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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229410853.jpg-(230 KB, 800x451, lonely kiri.jpg)
    230 KB Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:00 No.17180446  
    I am wondering /a/ what percentage of you guys actually not shut ins? I know a lot of the people on here lie about it just to fit in, but are there people on here who are actually suffering from agoraphobia?

    If you are a recluse, do you enjoy being alone, or do you hate it? Do you have any friends at all, or no?

    I don't have friends nor do I actually care if I have any, but I know that they are necessary to keep mentally healthy. On january I am going to attempt tp leave my room, and make some friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:03 No.17180492
    i hate agro. i love how they've changed the system so that agro isn't so important anymore. my mage can know dps all to my heart's content
    >> the cyberneticist !kKU6/gDppM 12/16/08(Tue)02:04 No.17180503
    I'm a college student, so in a way, I don't have a choice.

    I go out to eat, get tea and coffee, buy necessities, attend class, hand assignments in, take exams, etc.

    Otherwise, I have gone to a few museums in my area before (although not nearly enough). I wanted to see a play on campus once, but being the type of person I am, I didn't buy tickets in advance.

    Otherwise, yes, I do generally prefer to be alone. Sometimes though, I do get some kicks from listening in on normal people's conversations.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:06 No.17180530
    I have a job, and I have friends, but they're mostly people I know from many years back. I haven't made a new friend that hasn't been introduced by someone I know in a really long time, and I wonder if I really could. I don't bond closely with people unless I spend a lot of time with them, and I don't willfully spend time with people unless they call on me without being too urgent about it. It has to be super casual.

    I enjoy my time alone more than most people, so this doesn't bother me, but it would bug me if my old established friends suddenly moved on and stopped hanging out with me.
    >> the cyberneticist !kKU6/gDppM 12/16/08(Tue)02:06 No.17180537
    I've also gotta look into undergrad research if I want to be reasonably considered for grad school, Ph. D, professorship, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:07 No.17180558
    i had a girlfriend until recently, which kind of exempted me from being one. i don't particularly want to, but i figure im going to become one if this keeps up.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:07 No.17180562
    I'm in college as well. I just go to classes, and then to my dorm. Unless I absolutely have to I go elsewhere. I hate being in the lunch room because I look like an awkward loser, but if I must go there I just play games on my phone so I can't pay attention to every one having fun with their friends.... I am so fucking ronery ;-;
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:08 No.17180576
    I have no problem going outside.
    Unfortunately, I live in the middle of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:08 No.17180582
    I like being alone. I come to 4chan remind myself how much I don't like people.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:09 No.17180594
    Do it now.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:09 No.17180601
    You sir, are fucking pathetic. Care not what others think of you and live your life for yourself.

    Go out and make some friends (I know, it's easier said than done) who have the same interests as you. The world is yours for the taking if only you are willing to grasp it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:09 No.17180606
    I used to be extremely agoraphobic. I was a shut-in from 14 to 20, when I dropped out of school. Eventually I realized that fantasies and fiction weren't going to come true, and I had to make the best of the life I had. so I got my GED, went to college, and threw myself into being social -- I stopped caring so much for intelligence with friends as character and life experience, and it made being friends with what >>17180503 calls "Normal" people a lot easier. It's not so much what they talk about, as the emotions and support they give to me.

    I make friends easily now because I've learned to be laid back and gained confidence from doing things I normally wouldn't. I still love animu and vidya and mango, but I've learned when to talk about it. Not big on parties though, but only because the lack of intimacy.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/16/08(Tue)02:11 No.17180635
    I leave my room for college classes, food, D&D, and my anime club. That's about it - hung out with girlfriend from time to time when I had an offline one, but more or less retreated into my room since.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:11 No.17180637
    I'm almost 22. I havent had friends since i was 16.

    I have a part time job, and i dont fear going out but i live in the inner city leaving little to do for a nerdy white boy.

