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  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229298085.jpg-(47 KB, 562x530, 1228368212065.jpg)
    47 KB Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:41 No.17145951  

    I don't really understand this. He creates doujin games to sell, right? Why wouldn't he want to commercialize and make bank? Does he actually have any rights to the characters themselves?

    The all-star seiyuu cast doujin anime seems to be highly anticipated, even though the animation is likely to suck. So what's stopping a professional studio from running with the idea? Touhou fandom, through ZUN's games or otherwise, is enormous; it'd easily sell well.

    Basically, how do doujin artists maintain exclusivity? Nothing stops them from creating works based on those from big studios, why couldn't it work the other way around?

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:44 No.17145999
    but all that shit is /a/ related, why would you take it away?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:45 No.17146005
    Don't give a fuck. gb2/jp/.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:45 No.17146007
    >Does he actually have any rights to the characters themselves?

    Of course he has all rights to the characters. He's the one who invented them.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:45 No.17146015
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:46 No.17146016
    Personally I completely agree with Zun. He created Touhou and he should have the final say in what people do with his works. Certainly it's true that fans have added alot to the world of Touhou, but they're still his characters and his games should always come first.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:48 No.17146034
    Because he doesn't want to sell out. Good on him. Sage for Touhou, go back to /jp/
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:48 No.17146038
    >he expressly enjoins doujin publishers to restrict the availability of their works and not to promote them to the general public (apparently defined as people who don’t play his games).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:48 No.17146044
    Also, whoever wrote that article, goddamn what a opinionated and uninformed idiot. I've seen his bias all over other articles too. No wonder their users are only a bunch of retards.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:49 No.17146057
    not his fault that his doujingame got doujins written about it on a massive scale
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:49 No.17146062

    Then why aren't doujin sales shut down featuring characters from known series?
    >> Normalfag 12/14/08(Sun)18:49 No.17146069
    Sure it's his right, but I've never understood why he's always been so militant about controlling every aspect of the franchise.

    I say this as one of the fans he rejects - someone who is a failure at the games and only really likes the 'world' that pretty much the fan community is responsible for creating.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:49 No.17146076
    Is the anime market and the doujin market practically the same thing in Japan or are they 2 completely different groups that hate each other?

    I think that ZUN sees that big companys didnt create touhou, or have rights to touhou, yet touhou is huge. He thinks he would be selling out to let some huge company run with something he created. ZUN is making a political stance and I applaud him for it. He sees how the anime industry has churned out shit after shit show and they snub doujins, except for when some super great thing like touhou gets big, then its OH NO WE DON'T THINK YOU SUCK SERIOUSLY LET US MAKE BILLIONS OFF YOUR IDEA.

    ZUN doesn't want doujins to be undermined by money and greed. He's following through by keeping touhou as something for the fans, and by not selling out to make millions. There should be more people like him.

    I salute you Zun-san.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:50 No.17146098
    ZUN likes the freedom he has as a doujin developer. If it were to go commercial, he'd lose a lot of that freedom. Got it?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:51 No.17146111

    You don't seem to understand how the doujin circles work.

    Creating a doujin is, strictly speaking, completely illegal. The copyright holders simply choose to turn a blind eye on their own rights being violated. Some even go so far as formalize it, like ZUN, who created a legal-type "license" that permits anybody to use his characters as long as it's self-published only (that is, not a professional level operation).

    Doujin artists only get to make doujins because the copyright holders, out of the goodness of their hearts, permit them to get away with them. But they don't HAVE to do that, legally speaking: they could sue, and they would certainly win.

    ZUN owns all the rights to his characters and has defined in very precise terms what's permissible with them and what isn't. If any big name studio tried to create an anime that doesn't fill his definition of "doujinshi"; he can sue, and he will win almost automatically.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:52 No.17146119

    Because the copyright holders choose not to sue.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:53 No.17146131
    Isn't Haibane Renmei technically a doujinshi?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:54 No.17146153

    Because it's very small scale and the creators usually won't want to do it in the first place.

    An ENTIRE FUCKING ANIME is a bit different.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:54 No.17146159
    >Is the anime market and the doujin market practically the same thing in Japan or are they 2 completely different groups that hate each other?

