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  • Blotter updated: 11/04/08

  • hang in there, fella

    File :1229146398.jpg-(24 KB, 480x360, 1whathasalchemydone.jpg)
    24 KB FullMetal Plothole Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:33 No.17106469  
    Wait a second.
    At the end of this anime Ed and Al destroy the gate in our world, and Mustang destroys the gate in their world. Alchemy is powered by the tragedies in our world which crosses through the gate to theirs. So no gate means no alchemy. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE ELRICKS?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:34 No.17106487
    Enjoy your season 2 of boring WW2 FMA anime.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:34 No.17106505
    mediocre anime is mediocre amirite?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:36 No.17106510
    You mean at the end of the movie?

    No, they just blew up a gate the Nazis had made to infiltrate Amestris.

    That being said, my secret guilty pleasure is for them to find a way to use alchemy on Earth and have a second movie that shows them in their late 30s fighting Nazis with alchemy during WW2.

    Hey, a man can dream, right?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:36 No.17106512
    I hate the fact that the new season is going to give Vic Lasagna more work.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:36 No.17106515
    >no gate means no alchemy
    Don't you think after watching the anime that that might be for the better?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:37 No.17106520
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:37 No.17106526
    They don't destroy "the gate" that exists in their minds, they destroy the physical gates soldiers were using to come through.

    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:38 No.17106557
    Its' better than the Nazis gaining control of the whole world.

    It was actually about 10 years before WWII started... Hitler was JUST gaining power (and was shot down by the Elric Brothers)
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:38 No.17106560
    No, he can't dream such gay dreams like that.

    The second anime isn't going to be able this contrived "lol nazis" filler plot. It's going to be loyal to the manga.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:39 No.17106581
    The new series is a remake.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:39 No.17106582
    >no gate means no alchemy
    Don't you think after watching the anime that that might be for the better?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:40 No.17106603
    >>loyal to the manga

    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:41 No.17106625
    it doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:41 No.17106631
    It's not going to take place after the FMA movie, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:43 No.17106668
    fucking trolls GTFO
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:46 No.17106700
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:46 No.17106702
    I didn't understand why people like this so much. I saw it on cartoon network and thought it was pretty mediocre. the only cool part was finding out ed's dad was a nazi or something at the end.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:46 No.17106709
    Yeah but that was THE gate. You don't just create these gates, theres only one, and you open it, not create it. That being said, if they destroyed it then my theory stands, and if they didn't whats stopping them from going home except the minor things like Al's memory returning, having no real home, etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:46 No.17106711
    You fucking moron.


    Anyone that has seen the film Conqueror of Shambala, would know that, at the end of the movie, the gate to Amestris is still OPEN. Ed says that they will close that gate, however in Earth, for them, it would be more difficult, so they will close the door AFTER they get rid of the Uranium bomb.

    Making an adaptation of the manga as it goes today would be a mistake, because the history can no longer be connected to the manga. Maybe the solution is to take the animated series at the point when Ed first mets homunculus and re-joining then with the manga, but that would be hardwork direct to trash.

    SO, KNOWING THAT THE NEW ANIMATED SERIES FROM FMA ARE CONFIRMED BY THE MANGA ARTIST, it’s most likely the story would tell the Ed and Al search for a way to close the gate, and, probably, how to close it staying in Amestris.

    You people use your brains a little. It doesn’t hurt.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:48 No.17106750




    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:48 No.17106751
    They're right you ignorant bitch
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:49 No.17106764
    No, you use your brain a little. It's going to be a true adaptation of the manga.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:49 No.17106768
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:50 No.17106792
    It's funny how much you rage without knowing we're right. Go back to arguing over which is better, Naruto / Bleach on gaia.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:53 No.17106836
    the anime was very dark an depressing ( e.g. the scientist who combine his daughter and his dog , that rrllly disturbed me
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)00:54 No.17106855

    See, there's yer problem right there. The anime sucks. Massively. Like, almost as much as Naruto, except with better dubs.

    I think the only thing we can all agree is that the dubs for the
    FMA anime were pretty good.

    It's not a second season, retard. It's a whole different show, based directly off the manga this time.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:55 No.17106871
    ya me 2, its kind of fucked up mayb the author should take a serios look at what hes doing, u dont make disturbing cartoons like this for kids.. look at one piece its not like that
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:55 No.17106874
    So they're gonna copy and paste the first 15 or so episodes before it diverges to the manga, amirite??
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:56 No.17106886
    Nah. The naruto dub was better.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:57 No.17106909
    Goddamn this thread is so stupid.