    I hate my life but i dont have the money to do anything about it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:11 No.17180639
    i can get along with people just fine, but i prefer to stay inside, so i can be the insane yandere i like to be. putting the yandere aside to have some fun outside every week once or so is okay, but there is nothing better than being inside and stabbing stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:12 No.17180644
    I want to learn how to make friends first. I just don't want to be awkward and alone when I go out.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:12 No.17180652
    > Sometimes though, I do get some kicks from listening in on normal people's conversations.

    Most of the time, normal people's conversations are extremely mundane. It's only very rarely that I'll hear people talking about something interesting.
    >> Hox !eJSo3pT9s6 12/16/08(Tue)02:13 No.17180665
    That pretty much sums me up.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:15 No.17180693
    I had lots of friends and a promising career making lots of money. I gave it all up voluntarily to become a shut in. I make friends really easily and have to push alot of people away to maintain my lifestyle. Friends are not necessary to keep mentally healthy.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:15 No.17180698
    Making friends is easy. Be honest, polite, respectful. Being funny is easy for interweb peoplez because they spend so much time trying to be to an audience that's heard it all. And just remember the cardinal rule - introduce your eccentricities after awhile of knowing them. They won't care if yo love animu and manga once they've gotten to know you -- but going at it right away is carnie behavior.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:15 No.17180701
    I'm not agoraphobic -- I'm not used to crowds. My daily routine is school-net cafe-home. I really don't hang out with my friends or acquaintances -- most of them have graduated. Though I feel like a different person when I'm at a con.

    I even don't know the names of my neighbors.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:16 No.17180723
    I probably wouldn't tell them about my love of animu.... The only problem I really have with making friends is walking up to people, I think it would just be awkward for me to try and make friends with people I don't even know.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:17 No.17180736
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    >Though I feel like a different person when I'm at a con.
    >at a con.
    >> Anonymous of Massachusetts !NoraVXgoIM 12/16/08(Tue)02:17 No.17180742

    Why would you want friends if not to watch anime with them? Befriend weeaboos.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:18 No.17180750
    I don't really care about people, but I do have friends. Most of them realise that I don't really 'care' about them per se...I just use them to entertain me...just as they use me to entertain them.

    I don't mind being alone, but it does get pretty boring sometimes. It's better than trying to deal with 'friends' bitching and moaning to you all the time and demanding your attention.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:19 No.17180763
    You haven't been to one?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:19 No.17180765
    Social interactions be for the weak minds.

    I'm happy living alone and not with one of the many mindless and stupid sheep of society.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:20 No.17180789
    Weaboos are faggots who say that they are japanese online when they in fact are white. They disgust me.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:20 No.17180792
    Smoke pot, Seriously. Or cigarettes. If neither is avaliable and alcohol is out of the question, the easiest thing to do is make friends with a coworker and enter into their circle of friends.

    And if walking up to people is tough, you can always exit the scene of the crime if you fail the first few times. Just don't be weird about it--walking up to people on the street is odd, and impossible without lots of confidence. But if it's a mutually engaged activity (Talk to someone who looks like you could get along with after watching a movie or play about it, talking to someone in the bookstore or library about the book they're looking at) etc is easy. Because if it fails you can walk away, and if you see them again, you can pretend you don't recognize them and they'll believe they don't know you.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:20 No.17180796
    Well I'm a college student who just started a band, so networking and socializing is important.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:20 No.17180803
    No. I suppress my powerlevel as to not look like a huge faggot.
    >> GOOBERJOOVIES !h1I8KzYeUU 12/16/08(Tue)02:21 No.17180815
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    I biked out in the rain today. There was even a brief thunderstorm.

    When I got home, all I could think was "fuck yeah".
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:22 No.17180829
    Ah.... I guess you are right. I may as well try to do it. I am going insane seriously.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:23 No.17180837
    But you're part of society, you can't escape. 4chan and internet culture is largely influenced by american culture and society and is a reflection of it. You still talk to mostly americans, you still eat the foods created by a society, sleep in the buildings made by them, drink and bathe in the water controlled by them. The only way to be completely free of society is speak to no one, inclueding those on the internet.