    Neither. Basically, the doujin market is where you practice and try to get some name for yourself before becoming a professional. About 40% of Japan's mangaka started by making doujinshi.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:55 No.17146165
    Holy shit, he's seriously awesome if it works like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:57 No.17146173
    Echoes of Alan Moore in my brain. I don't know why.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:57 No.17146182
    ZUN sounds like a dick.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:58 No.17146194
    >Creating a doujin is, strictly speaking, completely illegal.

    Clarification: creating a doujin that uses SOMEBODY ELSE'S CHARACTERS is illegal (though overlooked as a standard procedure). Creating a doujin that uses your own characters is, obviously, perfectly A-OK.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:58 No.17146195
    touhou, in any form is /jp/

    mods delete this abomination of a thread
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)18:59 No.17146217

    Shut the fuck up you waste of air, this is useful and interesting information.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:00 No.17146229
    What a dick, worse than faggots here

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:01 No.17146234
    It's not just about Touhou, really. I was wondering about this for a while, and the recent doujin anime kinda resparked that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:02 No.17146245
    The creator of the Haibane Renmei doujinshi was intimately involved in the creation of the anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:02 No.17146247
    Not technically. It is, in every way, a doujin.

    It was just one of the only ones to get an anime made from it.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:03 No.17146269
    Has never heard of "fair use".
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:05 No.17146307
    >>ZUN starting to get delusions of grandeur

    Ding ding ding! ffs, he created an alias for himself... He wants people to recognize his works on the games, and disregard the many others' works in manga, anime, and elsewhere that borrow from the wonderful little world he created.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:05 No.17146310
    HE ISN'T WORRIED ABOUT PEOPLE FIND OUT ABOUT THE GAME YOU FUCKING RETARD. In fact, he wants MORE people to know of the game. What he doesn't want is for people to only be aware of the fan made works while knowing nothing about his games. He has every right to be annoyed at the fan community for overstepping their bounds.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:08 No.17146353
    Fair use is about a consumer's right to make copies for his own personal use. Has nothing to do with making or selling doujins.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:08 No.17146357
    >Touhou fandom, through ZUN's games or otherwise, is enormous; it'd easily sell well.

    Because unlike most of you faggots, ZUN has a well paid programming job and does Touhou in his spare time. Faggots like you only bemoan Touhou status because you're one of those annoying buyfags who wants English-dubbed R1 DVDs and can't see that shit with "doujins". Fuck off.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:08 No.17146363
    Keep in mind that, while in the western fandom, "doujin" is synonymous with "let's rape a copywritten existing chracter" that's NOT the actually deffinition.

    Doujinshi materials are, by definition, are ANY amateur published work, be it a game, manga, or animation. A good number (maybe as much as 30%, off the top of my head) are fully original works like the Tohou games. As with any original character, the original creator has full rights over his characters, and every right to say who can and cannot use them.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:08 No.17146365
    he should make a Yukkuri shooting game
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:09 No.17146369

    What other anime fit the same bill?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:09 No.17146373
    You don't know how wrong you are. Come back when you know a little something about copyright law.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:09 No.17146383


    Don’t overstep the mark in promoting your works (especially by promoting to people who aren’t already familiar with Touhou).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:09 No.17146385

    You have heard of it, but don't seem to know what it is. One, it's not legally binding, it's just something you can appeal to in a court. Two, it's a United States thing, not a worldwide thing. Three, even if it was, making an entire comic based on somebody else's characters and selling it for profit is most certainly NOT "fair use" by any standard.

    Japan's copyright law is one of the strictest in the entire world. The only thing keeping the doujin market going is an unspoken agreement between the copyright holders and the doujin artists: the former don't sue, if the latter keep their operation low-key.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:09 No.17146388
    I'm not wrong, and adding a sage doesn't make you any more right.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:10 No.17146398
    ZUN, you used to be cool. Fuck you man. ;_;
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:11 No.17146414
    It's because he's afraid the animu once done will suck so hard the fans wouldn't want to buy his game anymore thus causing him to lose out on beers
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:12 No.17146436

    No, you are wrong, but so is he. Fair use contains much more than "copies for personal use", but it certainly doesn't allow somebody to just sell Superman porn comics of his own making for profit, which is the western analogy to what usually happens in the doujin circles.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:13 No.17146452
    >The only thing keeping the doujin market going is an unspoken agreement between the copyright holders and the doujin artists: the former don't sue, if the latter keep their operation low-key.


