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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1238354991.jpg-(53 KB, 720x480, 1233530424361.jpg)
    53 KB Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)15:29 No.20025394  
    T-minus 5 hours. Prepare yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)15:34 No.20025503
    Rezo will prepare the lube.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)15:44 No.20025758
         File :1238355893.jpg-(582 KB, 1000x1487, 1232932460125.jpg)
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    Hey guys. I ship this.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)15:59 No.20026155
    The stream is currently not working. :(
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:06 No.20026360
    I'm pretty sure it's still too early over there. I don't think anything is on yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:09 No.20026432
    Is 12 the last episode, or 13?
    >> Ghaleon 03/29/09(Sun)16:15 No.20026615
         File :1238357729.jpg-(33 KB, 320x224, ghal3.jpg)
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    Hahahaha! I'm shipping Xellos x Filia, and you can't stop me, Slayersfags!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:16 No.20026636
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:18 No.20026676
         File :1238357907.png-(391 KB, 576x432, vlcsnap-65375.png)
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    13. Tonight will be the next to last. We were disappointed last week, but I think this week we've got this shit covered. The even numbered episodes always seem to be epic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:19 No.20026696
    So that means the ending is going to suck? DO NOT WANT!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:19 No.20026701
    As long as it's "trad" none of us care that much. Although we will argue that a Mazoku could never care about anyone because they don't really have feelings. I guess he could fuck her, though. And then kill all her people with his GENOCIDE FINGER.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:19 No.20026703
         File :1238357999.jpg-(53 KB, 800x600, 1235048762640.jpg)
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    I will now say a basic truth -- Lina and Zelgedis have tremendous chemistry together. You can just tell the Lina's attracted to him and Zel's interested in Lina. I normally don't discuss pairings, but in this case it's so fucking obvious.

    Pair gourry up with Sherra if she comes out (think ranma-chan except with blue hair..fapfapfap). Amelia can be stalked by Xellos.

    Outside of Lina and Zelgedis, Lina would match the best with Xellos.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:21 No.20026740
         File :1238358092.jpg-(215 KB, 625x533, 1237971329686.jpg)
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    Ghaleon, what are you doing?! NOOOOO!

    Oh... Eh, it's not so bad. Proceed.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:22 No.20026757
         File :1238358153.jpg-(236 KB, 800x640, 1231551031038.jpg)
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    ...We don't take kindly to this sort of talk in these parts.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:23 No.20026786
    Why not pair Gourry up with Sylphiel? She'd like that.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:29 No.20026881
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:29 No.20026887

    Irony much? According to Lunar cannon, Ghaleon is listed as a mazoku. Maybe he's a distant relative of Xellos.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:30 No.20026909
         File :1238358608.jpg-(36 KB, 265x473, 1221172904633.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:30 No.20026920
    We don't like fan made characters.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:30 No.20026924
         File :1238358657.jpg-(71 KB, 750x600, 1236547022137.jpg)
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    >>20026786 Sylphiel
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:32 No.20026964
    Troll copypasta is troll.
    Lina x Zel fan spotted. Here's a challenge for you all, try and find a Gourry and Sylphiel fic that DOESN'T have them paired up simply so Lina can get Zelgadis's or Xellos's rocks off.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:35 No.20027022
         File :1238358940.jpg-(21 KB, 480x270, 1236815542916.jpg)
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    Oh wow, I think the same thing, Anon. I suppose those fans do it out of the guilt of shafting Gourry, even though the first season made it painfully clear that Sylphiel's love towards Gourry was one sided.
    Sometimes they make Gourry a sexist pig who expects Lina to make him dinner and stuff.
    Even though he's the nicest guy in the series.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:37 No.20027058

    This file is neither allocated to a Premium Account, or a Collector's Account, and can therefore only be downloaded 10 times.

    This limit is reached.

    To download this file, the uploader either needs to transfer this file into his/her Collector's Account, or upload the file again. The file can later be moved to a Collector's Account. The uploader just needs to click the delete link of the file to get further information.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:39 No.20027090
    Yeah, RapidShare is a fucking fuck. Plus we didn't even get the subs this week.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:39 No.20027103
         File :1238359188.jpg-(34 KB, 277x277, Milgazia.jpg)
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    FUCK YOU, I found a fic that had Sylphiel with Gourry.... to justify Lina marrying Milgazia....
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:42 No.20027143
    But... uh, Milgazia is a fabulous dragon. And gay.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:42 No.20027148
         File :1238359330.jpg-(144 KB, 494x672, slayers_ep11_subs_update.jpg)
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    I posted this yesterday, but I'll post it again:

    For those Slayersfags who haven't been paying attention, here's the current situation on the Slayers Evolution-R 11 subs.

    While we were watching the live episode 11 stream on freshverse.com last Sunday, the regular translator said that he was going to be busy this week. Someone else volunteered to translate, and he delivered. Unfortunately, he only uploaded to rapidshare using a regular account, so the link was only valid for 10 downloads.

    Currently, our friendly timerfag is waiting to get the translation so that he can create the .ass sub file. In order for this to happen we need either:
    A) the translator to re-upload the translation to mediafire or another site which doesn't expire.
    B) One of the 10 people who downloaded the translation from rapidshare to upload it to mediafire.
    C) Get someone else (i.e. the regular translator) to translate episode 11 again.

    Until that happens, don't expect subs for episode 11.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:45 No.20027212
    If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:45 No.20027220
    As the Mission Boards decided to close the schools at Samokov and leave Bulgaria, a decision met with protests and discontent among Bulgarian alumni and American donors alike[2, the schools were transferred to another organization, Sofia American Schools, Inc., merged and moved to Sofia in 1926. The construction of a campus in Simeonovo began the same year to start accommodating 119 girls in 1928, 63 boys in 1929, as well as the remaining 130 a year later.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:46 No.20027232
    With Bulgaria initially being on the side of the Axis Powers during World War II, many of the teachers left and only a handful had remained when Bulgaria declared war on the United States in December 1941. They continued to operate the college until ousted by Nazi authorities in the autumn of 1942.[2 As the war ended and Bulgaria became a Communist state, the American College's entire property was confiscated in 1947 and the campus was used as the office of the Bulgarian State Police during the times of Communism.[2
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:46 No.20027238
    So we are fucked unless someone reuploads them. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:46 No.20027246
    It has been proposed that in the future the Docklands Light Railway will be extended to Dagenham Heathway, via the under development route to Dagenham Dock. The line may either terminate at Dagenham Heathway or be extended on to Rainham or Dagenham East.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.20027252
    Wrong thread, retard. What's more, your ideas suck.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.20027261
         File :1238359641.jpg-(415 KB, 658x850, Slayers___XellosFilia___077_by(...).jpg)
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    Well that's just silly.

