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  • File :1236829463.jpg-(303 KB, 800x1016, befrined me nanoha.jpg)
    303 KB Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:44 No.19541894  

    >The reason for the change? Nanoha is 25, and so cannot reasonably be called a “magical girl” any longer…

    >Nanoha is 25


    It's over guys Nanoha is Over!
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:46 No.19541944
    Nanoha was over after A's dude...
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:46 No.19541946

    Vivio series


    magical war lyrical nanoha force is a badass name
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:47 No.19541963
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:47 No.19541968
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:50 No.19542043
    Does that mean canon yuri?
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:52 No.19542072
    Speaking as a fan of typical magical girl series, I don't see anything wrong with an adult magical girl. The girls in Sailor Moon are sailor soldiers their entire lives, even though they probably stopped aging in their 20's or 30's. But whatever, fanboys don't care about that.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:52 No.19542085
    25? Thank god, maybe now she'll be fappable.

    I like adult women.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:53 No.19542111

    No, Nanoha is not a lesbian.

    She seems to be this asexual being solely focused on friendship and work.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:54 No.19542124
    vivio + vita show
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:56 No.19542160
    This will be Nanoha's final fight, she is getting old, her magic has taken it's toll on her, the enemies are younger and stronger,

    Nanoha will die
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:57 No.19542177

    They got the author of Shina Dark for this.

    So basically, FRIENDSHIP that can be easily interpreted for yuri subtext ( read; Gallet/Christina ) while being hetero or WORKAHOLIC at heart.

    There'll be no canon yuri.

    Search your hearts, you know it to be true.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:57 No.19542189
    and nothing of value was lost
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:57 No.19542195

    She will marry Yuuno.
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:58 No.19542208
    Sleeping together for that many years and not gay? hahah oh wow
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:58 No.19542209
    By Vivio
    For real this time
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:58 No.19542221

    Some people are sick
    >> Anonymous 03/11/09(Wed)23:59 No.19542225
    At 25, women are considered useless spinsters in Japan
    >> Shion !U4ZKgLjqPw 03/12/09(Thu)00:00 No.19542256
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:01 No.19542275
    "Nobody wants a Christmas cake after the 25th."

    Nobody is going to want a woman who isn't married by her 25th birthday.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:02 No.19542296
         File :1236830524.jpg-(64 KB, 475x700, goku.jpg)
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    Don't worry, guys, they'll try and make her daughter the main character but the fans and execs will get them to bring her back from the dead. Maybe even with a new child body or something
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:02 No.19542303
    Ah... That means Feito-chan is 25 as well. I'm fine with that. Three years older is fine too.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:03 No.19542335
    So wait if Nanoha is 25 how old would Vivio and Subaru and Teana be???
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:03 No.19542341
         File :1236830608.jpg-(117 KB, 640x480, ND037.jpg)
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    More like Nanoha GT,

    Nanoha is loli again
    >> Natsume !Cr9FR9aB7g 03/12/09(Thu)00:03 No.19542346
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:03 No.19542349
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:04 No.19542359
    (Marked for deletion, old)
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:04 No.19542360

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:04 No.19542362

    Nanoha and Fate slept together for just a year. Slightly less than that actually.

    RF6 is the only special circumstances that brought them together. Otherwise, they're both separated via their own jobs in the Air Force/Navy.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:04 No.19542372
    stay with your sanakushit on their site
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:05 No.19542401
    Yes, girls get older too. You will get old one day too Anonymous. Deal with it, your youth won't last forever.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:06 No.19542419
    At least Vita will still be loli
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:06 No.19542437
    Since she and Fate are instructors, they too can now join the ranks of Yukari, Nyamo, Kuroi, <every other female teacher>
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:06 No.19542438
         File :1236830800.jpg-(129 KB, 704x504, 1236204918025.jpg)
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    Fate at 25
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:07 No.19542464
         File :1236830845.jpg-(102 KB, 600x500, 1225827755518.jpg)
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    Vita goes to High School.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:08 No.19542488
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:09 No.19542508
         File :1236830946.jpg-(64 KB, 640x480, 1236731138779.jpg)
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    fucking THIS
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:10 No.19542556
         File :1236831050.jpg-(20 KB, 477x358, 20090206-155941_1233953785382.jpg)
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    She only gets better! Precia sure does know how to make em.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:10 No.19542564
    I like me some Christmas Cake year round.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:11 No.19542581
    Sounds...pretty fucking awesome, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:12 No.19542594
         File :1236831146.jpg-(234 KB, 468x643, numbers.jpg)
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    This comic will be the most confusing thing ever since they have like 3 seasons of characters to mesh in now. So how can they have Fate and Nanoha plus Hayate and her Knights plus all the reformed Numbers from Season 3 and all the Rookies from S3. Everyone will get like roughly 1 panel a chapters or maybe they will make up a BS excuse for why some of them are missing
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:12 No.19542597
         File :1236831150.jpg-(110 KB, 445x694, 1200995828556.jpg)
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    Everyone knows Vita is the most fashionable and therefore the best choice.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:15 No.19542656

    On a scale of 1 to 10 those are HUGE!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:17 No.19542723

    Ferrets do.

