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  • File :1238450798.jpg-(80 KB, 400x320, 1238271653314.jpg)
    80 KB Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:06 No.20057778  
    So how does it feel like to be a weeaboo? I mean, you're probably 20-something guy watching children's cartoons (inb4 LOL ITS ANIME THERS DIFERENCE HURR protip there is not), that's pretty pathetic :|
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:07 No.20057801
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    >> Anonymous of Boston !Hjx/neLgW2 03/30/09(Mon)18:07 No.20057812
    feels good man
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:08 No.20057819
    Eh, pretty good. There's always porn of our favorite characters. You can't say the same for actresses and shit. Rule 34 is pretty bad for them.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:09 No.20057833
    You know... pretty much everyone i know of in their 20's and early 30's play PC/Console games and watch silly pop culture shows (animated or not). Nerds or not.

    /a/nons are fucked for other reasons
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:09 No.20057840
    Btw before I get banned, /a/ mods are huge weeaboos too, I trolled here year ago saying pretty much the same thing and got banned in 5mins. Never happened on any other board. Guess it hit em too close home eh?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:09 No.20057843
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:10 No.20057863
    My muscles says otherwise fag.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:10 No.20057882
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:10 No.20057885
    Yeah -- you have to read fanfics for the Rule 34 stuff
    >> Blueshirt !HERON503h6 03/30/09(Mon)18:11 No.20057894
    Feels good man. I like it. Why should I feel bad about what I like?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:11 No.20057897
    I figured it's better than watching faux news, Jerry springer, Gfailure4TV, Cartoon Network, etc...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:12 No.20057913
    >So how does it feel like to be a weeaboo? I mean, you're probably 20-something guy watching children's cartoons (inb4 LOL ITS ANIME THERS DIFERENCE HURR protip there is not), that's pretty pathetic :|
    And what do you suggest as an alternative?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:12 No.20057915
    That kind of thinking is like once you're 20, you can't enjoy G or PG movies anymore or you can't enjoy E and E10 games anymore. If you only watch R movies and play M video games then you're missing out and being very narrow-minded. Only someone who's insecure with their maturity dwells on weather its for their age group or not. A true mature person does what he enjoys.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:13 No.20057929
    On the off chance that OP isn't a troll I have one word for you that will prove you're a faggot:

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:14 No.20057946
    feels bad. but there is worse shit out there.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:14 No.20057957

    Well do something manly or read a fucking book, instead of watching anime where characters make cute noises and :3 face.
    >> Ambasador Of Delaware !rBk.RuR6yU 03/30/09(Mon)18:14 No.20057961

    So how does it feel like to be a basement dweller? I mean, you're probably 16-something guy trolling an image board because its "lulz" (inb4 HAHA U MAD protip U BUTTHURT), that's pretty pathetic :|
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:15 No.20057973
    Cool story bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:15 No.20057984
    >Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...
    >> (。◕‿‿◕。)manko(。◕‿‿◕。) !!XgY7CB9v/UA 03/30/09(Mon)18:16 No.20058002
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    You should know.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:16 No.20058003
    protip: Not all anime focuses on moe. Generalizing all anime based off one genre proves your ignorance.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:16 No.20058015
    Like what? Sports? lol.

    I'm a feminine guy, don't count on it. I'm not built for shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:16 No.20058017
    >Well do something manly

    I'm already watching One Outs.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:17 No.20058025

    Why so butthurt? Let me guess, you're a fatso who jacks off to lucky star?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:17 No.20058033
    Not all of us get the same thrills you do from flexing our muscles in front of a mirror all day.

    Sitcoms and football make me want to shoot myself. Typical anime has about 10x as much thought put into it as american television, and for that reason alone it's superior.
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:17 No.20058037
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    >insulting people when posting on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:17 No.20058040
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    clearly you haven't seen the manliness of anime and manga
    >> Oni !6NneqKIo2k 03/30/09(Mon)18:17 No.20058043
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    Oh OP, so clever.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:18 No.20058049
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    pretty weak for a troll.
    protip: /b/ is that way ->
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:18 No.20058051

    Would you like to point me to even one anime that doesn't have ANY off that "cute" shit? Doesn't exist unless you take some 20 year old serious business shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:18 No.20058058
    Say that to my face, not online fucker, see what happens.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:19 No.20058074
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:20 No.20058086

    You must be an amerifag who has inferiority complex towards japan. Goddamn I wish I had that one comic handy would fit perfectly in this situation.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:20 No.20058091
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:20 No.20058102
    Armored Trooper Votoms
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:20 No.20058107
    There are numerous examples every season, your powerlevel is incredible small.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:20 No.20058110