    Many professionals now stepped out of doujin circles, so it's become part of the media tradition for people to respect their roots. It's basically a cultural thing.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:13 No.17146456
    He's still cool you fucking faggot. The person who wrote the Sankaku article is incredibly biased and distorting the truth. The only thing Zun is doing is protecting his creations from a fan community that has been going over the line for a long time. Touhou is his creation, and while he encourages doujin work based on the Touhou world, he doesn't want that to be the focus and he certainly doesn't want somebody else commercializing his characters and his world without his permission. Zun isn't being a dick, he's just protecting something that's he's put his heart and soul into.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:14 No.17146471

    Where the fuck did that come from? I never mentioned any of my personal feelings towards the series... only that the fandom is big and it'd sell well. ZUN's a drunkard, so there's no such thing as enough money.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:14 No.17146475

    Read up and shut up before you know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:14 No.17146478
    - Copies for personal use
    - Quotes in articles
    - Satire
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:15 No.17146493
    Most logical thing I've read in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:16 No.17146502
    I'm mad at ZUN until yukkuri become a part of the games.

    ZUN would probably hate me. I suck at the games, I fucking love the music and remixes though.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:16 No.17146514
    And this is why nobody likes and will never will like fat disgusting otaku
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:17 No.17146538

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:18 No.17146539
    If you had actually read the link you posted you would see it says the copyright holders have to right to prevent you from distributing your fan fiction
    >> gb2/jp/ fags Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:18 No.17146557
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:19 No.17146563
    >and does Touhou in his spare time.
    >he's put his heart and soul into.

    So which is it going to be?

    It's not the fans' fault that an incredibly hard shooting game isn't for everyone, or the other artists' fault that fans like the doujin manga more.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:19 No.17146571
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:20 No.17146594
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    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:20 No.17146595

    I don't know about you, but I damn well wouldn't want to face DC Comics in court if my entire case was "my self-published comic where Superman super-plows Wonder Woman while Ambush Bug watches that I sold for five bucks at Comicon is satirical".

    'Sides, like already said, Fair Use is not a legally binding thing. All it is is a possible defensive strategy.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:21 No.17146607
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:21 No.17146623
    I don't know who you think you're talking to but I agree, doujins are not and never will be fair use
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:22 No.17146630
    What is fair use and how does it relate to Fan Fiction?

    Answer: The fair use doctrine says that otherwise copyrighted works may be used for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. To decide whether a use is "fair use" or not, courts consider:

    (1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
    (2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
    (3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
    (4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

    Parody is also fair use.

    Under this doctrine, artists have been permitted to create and display their art even if it uses copyrighted works of others. See Court Allows Artist to Sell Barbie Art, for an example.

    There is a strong argument that many fan fiction stories are transformative since they create a different persona and set of events for the character. To create a new story cannot be seen as the same as posting video clips on a website. There must be a balancing between protecting copyrights in order to encourage innovation by authors and between allowing works to be in the public domain to allow creative uses.

    Whether a court will view this as the case for a particular work of fan fiction depends on how much of the story relies on copyrighted materials, whether the story is sold, or affects the market for the copyrighted work, and other factors. There is no easy answer to the question, which is why it is often a good idea to consult a lawyer who can assess the particular facts of your case.

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:22 No.17146637
    >So which is it going to be?


    I know damn well what I do for my day job is the absolute minimum that gets me money. This is because work is bullshit and I only do it so that I can pay the rent. My true passion is in my hobbies.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:22 No.17146640
    Yes, he both does it in his spare time and he puts alot of fucking effort into it. The fact that he spends his spare time creating Touhou games should tell you how much love he puts into them. And it doesn't matter if a hard shooting game is for everyone or not, that doesn't give you the right to do whatever the hell you want with his creations. Zun created Touhou and he has the final say in what happens with his work. The fan community has been pushing him for a long time and honestly I'm surprised he hasn't said anything about it sooner.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:23 No.17146666
    >It's not the fans' fault that an incredibly hard shooting game isn't for everyone

    Yes, it is.

    I'm fairly sure that in Japan the gamefags hate the moefags just as much as they did here before /a/day, the transition was we had gamefags who liked moe who translated Touhou into just moe.