    ...everyone knows that he gets together with Filia and Xellos for a hate filled threesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.20027263
    Detainees who were determined to have been properly classified as "enemy combatants" were scheduled to have their dossier reviewed at annual Administrative Review Board hearings. The Administrative Review Boards weren't authorized to review whether a detainee qualified for POW status, and they weren't authorized to review whether a detainee should have been classified as an "enemy combatant".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:47 No.20027268
    Well, shit. Unfortunately, I was not one of those 10 people who was able to get the script.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:48 No.20027282
    The organization was founded in 1890 in Omaha, Nebraska, by Joseph Cullen Root. Root, who was a member of several fraternal organizations including the Freemasons, founded Modern Woodmen of America in Lyons, Iowa, after hearing a sermon about "pioneer woodsmen clearing away the forest to provide for their families". Taking his own name of Root to heart, he wanted to start a Society that "would clear away problems of financial security for its members". Root fell out with the organization over accusations of false beneficiary claims. He moved to Omaha where he started the organization on June 6, 1890.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:48 No.20027293
    In the video Pallot is seated playing the guitar and singing at a hall. Behind where she is playing, there are pictures; the camera goes inside of one of them, in which there are various animated characters (some of which are also featured in the album's cover booklet, which Pallot designed herself). The characters sing and play together during the video, then Pallot is seated in a swing tied to a stone, singing and looking at the moon. The video finishes just as it began.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.20027304
    Structural parasitology is the study of the structures of proteins for interesting parasites. It applies the techniques of structural biology (such as X-ray crystallography or NMR) to determine the 3-D structures of protein molecules involved in a parasitic relationship. One goal is to distinguish the workings of functional pathways in these organisms in comparison to humans. More importantly, it is hoped that structures of parasite proteins will lead to faster discovery of drugs for diseases neglected by pharmaceutical companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.20027311
         File :1238359758.jpg-(15 KB, 235x180, YEAHHHHHH.jpg)
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    >> The more sin, the heavier something is
    Shit just got real.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.20027332
    Gransha is one of the oldest areas in Bangor but has expanded over the years to include housing developments such as Hanover, Cranely, Sunningdale and Gransha Green (Navar Drive). The area has become well established over the years and is perceived to be quiet, pleasant and popular, but more recently has been surpassed by Old Gransha on the known Ashbury side.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.20027338
    Reported, enjoy your ban.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:49 No.20027339
    Spore can go fuck himself, the useless bitch.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:50 No.20027351
    Naruto has a large number of characters, most of whom are ninjas. They initially study at the Ninja Academy, where the story begins, are split up into squads of three after their graduation and become Genin, rookie ninja. Each squad is assigned an experienced sensei. These core squads form a basis for the characters' interactions later in the series, where characters are chosen for missions for their team's strength and complementary skills; Naruto's squad 7 becomes the social frame where Naruto is acquainted with Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno, and their sensei Kakashi Hatake, forming the core of his world-in-the-making. The other three-man teams of his former classmates form another such layer, as Naruto connects with them to various degrees, learning of their motives, vulnerabilities, and aspirations. The groups of three are not limited to the comrades Naruto's age – groups in the story in general come in threes and multiples of three.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:51 No.20027360

    At least not until he finishes translating the novels.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:51 No.20027363
    The multi-national, worldwide Zionist movement is structured as a representative democracy. Congresses are held every four years (they were held every two years before the Second World War) and delegates to the congress are elected by the membership. Members are required to pay dues known as a shekel. At the congress, delegates elected a 30-man executive council, which in turn elected the movement's leader. The movement was democratic from its inception and women had the right to vote (before they won the right in Great Britain). Until 1917, the ZO pursued a strategy of building a homeland through persistent small-scale immigration and the founding of such bodies as the Jewish National Fund (1901 - a charity which bought land for Jewish settlement) and the Anglo-Palestine Bank (1903 - provided loans for Jewish businesses and farmers). In 1942, at the Biltmore Conference, Zionists changed their program and demanded the establishment of a Jewish state as the aim of the movement.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:51 No.20027375
    Born on July 20, 1992 in Dallas, Texas, Paige started on the hit children's show, Barney & Friends (PBS), in her hometown of Dallas, Texas. Paige took a summer trip to New York where she signed with two agencies, Cunningham, Escott, Dipene (CED) and Wilhemenia Modeling. After a decision to move to California, she transferred to CED in Los Angeles and she immediately booked a role on the hit television show "Felicity" (WB). Since, she has co-starred in the films "Cradle to the Grave" with DMX (Warner Bros.), "Never Die Alone" (20th Century Fox), "The Cat in the Hat" with Mike Myers (Universal), “Time Out” Executive Produced by John Singleton and as the female lead in “Virginia.” On the TV side, she has appeared in hit television shows such as "Felicity", "ER", "Medium", The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, The George Lopez Show (ABC), "The Division" (Lifetime), "Boomtown" (NBC), Punk'd with host Ashton Kutcher (MTV) and the sitcom "Everybody Hates Chris". She played Vanessa in Beauty Shop (MGM).
    >> Canon Cannon 03/29/09(Sun)16:52 No.20027380
    It wasn't Spore. Spore couldn't do the subs for one week, so another person volunteered. And they failed.

    Spore has always gave us subs on time, don't call him a useless bitch, without him we wouldn't have ANY subs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:52 No.20027399
    It is possible that this somewhat awkward painting of the Madonna was produced while Botticelli was still working in the workshop of his teacher, Filippo Lippi. The initial inspiration for the painting came from the latter's famous Madonna in the Uffizi. Botticelli replaced the landscape with an arched architecture which frames the heads of the mother and child and emphasizes the two main figures as the centre of the devotional scene.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:53 No.20027426
    The beginning of King's career came with his 1993-1996 collaboration with Prince. In 1995, he was nominated for the Emmy Award for outstanding individual achievement in choreography for his work on Prince's appearance at the 22nd American Music Awards. King appeared as a backup dancer for Michael Jackson on his Dangerous World Tour. Since then, he also served as creative director for performances by Mariah Carey and Shakira.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:54 No.20027432
    As of the census of 2000, there were 644 people, 283 households, and 191 families residing in the village. The population density was 3,714.7 people per square mile (1,462.6/km²). There were 304 housing units at an average density of 1,753.5/sq mi (690.4/km²). The racial makeup of the village was 97.05% White, 2.17% African American, 0.31% from other races, and 0.47% from two or more races.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:54 No.20027433
    It's impossible to find subs of both Revolution, and Evolution-R

