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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229387510.jpg-(84 KB, 640x402, h.jpg)
    84 KB Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:31 No.17173118  
    In which order should I watch the episodes, /a/?

    TV airing or chronological?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:32 No.17173134
    airing, you dumbshit
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:33 No.17173157
    Airing. Otherwise you lose out on the pacing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:33 No.17173158
    airings. any who do otherwise are retards.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:36 No.17173201
    >In which order should I rape Kyon, /a/?

    >TV airing or chronological?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:36 No.17173202
    The chronological order stuffs all plot episodes at the beginning, and the fillers at the end. The airing order just interleaves them, the plot episodes still are in chronological order.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:36 No.17173204
    It depends.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:38 No.17173247
    I don't get it. Watching the episodes in a random order (airing order) kind of confuses me, or is it what is intended?

    I mean sometimes things doesn"t make sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:39 No.17173264
    The suspense doesn't build properly or end properly in chronological order, watch it airing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:40 No.17173274

    Watch in airing order then chronological for maximum enjoyment, you faggot.
    >> Jean La Li Luc Le Lo Picard of the Federation Starship Batmobile (Kino no Fucktoy) !!6eD5vbkALeT 12/15/08(Mon)19:41 No.17173301
    On my first rewatch, I attempted chronological.
    Shitsux. If you want chronological, read the novels.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:41 No.17173302

    i watched it both ways if ye know wat i mean
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:42 No.17173320
    The broadcast order was done to imitate the style the novels are written in (the novels themselves jump around in the timeline).
    >> Jake the Snake !jGX/jN4s.E 12/15/08(Mon)19:43 No.17173343
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:44 No.17173362
    TV airing is better, otherwise, the just ends.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:45 No.17173365
    >Jake the Snake

    Disregard this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:46 No.17173393
    Now it is obvious the airing order is better.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:47 No.17173413
    Chronological is the only way. Otherwise the continuity gets fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:47 No.17173414
    >The suspense doesn't build properly or end properly in chronological order
    How the fuck do random episodes interrupting the story build suspense?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:47 No.17173419
    Airing is for fucking asspounding faggots!
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:49 No.17173444
    What does it matter, you are going to watch all of them anyways. Start with the last episode and randomly pick after that. That's how i watch all my anime. Like a champ.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:49 No.17173448
    The main story works great if you watch it all at once. If you split it up it takes away from the flow.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:51 No.17173480
    Like a man: simultaneously.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:52 No.17173497
    The important parts happen in like the first three episodes and you end up with that fucking boring episode where he retrieves the heater for an ending.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:54 No.17173506
    Who cares what the last episode is? The ending being episode 6, and the rest being filler, works just fine.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:55 No.17173520
    Did I find it boring because I watched 5 first episodes?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:55 No.17173537
    Airing order. Seriously.
    There's a reason they put fucking flashbacks in the episodes. If you watch chronological all those will be super-redundant.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:55 No.17173541
    Why the fuck would you choose watch it in broadcast order? That's like watching the tracks at random when you play a dvd.
    >> Jean La Li Luc Le Lo Picard of the Federation Starship Batmobile (Kino no Fucktoy) !!6eD5vbkALeT 12/15/08(Mon)19:55 No.17173546
    Put your tripcode back on, Samejake.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:56 No.17173561
    I am deeply offended that you would associate me with him.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:58 No.17173598
    >That fucking boring episode where he retrieves the heater for an ending
    That episode is actually a clever way to end the series. Have you even noticed how it was different from the other episodes? (Aside from being "boring")
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:58 No.17173602
    I watched them in chronological order and I liked it.

    Dont forgot season two is coming out, maybe.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:58 No.17173603
    I don't even know why I tried, this is the internet and Anon is faggorts.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:59 No.17173625
    Yes, you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)19:59 No.17173627

    It was different because it was specifically written for the TV series.

    I rather liked it though anyways, but just watch broadcast. Then chronological if you want to.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:00 No.17173654
    >The broadcast order was done to imitate the style the novels are written in.
    Someone must have told you that, because I know you did not read the novels if you think that. Most of the story is just the first novel and then random things are thrown into the middle of it taken from the other novels.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:01 No.17173657

    >Dont forgot season two is coming out, never
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:01 No.17173668
    I tried watching broadcast order, hit the episode where they're playing baseball right in the middle of Yuki's big exciting reveal, said "fuck this" and watched in chronological order from then on. I was very satisfied.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:05 No.17173745
    The only people who support broadcast order are the ones who were watching it as it was airing. Anyone with all of the episodes in front of them would choose to watch it chronologically.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:06 No.17173762
    I posted this before, but wondering "Who the fuck is this psychic Kyon clone?" an entire episode just took too much away from it for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:09 No.17173812

    You are a moron.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:12 No.17173869
    I have to wonder what they were thinking, throwing that episode in there first. From that episode alone you learn that Yuki can alter reality and that Mikuru has friends in different eras before either of those facts are revealed properly, plus you see Itsuki hanging out with the SOS brigade before he's even introduced.
    >> Jean La Li Luc Le Lo Picard of the Federation Starship Batmobile (Kino no Fucktoy) !!6eD5vbkALeT 12/15/08(Mon)20:12 No.17173875
    Wrong. I watched it long after it aired. I felt the order was very well constructed, especially in the second half.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:14 No.17173915
    lol no, broadcast order was a clusterfuck
    >> Jean La Li Luc Le Lo Picard of the Federation Starship Batmobile (Kino no Fucktoy) !!6eD5vbkALeT 12/15/08(Mon)20:14 No.17173927
    >Don't forget there are books available now for ADDfags who can't handle a little suspenseful waiting for an explanation of things that happen previously.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:16 No.17173955
    >> Shizor !!9dHIaXg6fjZ 12/15/08(Mon)20:17 No.17173980
    Broadcast order, then read the novels, THEN watch it in chronological.

    THAT'S how you enjoy Haruhi.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:18 No.17173987
    Ha. Broadcast order is anything but suspenseful. More like "We interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring you SPOILERS!"
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:20 No.17174033

    Oho! I know what you mean ;)
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:21 No.17174051
    I've watched in both orders.

    Airing order is superior. Really.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:22 No.17174067
    I've watched in both orders.

    Chronological order is superior. Really.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:22 No.17174073
    except me because i just got it from the internet and am used to 12345...
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:22 No.17174077
    Where can i read the novels in english Without paying for them?
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:23 No.17174084
    >The only people who support broadcast order are the ones who were watching it as it was airing.
    Back when the anime was airing /a/ was actually very confused by the non-linearity and there were many threads bitching about it.

    Then Live Alive aired and people quickly forgot all this.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:23 No.17174092

    And OP, just watch the fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)20:23 No.17174093
    Watch the sequel: Lucky Star

    and BUY HARUHI DVDs.

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