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02/23/09(Mon)08:07 No.19108952  File :1235394459.jpg-(86 KB, 333x500, JennaCash.jpg)
 Hey guys,
name is Jenna, and I'm asking every single one of you to help me. My
boyfriend is this skinny, greasy-haired guido who spends every second
of his day looking at his stupid ass hair. He is everything bad with
today's youth. Honestly, do all men brag about having fucked their
"bitches" last night? I mean, I guess it's because of peer pressure and
trying to be accepted, but he takes it to a whole new level. This is
even worse than drinking beer all day and listening to Heavy Metal.
ignore me. Please, help me. I'm pretty much desperate. I was a regular
at the literature club, and vice-president of the science club. I also
had a thing for classical music? I used to get straight A's, that is,
before I met him (He just made me blow him; Shit was SO gross). He's a
faggot, and I want to kill him. Please help me!
Pic Related: It's me. |