    Trolls trolling trolls trolling slowpokes
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:57 No.17106913
    There were a lot of significant differences between the manga and anime at the beginning anyway. Plus a good deal of the episodes before the anime completely deviates from the manga are just filler.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:58 No.17106921
    The manga actually diverges very early, it's just that some major events remain consistent. Maybe they could focus on what's different in the series, giving what they've done before less screen time.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)00:58 No.17106931
    So they're gonna copy and paste the first 15 or so episodes before it diverges to the manga and paint moustaches on everyone's face, amirite??
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)00:59 No.17106935
    Sortof. Minus the lame filler episodes. Hopefully they'll keep the one with Barry the Chopper, I rather liked that one.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:00 No.17106953
    Barry has a much bigger role in the manga, they can't not have that episode.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:00 No.17106955
    No it's not.

    If it were a true adaptation of the manga Bones wouldn't be doing it.

    It's been confirmed as a continuation following the movie.

    The series and the movies were both ridiculous sucesses. Both financially and critically. They were the best received thing BONES has ever done.

    Why the hell would they not continue the storyline when they obviously can and the storyline they personally developed is still popular.

    If you want the manga storyline go read the fuck manga. As far as Bones is concerned their storyline is the official anime storyline, and its going to be continued.
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:01 No.17106965
    You know, I think I'd actually like the original anime if everyone had moustaches. Yes, yes I would. Except the characters who already have them, they get them removed, and replaced with silly hats.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:01 No.17106977
    Nope. It's a manga adaption, it doesn't matter how much you loved the anime or how much you think Bones loves it too, it's a manga adaption.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:01 No.17106978
    If it's a continuation of the original anime and movie why does the trailer for the new anime show Al in armor again?

    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:02 No.17106996
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:02 No.17106997
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:03 No.17107018
    If it's a continuation of the original anime and movie why does the trailer for the new anime show Mustang without an eyepatch again?

    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:04 No.17107032
    Alright, give me evidence for this outlandish claim.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:04 No.17107039
    And no eye-patch Mustang
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:04 No.17107044
    Thats not what the mangaka has said. Thats not what the preview showed. Thats not what the animation studio has said, nor the staff thats working on the series, nor the musical company behind the new score.

    They've all confirmed this.

    The move made over 30 million dollars in Japan. It was outrageously succesful, as was the original series.

    It will be continued for better or for worse whether you like it or not. Those are the plans, thats whats been confirmed, and it makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:05 No.17107056

    I'm going to laugh so hard if this ends up being an episodic series that takes place before the ending to the first animu.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:05 No.17107059
    The news Fullmetal Alchemist series should be based off of Hiromu Arakawa's work and should be called "FMA: The Manga".
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:05 No.17107064
    It's a spinoff showing the adventures of Hohenheim.

    you fags got told.
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:06 No.17107069
    Once again, I see no evidence, which leads me to believe you're trolling us.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:06 No.17107070
    Armstrong without his ridiculous mustache? Your mad!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:06 No.17107072
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:06 No.17107074
    well, you can have your first idea. However, the other one is fucking stupid, so no.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:06 No.17107081
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    Personally, I think the next anime should be about a storyline that takes place after I inevitably become the fuhrer I deserve to be.

    I'm not even going to go with mini-skirts anymore. Female personnel will wear panties and shirts, that's it. Also, I'm firing all the males.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:07 No.17107086
    I'm tired of /a/ trashing the anime these days. We fucking loved it at the time. It's not the anime's fault that the manga turned out to awesome. The fact that the manga turned out to be better has no impact on the quality of the anime series in and of itself.

    And the fags that get up in arms over the REAL WURLD plot twist didn't pay attention. They where dropping hints for nearly thirty episodes.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:08 No.17107108
    Thats not a fucking trailer. It's a clip from the fucking original series. It wasn't even animated recently. It's just the stock stuff they used to advertise the new series.

    Don't they even look fucking familiar at all to you? They're the same shots that are used in the first season opening during the first 6 episodes.

    Jesus...some people are just plain retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:08 No.17107120
    They should make a more accurate adaption of Harry Potter and it should be called "Harry Potter: The Book"
    >> Professor Stein !7DSTeiNYEs 12/13/08(Sat)01:10 No.17107135
    Godlike as always, Roy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:10 No.17107137
    I'm glad you're just a faggoty troll and not some guy who actually believes this shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:11 No.17107147
    No it's not.


    The style is different, more similar to the manga.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:11 No.17107157
    They're going to pull your screen-time Roy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:12 No.17107164
    Then why would they use stock footage of Al in armor to advertise a new series where he won't be in armor?

    Not to mention the fact that the Japanese voice over guy says "Limbs of steel; body of armor."

    It's not that difficult
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:12 No.17107171
    Though I will admit that the movie blew. But a continuation could redeem that.

    Also, going by nothing but the 'teaser,' it looks like a manga adaption.
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:13 No.17107180
    I wasn't on /a/ at the time. And I did like it, up until Sloth showed that her power was that of water. I thought that was ridiculous, and started thinking about various loopholes, and the silly episodes like the one with Psiren that just seemed out of place, and so on, and so forth.

