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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232898939.jpg-(567 KB, 1600x1200, 1225744198874.jpg)
    567 KB Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:55 No.18314077  
    Just thought I'd remind you.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:57 No.18314119
    >elitist faggotry
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:57 No.18314120
    > /A/
    What the shit is /A/?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)10:59 No.18314138

    oh wow.. how does i do propper engrish?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:01 No.18314173
    question. Why do people prefer mkv?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:01 No.18314176
         File :1232899270.png-(337 KB, 545x403, meee.png)
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:01 No.18314182
    hurr durr
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:02 No.18314199
    It's cruise control for /a/. Also, bitches don't know about my font.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:02 No.18314202
    Because mkv is superior. Especially, it allows us softsubs with typesetting.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:04 No.18314232
    so it's just about the subs? ok then...
    >> 40% !sBPA/ggN3A 01/25/09(Sun)11:05 No.18314246
    .avi is a single audio/single video/single sub file format.
    .mkv allows multiple sets of video/audio/subs in one file, which is great, especiall for DVD rips and/or several sets of subs in one file (with/without karaoke for example).

    AT least I think that's why /a/ prefers .mkv.
    >> Matsuda !dgV1G6zoTI 01/25/09(Sun)11:06 No.18314272
    > you dont know shit about the imageboard culture..

    what a bunch of elitist faggots.
    protip : 5 or 6 inside jokes are not "culture"
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:07 No.18314282
    Easier for the subbers to work with, native support for modern video/audio formats (like H.264 for video and AAC/Vorbis for audio), softsub support, chapter support, etc.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:07 No.18314285
    And it allows ordered chapters. But I guess everything else could be done by mp4, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:08 No.18314297
    When the fuck did it become wrong to be elitist!?
    Goddamn newcomers, they don't want to be part of the board, just ruin it, ruin it even further.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:08 No.18314303
    That was directed at you. Point proven.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:09 No.18314317
         File :1232899756.jpg-(661 KB, 1600x1200, guideforfags.jpg)
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    I think this version is the newer one, OP (even though this one has two nines).
    >> Matsuda !!rBmxSu8PJJy 01/25/09(Sun)11:10 No.18314332
    >10. Don't make a thread just to post this chart.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:10 No.18314333
    Except MP4's softsub support sucks humongous balls and nothing supports the native chapter support it has (since it would have to be done with BIFS, that basically nothing supports).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:15 No.18314404
    I don't see that on the list anywhere.
    I think you just made that up.
    >> Matsuda !dgV1G6zoTI 01/25/09(Sun)11:16 No.18314423
    >If you think /a/.... blablabla

    I'm sorry to wake you up from your dreams of grandeur but if you take a look around , you will realize this place is 50% newfags and 70% underaged fags.
    They are already part of the community.
    They cant care less of your "GLORIOUS-PAST-LOL"
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:20 No.18314501
    So what? Even if there's a lot of them it doesn't make them any more acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:21 No.18314515
    >I'm sorry to wake you up from your dreams of grandeur but if you take a look around , you will realize this place is 50% newfags and 70% underaged fags

    Thanks Captain Obvious. Anything else you'd like to tell us that we already know?

    >They cant care less of your "GLORIOUS-PAST-LOL"

    Well they fucking should. Hence, the fancy list as a means to educate their dumb asses. Fuck off if you don't like it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:23 No.18314546
    Eh, your list omits the Manga section completely.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:27 No.18314622

    when to mention to update CPU, what do you mean exactly?
    I am using a 2006 PC with two processors x86 3066Mhz
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:27 No.18314627
    Everything you said applies to you as well. you know.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:28 No.18314635
    I think it was because reading manga is a lot simpler business compared to watching anime. There's tons of equally good readers available for different OSes and preferences that do not change the quality (reading directly from archive, extracting the archive etc) so that just having a whole section for "Do not read manga online" would be stupid.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:28 No.18314649

    To read manga I use Windows Image and Fax Viewer. Why is that a bad thing?
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:29 No.18314650
    If you have a dual core at 3 GHz you should have no problem playing pretty much any fansub release out there.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:29 No.18314656
    You shouldn't experience any problems, your config should be more than enough to handle 720p mkvs with CCCP installed.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:29 No.18314668
    None of this shit was in the rules of 4chan on the home page.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:29 No.18314673
    Well, not exactly bad (I used to do the same thing long time ago), but there are certainly better alternatives out there. CDisplay is one of them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:30 No.18314680
    - we need to educate the uneducated!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:31 No.18314706
    You'll have a more comfortable and pleasurable experience when you use CDisplay.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:31 No.18314709