    Revolution especially ;_;
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:54 No.20027437
    Confusing troll is confusing.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:54 No.20027449
    The disease manifests as clusters of chronic abscesses or boils, which can be as large as baseballs or as small as a pea, that are extremely painful to the touch and may persist for years with occasional to frequent periods of inflammation, culminating in drainage of pus, often leaving open wounds that will not heal. Drainage provides some relief from severe, often debilitating, pressure pain. Flare-ups may be triggered by stress, perspiration, hormonal changes (such as monthly cycles in women), humid heat, and clothing friction. Persistent lesions may lead to scarring and the formation of sinus tracts, or tunnels connecting the abscesses under the skin. At this stage, complete healing is usually not possible, and progression varies from person to person, with some experiencing remission anywhere from months to years at a time, others may worsen and require surgery in order to live comfortably. Occurrences of bacterial infections and cellulitis (deep tissue inflammation) may occur at these sites. HS pain can be difficult to manage.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:55 No.20027467
    The statue was first imagined by local resident Bob O'Bill. In 1979, his wife was seriously ill with cancer. He promised the Virgin Mary that he would make a 9 foot statue of her in his yard if his wife recovered. When she recovered he began the project with his fellow workers who gradually changed the initial vision to a mountain top statue nearly the size of the Statue of Liberty (151 feet). Many people in Butte donated materials and time to make the statue a reality. The design for the statue was engineered by Laurien Eugene Riehl. He was a retired engineer for the Anaconda Company who donated his engineering skills to the project. The statue had to withstand the powerful windsheers that buffet the ridge tops. Joe Roberts donated his lot and buildings for the construction of the statue. The statue was airlifted from Roberts Rocky Mountain Equipment to its present site on the Continental Divide.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:55 No.20027479
    Irmingard was born at her father's residence, Schloss Berchtesgaden. She spent her childhood between Berchtesgaden and her father's other residences, the Leuchtenberg Palais in Munich, Schloss Leutstetten, and Schloss Hohenschwangau. In 1936 she was sent to England to be educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Roehampton (later Woldingham School) where several of her cousins, princesses of Luxembourg, were also enrolled.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:56 No.20027497
    WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 (often shortened to WWE SvR 2007), is a professional wrestling video game released by THQ and developed by YUKE's Future Media Creators. The game is based on the professional wrestling promotion World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). It is the eighth installment in the WWE SmackDown series and is the successor to 2005's WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 and has been succeeded by WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 in the Fall of 2007. THQ, Yuke's and WWE officially confirmed the game on March 31, 2006. The game was released in November 2006 for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360 consoles and was released in December 2006 for the PlayStation Portable system. SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 is the first game in the SmackDown series to be released outside the PlayStation consoles.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:57 No.20027515
    The 2008 Tylenol Players' Championship is the last Grand Slam event of both the World Curling Tour and Women's Curling Tour for the 2007-08 season. This will be the sixteenth time the event has taken place, and the third time since it was switched to joint men's/women's format. The event will be held in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador April 15-20. Since the event is a part of the Olympic qualifying process in Canada, only Canadian teams are invited. The total purse for each event is $100,000.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:57 No.20027530
    Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, or CCRKBA, is a gun rights organization in the United States, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. It is closely affiliated with the Second Amendment Foundation. The CCRKBA was founded in 1971 and it now has 615,000 members with Allan Gottlieb as the chairman.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:58 No.20027538
         File :1238360285.jpg-(332 KB, 714x1000, slayers.jpg)
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    What do you guys have against Sylphiel?

    Pic only kind of related since I can't find any pictures of her.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:58 No.20027543
    1036 Ganymed (pronounced /ˈɡænɨmɛd/) is the largest Amor asteroid. It was discovered by Walter Baade on October 23, 1924 and is named after Ganymede, the Trojan prince turned god whom Zeus designated the cupbearer to the Greek gods. Jupiter's moon Ganymede is also named after that individual.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:58 No.20027552

    I don't watch dubs, but I was just watching NEXT for a bit and was too lazy to change it over to subs, and Amelia totally called her COUSIN Alfred "Uncle Alfred." lol wut?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:58 No.20027554
    By the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, travelers to the Marianas noted lattes only in abandoned areas, where they had apparently been left after foreign-introduced disease had decimated the Chamorro population. In modern times, latte stones are a symbol of Chamorro identity and are found in a wide variety of government, business and personal contexts. Concrete lattes are sometimes incorporated into new buildings, while residents of the Marianas will sometimes incorporate actual latte stones into the landscaping around their homes
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:59 No.20027568
    Per Johansson (born 1960 ?) is a Swedish trade unionist, a Communist and labor organizer. He worked for Connex in the Stockholm Metro and was the leader of the local branch of the Swedish Union for Service and Communications Employees (SEKO), "club 119". Johansson was fired in late September 2005. According to SEKO it was due to complaints of neglected security and safety conditions for workers and passengers, while Connex asserted that Johansson was guilty of harassing and threatening colleagues and the management. The firing of the union leader resulted in a wildcat strike amongst the subway workers in Stockholm on the morning of October 6, 2005. More strikes followed in November. These were organised by a rival union, the anarcho-syndicalist SAC. The dismissal was challenged in the Swedish Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen), which found that the dismissal was lawful and justified.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)16:59 No.20027579
    Royal families are tight like that. Incest is relative, after all.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:00 No.20027582
    Hübnerite or hubnerite is a mineral consisting of manganese tungstate (chemical formula: MnWO4). It is the manganese endmember of the manganese - iron wolframite solid solution series. It forms reddish brown to black monoclinic prismatic submetallic crystals. The crystals are typically flattened and occur with fine striations. It has a high specific gravity of 7.15 and a Mohs hardness of 4.5. It is transparent to translucent with perfect cleavage. Refractive index values are nα=2.170 - 2.200, nβ=2.220, and nγ=2.300 - 2.320.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:00 No.20027594
    From 1898 to 1960, Yealmpton was the terminus of the Yealmpton to Plymouth branch railway line. The line was built by the Great Western Railway. In its early days the line carried passengers and freight. The growth in the number of motor cars and buses led to reducing passenger traffic in the 1920s and passenger services ceased on the line in 1930. From then until 1941, only freight traffic ran on the line. Passenger services were restored in 1941, as villages such as Yealmpton were then being used as dormitory areas by the people of Plymouth following the severe air raids on the city. The passenger services ceased again in October 1947 and freight services only ran until 1960, when the line closed completely. The station at Yealmpton was demolished and housing in Riverside Walk now stands on the site.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:01 No.20027608
    Zhores Ivanovich Alferov (Russian: Жоре́с Ива́нович Алфёров; IPA: [ʐɐˈrʲɛs ɪˈvanəvʲɪtɕ ɐlˈfʲorəf]) (born March 15, 1930) is a Russian physicist and academic who contributed significantly to the creation of modern heterostructure physics and electronics. He invented the heterotransistor. He is also a Russian politician and has been a member of the Russian State Parliament, the Duma, since 1995.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:01 No.20027624
    Zolazepam, in combination with tiletamine, has been used in the tranquilization of wild animals, such as gorillas and polar bears, and has been found to be in terms of reduced side-effects superior to ketamine.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:02 No.20027638
    Beck Row is a village in Suffolk, England. The village is close to RAF Mildenhall and is home to about 500 people. Culturally, the village has an old church and a beacon dating from the time of the Battle of Trafalgar. A Victoria Cross recipient is buried in the local cemetry.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:02 No.20027657
    If items of mass had any impact of others, then mountains should have people orbiting them. Or the space shuttle in space should have the astronauts orbiting it. Of course, that's just the tip of the gravity myth. Think about it. Scientists want us to believe that the sun has a gravitation pull strong enough to keep a planet like neptune or pluto in orbit, but then it's not strong enough to keep the moon in orbit? Why is that? What I believe is going on here is this: These objects in space have yet to receive mans touch, and thus have no sin to weigh them down. This isn't the case for earth, where we see the impact of transfered sin to material objects. The more sin, the heavier something is.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:03 No.20027667
         File :1238360608.jpg-(172 KB, 875x613, Nice Pun!.jpg)
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    >>Incest is relative
    A family that sleeps together keeps together.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:03 No.20027673
    The American College of Sofia (Bulgarian: Американски колеж в София, Amerikanski kolezh v Sofiya; abbreviated as ACS) is one of the top and most prestigious secondary schools in Bulgaria and the Balkans, based in the capital city of Sofia. The college, founded in 1860, is regarded as the oldest American educational institution outside the United States. American pedagogical methods are used and the primary language of instruction is English.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:04 No.20027677
    But he failed to sub ep 11, and left it in the hands of some faggot even more incompetent then him. THEREFORE HE'S USELESS!