    Altogether, if someone made this anime, and I had no clue about the manga, I might've liked it. But as it is, I know how much more awesome the manga is than the anime, and I hate the anime for taking something so awesome and trying to change it. And when the Nazis appeared, I knew all bets were off. Seriously, NAZIS? How the fuck could Hiromu allow that?

    At least the characters stayed true, more or less, during the fake shit. That's one of the few parts they did right.
    >> Professor Stein !7DSTeiNYEs 12/13/08(Sat)01:13 No.17107181
    Godlike as always, Roy.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:13 No.17107191
    I wish. But sadly you will not become Fuhrer because you had to murder the previous homunculous Fuhrer, and then you left your job and took a different military post in the North and turned into a pussy. Even though you got over it that doesn't change a thing. Still love the quote though
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:13 No.17107192
    Because Ed's going to be in armor again. Very fucking soon.

    Most likely within the first 4 episodes or something the brothers are going to get back to the original world.

    This is not going to be a long played out ordeal where they take 26 episodes to try to open a gate from Germany. It will probably catch up 2 years or so after the end of the movie with a small recap of what they've done during their time in germany, and showing how they found a way to get back through the gate.

    Anyways. Its noticable in the only piece of official art (Which shows Al in his Armor, and Edward in his red coat in a style that was designed SPECIFICALLY for the movie, sitting amongst the ruins of a building) that Edward has a scar on his face not seen previously, and looks much, much, older. By almost 3 years if I could guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:14 No.17107209
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:15 No.17107234
    Looks exactly the fricking same as previous show. Of course there may be deviations. This series DOES have a different animation staff, including a lot of people from Sunrise who worked on Code Gayass...
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:16 No.17107252
    I dunno, Ed was pretty out of character for most of the second half of the anime. He mostly just moped around and yelled at people.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:16 No.17107265
    ^...So is this the only FMA season 2 preview out so far?
    Also, those clips were not in Opening 1. Please
    don't call people retarded so quickly.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:17 No.17107268
    Just think of it as FMA Ultimate, a la Hellsing.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:18 No.17107294
    Do you watch anime or just see it?
    The whole point of the ending was that the world goes on without them because they are just a small part of it.

    If they go back to their world then thats all gone to hell.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:18 No.17107296
    what? theres only one hellsing anime you retard
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:19 No.17107310
    The anime didn't change much of anything dillweed. That's what half of you idiots don't get. The anime just about caught up with the manga when Hughes died, and went it's own path because THERE WAS BARELY ANY MORE TO ADAPT. They knew this would happen from the beginning and the small changes they made earlier was to set up for this divergence.

    Also, Roy killing Winry's parent's is a far more interesting plot point then Scar doing it.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:20 No.17107326
    Stop trolling. You even contradict yourself to support your argument now. I mean, first you say that they're stock animations that have been around for years, then you say that of course the animations look different because the animators aren't all the same this time.

    You were going good at first, but now you should just quit while you're ahead.

    Goes to show that if you argue something stating enough pure lies without sources, people will actually start to believe you.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:20 No.17107333
    For the Record I Beleive the FMA Anime to be the best series of thiis decade. Possibly only matched by TTGL.

    The manga is vastly inferior and I don't care for it. IT makes less sense, has less of a developed storyline, and less of a impact than the anime.

    The anime was essentialy one of the most perfect things to ever be created. The level of darkness brought to it was just excellent. From Hughes death to mute Rose it was just excellence after excellence.

    Truly Bones greatest work, and Bones really owns FMA's identity now because of that.
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:20 No.17107336
    >Ed's going to be in armor

    Okay, now I KNOW you're trolling. You're quite good, definitely 10/10. But you failed to produce evidence to back yourself up. I've never heard any of the people you claim "confirmed" it's a continuation say any of this. And then you mix up ed and al? Fuck, you probably never even watched the anime or read the manga did you? Please.

    Let's change topic back to how awesome we hope the new series will be. I'm hoping they use the same VAs for the dubs, because like I said, I thought the dubs of the original anime were well done. Each voice fit the characters (Although Envy was kinda hard to tell if it was a dude, that kinda fits the whole form-changing thing), and they were all really well-acted.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:21 No.17107365
    Welp, that about proves The Truth is full of shit, but we already knew that anyway
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:22 No.17107394
    You're a good troll, but you need to learn when you quit. There's really not much you can do after someone demands a source.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:23 No.17107407
    The opening im referring to werent released on dvd they were tv only, because the original OP was cut after 6 episodes and replaced because of licensing issues.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:24 No.17107424
    OP here you guys are fucking morons.

    Not only can't you retards figure this out but you throw petty tantrums and call everyone a troll.