    Fuck you.
    I buy my bootleg DVDs at less than a dollar per 12-ep DVD.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:31 No.18314721
    That's because it says "Beginner's Guide," dumbfuck. As in it's not a rule, but a series of guidelines so you don't act like a complete fucking failure and shit up the board. Which is far too late at this point, because we're overrun with failures.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:31 No.18314723
    What a pretentious load of crap.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:31 No.18314724
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:32 No.18314746

    Windows: CDisplay or CDisplayEX
    Linux/BSD/OSX: Comix
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:32 No.18314749
    >Lurk more

    Unfortunately, most newcomers don't pay attention to this. Back when I first stumbled across /a/, I lurked for around 3 months, seeing how everyone posted while reading Wikichan and Lurkmore. Did me a lot of good.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:33 No.18314751
         File :1232901184.jpg-(55 KB, 450x338, bootlegs_get_in_the_car.jpg)
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    >bootleg DVDs

    Someone seriously buys those?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:33 No.18314768

    And proud of it. If you're surprised, then maybe you should have LURK'D MORE and then you'd be aware that this is how the system works.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:34 No.18314795
    i did. once. before i knew what that was
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:35 No.18314805
    >Beginner's Guide

    Nowhere does it say that. I can follow those rules, but when it come to watching anime & posting on here, I don't need that fucking image to tell me how to "do it right".
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:36 No.18314830
    Sadly, all of these arrogant, snotnosed teens think that they can just show up and start fucking around as if there wasn't a pre-established order to things before they arrived.

    I've said it once before, this new generation of newfags is like watching a group of sugar-high two year olds run around daddy's office at home, eating his important papers and smashing his laptop against the wall "because it makes a fun sound."
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:37 No.18314833
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    >Nowhere does it say that.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:37 No.18314842
    >Nowhere does it say that.
    You're a fucking idiot...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:37 No.18314844
    >doesn't know what pretentious means
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:37 No.18314848
    Might want to take another look at the image, chief.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:37 No.18314852
    So sad, so true.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:38 No.18314858
    It must be really sad being blind, bub.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:40 No.18314912
    Actually, I know exactly what it means, and hence why I'm proud of it. You faggots need a bit of self-important elitism smashed upside your head to set you straight.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:41 No.18314934
    >I buy my bootleg DVDs

    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:41 No.18314942
    That's...that's a really accurate description.

    Remember when we complained about the newfag summer of 2007? This'll sound crazy, but right now, I'd rather have those newfags than the ones we have now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:41 No.18314945
    No Anon, you are shitting up the board.
    >> Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw 01/25/09(Sun)11:43 No.18314980
         File :1232901791.jpg-(253 KB, 1500x851, downloads.jpg)
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    Daiz, whatever happened to the "screw you funimation" site? Still up?

    Anyway, fuck anyone that thinks this is pretentious elitism. Lowering standards just to fit the newcomers that refuse to lurk for a few months and adapt, is part of what made new /a/ this bad.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:45 No.18315014
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    Why are you so true....?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:45 No.18315026
    You know, I've always wondered if any of those newfags ended up hanging around and becoming decent posters.
    Probably not.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:46 No.18315033
    Domain was handed over to FUNimation due to them getting a brain, didn't bother putting the site back up since the subber stopped doing Soul Eater.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:46 No.18315039
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:47 No.18315061
    If they're still around, they just might have adapted to being sort of a mid-level devolution of pre-'07 and the current newfags.

