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    File :1225768860.jpg-(63 KB, 512x512, 1223167307551.jpg)
    63 KB jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)22:21 No.16093126  
    why is it bad to write an essay on anime, according to /a/, even if you talk about them in a social-anthropological way, discussing its origins, influences and impact on Japanese culture?

    I'm currently writing an essay on The End of Evangelion and its themes on the otaku subculture (ronrey, alienation, rejection etc) as well as its representation of Japanese society in general. I have read up on Murakami and the superflat art movement.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:22 No.16093172
    >jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA
    >essay on anime
    That's more than enough.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:23 No.16093193
    You know what really bothers me about the OP's post? How abruptly it ends.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:24 No.16093221
    Really? Because everyone does it and in a way it's lazy. Writing a essay on something like anime, and going super in-dept is like jerking all over yourself. Sure essay writing in itself is just a form of masturbation, but doing on anime it's like cumming on yourself in front of everyone. We don't need to see that.
    >> Jake the Snake !EfVwyVp5SE 11/03/08(Mon)22:24 No.16093229
    If you can't make a decent post of only a few lines with proper grammar, then you're fucked, buddy.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:25 No.16093243
    Because fanboyism is retarded.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)22:26 No.16093275
    that only applies if I talk about how awesome EoE is right?
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)22:27 No.16093299
    uh oh, i didnt know a post needed a conclusion
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:28 No.16093320

    I KNOW
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)22:30 No.16093397
    but if i were interested in something else, for example art, and i go super in depth with that, would that be the same thing?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:32 No.16093447
    I think you should just go ahead and do it. I don't see why it would be any less a valid topic than anything else.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)22:38 No.16093575
    Because you're not a japanese sociologist/psicologist. You haven't lived in the place nor studied the people who live there, so you can't really explain how it has impacted them. And even if you did, the fact that you aren't taking the subject with neutral eyes (let's face it: you're a fanboy) makes the essay nothing more than fanboyism (or hatemail, if you weren't a fan). You're just wanking over a comatose girl.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:41 No.16093671
    So only sociologists and psychologists are *allowed* to write essays about anime and its impact on Japanese culture? I think he should do it. It would be a good exercise if he does his research right.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)22:46 No.16093839
    >the fact that you aren't taking the subject with neutral eyes (let's face it: you're a fanboy) makes the essay nothing more than fanboyism (or hatemail, if you weren't a fan).
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:47 No.16093860
    Art in general? Too broad. Hmm. Anime is sorta of touchy subject because it's like at this point in general acceptance where it's "those Japanese cartoons" it's passed a threshold where it's known on some level, but it has matured yet in a sense. I guess I'm trying to say it's popular with the kids these days, but the kids are still kids. And unless you're in japan, or doing this for something like asian studies or whatever it'll be tagged as a fluff piece on a current fad(Not saying anime is a fad, but it's probably seen as one) by a fanatic.

    It's not like I can stop you or anything, but whenever I hear about something like this, I always groan. It's a gut reflex of mine on not being able to get a paper like that graded seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:47 No.16093861
    LOL, I passed my Graduate Writing Test writing about Haruhi... I don't even remember what the topic was.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)22:47 No.16093871
    Some people get things on a certain level, and won't go deeper. Some of these people don't like the idea that these things can in fact be explored deeper, whether that be due to a lack of ability or personal objectivism.

    There are also people who are incapable of considering a position they do not accept as valid. To these people, the idea that you can get something else out of the same experience is a challenge to their own thoughts and for their most fundamental beliefs, their existence. It doesn't matter that you don't actively attack their beliefs, the existence of an alternative is sufficient to challenge them.

    Where these two types of people coincide you will find those who cannot abide the thought of you analysing the things they watch, because you will come to a different conclusion, one that is not easy to reject out of hand, and therefore one that challenges them.

    At this point they will usually counter by citing the creator's intentions. Those are, in fact, irrelevant. The creator's intent is what a show is, but what it means is the result of the show's resonance with your particular ways of thinking and experiences. A creator can no more dictate the meaning of a show than they can control the response of the audience to it.