    Looks like I'll have to wait until someone with actual devotion to fansubbing picks up Slayers. What a bummer...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:04 No.20027681
         File :1238360665.png-(361 KB, 1024x576, 1237944446757.png)
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    I see what you're doing there...

    Trying to auto-sage eh? Clever...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:04 No.20027683
    As the Mission Boards decided to close the schools at Samokov and leave Bulgaria, a decision met with protests and discontent among Bulgarian alumni and American donors alike[2, the schools were transferred to another organization, Sofia American Schools, Inc., merged and moved to Sofia in 1926. The construction of a campus in Simeonovo began the same year to start accommodating 119 girls in 1928, 63 boys in 1929, as well as the remaining 130 a year later.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:05 No.20027692
         File :1238360700.jpg-(223 KB, 745x1000, 3513145.jpg)
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    We don't have anything against her, we just like messing with her.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:05 No.20027695
    The station was opened in 1932 and is of similar design to Upney and Elm Park with the platforms arranged on a central island with a long sloping walkway connection to the ticket hall. The station was constructed and initially operated by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway with services provided by the District Line from the outset. The 1930s station buildings were extensively refubished during 2005 and 2006. It is between Becontree and Dagenham East stations.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:05 No.20027705
    Initially the Bush administration asserted that they could withhold all the protections of the Geneva Conventions to captives from the war on terror. This policy was challenged before the Judicial branch. Critics argued that the USA could not evade its obligation to conduct a competent tribunal to determine whether captives are, or are not, entitled to the protections of prisoner of war status.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:06 No.20027715
    Guantanamo counter-terror analysts compiled factors for and against the continued detention of each of the captives who remained in detention in December 2005, with the exception of ten captives who were to face charges before a military commission, and the remaining captives from the 38 who had been determined, by their Combatant Status Review Tribunals, not to have been "enemy combatants" after all. The "Summary of Evidence" memo that contained these factors always broke the factors into those that "favor continued detention", and those that "favor release or transfer". The factors that favor continued detention were always broken down into subcategories, like "Intent", "Training", "Commitment". The factors listed in each subcategory were always numbered. Most transcripts recorded the categories and subcategories. Most transcripts recorded the factor's numbering. But Rahmatullah's transcript doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:06 No.20027717
    It's cool, really. This thread wasn't going to make it to 8:30, we would need to make a new one anyways.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:06 No.20027721
    The organization played an important role in broadcast history until being forced to divest itself of its holdings because of its non-profit status. On November 27, 1922, the Society started broadcasting radio station WOAW with its signal reaching ships in both the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean from its 500-watt (and later 1,000 watt and eventually 5,000 watt) transmitter. In 1926, the station became WOW after the ship SS Bible which had the signal retired.[4
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:07 No.20027733
    Wait, what? It's one hour later than usual! I fucking hate DST!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:07 No.20027738
    The program includes conducting public ceremonies each year on September 11, and donating flagpoles and U.S. flags to schools, fire departments, parks and other public places. More than 2,400 In Honor and Remembrance ceremonies have been held since the program began in 2002. To mark the 5th anniversary of 9/11, Woodmen of the World hung two, 50- x 100-foot U.S. flags on the Woodmen Tower, the 30-story building in Omaha, Neb., that serves as their national headquarters. Twin beams of lights, with a combined 10-billion candlepower, also illuminated the Omaha skyline each evening during the week of 9/11 in tribute to the World Trade Center.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:07 No.20027748
    Born in Victoria, Wells' career in the Australian Army began in 1916 upon entering the Royal Military College, Duntroon. Graduating as a lieutenant three years later, he served in a variety of staff and instructional positions prior to the outbreak of the Second World War. Initially posted to the 7th Division as a staff officer in 1940, Wells was promoted to lieutenant colonel and made senior liaison officer to I Corps. Serving on Greece and in North Africa, Wells was awarded the Distinguished Service Order for his leadership at El Alamein. Transferred to the South West Pacific theatre in 1943 as a brigadier, he served on New Guinea with the headquarters of II Corps and later Borneo with I Corps.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:08 No.20027769
    Gransha is one of the oldest areas in Bangor but has expanded over the years to include housing developments such as Hanover, Cranely, Sunningdale and Gransha Green (Navar Drive). The area has become well established over the years and is perceived to be quiet, pleasant and popular, but more recently has been surpassed by Old Gransha on the known Ashbury side.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:09 No.20027785
    Taiga has a negative attitude towards others and will not hesitate to snap at people. After meeting Ryūji, she takes an instant dislike of him. Taiga comes from a rich family, but she has moved out to live on her own due to family issues. She is coincidentally living in an apartment next to Ryūji's. When Ryūji discovers that Taiga has a crush on Yūsaku, and Taiga finds out about Ryūji's affections towards Minori, Ryūji suggests that they cooperate to win the objects of their affections. Taiga exploits the fact that Ryūji will do anything to get closer to Minori. She makes him her personal servant, getting him to do all her household chores (cooking and cleaning). Taiga spends a lot of her time over at his house, so much that she could almost be considered a member of his family. Since Ryūji spends a lot of time with Taiga, he has opened up to her world and to a side of her that most people do not see. The two also try to help each other improve the way people view them. However people they know from school start to become curious about their strange relationship and rumors begin to spread about them behind their backs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:09 No.20027798
         File :1238360996.jpg-(765 KB, 1260x990, 3621347.jpg)
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    Guys, I don't ship this, but I just saved this fanart because Filia sideboob is hot shit. Does that make me wrong?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:10 No.20027804
    The series' main Protagonist. A sixteen year old male virgin studying at Kyuugetsu Academy. He's a perverted boy who loves to play lewd jokes. He enjoys collecting rare juice cans and basically likes juices. One day, he bought a melon soda that transformed into a girl, which was an Akikan. He was later invited by Hidehiko Otoya to join the "Akikan Elect" and "Intelligence Port Project" but being a person who hated fights, he rejected the invitation (although he was later forced to participate). Later, he made his mind to crush those projects together with his comrades. A certain incident during his sophomore/junior high school days made him afraid of hurting somebody. Later on, he will also be the owner of Shiruko, who is another Akikan.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:10 No.20027809
    Wikipedia? Really? You are the most boring troll ever!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:10 No.20027814
    Zionism is largely based on the concept of historical ties and religious traditions linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, where the concept of Jewish nationhood first evolved somewhere between 1200 BCE and the late Second Temple era (i.e. up to 70 CE).[2[3 The modern movement was mainly founded by secular Jews, beginning largely as a response by European Jewry to antisemitism across Europe. It is a branch of the broader phenomenon of modern nationalism.[5 Initially one of several Jewish political movements offering alternative responses to assimilation and the position of Jews in Europe, Zionism grew rapidly and after the Holocaust became the dominant power among Jewish political movements.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:11 No.20027825
    Bush is the eldest son of 41st U.S. President George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush. After graduating from Yale University, Bush worked in his family's oil businesses. He married Laura Welch in 1977 and unsuccessfully ran for the United States House of Representatives shortly thereafter. He later co-owned the Texas Rangers baseball team before defeating Ann Richards to become Governor of Texas in 1994. In a close and controversial election, Bush was elected President in 2000 as the Republican candidate, receiving a majority of the electoral votes, but losing the popular vote to then Vice President Al Gore.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:11 No.20027844
    Stormforce 10 is a water ride that recreates the story of a lifeboat rescue, launched in association with the RNLI. The ride is located at Drayton Manor Theme Park near Tamworth, Staffordshire, England. It holds the title of world's first charitable ride and accepts donations on site. Opened in 1999 to replace the ageing log flume, the idea was said to have been thought up by the manager's nephew. Stormforce 10 is the most popular ride in the park. It starts with a small drop into water and is followed by a backwards drop and finally a large drop. For every ride photograph sold a donation is made to the RNLI through which Drayton Manor has raised £66,000 since the opening of the ride and have funded a lifeboat named the 'Drayton Manor' Atlantic 85 rescue boat.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:12 No.20027849
    The beginning of King's career came with his 1993-1996 collaboration with Prince. In 1995, he was nominated for the Emmy Award for outstanding individual achievement in choreography for his work on Prince's appearance at the 22nd American Music Awards. King appeared as a backup dancer for Michael Jackson on his Dangerous World Tour. Since then, he also served as creative director for performances by Mariah Carey and Shakira.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:12 No.20027859
    As of the census of 2000, there were 644 people, 283 households, and 191 families residing in the village. The population density was 3,714.7 people per square mile (1,462.6/km²). There were 304 housing units at an average density of 1,753.5/sq mi (690.4/km²). The racial makeup of the village was 97.05% White, 2.17% African American, 0.31% from other races, and 0.47% from two or more races.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:13 No.20027872
    competed at the FINA Diving World Cup in China in 2006 in the 1m event finishing third. He won the 2006 NCAA Division I national title in the 1m and 3m spring board. He was unable to compete at the 2007 NCAA national meet due to an injury but rebounded to take the first prize on the 1m spring board in 2008. Colwill is a member of the United States Olympic team at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, participating in the 3 meter springboard and the synchronized 3 meter with teammate Jevon Tarantino.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:13 No.20027881
    Though Dunnite was generally considered an insensitive substance, by 1911 the United States Army had abandoned its use in favor of other alternatives.The Navy, however, used it in armor-piercing artillery shells and projectiles, and in coastal defense.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:14 No.20027894
    In 2003, Auditor General Li Jinhua presented the annual audit report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. He openly disclosed the severe irregularities committed by many ministries and other government agencies. This report was posted to the official website of the NAO. It was the first time that the audit report was published to the public. This received significant public attention and was labelled as "audit storm".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:15 No.20027908
    He was born in Rye, New York, the son of Timothy Wetmore and Jane Haviland. He came to New Brunswick after the American Revolution in 1783, first settling at Carleton (later Saint John) and then Gagetown. Wetmore studied law with Ward Chipman and was admitted to the bar in 1790. He was named clerk for the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and registrar of deeds for Carleton County. In 1793, he married Sarah Peters. He served as lieutenant-colonel in the militia. In 1809, Wetmore was elected to the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick for St. John County; he did not run for reelection in 1816. In the same year, he was named Attorney General for the province and served in the post until his death on his estate near Fredericton at the age of 60. Wetmore was named to the province's ruling Council in 1817. He also served as justice of the peace for York County.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:15 No.20027919
    The Whetstone of Witte is the shortened title of Robert Recorde's mathematics book published in 1557. The full title being, The Whetstone of Witte, whiche is the seconde parte of Arithmeteke: containing the extraction of rootes; the cossike practise, with the rule of equation; and the workes of Surde Nombers, the book covers topics including whole numbers, the extraction of roots and irrational numbers. The work is notable for containing the first recorded use of the equals sign and also the first book in English to use the plus and minus signs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:15 No.20027920
    >crapflooding a Slayers thread
    Eternal newfag cancer NaruToraOneBleach summer ect...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:16 No.20027931
    The Port of Mobile, located in Mobile, Alabama, United States, is the only deep-water port in the state, and was the 10th largest in the nation in 2006.[1] It is located along the Mobile River where it empties into Mobile Bay. The Port of Mobile has public, deepwater terminals with direct access to 1,500 miles of inland and intracoastal waterways serving the Great Lakes, the Ohio and Tennessee river valleys (via the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway), and the Gulf of Mexico. The Alabama State Port Authority owns and operates the public terminals at the Port of Mobile. The public terminals handle containerized, bulk, break bulk, roll-on/roll-off, and heavy lift cargoes. The port is also home to private bulk terminal operators. The container, general cargo and bulk facilities have immediate access to two interstate systems and five Class I railroads. Additionally, the Central Gulf Railroad operates from the port as a rail ferry service to Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, in Mexico
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:17 No.20027951
    In 1776 Vištytis lost its city rights, although some administration remained in the city, as it is known from the records in 1785 and 1790. Town representatives were participating in Great Sejm, and succeeded to regain city rights, although did not get a royal privilege. That caused conflict with local elder, and the case was taken to the court. The outcome of the court is not clear, but the town preserved some of autonomy in 19th century.
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 03/29/09(Sun)17:17 No.20027958
    Hello, Slayersfags! I just got back from the Best Buy and guess what I got~!

