20214110
    So what, this is a remake of the first series? Like, new/extra scenes or something?

    Or is it a continuation?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:17 No.20214120

    Yes my friend.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:18 No.20214140
    So freshverse will prolly be streaming it then.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:18 No.20214144
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:19 No.20214149
    It's like a remake that reverses the gender of ALL of the characters and ed is moe moreso than ever.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:20 No.20214190
    >>20214149gender swappan

    wait, what?
    >> Russia is my Significant Other !!2YW0PJZXbhy 04/05/09(Sun)01:20 No.20214212
    It's got fucking fantastic characters and is immensely fun to watch. Yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:21 No.20214227

    It's not really a "remake" I guess. It's an anime version of the manga's story.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:21 No.20214235

    Hahaha. NO.


    It's a remake, but dont worry, this time it will follow completely the manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:25 No.20214320

    would you kindly share the url pretty please?

    thank you.
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:25 No.20214348
    >It's not really a "remake" I guess
    >It's a remake

    Who the fuck cares? It's fuckin' FMA!

    It's going to be good no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:27 No.20214382
    2.5 hours, right?

    /a/ sure isn't hyping it as much as I would have thought...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:27 No.20214395
    >Who the fuck cares? It's fuckin' FMA!
    >It's going to be good no matter what.
    One thing: MOVIE.
    Now never ever say something thoughtless like this again.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:27 No.20214415
    dub is superior
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:28 No.20214423

    well IT IS a remake

    not in the literal way...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:28 No.20214435
    >It's a remake, but dont worry, this time it will follow completely the manga.
    No it won't. See: Issac.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:29 No.20214471
    Just for the first episode.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:29 No.20214480
    >>20214227It's an anime version of the manga's story.
    >>20214235this time it will follow completely the manga.

    Oh god, is this gonna be another 200 episode series?
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:29 No.20214489
    The movie was decent. Not top notch but good enough to still enjoy it.

    Most people who watch it would not care.

    Yeah but this Anon can't wait.
    >> Jake the Jackal !6kgj/OnyWw 04/05/09(Sun)01:30 No.20214496
    I got an A on my Neuro test, set up a new computer, ate lots of good free food, and FMA is starting up again. Fuck yes, you are the best day ever!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:30 No.20214497

    Wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:30 No.20214513
    Are you implying fma is good? I mean it turned to angst shit real quick last time around.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:30 No.20214516
    I strongly disagree, you Risembool Ranger, you.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:31 No.20214547
    the fuck are you talkin about?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:31 No.20214549
    The manga's not finished yet but it's only gonna be around 100 chapters. It's at chapter 93 right now and it's in the last arc.
    >> Jake the Finch !6kgj/OnyWw 04/05/09(Sun)01:31 No.20214554
    It's going to diverge from the manga for the beginning, lest we see the first half of the first series again. However, I'm guessing that once it comes time for Hughes to kick the bucket, it'll veer straight back to the manga storyline. (And it will, since we see Father and the other Homunculi on that poster.)
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:32 No.20214580
    The mangas doesn't even have 100 chapters and it is about to end.
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:32 No.20214584
    Good can vary from anon to anon. I'm just saying that it's not some cookie cutter, moe and fan-service laced show that's spoon-fed to the masses each week.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:33 No.20214620
    This thread is relevant to my interests... will be waiting for anon to deliver here.
    >> Russia is my Significant Other !!2YW0PJZXbhy 04/05/09(Sun)01:33 No.20214624
    Boy I love hard-hitting racial commentary in my fantasy anime
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:34 No.20214636

    Manga is not that long
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:34 No.20214639
    Anime-only character. The first episode is going to be anime original to kind of give a new, different introduction to the characters. Apparently (this is just heresay) they're going straight back to the regular story starting with Lior in episode 2.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:34 No.20214646
    Yeah all I was saying is it was a good permise but went down a cliff after a while. But k-on shit is so horrible right now. Fucky kyoani
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 04/05/09(Sun)01:34 No.20214654
    If you hurry, you'll probably be able to marathon it before subs for the new one come out.
    >> 'Rei !YbEJUN2Ens 04/05/09(Sun)01:36 No.20214710
    That's like 50 something episodes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:36 No.20214711
    True. Movie was shit.
    Pandered to the Elricest shippers.