    I always found the 'creator intent' argument hilarious when applied to EVA, given that not only is the entire thing subjectivist as hell and therefore arguing against this sort of absolutist definition, but the director explicitly says it means whatever you think it does.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:48 No.16093890
    Because nobody gives a shit about anime.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:50 No.16093928
    I said I think it will be a good exercise
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:50 No.16093940
    not this.

    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)22:52 No.16093982

    That people are willing to argue the matter is a clear sign that people DO care.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:56 No.16094085
    welcome to /a/, where all your ideas will be shot down immediately with harsh criticism from fat basement-dwelling otaku
    >> Jake the Snake !EfVwyVp5SE 11/03/08(Mon)22:58 No.16094127
    What about Robin Williams?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:58 No.16094146
    yes, internet nerds

    Also, OP, it might not be the most insightful piece of work if you are basing Japanese society off of a cartoon. Believe it or not, most japanese people don't watch anime!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:59 No.16094159
    Evangelion is a children's cartoon.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)22:59 No.16094171
    For our communication analysis class, I presented Charles speech from Geass dub as an awesome example of social Darwinism

    I got cheers, though I wanted to hold myself back from going along with Charles.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:00 No.16094181
    People care about the stupidest shit. The fact that I'm interested in this thread is proof.

    What class OP is writing this paper for is just as important as the topic. If it's for a writing class, the topic may as well be BS, if it's for some anthropology class or whatnot things change.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:00 No.16094198

    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:02 No.16094233
    I'm sorry you're so defensive about being overinvested in a children's cartoon :(
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:02 No.16094239
    This is a terrible thread. Fuck you guys.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:03 No.16094268
    I am not writing anything on what I felt about the film, I'm just comparing some themes within the film with real issues, with support from Murakami's book Little Boy as well as some interviews with Anno. I do think I am talking about it in a neutral point of view. Besides, fawning over a particular subject in an essay doesn't really demonstrate professionalism, it isn't a review so there isn't really a point in including personal feelings.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:04 No.16094294
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    Screw you! It has potential!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:04 No.16094306
    i dont know, but /a/ is full of rejects so dont listen to them when it comes to real life
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:04 No.16094307
    Because you simply don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:05 No.16094318

    Naruto is DEEP.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:05 No.16094319
    Then why not do it on a work that is actually meant to address issues? As opposed to one that was designed to sell stuff to otaku.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:05 No.16094350

    I feel sorry for any child you ever encounter if this is the sort of thing you think is child-appropriate.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:06 No.16094379
    >otaku subculture (ronrey, alienation, rejection etc)
    Because of misinformation like this
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:08 No.16094435
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    Fuck your children
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:08 No.16094437
    Sounding better there. But maybe work from the social issues into anime, and feature more then EoE.

    Alright you sound more level headed then I initially thought. Green light from me, you actually have clues about what you're talking about.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:09 No.16094450
    Evangelion is a cartoon written for angsty teens (by an angsty man mentally in his teens... not that I'm any different... with techniques that subsequently led to the decay on the animation of the whole industry). Get over it already... unless you're still 13.

    If it is SERIOUSLY taken from a neutral point of view, I don't see why not. But if you like something, or in most of our cases, you are OBSESSED with something, you tend to write biased little pieces of praise.
    But hell, if you can do it neutrally, you've got my respect.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:11 No.16094507

    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:12 No.16094542
    ... Nagi?!
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:13 No.16094548
    I wrote a successful essay on anime.

    It was about censorship in the shows that have been exported to America, and how that robs anime almost of it's point

    (what's this bizarre cartoon? it must be japanese! Oh look, that kid is eating a hamburger, I thought they ate sushi in Japan! My, that guy is badass, but why is he sucking on a lolipop? That totally ruins his image, etc)

    I got a high score. But I guess that's because I was on an animation course.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:13 No.16094554
    If it was done from a non-fanboy point of view, he wouldn't be doing it on eva in the first place
    >> Furukawa Akio !VA0GUP8ZjM 11/03/08(Mon)23:13 No.16094557
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    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:13 No.16094559
    Because EoE is related to Superflat, which is a Japanese art movement focused on using pop culture to critique and criticize the otaku subculture, EoE does address these issues as Takashi Murakami explained.