    ZUN doesn't want to see the games lose their roots and the original creator criticized for shitty professional adaptions.

    Look at how bad TYPE-MOON has it with anime and the recent Chaos;Head shit: good and fair works respectively getting the shit treatment and the creators being blamed for it, since "Nitro+" and "TYPE-MOON" are more easily recognizable than the anonymous staff of DEEN or Madhouse.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:24 No.17146678
    >criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research.
    Doujins fall under none of these categories. Nice try though
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:25 No.17146708
    >There is no easy answer to the question, which is why it is often a good idea to consult a lawyer who can assess the particular facts of your case.


    For fuck's sake, just shut up already.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:25 No.17146711
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:25 No.17146715
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:26 No.17146730
    Holy shit, he's seriously awesome if it works like that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:27 No.17146743

    Most doujins aren't even that.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:27 No.17146758
    Doujins aren't parody either... good grief... just admit you have no leg to stand on.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:27 No.17146760
    Anything is to be considered parody if you claim it to be.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:28 No.17146765
    sage for touhou out of /jp/
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:29 No.17146779
    Oh okay cool, so I'll just copy a CD, add a track where I say "That was just a parody" and it's all good, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:30 No.17146792
    This just shows that you both don't know whether something is to be considered Fair Use or not. It seems there isn't a simple yes or no answer.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:31 No.17146810

    CD isn't a product of your own creativity, stupid.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:31 No.17146811
    all of you need to be banned from /a/ along with that asswipe that keeps posting 5 shit

    you all have your own goddamn board for this shit. you don't see me making anime threads in /sp/ now do you.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:32 No.17146823
    I've noticed whatever weird hierarchical instincts are imprinted on human brains seems to cause people to automatically side with the leader/creator's opinions on these nerd issues, but to me I can't think of any way this just doesn't reek of ORIGINAL CHARACTERS, DO NOT STEAL sentiment.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:32 No.17146834

    Doujinshi is /a/ material, you giant homosexual faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:33 No.17146838
    Dumb comparison and you know it. That would be like making copies of manga pages and selling it as a doujinshi. Doujinshis however, are (normally I would suppose) completely original.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:34 No.17146859
    So he puts his heart and soul into these niche shooting games for a small(er) group of gamers, but thinks that letting pros do an anime with characters from his game would destroy his fanbase, or taint it?

    People will still buy his games, the same ones that always do. And he'd make more money licensing the "world" of Touhou to big companies.

    But he won't, because he's too selfish. He cares only about his creation's recognition, not the fans. They could be praising him for his brilliant character designs (lol).

    That to me is already selling out far worse than giving rights to studios to produce more fans and happier fans.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:34 No.17146863
    touhou isn't, anime or not, it's /jp/. you fuckers wanted your own board, now stay there
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:35 No.17146877

    Not completely They "steal" character designs and the brand name. Those may not mean much to the average nerd, but they are dead serious business under court of law.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:37 No.17146898
    I don't think they really "wanted" their own board. They were more or less forced there.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:37 No.17146899
    ITT: we confuse doujin for doujinshi
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:37 No.17146913

    Cry harder, faggot.

    Touhou is /a/ again and it's here to stay.

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:38 No.17146929
    He wants Touhou to be about his games. It isn't selfish for him to not want his creation turned into an anime because, lets' be fair, it would probably be awful. I think it's you that's being selfish in this case.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:38 No.17146931

    An artist not wanting somebody else to steal his show? SHOCK AND HORROR!!

    Here's how an artist thinks: FUCK MONEY, MONEY ISN'T IMPORTANT, I WANT MY FUCKING FANS. He's already shown incredible magnamosity by encouraging people to do those comics in the first place, even more so than normal copyright holders (who already are nice for allowing any doujins to exist at all).
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:38 No.17146937

    No, Moot wanted us to have our own board. It just so happens that part of that board crosses over into /a/ territory... again (not that it ever should have been taken away).

    Unless you want to sage and "gb2/c/ or /e/" every other fucking thread on this board, piss off.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:39 No.17146948
    He just doesn't want this to happen:

    -Hey, do you like touhou?
    -Nah, I found it a very boring anime/mango. Code Geass is much better.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:39 No.17146954

    Might be because they're synonyms, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:40 No.17146966
    Touhou isn't even that good, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:40 No.17146969
    >>17146863 (and others)
    /a/ rules
    1.All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga. For long-term series discussion, please refer to the /anime/ board.