    Best part of the movie was Nazi-Hughes and that crazy German bitch... Eckhart or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:36 No.20214715
    Can you faggots go one thread without insulting a show from another genre? Jesus fucking christ.
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:36 No.20214722
    >Yeah all I was saying is it was a good permise but went down a cliff after a while.

    Did you forget? It's because the manga wasn't finished yet!
    It's like trying to wrap up a show using filler content. It ain't going to be good no matter how hard you try.

    BTW, can we all at least agree that the manga is good?
    >> Russia is my Significant Other !!2YW0PJZXbhy 04/05/09(Sun)01:37 No.20214769
    It looked more like Ed was mildly annoyed by the real Al coming back
    Like it matters anyway, he was out of character like everyone else in the cast with the exception of Al and Nazi Hughes
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:38 No.20214788
    No. I won't agree with you out of principal if you say the anime is shit but the manga is good. Manga isn't any better. It draws out in parts and the existence of a big good and big bad is very cliche. Also, the manga seems to have forgotten what its themes are. Anime never did.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:39 No.20214797


    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:40 No.20214850
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    Anime was good up until they ran out of content from the manga. 'Nuff said.

    NO U!
    >> Russia is my Significant Other !!2YW0PJZXbhy 04/05/09(Sun)01:41 No.20214866
    Almost forgot, Hitler was in-character too
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:42 No.20214892
    which channel in keyhole ?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:44 No.20214950

    are we having a stream or not?
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 04/05/09(Sun)01:44 No.20214964
    Alrighty, any clue who's fansubbing this stuff? I needs me some new-style FMA.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:44 No.20214967

    I was waiting for one of these pics to re-surface... good job, anon.


    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:45 No.20214981
    >BTW, can we all at least agree that the manga is good?
    No but yes.
    >Also, the manga seems to have forgotten what its themes are. Anime never did.
    There are no theme, it's a quest for redemption and fixing mistakes. One of the way to do so is by avoiding that things repeat themselves. See how everyone need to fix something and all their goals need one thing: Get rid of Father.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:45 No.20214991
    >Anime was good up until they ran out of content from the manga. 'Nuff said.
    It was "good" the whole way through. At least as good as the manga. If you say the manga is supremely better than the anime, you're kidding yourself. The anime wrapped itself up well for having nothing to go on. The introduction of the xingese characters was worse than the other side of the gate.
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:46 No.20215011
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    >No but yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:46 No.20215018
    >there are no themes
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:47 No.20215040
    By this I mean that /a/ is NEVER able to agree on anything.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:49 No.20215080
    I loved the movie, aside from Roy's sudden depression and Ed having to destroy the gate from the other side. It was hardly a neccessary production, but it was fun like hell.

    I like the first series and the manga equally. The manga has a more fleshed out world, but the anime had a lot of interesting ideas and stayed truer to its themes without getting trapped in the mire the manga was in for a long while.

    Still, looking forward to the new series. Father is in the first episode!
    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:49 No.20215083
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    Riiiight. I guess we're forgetting about one of the more bad ass characters from the manga then. Darn...

    Ok, point taken.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:51 No.20215126
    you probly watched the anime before reading the manga, which explains your preference
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:52 No.20215133
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    I can't wait for the ninja girl porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:52 No.20215146
    No. The only good manga-exclusive badass is Olivia Armstrong. Ling is a total faggot. Original greed was much better.

    Also, manga scar is shit compared to anime scar.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:53 No.20215160

    I never liked Ling, he's a little too much like Ed, but not Ed. Clearly Arakawa ran out of ideas for him since she made him Greed. And then hasn't done anything with it. It wouldn't even make sense for Father to revive a homunuculi that already rebelled against him once.

    Ran Fan is awesome, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:53 No.20215161
    where did u get info on this issac character?
    as far as i know 1st ep hasn't aired yet
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:54 No.20215181
    No, I read the manga first. Or, at least, what existed of the manga. And for the record I've never watched FMA dubbed, if that's your next wild accusation.

