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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229618833.jpg-(33 KB, 640x480, 20cf8.jpg)
    33 KB Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:47 No.17234873  
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:48 No.17234886
    /a/ - ED DIES

    Am I the only one who's been here long enough to remember that?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:48 No.17234893
    "And the he said 'But you can't have a hole in your chest'..."
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:49 No.17234901
    so there's two things that ed can't do then

    1.revive his mom
    2.revive himself
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:49 No.17234904
    you're still a newfag
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:49 No.17234906
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    >Implying that Ed Dies was a long time ago
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:50 No.17234915
    Four years ain't exactly yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:52 No.17234935
    I've only been here since 2006, how would you rate the shitstorm of Ed dying alongside Lelouch or Nia?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:52 No.17234945
    Oh fuck. I remember that but I wouldn't ever if you didn't remind me. I can't even rememeber why the fuck was it there.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:52 No.17234947
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:52 No.17234948
    Posting on /a/ while FMA aired was good times.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:54 No.17234954
    Wasn't /a/ ED DIES some time later after FMA ended? It wasn't shitstorm over ongoing series, now was it?...
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:54 No.17234956
    It was like it wasn't there at all.

    Even the whole LaDies and Dyke Spies had more spam
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:55 No.17234961
    remember when you could go to sleep then wake up the next day to read threads from last night?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:55 No.17234971
    /a/ will be ED DIES again for those reading the manga.

    And I know you all do.

    There's no way that shit is going to end happily. Hohenhiem will die too.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:56 No.17234992
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    >>17234906 here
    Holy fuck it's actually been that long? You're shitting me.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:56 No.17234994
    Actually, he has his brother to do that.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:57 No.17235004
    Arakawa said she thought what Bones did with the anime was "very interesting." Prepare for Hitler end again.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:58 No.17235030
    As long as Rose doesn't get raped again, I'm ok with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:58 No.17235031
    Practically guaranteed that Hohenheim would die.

    I'd say that Ed would survive, if only it weren't for the fact that he already used part of his soul to transmute his wounds closed.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:59 No.17235044
    Is it bad I secretly want this to happen just so I can soak up the delicious tears and shitstorm that will ensue on /a/?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:59 No.17235046
    I thought she was still pregnant from her dead boyfriend, not raped.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 12/18/08(Thu)11:59 No.17235049
    i was about to post this ( ._.)
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:59 No.17235053
    i like the anime better, but last time i said that, everybody started calling me a troll and i accidentally began a shitstorm. But now I believe some people agree with me.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)11:59 No.17235055
    >> Saucefag !0K1gKfMIEc 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235059

    OH SHI-
    >> Kallen slut of /a/, Gino's waifu !BAJNjQnXv. 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235062
    hur hur MOOOT
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235066
    A wild moot appears.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235073
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235075
    replying moot
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235077
    in b4 reaction images and 325 posts omitted.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235078
    Sup Moot.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235079
    WHAT? MOOT? IN /a/?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:00 No.17235080
    moot, when is "SOON" and why is /a/ the only board that freezes up every five minutes in addition to the SQL_FAILS of the other boards?

    I had nearly given up hope of ever seeing you here after the sticky in /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:01 No.17235081
    I hate rose. as long as she doesn't ever appear again, it's fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:01 No.17235083
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    OH GOD
    >> GOOBERJOOVIES !h1I8KzYeUU 12/18/08(Thu)12:01 No.17235092
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:01 No.17235094
    I never trust what a Japanese say 100%, in case they're just being polite.
    >> Tenebrae, Centurion of Darkness !!49C32qY/MPQ 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235099
    Hey, moot, how's it going?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235100

    What is that Ed's mom can't do?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235102
    Watch the scene where we first see that Rose had a baby again. Scar said that the soldiers took her and when she came back she couldn't speak, then Ed has a big HOLY SHIT look on his face.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235103
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235106
    Nope, raped.

    If I remember correctly, it was ironically by the general Ed saved on the train in the same episode Hughes was introduced.
    >> Kallen slut of /a/, Gino's waifu !BAJNjQnXv. 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235108
    FMA sucks, if you waste your braincell remembering anything about it - YOU FAIL>
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:02 No.17235112
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235119
    sup moot.
    I'm going to change my IP now so you don't call me out for being samefag.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235122
    Can someone help me? I just finished FMA (the anime) and would like to read the manga. What chapter should I start at?
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235126
    either trying to be epic or just trollin
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235127
    Keep her man at home.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235128
    Back in my day, trolling meant something.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235132
    Apparently, "Soon" is equivalent to 5 minutes in DBZ time.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:03 No.17235136
    Hurr hurr. Go back to your trainwreck.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:04 No.17235138
    Also do it fagget.
    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:04 No.17235140
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    >> Anonymous 12/18/08(Thu)12:04 No.17235141
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    >> Tenebrae, Centurion of Darkness !!49C32qY/MPQ 12/18/08(Thu)12:04 No.17235142
    1. And keep reading.

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