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  • Blotter updated: 01/01/09

  • File :1232315773.jpg-(951 KB, 1150x1600, 1232150054984.jpg)
    951 KB Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:56 No.18115946  
    Yo, there was a summary post that went along with this, I forgot to save it, anyone got it?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:59 No.18116020
    Whooo, Pandora Hearts.

    Yes. I'm unhelpfu.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)16:59 No.18116029
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:01 No.18116087
    Wow, what a shitty looking season
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:02 No.18116116
    "Oh no! Beta..."
    >> !Coil.l/07o 01/18/09(Sun)17:04 No.18116172
    Dude, that's a fucking awesome season.

    K-on, Full Metal Alchemist, Valkyria Chronicles, motherfucking KOBRA
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:04 No.18116177
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:04 No.18116180
    Jewel Pets looks like it should be pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:04 No.18116187
    Wow this season looks pretty fucking good.

    Especially Eden of the East (FUCK YEAH KENJI KAMIYAMA) and Sengoku Basara.
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:05 No.18116200
         File :1232316316.gif-(168 KB, 600x1900, Spring 09 summaries.gif)
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    le sigh
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:05 No.18116213
    Shangri-La: The story takes place in the middle of the 21st century when global warming has turned Tokyo into a tropical city. To reduce the temperature at the heart of the city by 5°C (9°F), the city is being reborn as the world's largest forest city. However, despite the flow of refugees to the new city of Atlas, there are not many residents who can actually live there. Moreover, anti-government guerillas are attempting to stop the forestation. (novel adaption)

    K-ON!-The story follows four girls who try to rescue their high school's light music club, even though they are all novices who cannot play instruments or read music. (manga adaption)
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:05 No.18116220
    K-ON, is a comedy yon-koma by kyoani... need more info please
    >> Aniki-tan 01/18/09(Sun)17:05 No.18116223
    I love chartfag.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:06 No.18116239
    Still no Season 2 of Haruhi Suzumiya...Dammit!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:06 No.18116241
    Oh good, I don't have to keep posting.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:06 No.18116245
    Stop being lazy. Fix it.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:06 No.18116251

    I would actually be more excited for this if I hadn't seen GONZO there.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:06 No.18116257
    definite watch:
    queens blade
    Eden of the East
    sengoku no basara
    rainbow nisha

    i have no idea about the others
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:07 No.18116261
    Do we know anything about Sengoku Basara? I swear I'd heard of "Basara" before and associated the word with shitty anime
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:07 No.18116278
    also mainichi is shit too.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:07 No.18116289
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:08 No.18116313
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:08 No.18116317
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:09 No.18116347
    wait is that Hayate season 2, or just OVA?
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:09 No.18116349

    Fix what?


    It's got Norio Wakamoto in it.
    There's a trailer for it somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:09 No.18116355
    I'm the one who compiled the list in the first place. Aside from the summary of Fullmetal Alchemist, which should be obvious, I couldn't find out any information about the series which didn't appear on the list.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:10 No.18116366
    Can't fucking wait for Eden of the East
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:10 No.18116387
    Well, now I'm watching it no matter what
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:11 No.18116396
    So... FMA ? new season or what? :S
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:11 No.18116425
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:15 No.18116522
    They're making a new Basara? Damn, now I have to hurry up and watch the original. And read the manga. . .
    FMA is an obvious, but Shangri-La looks like it has Lavi 2.0, so that too. Otherwise, K-On, Eden of the East, and maybe Basquash look most interesting.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:16 No.18116537
    Holy shit, is K-ON related to the Linda Linda Linda movie?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:16 No.18116547
    Basara is based on a video game, it's doomed
    >> Naritori !4FGmHCUQ9w 01/18/09(Sun)17:17 No.18116575
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:17 No.18116587
    Cool, Anne of Green Gables Anime!
    >> not fapping since january 17th 01/18/09(Sun)17:18 No.18116610
    can I get the same kind of pic than OP's, but the one of this season and last season?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:19 No.18116623
    The chart, include summaries.
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:19 No.18116628

    It will all show up eventually, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:20 No.18116680
    Shangrila is going to be awesome
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:21 No.18116695
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms isn't on here. Hopefully that will be faithful to history and won't end up with giant enemy crabs.

    Guin Saga - Looks like its going to be really epic and manly. Will watch.

    Valkyria Chronicles

    Hatsukoi Limited - Not just another school life anime, I haven't read the manga but I hear it is a series of vignettes. I'm really looking foreword to this one.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:21 No.18116707
    HAYATE SEASON 2 fuck yeah!
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:22 No.18116718
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    It's called "Beta" for a reason. There's hardly any info right now - once there's more official websites, official images, plot summaries and most importantly, more announced anime, then it will look like the others. That will take a wait of a month at least.