    Otakus obsess over their inner child, not wanting to grow up, as they cling onto anime rather than move on with "higher" tastes as an adult. Doing so, they are shunned by society as disgusting nerds. Not able to socialize, they seal themselves in their rooms allowing their problems to fester. Likewise, Shinji is afraid of being hurt by others emotionally, thus he confines himself with his cassette player and tries to ignore those around him.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:14 No.16094568
    mentally, yeah.

    Oh, right. You must be a teen. Sorry, you're no children, I didn't say a thing.
    >> ~420-Vald The INHALER !!gySh7FecMIQ 11/03/08(Mon)23:14 No.16094581
    ahahaha wow you're a faggot OP
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:15 No.16094604
    >EoE is related to Superflat
    ... no, it isn't. You lost all your credibility there, essay anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:15 No.16094617

    And what the fuck we watch? Moeblob shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:16 No.16094626
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:16 No.16094631
    well it's not all on EoE, I have to compare it with Murakami's art show in New York last May as well as the art movement in general
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:16 No.16094636
    Murakami is a faggot, I don't know what you are trying to do writing anything about him.
    >> ~420-Vlad The INHALER !!gySh7FecMIQ 11/03/08(Mon)23:19 No.16094721
    Just give it up and find something better to write about.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:20 No.16094766

    That guy said it was a children's show. I said it's not a children's show and that you'd have to be pretty fucked up to think it was. That's not the same as claiming it to be the paragon of adult entertainment, whatever you may think.

    I know who it's marketed at, and 13 year olds do fit, but they're hardly the upper limit of age. I'm nowhere near thirteen, and I'm probably older than you, not that it matters.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:21 No.16094777
    Superflat is defined as a modern criticism of Japanese culture through the use of art.

    If we strip out all the nonesense plot of Eva, we see a series largely based on fleshing out and portraying the characters. It is possible to compare many of the characters to the views of Japan on otakus as well as otakus themselves, Shinji being the latter.

    Superflat is also an amalgamation between culture of the East and the West, if you noticed, Evangelion had a noticeable use of Western classical music throughout the series as well as themes from Western literature such as the writings of Freud, Jung and the Bible, despite most of those being mostly nonesense references Anno did for fun.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:21 No.16094795
    What do you mean by "we"? Supposed adults?

    Well, if you mean that, then... yeah, we do. We have transcended the stage of wanting to find deep and meaningful ideas in a form of art that isn't capable of doing it (an image ISN'T worth a thousand words. Hell, it isn't worth 50). So, we (or me, as a "supposed adult") see the anime industry as what it has to be: sheer entertainment.

    That said, though, the political struggle and the opera-like story in series like Legend of the Galactic Heroes could be a little, just a little meaningful. But overall, it's nothing more than entertainment.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:24 No.16094862
    I highly doubt it was aimed at an audience of 13, maybe at first when everything was all SHONEN FIGHTAN ROBOTS but later on there's just too much for a 13 year old to handle. By episode 13, it was moved to a later time slot aimed at youths and older viewers where the plot becomes greatly complicated and psychological
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:29 No.16095021
    But then even the greatest classic novels written could be passed off as entertainment, anything could be considered as entertainment if we all just pass of their ideas as nothing but entertainment.

    What's truly interesting is how the themes they explored could be reflected in a real world society, themes of betrayal, hate, love, friendship, courage, illustrate human nature.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:30 No.16095061
    And you don't think your hostility to even the concept of thought-provoking anime has something to do with it being radically less popular than the mass-produced formulaic garbage that's so popular? If there's no demand for anime with real content there will be no anime with real content. Your argument isn't the result of the state of the anime industry, it's the cause of it. Most people would watch stupid crap anyway, because most of every medium is stupid crap, but if the people who would otherwise actually like decent stuff are hostile to the idea of it not even a large minority audience exists and it'll never go anywhere.