    In other words, they don't fail so hard compared to the current fuckwits, so we don't notice their presence.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:48 No.18315076
    I do everything on this list already. I applaud the anon who made it.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:48 No.18315084
    And yeah, so true. Prime examples are people like Taiga who constantly say "ANONYMOUS SHOULD ADAPT TO MY PERSONALITY AND I SHOULD JUST BE MYSELF AND NOT ADAPT AT ALL, THEY ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD HANDLE MY PERSONALITY SINCE CHANGING MY OWN BEHAVIOR WOULD BE BAD SINCE WE'RE ALL SO UNIQUE SNOWFLAKES". I think this speaks for itself about the attitude of the current generation of newcomers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:50 No.18315113
    how you did that?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:50 No.18315115
    That they need to be dragged into the desert and shot to death like rabid animals?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:50 No.18315116
    Forced anon would help. Decent tripfriends like you and AnonCol (only to name those in this thread) are horrendously outnumbered by tripfiends.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:50 No.18315128
    About upgrading CPU, you might want to point out that a graphics card which supports h264 decoding can be just as good - I'm currently working with an old core 2 duo 1.86GHz PC which plays 1080p flawlessly on account of it having an HD4850 shoved in it until I replace the motherboard of my newer PC.

    Also, newcomers?

    What does that make me, a Fincomer?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:51 No.18315148
    It probably wouldn't. They'd just find other ways to differentiate themselves from the horde. And they still would be the same obnoxious little shits, just anonymous little shits.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:51 No.18315151
    The problem is there's too many of them, and a lot of old /a/ has left because this place really sucks.

    Eventually we'll either have to deal with the newfags who refuse to lurk the fuck more or just... you know, leave and forget /a/. Probably the rest of 4chan too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:52 No.18315165
    At least, it would reduce the tripfaggotry. But moot already said that he won't force anon, so meh, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:52 No.18315175
    Guise what's so great about CoreAVC? I'm doing just fine with MPC-HC/MPC, I can even play 1080p stuff no problems on this 2.2 ghz 2 GB ram laptop with a geforce go 7200.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:53 No.18315181
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:53 No.18315188
    Can't we just set a masterplan into motion where someone creates a script that diverts anyone clicking on /a/ to a faux board, where the newfags can be gathered up and contained.. and the rest of us who know how to make it to /a/ safely can continue posting here?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:53 No.18315193
    The difference with anonymous shits is that their presence doesn't automatically derail a thread. You know, like >sage for tonberryking or INfinity or what have you.

    Forced Anon wouldn't really help. /a/ is beyond salvation.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:54 No.18315203
    If only it was possible.

    Weren't THORA's 1080p encodes supposed to be over level 4.1? In any case, as it stands DXVA sucks due to it's decoding limitations and being limited to basically one renderer and being forced to use MPC-HC's internal subtitle renderer.

    GPU decoding will be truly awesome when CoreAVC 2.0 kicks in with CUDA decoding. No more retarded DXVA limitations!

    Not that it would matter much for me though, as I can already play any 1080p content without a hitch on CPU alone.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:54 No.18315205
    I think people like The Sound and the Fury and 40% are all right, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:55 No.18315219
    We'll be driven to post in the text board. I wish it wasn't so aesthetically unappealing.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:56 No.18315233
         File :1232902564.jpg-(41 KB, 372x388, 4422110.jpg)
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    screw you, i'll use vlc and there's nothing you can do about it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:56 No.18315241
    I love how the person who made this list tries to come off all edgy and bad ass and then uses a tsukihime wallpaper as a background for it.

    There's no point in downloading larger, high quality releases for most anime. TV anime series usually have such shit quality it doesn't justify downloading the larger file. The only reason I'd download an HD version is if it was better seeded, or if the LQ version was fucked somehow.

    As for reading manga online, there's no goddamn reason not to. Images look the same in the goddamn browser as they do on your hard drive. There's no point in wasting time downloading individual chapters when you could just read them straight from your web browser when they come out.

    Japanese animation is not like a Disney animation, the quality is shit and you're deluding yourself if you think that you absolutely need to have a HD version or else the world will crumble and the anime will be ruined. Manga isn't high art, either. Who gives a fuck if an image is resized slightly, or the release is from a group you don't use? It's not like it's a big deal. Get over yourself.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)11:56 No.18315245
    >aesthetically unappealing

    Hmm, I just might have to write some custom CSS for that at some point.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:57 No.18315252
    I wanna make a comment about trolling but that face cracks me up every time...
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:57 No.18315254
    Nope, because some faggot would slip the method to the faux board anyway and we'd all be stuck together again. The only real option is to try to educate the newfags every day.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:58 No.18315270
    Personally, I want to find a way to deal with them. Why should I leave this place - the only place I've been able to call home - because a bunch of faggots think they can do whatever they want? I feel like you guys have been my family for the past two years, so there's no way I...no. There's no way WE can let them take this place from us.