    A new laptop. Now I can watch NEXT!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:17 No.20027965
    Partners for Sacred Places (Partners) is a United States national, non-sectarian, non-profit organization whose mission is the support of older and historic sacred places by helping congregations and local communities sustain and actively use the structures.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:18 No.20027979
    He was a member of a patrician family of the Kingdom of Naples with large estates in Abruzzo, and held the titles of Duke of Atri, Count of San Flaviano and Giulianova, Lord of Forcella, Roseto, Padula, and was the first Duke of Teramo. By his marriage with Caterina del Balzo Orsini, his family obtained the title of counts of Conversano, which they retained until the early nineteeth century. In 1479 he obtained from the Neapolitan king the surname "Acquaviva of Aragon".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:18 No.20027985
         File :1238361518.jpg-(13 KB, 640x360, JAMES.jpg)
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    Here's a pokemon pic as a reward!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:18 No.20027990
    The history of the pre-contact Marianas is usually divided into three periods: Pre-Latte, Transitional Pre-Latte, and Latte. Latte stones began to be used in about the 800 C.E. and became increasingly more common until the arrival of Ferdinand Magellan in 1521 and Spanish colonization, when they fell rapidly out of use and were entirely abandoned by about 1700. Latte stones have been found on Guam and the southern islands in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, including Rota, Tinian, Aguiguan, and Saipan, as well as several small northern islands, such as Pagan.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:19 No.20028005
    The Tape Dust is an EP released by Pretty Balanced in 2005. It's a raw, acoustic set, that varies greatly from Pretty Balanced's usually more produced, electronic sound. The first two tracks feature Judith Shimer on piano and vocals, and Forest Christenson on violin. The last three tracks are Shimer solo on piano and vocals
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:20 No.20028023
    Clarkia affinis is a species of wildflower known as chaparral clarkia. It is endemic to California, where it grows mainly on chaparral slopes and woodlands in the Coast Ranges. This is a spindly plant producing erect stems exceeding half a meter in height and sparse narrow leaves. The flower is a bowl-shaped bloom with four pink or red petals each 5 to 15 millimeters long. The petals may have darker spots near the base and purple or red speckling.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:20 No.20028032
    Per Johansson (born 1960 ?) is a Swedish trade unionist, a Communist and labor organizer. He worked for Connex in the Stockholm Metro and was the leader of the local branch of the Swedish Union for Service and Communications Employees (SEKO), "club 119". Johansson was fired in late September 2005. According to SEKO it was due to complaints of neglected security and safety conditions for workers and passengers, while Connex asserted that Johansson was guilty of harassing and threatening colleagues and the management. The firing of the union leader resulted in a wildcat strike amongst the subway workers in Stockholm on the morning of October 6, 2005. More strikes followed in November. These were organised by a rival union, the anarcho-syndicalist SAC. The dismissal was challenged in the Swedish Labour Court (Arbetsdomstolen), which found that the dismissal was lawful and justified.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:21 No.20028045
    not if you cut out xellos parts.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:21 No.20028047


