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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1233029948.png-(745 KB, 500x728, 705651.png)
    745 KB Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:19 No.18361500  
    There's nobody there to see me off. Not that I expected anyone, but seeing it so makes me realize that I'm not abandoning my old life. I have no life to abandon at all.
    I pick up my things, the only valuables I'm allowed to take in. Hard drives carefully protected against vibrations and magnetism, carrying what amounts to 30 odd years of collecting. And a handful of collectibles, the ones I couldn't bear to separate from after all these years.

    The double doors open without fanfare, the other side looking as grim and unkempt as this place. Litter around, and what seems to be a stack of abandoned computer cases. I hope that it is as they promised.
    Swallowing hard, I take a couple steps towards the male receptionist. His glassed eyes show for how long he has dealt with newcomers like me.
    "Welcome to the Tower, Class C Number 4," he recites in a monotone voice.
    "I'm here to check in"
    "So it is. For how long will you stay with us?"
    "Forever." I try to sound as serious as I am. I've sealed the rest of my life away.
    "The usual then." He shows no surprise, not at all. It's a let down, but then again nobody made any fuss when I announced my decision to lock myself away with floors upon floors of social misfits.
    He scans my radio tag and starts to tap away something in some old terminal. "We have some rules, the manual is in your bedroom. Exercise and Hygiene are mandatory for all of our sake, import services are available coming in every day, average speed is 1 GB U/D. No shouting memes, no physical trolling, no breaching of privacy." He lifts his face and gives me a professional smile "Just keep to yourself and you will be okay." He shifts back to his apathetic self. He's probably the one with more people skills in the whole building.
    "That's it. Your room is 642, enjoy yourself." My forearm glows letting me know of my newfound privileges, and the world I'm leaving behind.
    "Welcome back Anonymous, you're home."
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:21 No.18361542
    Is picture of an anime?
    >> Hox !eJSo3pT9s6 01/26/09(Mon)23:21 No.18361559
    Isn't this a repost? Whatever, it's still good.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:22 No.18361570
    This sounds like some place I would live, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:25 No.18361648
    I'd probably live there too.
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:27 No.18361699
    >"no physical trolling"
    >> Matsuda-chan !ZYIggdNQgg 01/26/09(Mon)23:29 No.18361747
    tl dr
    >> Anonymous 01/26/09(Mon)23:31 No.18361805
    Building Class determines commodities and architecture. Classes Alpha and Beta were more of social experiments, seeing if the concept of Anonymous Apartments could work, before exploding into a flurry of unchecked rage and testosterone.
    Class A is known for allowing roommates, a bad idea overall. Class B tried to fix that with separate bungalows, but the increased rent is not very attractive. Class C offers private apartments with all you need, with the caveat of small shelf spaces and standard issued computer hardware.
    I heard of a Class D proof of concept, which uses abandoned missile silos reformed to settle humans. There are fears of what will the prolonged isolation periods do to the already twisted minds of the tenants, but it seems to be pretty comfortable.

    Even though the common rooms have a complete set of consoles and different games, most tenants save up to buy their own so they don't have to deal with others. The preferred job is Data Processing by telecommuting. There's also a committee hellbent on getting people to come to the inauguration anniversary party.
    There's low attendance because everyone thinks nobody will go anyway. Only a dozen or so assist, stick around for a while and leave, leaving the beverages and snacks to the elements.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)00:02 No.18362551
    As part of the Class A experiment, those that choose to go under a name online got a small sign in front of their doors related to their tripcode.
    After several incidents of pranks, each one more dangerous than the last, it was decided that all sort of practical jokes, of whatever nature, were prohibited on the premises. Of course, it didn't stop the Fire of Class A Number 0, marking the habitat rules for all the following towers.

    Equally, reports of broken ribs, bones, and numerous lacerations, specially in the face, were attributed to what was denominated "drive-by rage". Comments against the purity of one's waifu, or any other number of personal choices, pushed some of the tenants too far. Fortunately, no deaths or serious injuries were recorded by the end of the Beta experiments.
    >> Anonymous 01/27/09(Tue)00:04 No.18362583

    I remember reading this before

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