    We need to do something, no matter what it takes.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:58 No.18315275
    >then uses a tsukihime wallpaper

    It's funny that you're so against the guide.. because it was made just for people like you. Lurk more, faggot!
    >> Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw 01/25/09(Sun)11:58 No.18315281
         File :1232902725.jpg-(268 KB, 1000x815, viewing.jpg)
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    Well, you got your laughs in the end, that's what it was all about. But I kinda feel bad for those trying to follow Soul Eater.

    Lost link, heh. You might think that some of them might want to make a renovation effort for the board, make it into the place they couldn't enjoy. Actually, trying to improve the post content by appealing not for the sense of nostalgia of the shrinking older population, but for the sense of "Better than the old guys" that can arise from the newcomers that managed to adapt and care for more than ">5 FFFFFFFF"

    Or I'm worrying too much about meaningless stuff again. Times change after all, we can't expect for things to remain like we remember them.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:59 No.18315289
    tsukihime has a anime, deal with it
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)11:59 No.18315298
    try again newfriend

    Some shows actually have nice animation if you're not watching shitty harem show #15683 or one of the QUALITY 300+ shounen series with a massively stretched budget.

    Besides, it's a fucking visual media - it's SUPPOSED to look good you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:00 No.18315306
    But.. there's too many, and they're too obnoxious and stupid.. They've convinced themselves that no matter what they're told, they will always be right (I blame shitty parenting for that one) and that they can do what they want.

    Currently, the oldfag/newfag ratio is heavily imbalanced.. it's as if there's 30-50+ newfags for every single oldfag.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:00 No.18315311
         File :1232902831.png-(823 KB, 1578x1200, manga_quality_comparison.png)
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    Because visual quality is totally not important in an audiovisual (or purely visual in case of manga) entertainment AMIRITE?

    Also, pages are usually resized smaller and saved as low-quality JPGs on online manga sites. Picture related.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:00 No.18315312
    In any case, this isn't the right time to discuss it. If you have ideas, you can talk to nightime /a/ about them, but keep quiet for now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:00 No.18315313

    I'm pretty much still a newfag. Came here in September 2008. But I lurked and let anon educate me to a point that I could make decent threads with content and intelligent discussions and 200+ posts in night time /a/. I contribute to this board.

    Educating the newfags is the only way.
    >> Matsuda !dgV1G6zoTI 01/25/09(Sun)12:00 No.18315316
    yes while the attitude of the self-defined "oldfags"
    is so much better.

    "I failed at life enough to be on this board for over 3 years, I know how things work here, you dont know shit about the "CULTURE", so you should just stfu and lurk moar because you are fucking stupid.
    You want to discuss anime and manga?
    fuck you , you first learn the RURU OF THE BOARD"

    You shouldnt place yourself above other users if your only merit is browsing this shithole for years.
    Newfags cant care less, they will talk about their naruto, make recommendation threads etc etc

    take your head out of your ass, fags
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:00 No.18315321
    Please, please, please tell me you're just trolling and not that stupid.. please.. I want to have faith that you people can learn..
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:01 No.18315322
    DXVA is power efficient decoding, CUDA decoder will not be power efficient since it will use all the shader processors.

    Stop being a relic from the past.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:01 No.18315323
    so you mean that an sd xvid encode is the same quality as a hd h264 encode?
    your an idiot
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:01 No.18315334
    I sort of agree, but in the end it's just an image board. It's not that serious.

    I just wish the fucking faggots would at least try to fit in. God damn.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:03 No.18315360
    Yeah, they kind of act like they have a birthright and they are actually superior.

    Maybe thats just the younger generation?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:03 No.18315366
         File :1232902996.jpg-(12 KB, 354x272, musashi.jpg)
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    just because its supposed to look good doesn't mean it does you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:03 No.18315372

    I've been around 4chan since it's conception, if I confuse type-moon garbage it's far from the end of the world.