    Have you even read the fucking manga / watched the anime, puk or whatever that gay elf was does that shit all the time.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:21 No.20058113
    If he said that to me offline, i would stab him in the eye with the pen from my pocket protector. I may not be strong, but im batshit crazy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:21 No.20058114
    not the same anon, but are you fucking kidding me? 2000's sitcoms are fucking terrible. Disney shows iCarly, Fox shows shit. Hell, the 90's were great but its OVER!
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:21 No.20058115
    Yeah, do something manly, like trolling an anime board. That's right up there with base jumping and rock climbing. What's next for you OP scuba diving with sharks or wrestling a bear?
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:21 No.20058130
    Paranoia Agent
    Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex
    Cowboy Bebop
    Black Lagoon
    Devilman Lady
    Le Chevalier D'Eon

    I could name more but I can't be bothered.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:22 No.20058136
    I read books.
    I ski.
    I also happen to appreciate cute. That said, I must re-iterate what others have said; not all anime is 'cute'.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:22 No.20058137
    >gay elf
    How is that cute? Are you attracted to gay fairies? I think the problem is YOU.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:22 No.20058148
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:23 No.20058153
    ……..,'::::::::::,~: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '-|
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:23 No.20058160
    how does it feel to not be able to enjoy things simply because of the societal stigma surrounding them?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:23 No.20058161

    Are you fucking stupid, I've seen most of those and all do contain that cute shit to some extent.

    Bro I did all that earlier today.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:23 No.20058165
    You know what I hate?

    When people automatically equate that something animated means it's for kids.

    That's like saying anything drawn is for kids.

    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:23 No.20058170
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    So how does it feel like to be a weeaboo? I mean, you're probably 20-something guy posting on a anime forum (inb4 LOL ITS ANIME THERS DIFERENCE HURR protip there is not), that's pretty pathetic :|
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:23 No.20058173

    I said "cute" buddy.
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:24 No.20058185
    Why do you even bother? :/
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:24 No.20058187
    I agree. Op is projecting his on inadequacies onto all of /a/.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:25 No.20058205
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:25 No.20058206
    I bet you haven't even seen 10% of what was listed.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:25 No.20058207
    Ahahaha, a troll, I should have known.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:26 No.20058221
    Exactly. You said "cute shit". I said berserk has none of it. Then you bring up the "gay fairy" which implies you believe it to be cute. Thus, you are gay for fairies. Propositional logic.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:26 No.20058234

    Because every time I see some weeaboo go "ITS ANIME ONT CARTOON THERE IS DIFFERENCE OHMYGOD YOU'RE SO STUPID JAPAN IS SUPERIOR ;_____;" I die a little inside and I want to cahnge you for the better.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:27 No.20058259

    Yes it does. I can't believe weeaboo such as you knows less about berserk than me. I could take some screencaps right now where caska goes all ":3" etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:28 No.20058267
    According to your logic, if you watch anime then you're a weeabo. You say you've seen all those then you're a weeabo too. Which means you've just called yourself pathetic. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:28 No.20058274

    I'm not trying to troll at all here in saying that there is a difference between enjoying something that you're not the main demographic for, and saying that the content is enjoyable on an adult level
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:28 No.20058277
    The fact that you care about something like that makes you even worse than those kind of weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:28 No.20058278
    If you've watched most of the anime on that list, then that's probably a small fraction of the anime you've ever watched.

    So let me ask you this OP:
    >So how does it feel like to be a weeaboo? I mean, you're probably 20-something guy watching children's cartoons
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:29 No.20058286

    I saw then when I was like 12, you know, A KID watching kids cartoons. I've moved on.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:29 No.20058299
    >children's cartoon
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:29 No.20058301

    You thinks it's bad to care for other people and want to change em for better? Man you must be a fun guy.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:30 No.20058304
    I FUCKING LOVE IT!!! also, i dunno why im posting in this troll thread
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:30 No.20058307
    Just so you know, you're the immature prick for forcing your views onto people (assuming you're not a troll).
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:30 No.20058309
    .....and your point? How's that cute? She's a grown woman. Cute shit is for lolis, not adults. Hello fellow weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:31 No.20058330
    What's fun is the fact that you think you're better, I have new for you, you're on /a/ so that's not possible.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:32 No.20058347
    I've never seen grown women acting 'cute' a guy? Wow you must be hideous.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:32 No.20058352
    If you count hentai as children's cartoons... then yea I am pathetic.

