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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1236909663.jpg-(327 KB, 700x585, groupdrawing-1.jpg)
    327 KBPOKEJRPGTIME Supachibi 03/12/09(Thu)22:01 No.19566591  
    It's that time again, /a/.


    The PokeJRPG team has once again updated our blog, and, as always, we welcome your opinions and questions.
    If you have an opinion or would like to comment on our update, leave your comment in the comments section of the new post.
    Have a question about the update, or about the project in general? Check the FAQ section on the forums first to see if your question is answered, and feel free to post your questions there or in this thread.

    As always, we're continually searching for anyone who would like to help on our project.
    Can you draw? Program? Compose? Or just want to help? Go to the link on our blog that says PokeJRPG forums, and leave a message in the Volunteer section of the forums.

    For those not in the know, the PokeJRPG is a reimagining of the Pokemon universe in a format that has more in common with Final Fantasy or Breath of Fire. No longer is Pokemon practically plotless, instead we'll have a globe-spanning plot, where your decisions can shape the world.

    Pokemon still roam the world freely, of course, but now you can catch them and forge their spirits into weapons and armor for your party to use.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:02 No.19566613
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:02 No.19566620

    Oh what.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:02 No.19566621
    what a gay idea
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:02 No.19566623
    this intrigues me
    >> Giovanni (pokemon always relevant) !!+WMmeZLryrI 03/12/09(Thu)22:04 No.19566695
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    Shit will suck.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:05 No.19566710

    You're just bitter about getting your ass kicked by a ten-year old.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:06 No.19566739
    >> Yomi is my waifu ;_; !!ARzlY3aiu+r 03/12/09(Thu)22:07 No.19566762
    Did you finally decide to give your female characters a healthy treatment?
    >> Giovanni (pokemon always relevant) !!+WMmeZLryrI 03/12/09(Thu)22:08 No.19566782
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    Not a ten year, a pokemon with a ten year calling in the shots. If it was one on one, I could take him.
    >> lost judgement !!KZA675qG25u 03/12/09(Thu)22:09 No.19566799
    not sure if want but im bored heck i'll try it
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:09 No.19566801
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    >> Guzu 03/12/09(Thu)22:09 No.19566825
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    Not yet, our artist is working on it though.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:14 No.19566955
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    >> lost judgement !!KZA675qG25u 03/12/09(Thu)22:15 No.19566981
    >Final Fantasy or Breath of Fire.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:16 No.19567007
    OP, do you have any game design documentation ? what engine do you plan on using? i'm a 3-D modeler and specialize in character modeling and i may be interested in this project
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:18 No.19567049
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    >forge their spirits into weapons and armor for your party to use.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:19 No.19567060
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    >> Guzu 03/12/09(Thu)22:19 No.19567067
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    We're planning on using XNA and C#, but admittedly we don't have much other than a basic movement demo. Register at the forums and PM Lunaris if you want to help, we would love to have you on the team. ---> http://s13.invisionfree.com/pokejrpg
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:22 No.19567130
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)22:26 No.19567226
         File :1236911197.jpg-(303 KB, 1000x500, archer.jpg)
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