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    File :1226540098.png-(22 KB, 275x110, TTGL.png)
    22 KB Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:34 No.16334201  
    TTGL Thread: (There will be a TL;DR) (And in 2 Parts, Cause /a/ won't let me upload anything larger than a paragraph.)

    Ok, about TTGL. It seems like it would obviously be a “coming of age” story. Yes, Simon grew up a bit from the pre-timeskip, but no one in the anime really grew up at all. They all continued to think that following your heart and abandoning logic was the real way to live. Honestly, they were all immature idiots. I get that it was supposed to be an anime, and anime often has a theme like that, but it seems like the only human in the entire series (Rossiu) who actually tried to take responsibility as a leader and do the necessary evils, was looked down upon. He was portrayed as a lying jackass, when, in actuality, he did nothing but play the necessary political game and try to ensure the human races survival (which, to the best of our knowledge, was destroyed by Simon.)
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:35 No.16334220
    On the other hand, the people known as the antispirals, who gave up their lives and performed the ultimate sacrifice to protect the universe, were ultimately undone by Simon's selfish ambitions. Now, going into space after being attacked and threatened to be killed, I can accept that. Although calling him a hero is a bit far fetched. He sacrificed the universe for his friends, which is just barely above Leena Inverse sacrificng the world for Gourry (which everyone seems to hate her for).

    TL;DR: Simon never grew up. He destroyed the universe with his “lol, we'll deal with it later” attitude. All the people who actually accepted the inevitabilities of the universe they lived in were portrayed as antagonists. In fact, Simon actually became less rationale and adult as the series progressed.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:37 No.16334270
    OP, you already answered your own questions.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:37 No.16334275
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:38 No.16334299
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:38 No.16334314
    >TTGL Thread
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:38 No.16334323
    >OP, you already answered your own questions.

    Then why does everyone consider this a coming of age story and/or a great anime? Its just a portrayal of how stupid people can be. It seems pretty shit imo.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:39 No.16334348

    >selfish ambitions

    You are aware Nia being an Antispiral meant nothing in the context of his battle.

    Nia could have been absolutely nothing important and some random guy/girl who nobody knew or recognized could have been the Antispiral messenger and Simon still would have stopped them.

    >> The Big Red Machine !!/Vq5gvtgRY8 11/12/08(Wed)20:40 No.16334352
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:40 No.16334357
    >I only watch mature anime for mature otakus such as myself.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:41 No.16334403

    Because being a hothead who acts on instinct is still better than being a coward who can't do a goddamn thing when under pressure.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:42 No.16334427
    And he destroyed the universe, genius.

    You're right. Maybe I'm being unfair. Its not that I didn't like the anime, but it just doesn't seem worthy of praise.

    An interesting story, but...well...the characters were pretty hollow...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:43 No.16334434
    I know this is a troll but it still gets me and makes me angry.
    Good troll I guess, or is it that easy to troll me with TTGL?
    >> The Big Red Machine !!/Vq5gvtgRY8 11/12/08(Wed)20:43 No.16334456


    Stop trying to troll the newfags.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:44 No.16334473
    The series was meant to imply that they could defeat the Spiral Nemesis without locking everyone away underground. That was why Lord Genome caved in to Simon in the end. Originally, Lord Genome believed that the Anti-Spirals were in the right, but he changed his mind once he saw what Simon had accomplished.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:45 No.16334483
    I could troll TTGL with less, and get more replies.

    He doomed every single thing. Anywhere. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:45 No.16334488

    >destroyed the universe

    ... what? Doesn't his admitting at the end pretty much say Simon will do what it takes to PREVENT the universes destruction?

    More or less he wants to end Anti Spirals "kill everything that can be a potential threat" regime.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:49 No.16334604
    ....whats he going to do?
    Thats the: “i'll deal with it later, lol” attitude i'm talking about. They have absolutely no idea how to deal with this. Simply saying “ill figure it out later, not now, my GF is dead and I just killed her and the only people maintaining the universe” is pretty...you know...immature...and stupid...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:52 No.16334708

    Obvious troll is obvious once he got to Rossiu
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:53 No.16334733
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:55 No.16334788

    >whats he going to do?

    Have faith in man kind. His statement "we're not as foolish as you think" kinda implies that.

    >“ill figure it out later, not now, my GF is dead and I just killed her and the only people maintaining the universe” is pretty...you know...immature...and stupid...

    Well it's clear you didn't pay attention to it, understand what was going on or even bother to think your argument through. You're acting solely on what you've seen and drawn the worst possible conclusion from it and have given us the impression what Simon did and everything man kind will do without Anti Spiral's oppressive regime will be nothing but horrible horrible "DESTROY UNIVERSE" bullshit.

    Hint: It's called an open end. You wanna think everything Simon did was bad? Fine think that way. But don't tell it to us like it's fact.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:56 No.16334826
    it was fun to watch

    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:57 No.16334857

    >but it seems like the only human in the entire series (Rossiu) who actually tried to take responsibility as a leader and do the necessary evils, was looked down upon

    What the fuck? /a/ hates Rossiu but the show implies that he was a good leader. That's why he's president of the earth and Simon is a hobo.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:57 No.16334859
    His not bringing nia back with spiral power foreshadows spirals using restraint and not causing spiral nemesis.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)20:58 No.16334889

    If I was a troll, why would I write 2 paragraphs? I could get twice this many angry fans if I just posting that it was an “immature show”.