    Don't flaunt being close-minded as intellectual superiority. If you had actually moved past issues of identity from content you wouldn't be hostile to the idea of smart anime.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:31 No.16095077
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:32 No.16095107
    13 year old kids are... kids. And a 16 year old should already be... smart enough to laugh at people overhyping Eva.
    Also, please, be older than me. I can't take this anymore ;_;. Why am I suck an ancient fag ;_;

    As far as I recall, superflat is supposed to be about consumerism and oversimple (although sometimes intricate by mixing many oversimple) designs. While it is a movement that frowns upon the latest and current societies, I don't see it having anything meaningful to do with EoE.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:32 No.16095108
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:32 No.16095110
    Superflat = ignorant Westerners buying up shittily drawn "art" because some guy has given them an illusion of Japanese people as pathetic shut-ins who consume the very same shit they themselves are buying up.
    What makes you think people from the outside would understand modern Japanese culture and the very thing that is being "criticized"? They don't, superflat is a gigantic trollfest by Murakami, making him rich and famous in the process without the actual merit.
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:35 No.16095172

    That I would want to disagree. We (supposed adults) SHOULD STILL watch something we can ponder upon and at the same time entertain us. I find it dumb to think that adults MUST ONLY watch shows which entertain ONLY. I guess you're trying to point out that film should only be taken as entertainment, if that's the case just pick out the ones you want to be entertained, but I tell you, it'll get the heck out of you. You'll soon get tired of 'entertainment'. That's mental retardation to you.

    Animation IS capable of delivering meaningful ideas, it is just the corporate crap which corrupts this ability. And why the heck call animation a form of 'art' when it can't deliver something?

    I really don't think we (supposed adults) should grow out of finding meaning in 'select' shows. It's frightening to think that people don't think over what they watch.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:37 No.16095238
    you are correct.
    Superflat deals with consumerism but that's only a small part of it. The reason Superflat would deal with consumerism is because it is criticizing how otakus get off on how many figs they own, how many mangos they possess.

    Of course Superflat doesnt have anything to do WITH EoE but the message communicated by EoE and the movement is the same, that is why EoE is part of Superflat.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:40 No.16095317
    ... Eva was always about angst and the world being mean to you, and you being mean to you, and wanting acceptance, and blah blah blah blah simple plan welcome to my life.

    >an image ISN'T worth a thousand words
    I mean that, while you can express entirely an idea in a book, hell even in a novel, you can't in an anime... maybe if it was a gigantic OVA, but seriously, Eva is just pretentious shit.

    >the political struggle and the opera-like story in series like Legend of the Galactic Heroes could be a little, just a little meaningful.
    There might be some really intelligent animations. LotGH is really close. I, how ever, have never seen anything past entertainment in the animation field. And Evangelion is anything but intelligent: it's the spawn of a, back then, highly sedated, depressive hikki.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:43 No.16095363
    That's a valid argument, Murakami could be considered as a troll in the art scene, but what about other modern artist?

    Look at Duchamp, who submitted an urinal as art, look at Mondrian and his simple straight lines and primary colours, for god sakes Malevich did a black square and called it art!

    Aren't these the same as Murakami?
    One could say so, but if there resides intent behind these simple works, wouldn't they be considered as complex?

    Duchamp was criticizing the bourgeoisie's definition of art, Mondrian was depicting world balance and peace and Malevich was exploring the fundamentals of art. Aren't these reasons just as valid as Murakami's intent with Superflat?
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:47 No.16095436
    EoE deals with wanting acceptance. Of being frustrated and wanting the world to be a different place. To take control of your life and how that influences everyone else. I don't see how that relates to superflat, but if you do... well, good for you.

