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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238696757.jpg-(70 KB, 300x360, 1225475153488.jpg)
    70 KB Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:25 No.20133271  
    Hey janitor, K-ON is /a/ related, fuck off.
    >> No, Yui is MY waifu, faggot(s) !UKgRSkiadc 04/02/09(Thu)14:26 No.20133291
    inb4 404
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:26 No.20133301
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:27 No.20133324
    If there really is a janitor in /a/ deleting K-ON threads I will suck his cock.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:27 No.20133328
    How about you cry the fuck moar?

    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:27 No.20133329

    But trolling is not.

    Now go back to your homeworks, kiddo
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:28 No.20133349
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:28 No.20133350
    >> Ritsu is mai waifu and not your waifu !!fwicyoXpR9I 04/02/09(Thu)14:28 No.20133356
    shit just hit the fan
    >> Ritsu is mai waifu !!V4cfaazjGcS 04/02/09(Thu)14:28 No.20133359
    hes going to have to be sitting here for the next few hours deleting 5 threads a minute
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:29 No.20133386
    This, it was bad enough when Toradora was spammed everywhere
    >> Yui !!kg1cqvaeq6X 04/02/09(Thu)14:29 No.20133389
    mods = k-on fans/lovers!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:31 No.20133441
    >K-ON is /a/ related

    Only Narutards make this argument when defending spam. Makes sense though; both shows appeal to the same age group.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:33 No.20133507
    No u

    Janitor = Win
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:33 No.20133513
    I'm gonna start making Soten Koro threads. That anime seems to be better.
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 04/02/09(Thu)14:34 No.20133531

    Did you people forget Code Geass R2 already? How did you not see this coming?
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:35 No.20133554
    I think it has more to do with some faggot making threads over and over again.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:36 No.20133602
         File :1238697415.jpg-(78 KB, 960x720, 1238692266169.jpg)
    78 KB

    If you're gonna delete K-ON threads because there are too much, at least make a sticky, so we can post there.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:37 No.20133611
    How about you remove your fucking tripcodes you irrelevant faggots.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:38 No.20133638
    hey butthurt /a/non, keep your whining in one thread. We can already hear how awesome your show is. Just no one gives two shits and a fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/02/09(Thu)14:38 No.20133647
    This. You fucks are making multiple threads just because you can't stand the thought of this not being "teh bestest show on /a/!!! XDDDD". What pathetic pieces of shit.

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