    The manga simply isn't much better than the anime, if it's better at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:54 No.20215197

    I dont follow the manga

    what is this "father" you are talking about?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:54 No.20215198
    Why not use TVAnts? It's not a bad program. Certainly preferable to Keyhole.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:55 No.20215231
    Will there be miniskirts?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215247

    I'm new to TVants, anon. Can you help me? What channel am I supposed to use?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215258
    >Arakawa ran out of ideas for him since she made him Greed. And then hasn't done anything with it.

    This, really. Dude's done nothing but close one eye or the other.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215263
    4 AM? Fuck that shit man, I'm already struggling to stay awake.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215264
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    >> 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215271
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    Meh, I need some sleep.

    I guess I can expect some zero hour subs in the mornin'.

    Can't wait!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215274
    the anime and manga of FMA both have their strong points. personally i think the anime could have used more Psiren though.

    the manga is one of the best i have read.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:56 No.20215275

    Father is the force behind the homunuculi in the manga. Much cooler than Dante, and I'm a fan of the first series.

    I'm probably spoiling too much, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:57 No.20215289
    I want to see the xing loli fantasy love triangle animated
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:57 No.20215296

    He's in the trailers
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)01:58 No.20215318
    As someone who watched the anime without reading the manga I agree that they did a good job with what they did. Haters of the latter half of the FMA were just embittered by the manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:00 No.20215373

    I'm hoping he shows up again to take on one of the other homunuculi.

    Father's pretty stupid, though, making another Greed that also rebelled. I'd like to think he has some greater plan in mind.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:00 No.20215388
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    >Father is the force behind the homunuculi in the manga. Much cooler than Dante, and I'm a fan of the first series.
    But Dante, my man.
    Dante was hot.
    God, I am such a fag but she made me fap furiously.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:02 No.20215414
    I'm excited. I've never been a part of one of these streaming things before, please let me know about a url when the time is ready!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:02 No.20215439
    can u give me the youtube link for it? there are quite a few trailers i don't know which one he's in
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:02 No.20215446

    'kay thanks.

    so... 2 hours left huh?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:03 No.20215456
    ...Hey man, I wanted to screw Envy. Don't feel bad.
    >> Natsume !Cr9FR9aB7g 04/05/09(Sun)02:03 No.20215460
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    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:03 No.20215465
    Second. Can someone post the link to the TBS channel?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:03 No.20215475

    Lyra was hot. Dante just pulled a Grand Theft Body.

    It's too bad she won't even make an appearance in this new series. As much as I disliked the dub of the first, I'd like to think of Monica Rial getting more work.

    There are a lot of other things I like to think of Monica Rial doing, too.
    >> mm !FKk4keqK9w 04/05/09(Sun)02:04 No.20215511
    guys, which group is gonna sub FMA: Brotherhood?
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 04/05/09(Sun)02:05 No.20215514
    Fuck you, Ling is great. Original greed is waaaay better, but Ling is still in my top ten awesome characters in all anime.

    But what anime-exclusive characters were there, huh? You've got the dead mom version of Sloth (Yawn, she's a mindless character, and not even hot), That retarded Frank character who replaced Hughes (He was okay, I guess, until they jumped the shark by making him a fucking cyborg) and Dante, the psychobitch. Oh, and that whiny kid with Ed's leg and arm. He was pretty annoying, but at least he represented wrath, unlike the anime version of sloth.

    The Xingese characters kick the hell out of the anime-exclusives, hands down.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:05 No.20215531

    >> mm !FKk4keqK9w 04/05/09(Sun)02:06 No.20215557
    but aren't they dubbing it?
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 04/05/09(Sun)02:07 No.20215564
    Which isn't?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:07 No.20215576
    Romi Paku's voice sounds even better in the commercials for this, more intense. I'm also glad they kept around the voices for Armstrong, Bradley, and Hughes. New Roy sounds decent, too.

    I can't wait for the Ishbal war flashback portions. Those will be episodes of concentrated win.
    >> Sudo !nAoZUmIAfk 04/05/09(Sun)02:07 No.20215586
    Someone will still sub it, regardless of C&D orders.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:08 No.20215618
    Why fucking bother, everyone is streaming the damn show.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:09 No.20215630


    psiren > all
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:09 No.20215635

    Anime version of Sloth represented the brother's sloth in thinking the little training they did was enough to exchange for their mom's life. Anyway, that it was a sin they had to fix in the form of their mother was great, and she got a great end.