    Oh, also, I've seen you have Eva on a pedestal. As >>16094554 might have been wanting to point out, it's not gonna work (unless your teacher can be easily pampered).
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:47 No.16095442
    why do you maintain that EoE is pretentious and has no value? Is it because nothing intellectual could also be eye candy at the same time?

    Had Evangelion been not about robots and aliens, would you have said the same?
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:50 No.16095511

    and perhaps I do have Eva on a pedestal, I would suppose its impact is an important mark in the history of Superflat which started in the early 90's
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:54 No.16095567

    I'd be more inclined to press you further for details if you weren't visibly assuming whatever is most convenient for your arguments. You shoudl at leats make them less circular so it isn't as obvious and easy to call out. Lots of angsty teens like EVA so it must be bad an tailored to them. EVA is tailored to agnsty teens so everyone who likes it is an angsty teen.

    You can express intelligent ideas in anything. There is no reason that you can't make an intelligent anime aside from those of making it work in a capitalist society. Denying anime's ability to produce intelligent work is at best a descriptive definition and as such useless for defining other works, and at worst a circular argument.

    Arguing that people who don't think like you can't make anything useful is egotism. If anything, people who don't think the same way as you are more likely to produce highly insightful and thought-provoking work ,because they see the same things you see every day and have grown accustomed to in a completely different light. 'It's different therefore bad' has never been and never will be an argument with any merit whatsoever.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/03/08(Mon)23:55 No.16095593
    >Had Evangelion been not about robots and aliens, would you have said the same?
    Yes, I would. I'll repeat myself: Evangelion is the >spawn of a, back then, highly sedated, depressive hikki.

    It does have an artistic value. Every animation, even the shittiest flash, has it. But that doesn't avoid Eva from being a pretentious piece of shit. Oh, and because you like to explain things that we know already, here I go as well:

    >Pretentious: making claim to or creating an appearance of (often undeserved) importance or distinction

    >Piece of shit: A chunk of excrement; A bad thing
    >> Anonymous 11/03/08(Mon)23:58 No.16095658
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    Why are you arguing with someone who claims to know what all adults want? Contrary to what she (?) believes, adults DO still think about the meaning in entertainment whether it be a movie, book, poem, painting or anime. In fact just this moment I was reading a very interesting essay that linked Utena, feminism, Japanese society and shoujo manga. Hell, Susan Napier has made a living out of this kind of stuff.

    >We have transcended the stage of wanting to find deep and meaningful ideas in a form of art that isn't capable of doing it (an image ISN'T worth a thousand words. Hell, it isn't worth 50).

    Seriously, this just made me facepalm so hard it's not even funny. You just wrote off every single piece of art ever.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/03/08(Mon)23:59 No.16095668

    What, exactly, makes EVA pretentious?

    No need to reply fast, I'll be gone for an hour.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/03/08(Mon)23:59 No.16095691
    sure Anno might be depressed, but how does that say anything about Eva for what it is? What are your supports for Eva being bad?

    I for one thought the plot was bullshit and unnecessary, the message Anno tried to communicate (in my opinion there is a message, i cant say the same for everyone) is badly transmitted. Most people dont know what the fuck is going on until further examination and comparison.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:00 No.16095715
    It's better than writing a paper on development of language among infants. Why the fuck I bothered with that, I STILL don't know to this fucking day. The funny thing this, the class I studied that in was the only college course I got a F in (the paper was for another course which I got a B+ on).

    I wished I did that for college seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:03 No.16095773

    Did EVA presented itself as deep and meaningful the first episode it aired? No, and no trace of it. It's not pretentious. If it was, it should've said 'THIS SHIT IS THE SHIT AND YOU SHOULD WATCH IT.' People always go on how pretentious something is when it presented its self in a very modest, unassuming manner.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:03 No.16095775
    i smell Noam Chomsky
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:03 No.16095778
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    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:05 No.16095815
    >Lots of angsty teens like EVA so it must be bad an tailored to them. EVA is tailored to agnsty teens so everyone who likes it is an angsty teen.
    ... no.
    Evangelion has a lot of angsty imaginary mixed with teen characters and your usual teen point of view on the world so, although the author might have been thinking it was tailored for adults (or maybe not), it was actually the perfect niche for angsty teens. In other words, it's tailored to angsty teens.

