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  • Blotter updated: 12/25/08


    File :1230352334.jpg-(5 KB, 250x233, vForVendetta.jpg)
    5 KB I just quit my job Anonymous NormalFag 12/26/08(Fri)23:32 No.17454058  
    Is this awesome Y/N?

    Heres a little background: It's Walmart, 3rd shift, shit sux, lots of faggots etc etc. They pay terrible, and financially having a job isn't necessary due to side income that I earn.

    How is this /a/ related? I've never done this before /a/nons! I've always had a job, and now I want to experience your side of life.

    Lets see: No job... check
    No girlfriend.... check

    What else am I missing?

    In before SAGEBOMB, and lolfaggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:32 No.17454074
    You did the right thing, but this does not belong here.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:33 No.17454087
    Working at Walmart isn't a real job anyway. Enjoy being exactly the same with slightly less money.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:33 No.17454088
    develop an unhealthy obsession with anime, then develop unhealthy obsessions with the girls in the anime you watch
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:33 No.17454095
    Look for your destiny at other place. Walmarts are the road to damnation.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:34 No.17454112
    You are not like us if you have side income. We live with our parents and depend solely on them for money.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:34 No.17454114
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:35 No.17454123
    /a/ is not your blog.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:36 No.17454134
    /a/ is your personal army, /v/.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:37 No.17454147
    I quit my job to play gaems and watch animu too.

    The difference? I worked at a failing investment bank (Lehman Bros) and pulled six figures (105k lol).

    Best decision of my life. Of course, I had a fuck ton of money, and sold my shares of LEH for $70ish (it's now worth about a penny).

    Get a real job, then become a hikki. This isnt Japan; if you fail your parents won't give a shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:38 No.17454167
         File :1230352712.jpg-(12 KB, 221x291, Costco.jpg)
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    >> sageru Anonymous 12/26/08(Fri)23:38 No.17454175
         File :1230352735.jpg-(28 KB, 617x370, coolstorybro.jpg)
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    Get a job that's not humiliating and keep some structure and pride in your life.

    Also get some friends to talk to instead of /a/.
    >> Anonymous NormalFag 12/26/08(Fri)23:39 No.17454190

    This does belong here, It includes a question that only /A/ is qualified to answer.
    Yes my thoughts exactly.
    Ive already done that, but I still find certain 3d women extremely attractive... my standards for women have just become insanely high. Theres only 1 woman I'd date, and oddly, just might.
    I have failed then... My financial stability is far greater then my parents... What If my parents come live with me in my place... is that close enough? lol.


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