    I tried to elaborate at least, I guess that makes me a troll.I'm raging irl.

    Maybe I did draw the worst possible conclusion, but from what I can see.. Simon has activated a ticking tomebomb that the spirals have to stop, or else it destroys a chance at life of every single lifeform that would ever be born. The antispirals stopped it, but at a large cost. I guess the point i'm trying to make is that after being told that they were destroying the universe (which is, umm, a big deal?) Simon just yelled about TTGL and started fighting.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:02 No.16334986

    What steps should be taken to keep the resource party going for as long as possible? Forcefully take responsibility away from individuals and dictate terms? Or, as Simon advises the child, less force and more suggestion?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:03 No.16334991
    Really? I just assumed she was an anti-spiral life form and that he could not bring her back.
    In b4 every single person telling me the reference was so obvious.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:04 No.16335020

    Same here, how would you go about bringing someone back to life with will power anyway?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:04 No.16335029

    >Maybe I did draw the worst possible conclusion, but from what I can see.. Simon has activated a ticking tomebomb that the spirals have to stop, or else it destroys a chance at life of every single lifeform that would ever be born. The antispirals stopped it, but at a large cost. I guess the point i'm trying to make is that after being told that they were destroying the universe (which is, umm, a big deal?) Simon just yelled about TTGL and started fighting.

    Ticking time bomb? Dude nobody knows how the universe will end. Not even Anti-Spiral knew for sure. Anti Spiral's solution wasn't the be-all-end-all answer. If anything it implied it only HELPED spiral beings along by causing them to have to work under pressure which tends to help evolution.

    Fuck for all we knew Spiral Nemesis doesn't have a method of prevention. It could be a force of nature for all we know. The end of everything. And everything comes to an end. You wanna argue that Simon started a timebomb?

    Prove Anti Spiral was preventing a timebomb.
    >> Kreia !uWo1dwyXsg 11/12/08(Wed)21:05 No.16335039
    The entire premise of the series is that logic is bullshit in the TTGL universe, so stop trying to apply logic to it. In TTGL universe, you can do ANYTHING with enough spirit, which means Simon or someone else can save the universe if they want it enough.

    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:05 No.16335046
    Yes, notice i'm advocating toward the antispirals? I agree with their ideas more. I don't trust Spirals with the fate of the universe.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:05 No.16335052
    And the Anti-Spiral's solution was better?

    It was like a living contradiction. To allow spiral beings to exist, but to attempt to suppress their natural tendency to evolve? It'd never work. It'd break down sooner or later anyway.

    And typically a people who are annihilated the instant they become perceived as "potentially dangerous" by their keepers become a bit rebellious.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:06 No.16335083

    Only a troll could be so stupid. Even the biggest Rossiufags admit trying to kill Simon was out of line, and here you are sucking his dick about it (nothing but necessary evil) FU TROLL
    >> GhostNia !v8aTzOTHN2 11/12/08(Wed)21:07 No.16335094

    Simon could have extended her life with Spiral Power. Simon accepting Nia's death wish was important because it signified both him loving her enough to respect her desire and will and him being ready to sacrifice everything to protect humanity.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:07 No.16335100
    You win. From what I can tell, this is the most logical argument i've heard all day.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:08 No.16335117
    butthurt much?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:09 No.16335147

    So you'd rather live in a dictatorial state where you believe you're being taken care of yet oppressed rather than trusting people to fend and help themselves and each other.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:13 No.16335228
    Everyone is a super saiyan in Gurren Lagann. You want a mech? Okay here, take this one. Never piloted a mecha before? Doesn't matter faggot, just use some fighting spirit. You're sad? Fuck you, I'm going to punch you in the face. You feel good now? That's right faggot, now squeeze those levers and stab your drill dick into my mecha, so we can combine or some shit. Fuck we didn't even have to weld anything. NOW SUPER DEMON FUCK YOU NIGGER KICK! The length of the attack title is equal to the power, and intensity of the maneuver, but you already knew this. Let's all fuck, and cum everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:15 No.16335266
    Naruto and Bleach, but I like Naruto more than bleach because Naruto's character have more....personality? I guess? That and all through the rescue arch in Bleach it was kind of a repetitive "Rawr rawr rawr ima kill u, o wait u beet me now ima join u"
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:16 No.16335298
    this thread needs to

    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:18 No.16335325
    I'm going to kick your balls into your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:25 No.16335473
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:26 No.16335494

    ...Do you even fathom how awesome that sounds?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:28 No.16335554
    >The length of the attack title is equal to the power
    My experience with SRW suggests that how long you draw out the name can make up for a short name. Listen to fuckin' Kyosuke's Geshpenst Kick and tell me that's not full of Spiral Power.

    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)21:40 No.16335820
    Not the same guy but you can't really expect to trust every single person to do the moral and upright thing?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:14 No.16336535

    made my day. awesome.


    Fund it! ...oh, wait...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/08(Wed)22:33 No.16336877

    This wouldve made a fucking epic anime.

    and im the kind of anime faggot that just watches it and enjoys it, unless its mind cripplingly shit. Doesnt matter what the fuck it is, I will try to enjoy it.

    All I can say is Gurren Lagann was the most epic of the anime ive seen, the end battle was fucking ridiculous.

    and Nia vanishing pissed me off. The main dude saves the universe, so his bitch vanishes into thin fucking air and hes exiled from humanity? some fucking reward

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