    >'It's different therefore bad'
    I never said that. I don't have anything against different stuff. Hell, we as freaks should already know that cult>mainstream. That something rare is usually the best find.
    Evangelion, how ever, is mainstream. And not because it's mainstream it's bad, either (hell, I'm a Strike Witches tripfag), but not because it wants to appear as a cult item it's good, either. And Evangelion, for the load of reasons I've already given, is not good.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:08 No.16095861
    >Did EVA presented itself as deep and meaningful the first episode it aired? No, and no trace of it. It's not pretentious.

    Personally I find the word "pretentious" almost completely meaningless because what one person finds pretentious somebody else finds rife with meaning.

    But I just wanted to point out that Anno did want it to change the industry. He said, "Evangelion is my life and I have put everything I know into this work. This is my entire life. My life itself." At least, that's how he felt in 96. So it wasn't meant to be (at least to him and probably to the others involved) just another piece of commercial entertainment.

    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:10 No.16095904
    OP is getting trolled in his own thread, hard.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:12 No.16095950
    Well like General Douglas MacArthur said when he took America out of Japan at the end of the American Occupation of Japan, "Japan is like a 12 year old boy".

    hence Murakami's book title Little Boy

    Eva indeed does incorporate views which are often associated with emo angsty teens but it is important to know that these feelings are not limited to teens.

    These feelings are of alienation, desertion by peers, and feelings of hopelessness. The exact feelings of a lot of otakus if you have seen Otaku no Video. Not only was Anno trying to depict a feeling that otakus could related to but also depict the otakus in the cast of Eva.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:12 No.16095956
    this has been done before. eva is big in the european universities.

    also http://minagahet.blogspot.com/2006/03/lacan-avec-evangelion.html is a superior topic, sociology of otaku isn't very interesting at all.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:13 No.16095971
    See the post you quoted:
    >So, we (or me, as a "supposed adult")
    >or me
    >supposed adult
    I'm not an adult. I'm not responsible. I'm not very likeable. I might have some knowledge in my field, but that says nothing. I'm just old, and have a point of view.

    the fact that, as anything pretentious, it tried to grasp too much, while being too little.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:13 No.16095980
    does that mean I'm wasting my time since their opinions are obviously wrong?
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:15 No.16096029
    how did you assign worth to Eva in the first place?
    Or are you simply basing its worthlessness on the fact that its animated? As you said, mere entertainment?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:16 No.16096058
    The most awkward thing i ever had to write was a review of some miyazaki movie. Probably mononoke.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:16 No.16096060
    >The exact feelings of a lot of otakus if you have seen Otaku no Video
    ... the shit?! Otaku no Video is about a guy that wants to be successful in the field he loves. It IS the anti-eva (unlike GL that is the "eva from another point of view").
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:18 No.16096113
    oof, im not too big on psychology so there's no way i could pull off a psychological analysis of eva
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:19 No.16096144
    you didnt see the interviews?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:21 No.16096196

    And from there it spawned tons of Shinji and Rei clones. From inspiration of EVA came numerous shows which added in character deconstruction into their menu. From there, everything's changed -- for the worse. Seeing EVA-like characters in today's shows will spawn great cash, it was overused to the point the everybody was blaming EVA for the crap we have today. People whine about how spineless the heroes of today's anime are, when they didn't realize that it was what they, the fans, wanted. Almost every harem show today prances a wimpy lead. The capitalists thought it is sure cash, now you can eat yourself out and get fed up with EVA. I doubt one would call something pretentious when he has never heard nor seen any review about it. It's just as plain and simple when it started out -- generic, then it became mindfuck.