    On the hindsight, part-time academic, full-time archelogist do as well. Indyuuno Scrya.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:23 No.19542856
    Yuuno would eventually tire of her workaholicness and marry someone else.

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:24 No.19542884

    His childhood friend Fate?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:25 No.19542900
    That's nice but Yuuno works just as hard, if not harder, than she does.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:25 No.19542909
    Thus it begins.
    >> Anonymous of the Philippine Republic !!4b3DtY5ordZ 03/12/09(Thu)00:26 No.19542940
    Same here
    >> ██████████████████████████████ !!Io+rhm7ZDyI 03/12/09(Thu)00:27 No.19542961

    Fucking gay bullshit. I don't normally get mad at this kind of thing but what the fuck is this, shitty mcballs gay piece of dick.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:27 No.19542963

    I like me some Christmas cake year round
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:28 No.19542966
    Law enforcement, which follows pro-women anti-man mandates, is superior in force to me; yes. It is superior in force to all individual men.

    Men are barred from having young females of childbearing age as wives (they must instead accept ladies of the night (those who have been around) who are wise to the world and are knowlegable about all their enforced privledges against Man).
    Men are forbidden to have relations at will with their wives (marital rape) (this makes marrige prostitution: the man must pay the “wife” in obediance and services inorder to get permission… if he doesn’t get permission he goes to jail for a long time.)
    Men are punished for saying what they wish when it offends a woman (sexual harrasment).

    Equality is BAD for Men. The only system where Men aquire what they wish and are happy for their lives is one where that which is advantageous to Men exists.

    An example of such a system that is advantageous to Men is seen in rural Turkey aswell as in the Old Testament of the Bible:
    *Men marry young females of childbearing age (females gain the ability to have children at age 12, 13, or 14.)
    *Men have relations with their wives at will (no right of refusual or right to control one’s own body for the females.)
    *Men say as they wish, there are no sexual harrasment policies or laws.
    *If a Man does rape a young virgin who is not the property of another man (that is: she is not bethrothed (the status of living at her husband’s house for one year before the marraige ceremony), and not married, but instead a young maiden girl) he merely pays the father some money and takes that girl as a wife of his (this is seen in Deuteronomy chapter 22). This is one thing that rural Turkey is famous for… though it is not Christian nor Jewish.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:28 No.19542972
         File :1236832106.png-(120 KB, 500x502, 1236565423867.png)
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    this show is awesome and you should feel awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:28 No.19542981
         File :1236832130.jpg-(205 KB, 517x727, nanotoilet.jpg)
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    I don't like girls with hair on their vaginas
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:29 No.19542991
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:29 No.19543004
         File :1236832179.jpg-(149 KB, 750x1070, 07.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:30 No.19543034
    > ██████████████████████████████ !!Io+rhm7ZDyI

    So, what should I call you?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:31 No.19543055
    I don't like the idea either.

    I don't care about most of these new characters, and now they're going to go and revolve the show around it.

    At least keep them 19, keep them some age without rapidly bringing them closer to death.

    It's sad when you realize that Lindy is probably in her 50's now.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:31 No.19543061
         File :1236832307.jpg-(135 KB, 734x1023, sqas (8).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:32 No.19543067
         File :1236832327.jpg-(23 KB, 350x350, back to the kitchen.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:32 No.19543086
    >So, what should I call you?

