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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229318954.png-(460 KB, 823x856, 1224003332756.png)
    460 KB Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:29 No.17152986  
    Original animu plot thread time

    Show is about a popular and well liked high school girl who is also self absorbed and condescending towards anyone that isn't as pretty or popular as her (especially otaku). This all starts to change when she meets and befriends an attractive, stoic yet charismatic bespectacled guy who just so happens to be an otaku. Said otaku isn't your average social failure though; being cynical towards otaku culture and society as a whole and being generally distrustful of people (especially women). This true will develop a unique friendship that will help them to mature and grow as people and will eventually make them more then just friends

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:31 No.17153029
    No, /a/non will never turn a slut.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:38 No.17153207
         File :1229319532.jpg-(237 KB, 1200x1221, 194292486_ccab255c6f_o.jpg)
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    It's called Welcome to the NHK
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:41 No.17153248
    Sounds like a shitty American teen romantic comedy, only with otaku.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:42 No.17153274
    >stoic yet charismatic

    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:43 No.17153300
    Kasukabe - Madarame BEST END
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:44 No.17153310

    Show is about Hikkokomori NEET that never leaves home.
    What he does all day is gets high off of acid and starts hallucinating a brilliant animu world filled with other otakus that got high off of acid.
    Each episode will have a different animu genre, but not like in Abenobashi.
    In the end, the main character dies.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:45 No.17153341
         File :1229319948.jpg-(86 KB, 438x619, 1229278855696.jpg)
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    I'd rather re-watch sketchbook. what an awesome show.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:47 No.17153382
    I've got a show idea

    its called Shit

    Each episode, anonymous is violently shitting himself in a small room filled with anime memorabilia. He smears feces all over the wallscrolls, figurines, body pillows, etc. At some point about 2/3 of the way into the show, he lets forth an unearthly ululation, and begins to consume the shit with ravenous vigor. At the end, he slices his neck open and begins stuffing shit into the gaping wound.

    Its 26 episodes long, but each episode the memorabilia changes.
    >> Anonymous of Colombia !pkzejWGkfw 12/15/08(Mon)00:48 No.17153390
    Genshiken if you focus on Saki.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:48 No.17153392
    Love story between a female artist who paints vividly and turns to drugs for inspiration and an educated male cynic who can't find meaning in life.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:50 No.17153453
    I have an anime idea it involves maids that turn into dinosaurs.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:55 No.17153559
    M.A.I.D. - Maids trAnsform Into Dinosaurs
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)00:55 No.17153562
    Another one

    Upon an apparent suicide attempt, main character wakes up in his room to discover three stuffed animals peering over his slowly die corpse. The three stuffed animals explain that they are the guardians of the dead and have chosen him to help them stop and evil force that is slowly eating away and corrupting the souls of mankind. If he accepts this quest and helps the three stuffed animals/death guardians stop this evil force, they will allow main character to pass peacefully into world as appose to descending into hell. The show would be episodic for the most part and deal with redemption of the main character through the saving of lost souls from these evil spirits

    and no, it wouldn't be some kind of Bleach shounen faggotry
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:00 No.17153653
    Young guy likes playing serious frisbee competitions. One day they find a shiny metallic but light frisbee that flies like a dream. Except it's not a frisbee, but an intelligent probe from outer space. Together with this robo-disc (that can project a holograph of it's ai that takes the form of some animu girl or model he likes, aged down to his level) he is able to take his skills to the next level and beyond. Conquering professional contests and championships and occasionally fighting troublemakers; his arm becomes legend and along the way, his space partner learns the true nature of the human spirit.

    It's mission complete, they exchange goodbyes, and the main guy, with his greatest throw of all, sends it flying off past fucking Neptune on it's way back home.

    Bonus points if this happens during the Olympic discus throw.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:01 No.17153689

    an ultimate animu would be pretty badass
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:02 No.17153719

    I smell Christ faggotry in disguise
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:11 No.17153890
         File :1229321478.jpg-(128 KB, 517x768, dfmp_0532_weird_science_1985.jpg)
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    Weird Science: The anime.

    You've seen the movie, you've seen the series; now see the anime!

    Complete with lots of fanservice and crazy adventures. It's better if they're just normal geeks/losers, but one being an anime otaku is fine too.

    or play it like NHK where both guys are hopeless, so they make a virtual game woman but she comes out in reality as some horrible torturous genie of ultimate moe
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:13 No.17153956

    haha...now that i think about it...that movie is such an /a/ phenomenon
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:17 No.17154047
    A group of teenagers forms a rock band with a twist: In this world, rock bands are made up of GIANT ROBOTS. The band fights against other giant robot rock bands in rock-offs as they aim for the top of the giant robot rock band charts.

    Maybe make it a Gundam series.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:18 No.17154074
    One more before I go off to play vidja gaems

    Setting is your typical Shoujo mango private school. Main girl is your average cute ditzy blonde heroin execpt she only plays the ditzy part to get attention from guys. Things change when a mysterious transfer students arrives. Transfer Student is from some imaginary country and, as per the course in your average shoujo story, is the stoic bishounen type. Guy becomes popular with all the girls, especially with main girl after she sees him toweling off. Plot thickens when main girl kisses prince dude while hes sleeping forest behind the school. As it turns out the transfer student is apparently a prince and as part of his countries customs he is forced to marry and move in with the first person he kisses (or gets kissed by) before he is to become king. They end moving in together (against thier will) and the girl discovers that the guys personality in his private life is completely different from that of his school life: he's obnoxious, sarcastic, generally wishes to make main girls life a living hell for making him have to get married.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:19 No.17154091
    Fuck you, make it a macross series.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:20 No.17154115
         File :1229322048.jpg-(44 KB, 400x266, autoduel1.jpg)
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    Sorry, OP, but you asked for it.

    Dead End

    The year is 2038, America lies in shambles. A massive, coordinated, nuclear terrorists attack devastated the federal government. The country has splintered into a patchwork of nation states and free cities. Combat Driving, strapping guns and missile launchers to you car and taking to the highways to turn fellow motorists into shrapnel, is the national pastime. Cutting someone off in traffic can now get you perforated or blown to bits. The countryside is a violent and lawless realm, ruled by bikers and road gangers who raid convoys and small towns with near impunity easily evading capture by fleeing across the national boundaries.

    Jack Angel is an aging bounty hunter and part time Arena Duelist who has patrolled the highways of Free California for twenty years. Now he wants to hang up his guns for good, but his plans are put on hold when his best friend is murdered by a savage road gang. Worse, their leader is Chris Angel, Jack's crooked brother whom he put away 10 years ago. Joined by Elise, his best friend's adopted daughter, Will an amateur mechanic and Ash a big breasted ex flame of his, Jack sets out to track down his wayward brother and put him down for good.
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:20 No.17154117
    Guy who had the idea here:
    >Make it a MacROCK series
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:22 No.17154162
    Female Akinator
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:22 No.17154164

    forgot to mention: dude is a kind of nature-freak that going on long communals with nature, can communicate with animals and enjoys being in the nude whenever possible. He was also partially raised by wolves so he has dog-like habits (growls, likes self when grooming, etc).
    >> Anonymous 12/15/08(Mon)01:27 No.17154253
         File :1229322443.jpg-(43 KB, 500x604, crissangel2.jpg)
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    >Chris Angel

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