    But yeah, most of the other anime-only characters were sort of poor.
    >> The Truth !!qP/UHp6zcpH 04/05/09(Sun)02:10 No.20215648
    enjoy your shitty redo of the first 12 episodes of the first series with new animation.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:10 No.20215651

    This one I think - http://video.yahoo.com/watch/4766528
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:11 No.20215676
    i thought only ed and al's VA are the same?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:11 No.20215686
    >The Xingese characters kick the hell out of the anime-exclusives
    No. I agree that the wrath kid was shit but the sloth mom and Archer both fit well with the anime's overall tone. Speaking of characters who enjoy war, anime kimblee was also superior.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:11 No.20215697

    They're not dubbing it yet, that takes time. First they'll have the subtitled version up on their site.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:12 No.20215718

    I disagree on Kimbley. He has more of a philosophy in the manga, other than just wanting to blow everything up. That speech he gave to Roy was great.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:13 No.20215728

    full version of the ED
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:13 No.20215733
    1 hour 46 min

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:13 No.20215738
    Hell no, anime Kimblee was fucking terrible. Just another cliche "mad bomber" character.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:13 No.20215746
    All this F5ing of 4chan threads to find out when it is up is tiring!
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:14 No.20215753

    I actually think Shinichiro Miki will be a fine Mustang
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:14 No.20215759
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    <--- epic win
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 04/05/09(Sun)02:15 No.20215784
    Hmm, never heard it put that way. I don't think they ever mentioned it like that in the anime, but then, it's been ages since I watched it. It's still a really tenuous connection, unlike the manga sloth who is so lazy he puts the guy from Welcome to the NHK to shame.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:15 No.20215786

    If me and my fellow Slayersfags could get subs despite Funi's C&D orders, then there will most definitely be subs for FMA.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:16 No.20215822

    > Roy's sudden depression...

    See, this is actually one of the parts of the movie that DId make sense to me. It was classic post-traumatic stress syndrome. Making Roy's out-of-character depression make sense in context of how the series ended.

    Roy felt that he failed in many ways. He failed to become Fuhrer, he failed to save the Ed, and he failed to save Selim. He just sort of broke down.

    Although Emo!Roy WAS incredibly annoying, it made sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:16 No.20215826
    can any1 cfm this?
    i mean what he said about armstrong, bradley and hughes having the same VA, cause i heard somewhere that only ed and al have the same VA
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:16 No.20215833
    I like Scar better in the first series. It feels like he just sort of became irrelevant in the manga, and is now just a walking plot device rather than a character. I liked Lust, better too. Izumi also seemed more important in the first series.

    Winry seems to be more on the ball in the manga, but I never liked Winry to begin with, she just seemed wedged in as a love interest for Edward.

    Anyway, less about comparisons and more about the new series, for fuck's sake. I wonder who'll play Father. Same voice as Hohenheim?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:16 No.20215836
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:18 No.20215884
    Maybe you have a point there, but the xingese characters are both shit. Sloth and Archer in the anime were fine. Anime sloth certainly > manga sloth.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:18 No.20215892
    www.freshverse.com , which will most likely have it on.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:18 No.20215893

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:18 No.20215895

    Both Sloths make sense. The manga Sloth is actually really fast, but moves slowly. The waste of potential is also Sloth.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:20 No.20215926

    Wasn't the part about how Mustang killed Winry's parents during the Ishbal war also not the case in the manga?
    >> mm !FKk4keqK9w 04/05/09(Sun)02:20 No.20215929
    yeah, but will we be able to download their episodes in hd?
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 04/05/09(Sun)02:20 No.20215930
    I kinda agree with you, but I also agree with him. In the original anime ending (Pre-movie) they mention Roy becoming Fuhrer, and having the eyepatch from his battle (That got me to giggle, but looking back it was kinda cheesy.) They even showed him in that last ending theme smiling, if memory serves.