    Even most full length anime "films" are rather shitty in production quality. I can count on my hands the number of animated films I would only watch in HD now.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:04 No.18315389
    Says a Matsuda clone.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:04 No.18315396
    That's people period. They're not all that much different from us when we were younger, I think. Just be civil and call them out on their faggotry when they're actually being faggots. Hopefully enough people do it that they realize their blunder and they can learn from their mistake.

    Of course, with more and more new posters showing up all the time, it'll be kind of hard.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:04 No.18315397
    oh man i'm hoping you're trolling
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:05 No.18315404
    >DXVA is power efficient decoding, CUDA decoder will not be power efficient since it will use all the shader processors.

    Got any links to back that up, I'm too lazy to browse doom9 forums.

    >Well, you got your laughs in the end

    I sure did. The whole time was one of the best laughs I've had in ages.

    If everyone actually followed those guidelines, /a/ would be a shitton better place. Are you saying it wouldn't? Seriously?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:06 No.18315421
    What we need is...

    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:07 No.18315430
    It is. Parents today let their kids do whatever the fuck they want. That's why we have retarded imbeciles running around wearing headbands, sixteen year old girls squealing "KAWAAAIIIIII", Hot Topic-going vamp-kids, furries and these arrogant little shits on /a/. My ex has a niece who gave her mother a mild heart-attack due to stress. When she was taken to the hospital, the niece was specifically told to wait, and her dad would pick her up to take her to the hospital. Being the obnoxious little brat she is, though, she ran out of the house, across traffic, trying to make it to the bus station without any money. Then when they hauled her back home, she gets all uppity and offended that they shout at her for doing that.

    The kid is 12 or 13 years old.

    Fucking retarded generation.
    >> Anonymous of Germany !!LVP+SV/fVpA 01/25/09(Sun)12:07 No.18315435
    newfags may graduate to elitist some day. keep that in mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:07 No.18315441
    Thats true. But I feel like tripfags just confuse the process.
    I mean, how are the supposed to learn if they see their bad behavior being validated?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:08 No.18315443
    Geez, what infantile rules. Why no stream anime online? It's convenient ant the quality is pretty good these days.
    VLC is not such a bad player unless you want to be anal geek about it.
    Also why not read manga online? It's easily accessible and convenient.
    Also, Don't act like a foggot on a/? The only effing point of /a/ is being normal fag shunning "otaku" faggot.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:08 No.18315446
    Leave it. He's pretty much the embodiment of what we're fighting against here.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:08 No.18315447
    Uh, yeah, if you're talking about a Bleach movie or something.

    But if you're talking about an actual animated film, and not <NAME>: THE MOVIE, then they are typically animated pretty well.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:08 No.18315449
    You should listen to me because I'm an oldfag, newfag. I've been here all summer.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:08 No.18315450
    Unfortunately there's some people that just refuse to learn. And people like Stein and Taiga carry the fact that they're underage ban evaders like it's something to be proud of and would make them somehow better than others. It boggles the mind, really.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:08 No.18315451
    Not at this rate. At this rate the current newfaggotry will be the new elitist. And then all hope will be lost, and moot might as well rename this place /gaia/.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:10 No.18315471

    You can fuck off, and I mean you, not Matsuda ... JJy
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:10 No.18315478

    It's important, but anime is filled with QUALITY bullshit so even when you download a HD release, it'll still look like garbage anyway.

    You guys just don't see it yet. You all must be in that weeaboo phase where you think you're the anime master, and that you'll be watching anime for the rest of your life, and if you have children you'll make them sit through anime because it's just so special.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:11 No.18315495
         File :1232903492.jpg-(62 KB, 550x339, jesus_hahaha_no.jpg)
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    Unfortunately without any guidance they will become the wrong kind of elitists. The kind of elitists that people with high postnumbers on Gaia and equivalents are.

    >the quality is pretty good

    Picture related.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:11 No.18315496

    Oh wow like you're not a nostalgic faggot at all. Seriously, when it comes to how you were treated by your parents, kids growing up in the 80's were probally just the same as now. My parents were from the hippy generation, I got to do whatever the fuck i wanted. Before you start making big generalisations take your "things were better in the old days" faggotry and gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:11 No.18315499
    Oh god.