    You've lost the game
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:23 No.17180840
    I have no friends or loved ones but I leave my room almost every day, pretty much just for work...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:23 No.17180848
    You can go to cons without looking like a complete faggot, geez...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:24 No.17180867
    Well... would you like to become my close friend?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:25 No.17180878
    yr a faggot
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:25 No.17180879
    You're right. You just look like a closet faggot, instead of a complete one. Instead of a lisp and dress and fruit hat, you stare at men's packages, wear a lot of sweaters, and are really quiet.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:25 No.17180881
    Peoples attitudes in this thread just remind me why I don't want any friends. Fucking tips and tricks on how to get friends, telling you how you need to act and how important it is to 'network'. Fuck that. The needy, shallow, fake and ultimately meaningless relationships everyone has with each other are pathetic.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:25 No.17180882
    I literally freak when I go out in public, mentally and emotionally.

    I stay inside, by myself, alone, 24/7.
    I don't have friends, but I live with my parents so I see them.

    I'm content. I'd love to be able to go have friends but staying in seems so much more pleasant.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:26 No.17180887
    Not really no.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:27 No.17180897
    I don't have friends. And I never leave the house outside of school, doctors, and the once or twice a month I go to buy video games at a store.

    I dropped out of High School when I was 15(18 now) , but now I'm going to a charter school an hour twice a week in which I take home work and then take tests.

    I'm not agoraphobic(that's being afraid of outside, not people I though). Though I do not like people and avoid social situations.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:28 No.17180916
    Sure why not.
    You aren't gonna just take all my money like my old friends right?
    >> 1st Duke of Trolls 12/16/08(Tue)02:28 No.17180919
    I am an University student, studiying Religious Sciences and Japanese Studies at an German University.
    Today I am going to drink with my Japanese profs and with some other students at a bar and visit my girlfriend afterwards.

    So I do definitely no't consider myself a shut in.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:28 No.17180921
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:29 No.17180934
    OP here, I agree 100% with this, but I am seriously tired of being alone. I have not had human contact in a year cept for online, but I don't even have friends online. I may be starting college next year, but I am terrified of what may happen... I need to learn how to socialize if I am going to college, plus I kind of actually want friends. I don't care how shallow the relationship is, as long as I have a connection with someone.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:29 No.17180939
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:30 No.17180948
    Yeah, you're right. Being yourself free of bad habits and behaviors is a terrible way to make friends. Instead of being honest, polite and respectful, you should lie, be beligerent and fuck them over--sounds like the kind of friends people are looking for.

    You're just using that as justification for your own behavior, rather then rationally thinking it out. I can't speak for who you really are, but I can say that no one purposefully makes friends in order to be ripped off and treated badly. And a lot of these tips and tricks are just particular ways to be "More confident, understanding, and aware". None of which are terrible things, except in excess.Just like being alone all the time.
    >> Misaki-chan is mai waifu !KRQGZtqKic 12/16/08(Tue)02:30 No.17180954
    I'm not a shut in (college/part time job), but I still don't talk to anyone. All free time is spent in my room, and I have no desire to talk to anyone. I diagnosed myself with Schizoid personality disorder, not that it holds much weight, but it describes me pretty much perfectly.
    >> Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 12/16/08(Tue)02:31 No.17180959
    I'm not shut in all the time. I get too lonely when I do that. I actually have another personality that i use for my college "friends". Most of the time I'm just embarrassed to be around them, but sometimes you just need that human contact, you know? A lot of the time I do prefer to be alone though.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:31 No.17180963
    I started going out on dates like 1.5 months ago. I hide my nerdness from most people.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:32 No.17180982
    I would rather think that going out staring at men's packages and looking like closet faggot is better than a complete faggot who don't go outside of his house, watching animu all day and raging all the time why 3D pig disgusting.

    Cooping indoors isn't elite, you know?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:33 No.17180994
    There is so much wrong with this. I know, someone wrong on the internet and I must discuss it! But I am bored and unable to sleep.

    No relationship starts meaningful. Things are gradual, you know. And people are satisfied with different distances, in different quantities.

