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12/12/08(Fri)01:04 No.17082597 File :1229061889.jpg-(93 KB, 488x516, 1227518864716.jpg)
 >>17082084 I
came from years of lurking /b/ before I finally gave up on it and moved
to /a/, so there's your "/b/ootcamp" experience for you. And I'm seeing
a lot of /b/ in your posts, where almost everything can be translated
into "you, sir, are an idiot" or "GTFO" posts without any actual
backing of why you said that. If you're the writer you claim to be, I
find it laughable that you can't express your thoughts into text.
bitter and liking to argue. Wow, I bet you have a ton of friends, and
these two things will guarentee your failure, since you'll NEVER be
able to hadle constructive critisizm on your works; you'll take it all
as "that asshole doesn't know what true art is! I'll show him by taking
it to the next guy, and I'll rub it in the first guy's face when I'm
filthy rich!", which will repeat at every attempt you make to sell your
works. I'm not just making an assumption here. I have seen this happen.
I know of one man in particular who has spent the last 15 years trying
to sell is one and only "masterpiece", and refuses to change it in the
least, even though everyone he approaches with it turns him down with
reasons that he refuses to listen to.
If you want advice on how
to comment, try something other than a 3 - 5 word /b/tard post that is
some variant of "it sucks". Stop taking this shit seriously. If you
don't like it, then why not have some fun with the idea and suggest
some retarded spin on it? Or, since you like to be serious, you could
give a comparible ANIME-RELATED (read: "american reality TV" does not
qualify) suggestion as to why it's a stupid idea.
PROTIP: Saying
something is unrealistic is a retarded argument, and will always be a
retarded argument, when discussing anime plots. Always. Every time.
you're not arguing. Arguing involved an exchange of ideas. You're just
taking swipes at everything for the hell of it and hiding under the
guise that you're trying to start a debate or some similar bullshit. |