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:34 No.19543144

    Spolier !!Io+rhm7ZDyI ?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:35 No.19543155
    >*Men marry young females of childbearing age (females gain the ability to have children at age 12, 13, or 14.)
    *Men have relations with their wives at will (no right of refusual or right to control one’s own body for the females.)
    *Men say as they wish, there are no sexual harrasment policies or laws.
    i agree.
    >*If a Man does rape a young virgin who is not the property of another man (that is: she is not bethrothed (the status of living at her husband’s house for one year before the marraige ceremony), and not married, but instead a young maiden girl) he merely pays the father some money and takes that girl as a wife of his (this is seen in Deuteronomy chapter 22). This is one thing that rural Turkey is famous for… though it is not Christian nor Jewish.
    this however, I DONT agree.
    Men who rape young maidens should be givin the death penalty.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:35 No.19543158
    Why would they get rid of Nanoha, she taught a generation of girls about the meaning of friendship and the black arts
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:35 No.19543166
    lol no. Lindy was only like 23. 10, 12 years later? She's like... 27.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:36 No.19543170
    I stopped watching StrikerS after about the 6th episode, even though I really like A's. Does StrikerS pick up or am I better off dropping it?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:37 No.19543206
    Who gives a shit about what you think? Discuss this somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:37 No.19543219
         File :1236832663.jpg-(37 KB, 500x700, 1226642998370.jpg)
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    well, nanoha being 25 makes it 6 years after strikers, so vivio would be nanoha's age in the first season, and subaru/teana would be nanoha/fates age from strikers
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:38 No.19543230

    There were a couple of good bits here and there, and for me at least the characters made it worth it, but if you got bored enough to drop it after 6 then it probably isn't worth persevering
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:38 No.19543233
    "Magical woman"?! "Magical Woman," /a/!

    You can still fuck her, /a/!

    (...fucking faggots...)
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:38 No.19543234

    It gets better at episode 8/9. Turns to shit again for 6 episodes. 2 episodes of awesome, 3 episodes of shit again.

    The last 6 episodes of made of FUCK YEAH... WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE SHITTY BATTLES... FFFFF SLB... and what is this shit of a final episode?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:38 No.19543239

    Yuuno is the man
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:38 No.19543241
    It gets better later on.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:38 No.19543243
    nanoha is one of those girls who will always remain hot, husbando material regardless of her age
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:40 No.19543274
    I would
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:40 No.19543290

    Is Fate not wearing an undershirt or bra?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:40 No.19543295
    I don't get the 25, asians never age until they hit their 70's.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:41 No.19543314
    >implying /a/ can fuck anyone

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:41 No.19543316
         File :1236832889.jpg-(50 KB, 500x700, 1226643021706.jpg)
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    havent gotten to repost this in ages

    Nanoha 1-3 = Meh
    Nanoha 4-7 = Good
    Nanoha 8-13 = Awesome
    Nanoha A's 1-10 = Fucking awesome
    Nanoha A's 11 = Really fucking awesome
    Nanoha A's 12-13 = Good
    StrikerS 1-6 = Meh
    StrikerS 7-9 = Good
    StrikerS 10-12 = Awesome
    StrikerS 13-16 = Good
    StrikerS 17 = Awesome
    StrikerS 18-22 = Good
    StrikerS 23-25 = Awesome
    StrikerS 26 = Good
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:41 No.19543322
    That makes even less sense.

    How old was Chrono when he first appeared? 12?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:42 No.19543333
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:42 No.19543340

    I heard it was coming out two months ago. What the fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:43 No.19543348

    Being able to kick ass will always be hot. Always.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:43 No.19543352
         File :1236832995.jpg-(166 KB, 600x848, f068d947b17bf99dca4a023zl6.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:43 No.19543357
    Why don't they just retool Nanoha for a new audience: Nanoha- Magical bisexual nymphomaniac
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:44 No.19543372
         File :1236833050.jpg-(273 KB, 561x800, 3358096.jpg)
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    StrikerS characters WHERE?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:44 No.19543378

    StrikerS 13-16, 18-22, 24 were total crap.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:45 No.19543405
    who the fuck is this nobody, kimosama, and why is he such a tosser.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:45 No.19543411
         File :1236833136.jpg-(67 KB, 500x700, 1226643048777.jpg)
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    lindy has to be 30ish in the first season, ignore the idiots, chrono was 14 in the first season iirc
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:46 No.19543435

    A bulk of the fans in Japan are NanoFatefags, yet the creators don't seem to have the intention to make Nanoha a yurifag or even bisexual.

    At most, it seems they'd make her mechasexual, workasexual or beamsexual. The only real canon pairing so far is Nanoha x SLB.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:49 No.19543526
    shrug thats a consolidated version, didnt want to many lines for single episodes since strikers was already larger than the first two seasons
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:50 No.19543556
         File :1236833447.jpg-(165 KB, 800x1588, ad6cd6c1cf74848af4c8c2e1ed4e22(...).jpg)
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    >Nanoha is 25, and so cannot reasonably be called a “magical girl” any longer…

    Kyouka-sama, 20 + children.
    A magical wife!
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:51 No.19543583
         File :1236833495.png-(446 KB, 896x504, 2008-10-25 06-54-36.png)
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    >total crap
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:52 No.19543607
    20+ year old nekomimi demon possessing a loli body
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:52 No.19543610
         File :1236833565.jpg-(56 KB, 600x450, slowpoke hijack.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:52 No.19543619
    lol i troll you
    Im on episode 5 of "A" right now. Didn't think it could get any better, awesome
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:53 No.19543629
    I said, RETOOL it for a new audience. I don't believe a christmas cake should go to waste EVAR and that is some fantastic fucking christmas cake.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:54 No.19543649
    I don't remember that many awesome in StrikerS
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:54 No.19543661
    At least watch that episode.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:55 No.19543674
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:56 No.19543693

    Animation fixes and Fate does not change the fact that Erio/Caro/Fate battle were made of total bullshit.