    Good one, narbs!
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:24 No.17107439

    Fine then, call it what you like, but the next series should be based off the manga.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:24 No.17107443
    Slip of the fucking Tongue.

    I mean't Al.

    And im not trolling.
    >> _ Underline-kun 12/13/08(Sat)01:24 No.17107445
    >The new series is a remake.

    I really hope so, but... sauce?
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:25 No.17107455
    >>Slip of the fucking Tongue.
    So you type words with your tongue? Try harder troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:25 No.17107459
    ..............Would you mind finding this on youtube for us? (Is the person who posted those links)
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:26 No.17107466
    The dub could have been done better as far as translations go. I really don't like how FUNi often takes really weird liberties with the script and sometimes completely changes lines. It's been a while since I've seen either the anime or the dub so the only example I can remember is some conversation between Winry and Sheska near the end of the series that FUNi completely changed every line of.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:26 No.17107468
    Then fine. They can go make a anime based series without Bones.

    But there's no reason Bones would abandon a popular and well received format for a experimental one this late in the game.
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:28 No.17107504
    STILL NO SOURCE. Jeez, Truth, you're just beating a dead horse now. Fuck, you beat it so hard, it's not even a horse. It's just a blob of guts that used to be a horse.

    If you want ANYONE to take you seriously, you'd best provide some kind of source. If you can't, you failed, and will go down in the books as a troll who was pretty good at trolling. There's nothing more to this argument. I'm even trying to help you by looking for this so-called 'lost OP', but according to every source *I* find, it never existed.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:29 No.17107523
    So they cut the opening, then chose a new song and animated a completely new opening to fit it within a week?

    yeah okay
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:29 No.17107531
    I'm going to be saving this thread to study The Truth's methods. Truly godlike trolling. What he really needed to do was provide a source, simply a wikipedia article, saying "YHBT"
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:29 No.17107534
    No I fucking type them with my fingers and you fucking know what I mean.

    Jesus christ.

    But please call me troll more. Crucify me on a cross because you know I make sense and I'm right and you dislike whats happening, so its better to ignore the truth.

    Your like fucking Bush when everyone around him told him what wasn't going to work in IRAQ. You know he called them trolls too. Thanks to that thousands of americans and iraqis died.

    Thank God that the only thing thats going to happen because of your ignorance today is you being mistakened about what series airs. If it wsa something important, you'd be megafucked.
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:31 No.17107577
    No I fucking type them with my fingers and you fucking know what I mean.

    Jesus christ.

    But please call me troll more. Crucify me on a cross because you know I make sense and I'm right and you dislike whats happening, so its better to ignore the truth.

    Your like fucking Bush when everyone around him told him what wasn't going to work in IRAQ. You know he called them trolls too. Thanks to that thousands of americans and iraqis died.

    Thank God that the only thing thats going to happen because of your ignorance today is you being mistakened about what series airs. If it wsa something important, you'd be megafucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:32 No.17107597
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    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:33 No.17107608
    Seriously. It's still pretty obvious that everything he says is a lie, but he says it with such defiance and confidence that it's hard not to rage
    >> The Truth !!7ICQjK9faGh 12/13/08(Sat)01:33 No.17107615
    Good idea!! I'll go write the wikipedia article.

    All the sources are in Japanese. Frankly I could go throught my history for a couple hours to gather them, but even if I did, im not very sure you could read them.

    Jesus christ. I don't even need to provide sources. It makes fucking sense that Bones would continue the series after it and its movies tremendous success. Doing anything else but that is what requires a god damn source!
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:36 No.17107659
    You can't even produce evidence for it being well-received. Seriously, there should be some stats out there for that. Some people may be stupid enough to take your claims at face value, but very few.

    Seriously, I'm impressed too. If people didn't ask for sources, he'd have won easily. Everything he says is entirely believable, and he makes it all up on the spot. Really masterful.

    HAHAHA we made him pissed guys, better run. He might try to punch us through the internet. No, see, YOU'RE like Bush, because you feed the public lies disguised as truth without providing evidence, and yet manage to sound like you know what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:37 No.17107683
    I can read 'em. Let's see 'em.
    >> Anonymous 12/13/08(Sat)01:37 No.17107687
    >All the sources are in Japanese. Frankly I could go throught my history for a couple hours to gather them, but even if I did, im not very sure you could read them.

    Try me.
    >> TCABF !!iS2pwbE1oSS 12/13/08(Sat)01:39 No.17107724
    How convenient that they're all in another language.

    Find them. Post them. I'll use google translate on them: Sure it sucks, but it's enough to give me the general idea of a page. If that general idea lines up with what you're saying, I'll publicly apologize for calling you a troll. If not, then you actually WERE a troll, and we all laugh at you, sending you deeper into the butthurt you are currently spiraling into at dizzying rates.

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