    Then you go to watch the movie, and he's suddenly all emo and shit. It would have made sense, but only if they didn't have him being all fine and dandy at the end of the old series.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:20 No.20215936

    Speaking of which anyone see that video of Vic Mignogna meeting Romi Paku? Despite the presence of Vic it's a very 'D'AWWWWWWWWWWW' sort of video.

    Especially towards the end when it's like

    Vic: "Say hello.."
    Romi: "SAY HERRO.."
    Vic: "...to Risembool Rangers."

    lol'd and AWWWWWW'd so hard at the fact that Romi even repeated the 'Say' part.

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:21 No.20215941
    I'm just worried if this will get subbed or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:22 No.20215972

    No, it didn't make sense, because he was perfectly happy in the epilogue of the series.

    Also, I just realized that Selim died in the anime. I always assumed he just had his neck broken, which people can survive.

    I mean, why would Roy bother carrying out a dead kid from a fire? If he's already dead, why bother?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:22 No.20215985
    Yeah, I don't think it was. And that was a good part of the anime.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:24 No.20216012
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    There is currently a soccer game going on. I'm hoping for some FMA later.


    Don't worry, it WILL get subbed
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:24 No.20216025
    Anime series was absolute shit, manga is ten times superior. Shut up about it already. Obvious trolling is obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:25 No.20216045
    I'm not sure I can trust Freshverse. TVAnts is on standby just in case.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:25 No.20216053
    An irrational emotional act
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:26 No.20216066

    Which is why the first anime was tremendously popular both Japan and here, even in 4chan?

    Face it, though the manga might be better, the first series was still good.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:26 No.20216070
    currently on what I think is the right channel.
    I'm watching what I think is a Japanese family living in America, they were just heading through walmart asking people engrish to find shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:26 No.20216077
    No, it wasn't him.

    Scar did it (or at least she thinks he did, my memory of the details is fuzzy). The scene when Winry confronts him about it is one of my favorite in the whole manga.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:27 No.20216082
    Irrational? People like to have bodies to bury. That's about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:27 No.20216110

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:28 No.20216111

    I guess. But it's weird, every time I watched it, I always assumed Selim lived.

    I wonder if they'll be using the same voice actor for Selim in the new series, considering he has a lot bigger role.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:28 No.20216119
    manga sloth is DEFINITELY superior
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:28 No.20216122
    so wikipedia says this is on MBS and TBS, will it be on at the same time, or will it be a macross frontier type deal where its on mbs an hour before it hits tbs?

    just asking cuz keyhole only has tbs
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:29 No.20216161

    Using TVants, watching 日本>TBS, should be near the top of the list.

    Not even sure if this is the right channel anymore, but she's now cooking.

    She was talking about the produce department a minute ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:30 No.20216179
    Why would they? Most of the voice actors have been replaced. Al and Ed are the same, that's about it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:32 No.20216230
    apparently armstrong, bradley and hughes have the same VA too
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:32 No.20216231
    r34 on them.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:33 No.20216253
    >Why not use TVAnts? It's not a bad program. Certainly preferable to Keyhole.

    please give link to tvants
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:34 No.20216270

    Fuhrer Bradley, Alex Louis Armstrong, and Maes Hughes also have the same voice talent.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:34 No.20216281
    O Hai Google
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:34 No.20216282

    Now in commercials, and these are so fucking awesome.

    Guy was sitting on a giant lemon, twisting it for juice. It was an ad for mints.

    There was another with 30 seconds of makeup shit, but it became something you put in tea like a coffee creamer.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:34 No.20216290


    And all I had to do was Google it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:36 No.20216333

    She should have ended him.

    Romi Paku >>>>>>>>>>> Vic Mignogna
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:37 No.20216356
    1h 22m
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:38 No.20216388
    Jesus, Vic is such a douche.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:39 No.20216429
    So freshverse is gonna be streaming it, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:40 No.20216436
    which tv network is transmitting it in keyhole ??
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:41 No.20216475
    TBS/MBS, folks. 4:00 AM EST in U.S.

    Try Freshverse, but don't trust them. TVAnts is better chance. Keyhole is last resort.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:42 No.20216487
    is the correct channel the one with a doctor making diagnostics of a baseball player?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:43 No.20216519

    That's what I'm watching, so I hope it's right.