    Tips / tricks? People are saying what they do. Here, bike analogy: if you don't know how to use a bike, it may be easy to have some small wheels. Which is not how you should bike, but it will get you going if nothing else.

    People are pathetic. Guess what, you are a person too, and so am I. Get over your elitist / misanthropy and treat people as equals, because people are fundamentally the same.
    >> SHiN !!Q09OTMg8sqb 12/16/08(Tue)02:33 No.17180996
    Not a shut in. I go out everyday but I usually avoid human contact.
    >> 1st Duke of Trolls 12/16/08(Tue)02:33 No.17181001
    You are kind of fucked up here.
    Just go outside and meet someone, if the person doesn't interest you try the next...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:34 No.17181008
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    Fuck no I won't. We can become great friends. From this day forward we are the best fucking friends ever!
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:34 No.17181009
    same here...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:35 No.17181018
    If you approach making friends with a weak, needy attitude then the friends you will make will be weak and needy aswell. Try and do things for other people and be geniunely nice rather than play the psuedo-dating game everyone else does to make friends.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:36 No.17181029
    I've been an invalid for most of my life and I'm probably shy and introverted as a result. I don't have a problem going out and you wouldn't even know once you talk to me. People always compliment me on that. But, having been an invalid my whole life, I really don't know what to do now that I am not one anymore... I usually just stay inside.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:36 No.17181032
    You can have friends and a social life without making yourself look like a freak.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:37 No.17181045
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    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:37 No.17181047
    You're right... I HAVE TO SAVE SOME ONES LIFE! If I do that then they will be indebted to me! Thanks anon!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:37 No.17181053

    ;-; I'll be your friend, OP
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:37 No.17181054

    Escapism can only get you so happy.

    If you are going to shut off part of reality, or change your state of consciousness (purposeful insomnia, games, anime, books, alcohol, other drugs), do so to celebrate, not because you want to forget. That is what separates recreation and dependency/obsession, and you don't want the latter.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:37 No.17181055
    This is fucking ridiculous. Trying to make friends on /a/? How fucking desperate are you people?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:38 No.17181065
    This anon goes to school and works full time. I have no problem dealing with people and making friends around campus, in classes, or with my co-workers, but outside of those situations I'm practically a shut-in, not because I don't like people or have some kind of phobia of them, it's just that I'm just an (extremely) introverted guy who's perfectly happy on his own. I don't mind hanging out with people outside of work/school, but I don't have any particular desire to make those kinds of activities happen.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:38 No.17181067
    So... what do friends usually do? It's been a while for me... You start off I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:39 No.17181079
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:39 No.17181082
    New to /a/?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:39 No.17181084
    Or you can lend them 10 bucks with no strings, let them go ahead of you inline, listen to them when they're having a bad time and actually care. It's more being the friend you'd want to have, then anything more. If your behavior means you wouldn't be friends with yourself, why would anyone else? And more then that, how can you stand yourself in such a situation? You're nothing like the person you likely want to be, or want to at least be friends with.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:39 No.17181085
    >studiying Religious Sciences
    >Japanese Studies
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:39 No.17181089
    Oh! Can I be your friend too?!
    I swear I wont spend any money and I'll even clean your room for you! I can just clean and wait in your room until you arrive home from work!
    Pretty Pleasee?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:40 No.17181095
    I like being alone. I leave my house to attend class and take care of my parents. I don't generally go out with friends or stuff, but not from not wanting to do.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:40 No.17181099
    No, but you are.
    >> Popo !!59nblP/Lxmf 12/16/08(Tue)02:40 No.17181102
    I consider Anonymous my best friend.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:41 No.17181107
    quite the opposite, faggot. how can you justify your existence when you are trying to make friends on a fucking anonymous image board?
    >> 1st Duke of Trolls 12/16/08(Tue)02:41 No.17181110
    Meet and drink.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:41 No.17181111
    Of course, we are now good friends as well... So how's life been?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:41 No.17181113
    Have fun being alone.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:41 No.17181119
    I think you are right aswell, I was just offering an extreme opinion. You do have to start small, but the amount of bullshit, manipulation, lying and just overall fakeness in most people can't be ignored. It's a big factor in why people become shutins in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:41 No.17181120
    That's what I'm trying to say: Hide your powerlevels amidst the crowd, even if you were in a con or wherever. You'll be fine as long as you don't reveal that much. I seldom start a conversation about animu -- I talk when asked. Do I sound like a freak when I do that? I don't.