    I just though that, out of the boredom of my heart, I would share a lite version with /a/ first.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:25 No.18116773
    Alright then.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:26 No.18116805
    Better looking than winter..
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:26 No.18116815
    I saw Romance of the Three Kingdoms on here
    so it might make it. Was supposed to be out a year ago.
    >> Matsuda !dgV1G6zoTI 01/18/09(Sun)17:26 No.18116823
    I love you chartfag ^__^
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:27 No.18116843
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:28 No.18116862
    We thank you for it. Keeping up with current anime is made much easier because of your charts.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:28 No.18116865
         File :1232317711.jpg-(786 KB, 1750x1900, Spring 09.jpg)
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    wow that was hard
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:29 No.18116886
    I noticed Over Hundred(the guy who draws extremely busty lolis) has... um, excessive amounts of Saki advertisements on his page. I'm assuming he is somehow involved in it.
    >> Cress The Thread Ruiner !!G8D3yKIxikm 01/18/09(Sun)17:29 No.18116896
    hi there OP
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:29 No.18116912
    He probably receives money in exchange for posting advertisements.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:30 No.18116913
    That's even worse.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:30 No.18116919
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:31 No.18116942
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    Pandora Hearts. Best animu there.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:31 No.18116945
    So, what should I watch if I want to watch what /a/ will watch?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:31 No.18116947
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    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:31 No.18116950

    Oh please, that's "fixing"? People here need to be less vague with their suggestions.

    Speaking of said chart, would it be better to do it like that, with the summaries on one side, or should I keep the summaries underneath?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:32 No.18116972
    Still easier to work with.
    Having to go back and forth between to pictures is annoying.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:33 No.18117004
    summaries underneath is better, that way people can quickly see what is what and read a summary of shows that look interesting to them. Granted it's not hard to match the title to the description, just easier when they're together.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:33 No.18117006
    I like it more with summaries under the charts. Its easier to see what's what at a glance.
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:34 No.18117032

    Valkyria Chronicles
    Queen's Blade
    Hatsukoi Gentei

    This is probably what /a/ will bum over the most. Eden of the East and Guin Saga might get culty following.

    I'm hoping Shangri La and Basara prove enjoyable as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:34 No.18117034
    Count the amount of females per picture, watch the ones with the most females. Also find the most moerific character designs. My guess is K-on, Hatsukoi, Tayutama, maybe Pandora Hearts
    >> lol amigayyet? Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:35 No.18117058
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:36 No.18117066
    I hope Shangrila doesn't end up like Dragonauts.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:36 No.18117068
    I prefer summaries to the side
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:36 No.18117072
    No Saki. /a/ doesn't understand mahjong
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:37 No.18117100

    oh and yes, Pandora Hearts for the Homolust slot.

    To be honest I would be interested in Pandora Hearts, but Xebex are quite bad. It's got the Busuo Renkin director, though, so potential exists.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:38 No.18117113
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    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:38 No.18117119
    Isn't Kaiji S2 in Spring?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:38 No.18117123
         File :1232318303.jpg-(56 KB, 567x400, amae.jpg)
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    when bunnygirl lolis play mahjong /a/ will
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:39 No.18117143
    Fall 2009
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:40 No.18117178
    I love you, /a/. Here we are, only a few weeks into the winter season, and we're already forming opinions on the shows coming out in the spring.

    That aside, Queens Blade, Cobra, Shangri La, K-ON, and Senjou no Valkyria look good.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:40 No.18117188
    Same team as last exile
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:40 No.18117189
    I want to watch ASki.... but it's by GONZO... Fuck it, I'll watch anyways until I get pissed off.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:41 No.18117207
    There's homolust in it, eh? I just saw it as a fantasy shounen.
    There's actually at least two new actual yaoi shows this year, too.
    >> Chartfag !!jHkXxat1hnC 01/18/09(Sun)17:41 No.18117210

    Yes, because nobody on /a/ watched Akagi.


    And I hope it DOES end up like Last Exile. Though judging by the synopsis, it's going to be similar in theme to Agito, which was a shockingly bad film. Of course, the visuals were great for that film, and Gonzo is using a novel and High-Tier staff, so I really want to believe they can achieve something acclaimable. Murata is a big plus.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:42 No.18117218
    >07 Ghost
    Holy shit DO Want
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:42 No.18117230
    The Cobra that's on there is just the second part of the Cobra OVA, which is good so far.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:45 No.18117308
    >Cross Game

    Oh god! Oh god! Oh god yes! God yes!
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:46 No.18117331
    Wait, there's a Queen's Blade anime airing now?
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:47 No.18117342
    I'll watch Pandora Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist 2, and 07- Ghost.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:48 No.18117356
         File :1232318886.jpg-(298 KB, 834x1200, pandora hearts.jpg)
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    >> GAR expert (has done 783+ GAR things) !RcH9j3Q2Qo 01/18/09(Sun)17:48 No.18117366
    Hopefully Production I.G. can redeem themselves this season.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:48 No.18117371
    Damn, I didn't know other 07 Ghost fans existed on /a/.
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:49 No.18117393
    >> Anonymous 01/18/09(Sun)17:50 No.18117414
    From what I used to see from late 08 and late 07 a lot of people on /a/ know how to play mahjong now.

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