    My little brother is in high school, and I swear, every fucking emo dipshit starts crying because 'high school is too hard and its just for those fucking prepsslutsbitches waaaahh', and their parents actually let them take online classes. Good job preparing them for the real world.
    Yeah, they have a sense of entitlement.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:11 No.18315500
    ITT: Oldfags BAWWWWWing about a website.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12 No.18315512
    I read manga on mangafox and am superior for it.
    How does that make you feel, /a/?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12 No.18315513
    Please tell us, which is the next step of evolution? We want to graduate, too.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12 No.18315514
    I agree wholeheartedly. All these little cocksuckers have no goddamn right to waltz into our home and shit the place up, it's the height of fucking rudeness.
    Do we go round to wherever it is they hang around and fuck everything up? No, we don't. So why the hell must they do it to us? Damn kids these days, no respect.

    Now the real question is, what to do? It seems like educating them isn't working, given how many ignorant morons there are & how many of us still remain, and Our Not So Great Lord Mootle & his team of mods/janitors haven't done/aren't going to do anything about the situation, so what does that leave us with?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12 No.18315515
    It's all about trying to provide an experience with no interruptions.
    Reading manga online can be a tiring experience if there is considerable lag.
    VLC can be slow on some lower end computers.
    And watching anime online can have the same problems as reading manga, along with choppy playback(in most cases).
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12 No.18315518

    Most animated films are <garbage>: the movie. You might get a handful of animated films that are worthwhile on a good year.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:12 No.18315527
    A dedicated decoder will always smoke a general purpose processor running a software decoder efficiency-wise, and CUDA falls into that category.

    Having said that, I have serious doubts that CUDA thing will turn out alright, and knowing CoreCodec, it's probably forever away.

    Also, just FYI: the hardware decoder on the G84 or higher (and probably on ATI's products too) has a decoupled, fixed clock, and can therefore do 1080p with the GPU underclocked all the way down. This allows completely silent, fanless playback, not to mention less power draw.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:13 No.18315529
    I wonder if shutting down /a/ for a period of time would help get rid of them. I'm just pulling an idea out of my ass here, but if /a/ was shut down, most of them would probably forget about it and move on. Then moot could silently re-open /a/.

    Although it doesn't prevent the process from repeating itself, so I guess it'd be somewhat pointless.
    >> Anonymous of Germany !!LVP+SV/fVpA 01/25/09(Sun)12:13 No.18315531
    You people fear too much about your precious little playground.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:13 No.18315538
    Most of us understand that TV releases are going to have some QUALITY, but if you're watching say Gundam 00, it's only worth watching for the mecha porn anyway so you want one of the higher quality releases.

    If you're watching shitty harem or never ending shounen bullshit, you may as well go for the smaller download size.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:13 No.18315539
    This thread is terrible. More bitching about shit nobody cares about, 4chan etiquette? LOL FUCK THAT.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:14 No.18315550
    if i watch it i won't watch a blurry blocky xvid mess
    or are you saying that if the animation is bad we should just watch it in 35x20?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:14 No.18315559
    Any good Image browser is better than CDisplay. No exceptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:14 No.18315562
    You're wrong. Let me explain why, against my better judgment,

    It's not a Tsukihime wallpaper, that's Rin from Fate/Stay Night media. Minor mistake, but it paves the way for the rest of your post. You can't be taken seriously now, in the same level you wouldn't read a post in the internet filled with text speak and nonsense.
    SD releases are fine for some cases, but in a community that is lauded for being in the most recent state of both anime and manga, the we must encourage the shift for HD, both in releases and containers. It's a matter of self respect, of trying to get the version you can watch closest to the original.
    File sizes are inconsequential in this day and age, when hard drive prices are so low. A terabyte drive is enough for a mid-size collection, for around $100. If that's too much, the stack of DVD backups is always a good economical choice, but more of a temporary measure.
    Think of a few years down the line, when the standards change again and your SD releases look like VHS fansubs do now.

    Online manga viewers not only resize the pages, but use lossy ways to do so. Artifacts are common, rendering some texts unreadable in parts.

    Generally, the reason we encourage the shift from the on-demand nature of streaming/online viewing is a sense of belonging. You can't give a rat's ass about something you watched online, with no regard for quality. It's akin to the guy buying a camrip DVD on the street, and thinking that's more than okay. It's a matter of caring for yourself and what you see.
    And Disney animation demands the same sense of quality as well. All things do.