    What's not to like about Xellos x Filia? Besides, hate sex is great.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:21 No.20028048
    After M.S. in Economics from Milan University, Alessandro Carabelli received a solid musical training, obtaining his Diploma in jazz piano, harmony and composition from the Milan Jazz School, and he has attended of seminars in harmony and composition led by major musicians: Ennio Morricone, Chick Corea, Lee Konitz, Barney Kessel, Marco Detto.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:22 No.20028057
    The Kamikaze class destroyers (神風型駆逐艦 ,Kamikazegata kuchikukan?) was a class of nine destroyers of the Imperial Japanese Navy. Some authors consider the Nokaze-class, Kamikaze-class and Mutsuki-class destroyers to be extensions of the Minekaze-class, and the Kamikaze-class is sometimes referred to as the "Kiyokaze-class" to distinguish it from the earlier WW-I era destroyer class of the same name. Obsolete by the beginning of the Pacific War, the Kamikaze were relegated to mostly secondary roles. Most ultimately were lost to U.S. submarines.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:22 No.20028067
    Albert Ward (21 November 1865 in Waterloo, Leeds, Yorkshire, England – 6 January 1939 in Heaton, Bolton, Lancashire, England) was a cricketer who played first-class cricket for Yorkshire in 1886, and for Lancashire between 1889 and 1904. Ward also played seven Test matches for England and was named as one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1890. He played 4 matches for Yorkshire and his debut was against Middlesex at Park Avenue 1886 were he scored his highest score of 22. He played 330 matches 1889-1904 with a benefit in 1902 £1739.He scored 1000runs in a season 9 times. The best being 1900 were he scored 1511 at average of 37.77.Carrying his bat through innings 140 n.o./281 v Gloucestershire County Ground Bristol 1893;45 no/ 97 v Australians, Old Trafford 1893, 75 n.o. /168 v Leicestershire , Old Trafford, 1895;109 n.o./337 v Hampshire, Soputhampton ,1899;83n.o./262 v Middlesex , Lords
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:22 No.20028068
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:22 No.20028071
    Not all of us hate Sylphiel! She is my waifu! :D
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:23 No.20028083
    Horacio Franco is a Mexican flautist and recorder player. He studied in the National Conservatory in Mexico City and later in the Sweelinck Conservatorium in Ámsterdam, Holland, today Conservatory of Ámsterdam, with Marijke Miessen and Walter Van Hauwe, where he received the rank of “cum laude soloist”. Franco is a very active musician, who has widely changed the repertoire of the recorder from the traditional forms of medieval, Renaissance music and baroque - including Latin American colonial music - to contemporary, folkloric and popular.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:23 No.20028095
    "Down Deep Inside" is the theme song from the 1977 film The Deep. The film's score was written by British composer John Barry and the lyrics to the main theme were added by disco singer Donna Summer. The track was released as a single and became a hit in some European countries, including the U.K. The film soundtrack LP also contained a slower tempo version of the song, and an extended version of the original later appeared on a CD version of Summer's 1978 Live and More album.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:24 No.20028100
         File :1238361852.jpg-(65 KB, 800x435, My Anime Waifu.jpg)
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    Best choice!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:24 No.20028106
    Beck Row is a village in Suffolk, England. The village is close to RAF Mildenhall and is home to about 500 people. Culturally, the village has an old church and a beacon dating from the time of the Battle of Trafalgar. A Victoria Cross recipient is buried in the local cemetry.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:24 No.20028115
    Kryzpo is a brand of potato snacks, similar to Pringles. The producer is Corpora Tresmontes S.A, in Casablanca between Valparaíso and San Antonio, Chile. They are exported to Argentina, Peru, Panama, Paraguay, Ecuador ammong others. The chips are made of dehydrated potatoes, vegetable oil and / or partially hydrogenated vegetable oil, maltodextrin, modified and unmodified potato starch, salt, emulsifier (fatty acids mono and diglycerides), dextrose, silicon dioxide. The packaging consists of an upright tubular can with a foil interior, and a resealable plastic lid.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:25 No.20028129
    As the Mission Boards decided to close the schools at Samokov and leave Bulgaria, a decision met with protests and discontent among Bulgarian alumni and American donors alike[2, the schools were transferred to another organization, Sofia American Schools, Inc., merged and moved to Sofia in 1926. The construction of a campus in Simeonovo began the same year to start accommodating 119 girls in 1928, 63 boys in 1929, as well as the remaining 130 a year later.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:26 No.20028140
    The station was opened in 1932 and is of similar design to Upney and Elm Park with the platforms arranged on a central island with a long sloping walkway connection to the ticket hall. The station was constructed and initially operated by the London, Midland and Scottish Railway with services provided by the District Line from the outset. The 1930s station buildings were extensively refubished during 2005 and 2006. It is between Becontree and Dagenham East stations.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:26 No.20028153
    Initially the Bush administration asserted that they could withhold all the protections of the Geneva Conventions to captives from the war on terror. This policy was challenged before the Judicial branch. Critics argued that the USA could not evade its obligation to conduct a competent tribunal to determine whether captives are, or are not, entitled to the protections of prisoner of war status.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:27 No.20028165
    Guantanamo counter-terror analysts compiled factors for and against the continued detention of each of the captives who remained in detention in December 2005, with the exception of ten captives who were to face charges before a military commission, and the remaining captives from the 38 who had been determined, by their Combatant Status Review Tribunals, not to have been "enemy combatants" after all. The "Summary of Evidence" memo that contained these factors always broke the factors into those that "favor continued detention", and those that "favor release or transfer". The factors that favor continued detention were always broken down into subcategories, like "Intent", "Training", "Commitment". The factors listed in each subcategory were always numbered. Most transcripts recorded the categories and subcategories. Most transcripts recorded the factor's numbering. But Rahmatullah's transcript doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:27 No.20028175
         File :1238362061.jpg-(33 KB, 393x479, ooooh[1].jpg)
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    Tell you the truth, everyone loves Sylphiel and feels bad for her plight... AS A CHARACTER.