    If I read Berserk manga and that's considered children's comics, then I fear for humanity...
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:32 No.20058362
    >I saw then when I was like 12
    >Paranoia Agent
    >Paranoia Agent original run February 2, 2004 and May 18, 2004

    12 + 5 = 17

    17 = underage ban.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:33 No.20058374

    Why shouldn't I force my views on others? Isn't trying to mold world into your ideals best thing a man can do?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:35 No.20058406
    Not if you're going to mold it into a world of bad grammar
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:35 No.20058413
    No. The best thing a man can do is be proud of what he is and not care what morons like you think.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:35 No.20058419
    Yeah I know I should stop watching them, stop playing games etc. After all when you get older you have to grow up and lead a boring life, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:36 No.20058425
    Le Chevalier D'Eon is from 2007, it's obvious that the guy is a troll, but his powerlevel is so low that it makes me sad for /a/. People here used to know about anime.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:36 No.20058450

    So you're calling me a moron for thinking anime is for kids, and I'm calling you a moron for liking it.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:37 No.20058460
    Opinionated as well as stupid. This does not bode well for your life as a whole. If the previous poster was right the oldest you could possibly be is 17, but based on what i've seen in this thread I'd have to guess 14.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:37 No.20058469

    If you could actually read, you might have noticed I said I've seen most of them, not all. Anime you mentioned I have never seen.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:38 No.20058485
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    >Isn't trying to mold world into your ideals best thing a man can do?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:38 No.20058488
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    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:39 No.20058498
    Looks like you failed to convince me it's for kids, and thus this little thread is pointless. Buh-bye.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:40 No.20058532

    You're just as opinionated as me bro in case you haven't noticed. You be the sheep, accepting the world as it comes, and I'll be the conqueror, changing it to my liking.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:41 No.20058552
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    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:41 No.20058565
    Well, being an otaku is pretty cool. Plus you meet tons of funny (and cute too) girls in animecons and stuff.
    So OP, are you so ronery you find joy introlling /a/? Shame on you Mr.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:42 No.20058573

    Change yourself, or change the world. I think it's pretty clear which one is the losers choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:44 No.20058610
         File :1238453051.png-(Spoiler Image, 206 KB, 751x1057, lololigodwinu.png)
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    You know who else wanted to change the world to his liking?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:44 No.20058615
    I haven't watched a single episode of Le Chevalier D'Eon, but I know what the plot is about, the number of episodes, the year it aired and the fact it was one of the first TV anime to be fansubbed in 1080p. The fact that you have no idea of any of this shows the sad state /a/ is in.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:44 No.20058632
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    Anyway I can't believe this thread got this many replies, you folks are way too easy to troll. For your info I have watched and watch anime every day. Now I'm going to sleep. Much love I don't think you're weeaboos at all and shame on the guy who can't enjoy anime "just because it's drawn".
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:46 No.20058662

    And I admire Hitler for that. Doesn't mean I approve of his jew killings.
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:46 No.20058668
    Of course it's a troll. That's why we're all reverse trolling the OP.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:47 No.20058696
    We are all weeaboos here.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:48 No.20058698

    Sure, but I'd say this thread is atlest 60% butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:48 No.20058699
    >87 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
    Pathetic /a/, truly pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:50 No.20058750

    Weren't you supposed to leave Galactic Faggot?
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:51 No.20058768
    0/10, go back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:52 No.20058806

    100 replies and you give 0/10?! Cmon don't be so butthurt just cause I called you weeaboo fatguy.
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:52 No.20058813
    Mission complete.

    And nope. That was a hint for you to leave.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:54 No.20058841

    Yeah I better get some sleep, nice trolling you and vice versa!
    >> Scooter !mG3KnJhmpI 03/30/09(Mon)18:55 No.20058877
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    I find myself far superior to many people I see in public.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:56 No.20058886
    It's not about the number of replies, the first post is already calling you a troll, you're just too damn obvious. Go back to /b/, you can't troll decently with such a pathetic powerlevel.
    >> Galactic Anon !al3kSxftH6 03/30/09(Mon)18:57 No.20058905
    Same to you. Have a good sleep, bro.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)18:58 No.20058927

    Of course it is about number of replies. It mean that even if everyone knew I was trolling (and you have to be fucking stupid not to realize that) they got so butthurt and HAD to defend themselves even when they knew I was trolling.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)19:02 No.20059025
    Lol no, the fact you admitted to be a troll makes it all the more stupid. A good troll never admits to be one and people shouldn't be sure he actually is a troll.

    Does anyone have the cap of the thread talking about the non existing Dennou Coil manga? That was some good trolling.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)19:03 No.20059049
    >> Anonymous 03/30/09(Mon)19:08 No.20059133
    Posting on /a/ automatically makes you a weeaboo.

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