    If you show off your tremendous powerlevels just to look elite, the more people think you're a retard.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:42 No.17181128
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    That sounds lovely, I don't see why not.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:42 No.17181138
    There's a girl at work that is crushing on me pretty hard, but I tend to avoid her because it's such a pain in the ass.

    It's not her, it's just the whole...thing. You know? I just don't want to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:43 No.17181139
    How can you justify your existence when you are on said image board?
    >> 1st Duke of Trolls 12/16/08(Tue)02:43 No.17181144
    Powerlevels have not anything to do with getting friends at all.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:43 No.17181146
    I'm 22 and have never had a real job in my life. I still live with my parents mooching off of them.

    That's all going to change soon though because I'm joining the Air Force and going for something I know I can do and won't require me to move out of the country. I've never really been one for the military or anything but with the economy in the shitter it's about the only choice I have. Hell, it's a job.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:43 No.17181152
    You can't hide your powerlevel at a con unless you pretend you're working there or somehow got lost and have no idea what the hell is going on.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:44 No.17181161
    free time bro, everyone has it. why don't you try make more friends here?
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:44 No.17181162
    Don't worry she is probably a slut anyway.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:44 No.17181164
    omg how did you know I've only been her for a week?!
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:44 No.17181166
    I don't have any friends or any direction in life. I just sit in the house all day. I was going to college but I only took one or two classes. I feel ashamed, but not to other people. I've learned to get over what they think of me. I feel ashamed to my family, I feel ashamed that I've wasted all my opportunities in life. I'm a failure and yes, of course, I regret it.
    >> Mild Ghost 12/16/08(Tue)02:44 No.17181173
    I dress fairly well and can be social when i feel like it. I'm fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:45 No.17181175
    The only way I'd get out of being a complete shut in is maybe for a part time job to support my computer/anime/video game habits. I'm on an old, slow laptop that could go out at any time(and small hdd), and I sold my XBOX 360 so I don't have any newer consoles.

    I live with my parents but outside of the internet and cable, there's really not much else they'd do for me as far as entertainment goes(And the reason they do that is obviously because they use cable and internet too).
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:45 No.17181176
    Why should one try to hide his or her powerlevel at a con? The point is to have fun and go crazy, not to try to be a cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:45 No.17181178
    yay! It'll be the most fun ever, I promise!
    >> 1st Duke of Trolls 12/16/08(Tue)02:45 No.17181183
    You sound like a true Anon ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:46 No.17181189
    You are in for a hell of a change in life.
    I wish you luck and common sense.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:46 No.17181196
    I don't really know, my old ones always just called me when they needed stuff.
    >> Hox !eJSo3pT9s6 12/16/08(Tue)02:46 No.17181198
    Good luck /a/non, I'm proud you took the initiative.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:46 No.17181203
    I tried making friends before, OP. Turns out most of them are a bunch of selfish jackasses.

    Yes, I care more about 2d characters than real people. There is nothing wrong with that.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:47 No.17181213
    Hey i'm not the one that came up with the crazy idea of hiding powerlevel at a con.

    Hell if you're even at a con you've fucked it up pretty bad.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:47 No.17181214
    You can start by pretending to be a normalfag.

    If you show off that much, normal people tend to get away from you. You only attract people who are with the same or greater powerlevel as you.
    >> Tohno ♥ ‮ufiaw iam si iganiM ‪‪‪‬ !!UhnG3iuGcmC 12/16/08(Tue)02:48 No.17181234
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    We were just having fun...
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:48 No.17181236
    Not really just telling the truth.
    >> Anonymous 12/16/08(Tue)02:49 No.17181243

    Oh, you know. Life is life. I suck shit at level designin', I fear my game may never be complete...

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