    But the fan dumb in the 90's made Sylphiel into a magic plot device that justifies Gourry not loving Lina or whatever. Hence, she gets a ton of backlash. Which, isn't even her fault. Typical, huh?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:27 No.20028179
    The Designated Military Officer said that the US had launched an attack on this village at 10am, because they believed it was a stronghold for the forces of Raes Abdul Wahed, a resistance leader. The US report said US forces captured 70 men, and decided to hold 11 men, asserting that they had blood on their clothes, or gunpowder, or they were hard of hearing. Rahmatullah denied having any blood or gunpowder stains on his clothing, or that there was anything wrong with his hearing.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:28 No.20028183

    Hey Waffles... Did SGF ever finish that one fic of herself, Amelia, and Zel?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:28 No.20028188
    The organization played an important role in broadcast history until being forced to divest itself of its holdings because of its non-profit status. On November 27, 1922, the Society started broadcasting radio station WOAW with its signal reaching ships in both the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean from its 500-watt (and later 1,000 watt and eventually 5,000 watt) transmitter. In 1926, the station became WOW after the ship SS Bible which had the signal retired.[4
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:28 No.20028195
         File :1238362119.jpg-(66 KB, 350x450, s_p_bbs-cg035.jpg)
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    I do wish this troll hasn't picked the Slayers thread to fuck with. Of all the threads on /a/ to choose from!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:29 No.20028202
    Today, Woodmen of the World provides financial solutions to approximately 800,000 members across the nation. These include life insurance and annuities, cancer insurance, and access to mutual funds, 529 College Savings Plans and other financial services. Members are also eligible to receive a wide array of fraternal benefits. These include participation in a youth program, a camping experience for youth and senior members, disaster relief assistance, a prescription drug discount card, and monetary support for members' orphaned children. Another aspect of the organization's patriotic mission is the annual In Honor and Remembrance program, which pays tribute to the heroes and victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:29 No.20028216
    Logan was born in Quenemo, Kansas. He received a A.B. from University of Kansas in 1952. He received a LL.B. from Harvard Law School in 1955. He was in the United States Army Corporal from 1947 to 1948. He was a law clerk, Hon. Walter Huxman, U.S. Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit from 1955 to 1956. He was in private practice of law in Los Angeles, California from 1956 to 1957. He was an Assistant professor, University of Kansas School of Law from 1957 to 1961. He was a Dean and professor of law, University of Kansas School of Law from 1961 to 1968. He was a Special U.S. Commissioner, U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas from 1964 to 1967. He was an Ezra Ripley Thayer teaching fellow, Harvard Law School from 1961 to 1962. He was a Visiting professor of law, University of Texas in 1964. He was in private practice of law in Olathe, Kansas from 1968 to 1977. He was a Visiting professor of law, Stanford University in 1969. He was a Visiting professor of law, University of Michigan in 1976. He was a Lecturer in law, University of Kansas School of Law in 1982. He was a Lecturer in law, Duke University, 1987, 1991 in 1993.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:30 No.20028225
    Structural parasitology is the study of the structures of proteins for interesting parasites. It applies the techniques of structural biology (such as X-ray crystallography or NMR) to determine the 3-D structures of protein molecules involved in a parasitic relationship. One goal is to distinguish the workings of functional pathways in these organisms in comparison to humans. More importantly, it is hoped that structures of parasite proteins will lead to faster discovery of drugs for diseases neglected by pharmaceutical companies.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:30 No.20028235
    Marvin Scott (born March 10, 1944) was the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in 2004 against incumbent Democrat Evan Bayh but lost to Bayh getting 37%, 904,843 votes. Scott was the Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in Indiana's 10th congressional district in 1994 against Andrew Jacobs, Jr. and received 47.5 % of the vote and in 2000 against Julia Carson receiving 40%, 62,233 votes. Scott unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for congress in the 10th district in 1996 losing to former State Senator Virginia Blackenbaker. Dr. Marvin Scott is a Sociology professor at Butler University for sixteen years, and was president for nine years of Marvin Scott Associates, a management-consulting firm, President of Saint Paul's College for two years, Assistant Chancellor of the Board of Regent for the Commonwealtlh of Massachusetts for five years, Assistant to the Provost, Associate Dean and Professor at Boston University for ten years. He serves on the Indianapolis Water Board, Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Commissionwww.miprc.org, The National Council for the Humanities, the board of the Abraham Clark School of Law and the Regional Council of the Boy Scouts of America. Scott and Family are members of the Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis, where he serves as a Deacon.2.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:30 No.20028236
    I think he's testing a script, or something. Ah well, who cares, really?
    >> Friendly Timerfag 03/29/09(Sun)17:31 No.20028246
         File :1238362280.jpg-(137 KB, 1024x576, facepalm.jpg)
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    Don't remind me of the failure this week was. I kept refreshing /rs/ just in case...
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:31 No.20028249
    Toradora!'s story begins with the male protagonist Ryūji Takasu who is frustrated at trying to look his best as he enters his second year of high school. Despite his gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent, so he is utterly hopeless about his chances of getting a girlfriend anytime soon, and does not have many close friends either. After being greeted by his hungover mother in the morning, Ryūji goes to school and is happy to find that he gets to be in the same class with his best friend Yūsaku Kitamura and a girl he has a crush on, Minori Kushieda. However, it is then that he unexpectedly knocks into "the school's most dangerous animal of the highest risk level"—Taiga Aisaka—who just happens to also be in his class, and is a good friend of Minori.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:32 No.20028263
    Taiga has a negative attitude towards others and will not hesitate to snap at people. After meeting Ryūji, she takes an instant dislike of him. Taiga comes from a rich family, but she has moved out to live on her own due to family issues. She is coincidentally living in an apartment next to Ryūji's. When Ryūji discovers that Taiga has a crush on Yūsaku, and Taiga finds out about Ryūji's affections towards Minori, Ryūji suggests that they cooperate to win the objects of their affections. Taiga exploits the fact that Ryūji will do anything to get closer to Minori. She makes him her personal servant, getting him to do all her household chores (cooking and cleaning). Taiga spends a lot of her time over at his house, so much that she could almost be considered a member of his family. Since Ryūji spends a lot of time with Taiga, he has opened up to her world and to a side of her that most people do not see. The two also try to help each other improve the way people view them. However people they know from school start to become curious about their strange relationship and rumors begin to spread about them behind their backs.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:32 No.20028280
    One Piece (ワンピース ,Wan Pīsu?) is a long-running shōnen manga written and illustrated by Eiichirō Oda, that has been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine since August 4, 1997. The individual chapters are being published in tankōbon volumes by Shueisha, with the first released on December 24, 1997 and 53 volumes released as of March 4, 2009. One Piece follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old boy, who gained supernatural abilities by eating a magical fruit, and his ragtag crew of heroic pirates, named the Straw Hats. Luffy's greatest ambition is to obtain the world's ultimate treasure, One Piece, and thereby become the next King of the Pirates. When creating the series, Oda was heavily influenced by the manga Dragon Ball.
    >> Slayersgirlfag 03/29/09(Sun)17:32 No.20028282
    I haven't had the chance. I haven't been around on /a/ much this week.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:33 No.20028290
    The multi-national, worldwide Zionist movement is structured as a representative democracy. Congresses are held every four years (they were held every two years before the Second World War) and delegates to the congress are elected by the membership. Members are required to pay dues known as a shekel. At the congress, delegates elected a 30-man executive council, which in turn elected the movement's leader. The movement was democratic from its inception and women had the right to vote (before they won the right in Great Britain). Until 1917, the ZO pursued a strategy of building a homeland through persistent small-scale immigration and the founding of such bodies as the Jewish National Fund (1901 - a charity which bought land for Jewish settlement) and the Anglo-Palestine Bank (1903 - provided loans for Jewish businesses and farmers). In 1942, at the Biltmore Conference, Zionists changed their program and demanded the establishment of a Jewish state as the aim of the movement.
    >> Waffleman !!lEcQTlQ/zVh 03/29/09(Sun)17:33 No.20028295
    Did she start?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:33 No.20028304
    Born on July 20, 1992 in Dallas, Texas, Paige started on the hit children's show, Barney & Friends (PBS), in her hometown of Dallas, Texas. Paige took a summer trip to New York where she signed with two agencies, Cunningham, Escott, Dipene (CED) and Wilhemenia Modeling. After a decision to move to California, she transferred to CED in Los Angeles and she immediately booked a role on the hit television show "Felicity" (WB). Since, she has co-starred in the films "Cradle to the Grave" with DMX (Warner Bros.), "Never Die Alone" (20th Century Fox), "The Cat in the Hat" with Mike Myers (Universal), “Time Out” Executive Produced by John Singleton and as the female lead in “Virginia.” On the TV side, she has appeared in hit television shows such as "Felicity", "ER", "Medium", The Suite Life of Zack and Cody, The George Lopez Show (ABC), "The Division" (Lifetime), "Boomtown" (NBC), Punk'd with host Ashton Kutcher (MTV) and the sitcom "Everybody Hates Chris". She played Vanessa in Beauty Shop (MGM).
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:34 No.20028317
    IRCC, she refused to incorperate herself in a fic.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:34 No.20028320
    As of the census of 2000, there were 644 people, 283 households, and 191 families residing in the village. The population density was 3,714.7 people per square mile (1,462.6/km²). There were 304 housing units at an average density of 1,753.5/sq mi (690.4/km²). The racial makeup of the village was 97.05% White, 2.17% African American, 0.31% from other races, and 0.47% from two or more races.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:34 No.20028326
    At times like this I wish /a/ had any kind of moderation. Then I remember the moderation on Freshverse and suddenly the status quo doesn't look all that bad.