    Every SINGLE aspect of the character development that made up for the drama in episode 24 came from the drama CD. Let's not forget the storyboarding of episode 24 was so bad the smoothest animation in the world won't make it look good.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:57 No.19543736
    why not?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)00:59 No.19543800
    Damn, I can't wait.
    Too bad for all you loli lovers though.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:00 No.19543807
    This is one the reason, I like Nanoha's character

    Most magical girls consider this a side and they soon retire after they graduate high school.

    For Nanoha this is her career. Something that she decided on while she was 9 years old.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:01 No.19543841
    >They got the author of Shina Dark for this

    You mean the artist Yukari Higa? That might just be reason enough for me to read this series despite skipping the entire first three seasons.
    Ok reconciliation for no Shina Dark anime, I guess...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:01 No.19543858
    well the 10-12 was probably from nanoha/fate taking the gloves off for the first time

    17 shouldnt need to be explained

    23-25 was same as 10-12
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:03 No.19543927
    5th season is magical middle-aged women
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:06 No.19544006
         File :1236834401.jpg-(137 KB, 533x746, 20090311001515.jpg)
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    So do you think they will show us more YURI SUBTEXT in season 4 manga, even though they changed their artist?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:06 No.19544011
    hows this

    Nanoha 1-3 = Meh
    Nanoha 4-7 = Good
    Nanoha 8-13 = Awesome
    Nanoha A's 1-10 = Fucking awesome
    Nanoha A's 11 = Really fucking awesome
    Nanoha A's 12-13 = Good
    StrikerS 1-6 = Meh
    StrikerS 7-16 = Good
    StrikerS 17 = Awesome
    StrikerS 18-22 = Good
    StrikerS 23-25 = Awesome
    StrikerS 26 = Good
    >> Natsume !Cr9FR9aB7g 03/12/09(Thu)01:07 No.19544032

    Id still watch it.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:08 No.19544078
    >StrikerS 1-6 = Meh
    >StrikerS 7-16 = Good
    They have wasted episode 1-16 for nothing...
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:10 No.19544131
    Desperate magihousewives
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:11 No.19544166
    I hope so. It's the second best thing about Nanoha.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:12 No.19544195
    We already have an eroge for magical MILFs, actually

    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:13 No.19544200
    meh, some, but not a whole lot of yuri in Shina Dark, so hard to say what the artist would do
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:17 No.19544308

    There'll ALWAYS be yuri subtext. It sells, even in series where one of the girls is hetero. Even more so in a series where the fans get off these 'overanalysed subtext of friendship.'

    The good thing is that in the StrikerS manga, the subtext was equally divided between NanoFate, NanoVita, FateSignum, etc and not LOLOLOLOL NANOFATEMAMA like in the anime so hopefully it won't feel so shoved in the face.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:17 No.19544316


    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:17 No.19544325
         File :1236835066.jpg-(107 KB, 653x800, 23425364564..jpg)
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    Perhaps Subaru would going out with the guys in season 4 manga, she is 21, right? .
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:24 No.19544463
    I hope her OS has been updated. Nobody wants an outdated OS. Unless it's XP.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:25 No.19544507

    1. Gets horribly damaged.
    2. Gets repaired and upgraded by Jail.
    3. ????
    4. Profit and doujins.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:28 No.19544549

    I'll always love you, Windows 3.1
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:29 No.19544588
    I'd watch it.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:39 No.19544772
         File :1236836346.jpg-(174 KB, 750x1207, HTCB06.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:39 No.19544780
    Damn, does she ever get SEXY.

    Any Tea pics from recent manga chapters?
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:43 No.19544852
         File :1236836606.jpg-(43 KB, 110x346, subaruskirtrs41.jpg)
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    Subaru has such a baby face.
    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:46 No.19544920
         File :1236836814.jpg-(298 KB, 1000x1033, 2930939.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/12/09(Thu)01:50 No.19544989
    Imagine Fate being 25 years old

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