    But then again, this is just a troll post.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:15 No.18315573
    so wait, being an oldfag means you think /a/ is fucking heaven?

    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:15 No.18315576
    Most streams these days offer the same quality than most average torrents. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:16 No.18315590
    Actually, I hardly got to do shit most of my childhood, and usually had the shit kicked out of me at school. And while I did bitch and moan about the same things any normal teenager would do, I still wasn't anywhere near as full of self-pitying bullshit and arrogance as this generation is. Fair enough, growing up in the 80's, most might have had a rather loose leash, but this day and age is a multiplier of that behaviour.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:16 No.18315592
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:16 No.18315596

    I'm saying that if you choose to watch HQ video, it's your choice. There's nothing wrong with watching LQ anime releases. More than anything, I'm saying that anime is a waste of time and you should feel stupid for watching it however you choose to watch it.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:16 No.18315603
    Sure is Internet serious business around here.
    Protip: moot won't do anything to help stem the stream of his cocksuckers.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:17 No.18315615
    This a million times over.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:17 No.18315637
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    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:18 No.18315661
    >I have serious doubts that CUDA thing will turn out alright, and knowing CoreCodec, it's probably forever away.

    It's already working and in betatest, and according to some tester comments on Doom9, shit's efficient and fast.

    Lol wat? CDisplay isn't supposed to be a "single image viewer", it's supposed to be a sequential image viewer, as in a program to read manga/comic books with. And for that purpose, it's GODLIKE.

    So just because the animation itself has flaws we should degrade our viewing experience even further by downloading them in shit video quality as well?
    >> Matsuda !!rBmxSu8PJJy 01/25/09(Sun)12:19 No.18315667
         File :1232903942.jpg-(407 KB, 850x970, mpcbug.jpg)
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    Daiz, since we're on the subject, I think I found a bug on MPC (HC 1.2.980.0, Haali renderer). Release: [gg-BakaWolf]_Seto_No_Hanayome_02_[DVD]_[7B031305] (the same happens to all SnH BakaWolf DVD releases).

    I don't know where I can report it, do it if you want.

    If I try to save a screenshot, I get the wrong aspect ratio. But if I use WinSnap to take the screenshot, the AR is correct.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:19 No.18315669
    DXVA is the future, Daiz represents the relics of the past, unwilling to adapt to change. All of those will be left behind as technology progresses beyond their simple mind.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:19 No.18315677

    you're wrong but it's your choice.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:20 No.18315694
    isnt cuda newer than dxva?
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:21 No.18315706

    >Ways to make it seem like you are better at browsing /a/ than other people because that's all you know how to do.

    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:21 No.18315715
         File :1232904083.png-(613 KB, 1335x823, crunchyroll_720p.png)
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    Except they don't, and technically speaking they can't either, unless someone wrote an ASS renderer in Flash that's equivalent to VSFilter last night.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:21 No.18315717

    troll, there's no way anyone on /a/ is that reasonable.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:21 No.18315722

    You're wrong, I'm not saying you shouldn't download HQ releases because of constraints on your hard drive, just that you're more likely to be able to download a 200MB file faster than a 400MB one, which means that you could watch it faster and be done with it. And that wasn't my point, my point is that anime is shit, and that we don't need a stupid "guide" to tell us what to do.
    >> Anonymous2007 !7AnImelIIg 01/25/09(Sun)12:22 No.18315732
    i dont need guide /a/!
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:22 No.18315739
    i have a 30/20mbit connection
    >> Matsuda !!rBmxSu8PJJy 01/25/09(Sun)12:22 No.18315752
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    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:23 No.18315757
    is it possible to like anime without being an anal nerd.
    >> Anonymous 01/25/09(Sun)12:24 No.18315774
    >I'm a fucking newfag trying to look cool.
    >> Daiz !H.264BdrFs 01/25/09(Sun)12:24 No.18315790
    It's not exactly a bug, it's just that the encode is anamorphic (meaning it's something like 704x480 or 720x480 which is stretched to 853x480 on playback) and the screencap is taken at the original video resolution in square pixels.

    Except that having a good CPU decode H.264 is a lot more convenient than using DXVA due to being less limited in terms of everything. And as I have such a thing, I'd much rather enjoy the convenience it provides.

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