    Sure is angsty faggot in here.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:40 No.17146971
    What's the big deal with Touhou, anyway? I've never really followed the fanfare.

    The screenshots look kind of stupid, if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:41 No.17146980

    Close, but not quite. True art isn't about money OR fans. It's about getting to do your own thing and show it off. Money and fans may be nice, but they're secondary.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:42 No.17147000
    Dumb comparisons are useful against dumb assertions, as they highlight the stupidity of the claim they are posted in response to
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:42 No.17147006
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    Blah blah blah.

    Here's Reimu.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:42 No.17147010
    >please refer to the /anime/ board.

    Nobody uses the text boards because they're filled with /b/ faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:43 No.17147031
    >I have no response so I'll claim I was intentionally making a stupid comparison.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:43 No.17147033
    I'm telling ZUN on you for promoting the anime he hates
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:43 No.17147035
    The doujin community for it is enormous. Here's a small selection of the translated stuff:
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:44 No.17147054
    no they're not
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:44 No.17147060
    lolis with godpowers mainly

    the fanbase is built on a wide variety of doujin manga and music remixes based on a mediocre doujin game series
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:44 No.17147062
    For instance:
    Troll: Bush is exactly like Hitler!
    Response: But HItler has a mustache and Bush doesn't!

    Unless you want to take every idiot with a keyboard seriously, that is, in which case, good luck with that
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:45 No.17147071

    >He wants Touhou to be about his games.

    He wouldn't lose any of his game fans, if anything more would try his games. Or maybe he should have thought about his design and made them jets instead of cute girls bound to be doujinized.

    >It isn't selfish for him to not want his creation turned into an anime because, lets' be fair, it would probably be awful.

    So... he gives the cautious go-ahead for a doujin producer to have at it?
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:45 No.17147079

    True art is about art itself and anything else can go straight to hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:45 No.17147085
    You completely missed the point.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:45 No.17147090
    I was just posting the first rule, nothing else. lrn2read
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:45 No.17147096
    I figure the only reason ZUN doesn't go commercial like type moon is because his shooting games don't have much sell out potential.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:46 No.17147106
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:46 No.17147111
    I'd give Reimu my "donations"
    If ya know what I mean
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:47 No.17147131
    Or maybe nobody has offered him the right contract yet
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:47 No.17147140

    I'll have you know that the games (from PCB onwards) are fucking excellent. Imperishable Night alone has entertained me more than the commercial PC games published between 2006 and 2008 put together.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:48 No.17147150

    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:48 No.17147151
    I have to assume you're just trolling at this point, since no real defense has been mounted to prove that everything is parody if you claim it is.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:48 No.17147165
    The Tsukihime "anime" didn't make me want to play the VN, that's for sure.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:49 No.17147173
    Are you serious?

    Because if you are, I may as well play them if they're supposed to be that good.
    >> ‍Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:49 No.17147188
    Bullshit. It's a fucking shoot-em-up, if you look at it objectively, real games like Crysis and Deadspace are far more involved and entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:50 No.17147189
    Actually, you are all wrong. This is what's happening.
    ZUN is using this as a publicity stunt in order to attract more fans. He will eventually support the anime after all the drama settles down.

    Well played ZUN, well played.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:50 No.17147204
    No, he's trying to make the people behind the anime come begging to him with cash in hand
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:51 No.17147221
         File :1229302296.png-(56 KB, 545x409, 1201335354720_001.png)
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    >play the VN
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:51 No.17147228
    Meh, it's mediocre for its genre. Doesn't really bring anything new to the table, but I must admit that the bullet patterns are exceptionally pretty and some of the music is quite catchy.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:52 No.17147238
    >>17147204 + >>17147189

    It's all coming together.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:52 No.17147257
    Making a blatant copy of something is not parody.

    Using someone else's characters in your own work, that you created from scratch can be claimed to be parody.
    >> Anonymous 12/14/08(Sun)19:54 No.17147287
    I don't know what he's so worried of. The anime is made by Maikaze, and anybody who saw their last work know it'll be complete shit no matter how good the VAs are.

    As for people starting to treat these voices as official, it's not like they haven't spoken in lots of IOSYS songs and flashes and such.

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