    Whatever he has it's fucking serious.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:43 No.20216528
    Thanks, that helped. I'm pretty sure searching for 日本>TBS gets the right channel.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:46 No.20216579
    Welp, an announcement just showed up on freshverse, they're not showing it. TvAnts it is.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:48 No.20216639
    "Sorry, tonight we are airing a PPV MMA event for an affiliate. There are many other places to check out this evenings programming though, just check the usual sources. If you are here to watch Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Fullmetal Alchemist, I'm sorry, we won't be showing it this week because of the event. Slayers Evolution-R will be on tomorrow though, isn't it the finale?"

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:49 No.20216651
    is it normal to find a trojan horse downloader from tvants?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:49 No.20216670
    That totally sounds like the one BGM from Gundam 00.

    On TVAnts
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:50 No.20216675

    Seems it's an operation that must be carefully performed by removing white shit from his spine with a q-tip, without hitting the nerve.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:51 No.20216729
    TVAnts is the way to go, it looks.
    >> HorribleRaws 04/05/09(Sun)02:52 No.20216744
    We're gonna be streaming it.

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:53 No.20216768
    >> Russia is my Significant Other !!2YW0PJZXbhy 04/05/09(Sun)02:53 No.20216778
    Holy fuck I raged hard when he made her say "Colonel Mustang is sexy in a miniskirt"
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:54 No.20216797
    TVants has viruses in the popups

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:55 No.20216815

    link posted in another thread, is showing different shit than the TVants channel i'm on

    Confused now.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:56 No.20216831

    awesome. just dont stop the streaming before the show starts.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:56 No.20216840
    Nevermind, my other stream is just behind.
    >> Red_Fox 04/05/09(Sun)02:56 No.20216846
    ed got shorter, al got fatter...
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:57 No.20216861
    Axe does not increase my ability to mate!
    >> HorribleRaws 04/05/09(Sun)02:58 No.20216881
    we don't plan on stopping
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:58 No.20216891
    My god, I just saw the most awesome Mentos ad ever.

    Anyone not already watching this stream should now kill themselves for not seeing that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:59 No.20216909

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)02:59 No.20216914

    I'm so glad I'm not the only person to have seen that.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:01 No.20216949

    I'm so glad someone else saw it.

    That was the single coolest motherfucker I've seen in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:01 No.20216953
    Don't click them
    Yeah, TvAnts streams like 3 minutes behind.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:01 No.20216962
    You guys seeing a golf game on mms://stream.gundam.eu/tbs?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:02 No.20216976


    Im going to grab something to eat, im getting sleepy and I dont want to fall asleep after waiting for 3 hours
    >> HorribleRaws 04/05/09(Sun)03:02 No.20216982
    its TBS. they show golf.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:02 No.20216987
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:02 No.20216990
    hahaha his hat blew away
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:02 No.20216996

    Yeah, I re-opened TVants to make sure it was right,

    It is, this is still the right channel.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:05 No.20217052
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:05 No.20217053
    FUCKIN' A, America rules the LPGA. Wait... is America proud of that?
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:05 No.20217057
    55 minutes left
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:06 No.20217084
    Umm, you sure that that's all you have to type in the Keywords box? Because mine's not showing anything. I'm new to TVants btw.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:07 No.20217107
    >"Just a forewarning, stream will disconnect for 20~ seconds around the time FMA is supposed to start.

    The source changes the name of the currently airing show and has to disconnect the stream to do so."
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:08 No.20217111


    use this if you want,

    Otherwise look in the results list (there should be channels there without searching) and pick the one that has TBS on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:10 No.20217178

    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:11 No.20217180
    Greeeeeeeeeen Biiaaaaaaaa
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:11 No.20217183
    Holy hit, Hardcore Fish.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:12 No.20217227
    Hmm, once I open TVants, nothing shows up.

    Information: Searching from 1 server(s). 0 channel(s) received.
    >> Anonymous 04/05/09(Sun)03:14 No.20217255
    So... women's golf. I hesitate to call it a sport when I say that it has to be the least interesting sport in the world.

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