    > Different colored text to indicate a non-scripted post.
    >> Friendly Timerfag 03/29/09(Sun)17:34 No.20028333
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    That reminds me, last week's thread 404'd right after I posted this.

    Here you go, SGF
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:34 No.20028334
    I know. I just like how Sylphiel's character contrasts so much with Lina. It would have provided great lulz if she decided to travel with Lina.

    I'm not saying we should change the canon pairings either, but it's not like it would kill Gourry to fuck Sylphiel once so she can get over him.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:34 No.20028340
    s the twenty-fifth album by Jandek, and his only for 1996.Released as Corwood Industries #0763, it is essentially a "concept album" (see the title) about a guy who opens a "Pandora's box" of sorts. Over a year removed from the last album, this was the longest period between Jandek albums since the original three year stretch between the first two albums.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:35 No.20028355
    Though Dunnite was generally considered an insensitive substance, by 1911 the United States Army had abandoned its use in favor of other alternatives.The Navy, however, used it in armor-piercing artillery shells and projectiles, and in coastal defense.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:35 No.20028367
    In 2003, Auditor General Li Jinhua presented the annual audit report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. He openly disclosed the severe irregularities committed by many ministries and other government agencies. This report was posted to the official website of the NAO. It was the first time that the audit report was published to the public. This received significant public attention and was labelled as "audit storm".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:35 No.20028368
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    Hey guys... I know how to deal with trolls on /a/...

    You just say the magic words and it makes them RAGE. Here we go...

    Hinata is NOT dead.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:36 No.20028390
    Irmingard was born at her father's residence, Schloss Berchtesgaden. She spent her childhood between Berchtesgaden and her father's other residences, the Leuchtenberg Palais in Munich, Schloss Leutstetten, and Schloss Hohenschwangau. In 1936 she was sent to England to be educated at the Convent of the Sacred Heart in Roehampton (later Woldingham School) where several of her cousins, princesses of Luxembourg, were also enrolled.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:37 No.20028409
    The Port of Mobile, located in Mobile, Alabama, United States, is the only deep-water port in the state, and was the 10th largest in the nation in 2006.[1] It is located along the Mobile River where it empties into Mobile Bay. The Port of Mobile has public, deepwater terminals with direct access to 1,500 miles of inland and intracoastal waterways serving the Great Lakes, the Ohio and Tennessee river valleys (via the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway), and the Gulf of Mexico. The Alabama State Port Authority owns and operates the public terminals at the Port of Mobile. The public terminals handle containerized, bulk, break bulk, roll-on/roll-off, and heavy lift cargoes. The port is also home to private bulk terminal operators. The container, general cargo and bulk facilities have immediate access to two interstate systems and five Class I railroads. Additionally, the Central Gulf Railroad operates from the port as a rail ferry service to Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, in Mexico
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:37 No.20028422
    The 2008 Tylenol Players' Championship is the last Grand Slam event of both the World Curling Tour and Women's Curling Tour for the 2007-08 season. This will be the sixteenth time the event has taken place, and the third time since it was switched to joint men's/women's format. The event will be held in St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador April 15-20. Since the event is a part of the Olympic qualifying process in Canada, only Canadian teams are invited. The total purse for each event is $100,000.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:38 No.20028443
    Pendle Vale College has an excellent range of facilities. The £32 million site includes classrooms with extensive ICT facilities, a sporting centre with a huge sports hall, multi-gym and all-weather pitches. There is also creative and performing arts provision, including music studios, dance and drama suites. Adult learners and the community will also be able to use these facilities.
    >> Slayersgirlfag 03/29/09(Sun)17:38 No.20028450
    I started one. It's in the really really early stages. I refused to Mary Sue myself but was convinced by Anon. Besides, it's a good way to get rid of some pent up frustration!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:39 No.20028458
    Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, or CCRKBA, is a gun rights organization in the United States, headquartered in Bellevue, Washington. It is closely affiliated with the Second Amendment Foundation. The CCRKBA was founded in 1971 and it now has 615,000 members with Allan Gottlieb as the chairman.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:39 No.20028477
    He was a member of a patrician family of the Kingdom of Naples with large estates in Abruzzo, and held the titles of Duke of Atri, Count of San Flaviano and Giulianova, Lord of Forcella, Roseto, Padula, and was the first Duke of Teramo. By his marriage with Caterina del Balzo Orsini, his family obtained the title of counts of Conversano, which they retained until the early nineteeth century. In 1479 he obtained from the Neapolitan king the surname "Acquaviva of Aragon".
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:40 No.20028483
    1036 Ganymed (pronounced /ˈɡænɨmɛd/) is the largest Amor asteroid. It was discovered by Walter Baade on October 23, 1924 and is named after Ganymede, the Trojan prince turned god whom Zeus designated the cupbearer to the Greek gods. Jupiter's moon Ganymede is also named after that individual.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/09(Sun)17:40 No.20028495
    Archaeologists who have worked in the Marianas since the end of World War II have noted a distinct difference between latte stones located along the coast, as opposed to those located inland. Coastal latte tend to be placed in sand containing extensive relics of habitation, including shards of pottery, fish and animal bones, and stone and shell tools. Human burials were placed within sand containing these archaeological remnants, either within or near sets of lattes. In contrast, the soil in which inland lattes stones are placed rarely has an archaeological stratum or associated burial. The implication is that inland latte sites were temporarily occupied, and perhaps of a change in burial practice in the later Latte Period.

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