    Where's pretension in that?
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:25 No.16096281
    >wimpy lead

    Eva was also a subversion of the typical GAR seen in Super Robot anime of that time, no longer courageous and daring, it really asks the question "how can a hero save the world if they can't even save themselves?"
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:25 No.16096290
    You're dismissing my mention of LotGH again.

    But anyway, I assigned worth on Eva the same way I do with all my art: who the fuck does the author thinks he is, and how well does his product deliver?

    For example, who does Fumikane Shimada think he is? Well, he thinks he is a guy that likes guns, tits, lolis, lesbians, steampunk and fun. And he is pretty able to transmit it with SW.

    Then who does Anno think he is? Well, as you've already said, he thinks he is, as >>16095861 pointed out, the one who would change the industry (sadly, it did: by making the animation cheaper and the animators lazier). He thinks that his product is deep (just like, for example, Lynch). It shows, how ever, nothing but a tantrum (not as bad as Death Note, though).
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:28 No.16096349
    Er, Anno didnt say he wanted to change the industry, that was what anonymous said, not what he quoted. All Anno said was he loved his work, thats it.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:32 No.16096454
    I also dont see how what an artist feels about himself have anything to do with what he made. If an artist claims his work to be more than it is, it is mere a disappointment when the final product isnt as big as he claims it is, but that does not invalidate any value it has.

    Sure if Anno claimed THIS IS THE BEST SHIT EVER (which he did and I lol'd) but doesn't measure up, then yes it is embarrassing on his end but it doesnt mean that Eva is completely worthless.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:34 No.16096504
    Oh, yeah, forgot about that... man, the guys at Gainax are mean fucks by throwing the Otaking success between shots of what real, fail-at-life otakus like the ones that bought the OVA are.
    Yeah, you're right there, then, I guess.

    >"how can a hero save the world if they can't even save themselves?"
    >if they can't even save themselves
    And there's where the angst comes from. Why couldn't Kaji be the lead, Anno, for fuck's sake...

    The sole fact of it >wanting to be special, different< makes it pretentious. Art must not be done with the intention of impressing, unlike what the mainstream thinks: art should be done with the intention of delivering a message. If it ALSO impresses... well, terrific. you've made an impressive work of art.

    But bah, maybe you should scratch that last paragraph. After all, art is supposed to be subjective.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:38 No.16096585
    oh, yeah, and I forgot earlier

    >"Evangelion is my life and I have put everything I know into this work. This is my entire life. My life itself."
    And two years later, he "quit the animation field"... and then when his movies didn't sell as well as Eva (sadly. I liked Love&Pop), he went back to... Eva, lol
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)00:42 No.16096691
    >I also dont see how what an artist feels about himself have anything to do with what he made.
    ... I'm almost definitely sure that Shimada hasn't said that he "is a guy that likes guns, tits, lolis, lesbians, steampunk and fun". But it shows in his work.

    Also, even if Anno hadn't said Eva is the best shit ever, it also shows in his work. It's easy to smell the pompous out of it. And it just doesn't measure up to the best shit ever (it's just another piece of shit) so, therefore, it is pretentious.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/04/08(Tue)00:42 No.16096693

    You don't actually get what 'tailored' means, do you? It measn, in the case of entertainment, that something is specificaly constructed to appeal to a certain audience. By your own arguments, EVA is NOT tailored.

    You also haven't actually given real reason why it's bad, just said that it is as the basis for the significant majority of your claims thus far.


    Just because it's important to him doesn't mean it's pretentious. Trying hard isn't pretentious. Pretentiousness stems from assuming your work is good enough, which is the end, not the beginning. Intent has nothing to do with pretentiousness.


    That isn't being pretentious, though. Pretentiousness is about making claims to glory undeserved. I don't recall Anno saying anything about claiming success that didn't involve him noting how popular it had become. He comes across as remarkably humble for someone who spawned a colossally popular franchise.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:44 No.16096738
    I dont think Anno wanted it to be all amazing and everyone should be in awe at his work.

    If it did, he would have gotten more funding.

    He did Eva with a bullshit story in his head but has some neat ideas and people applauded him for that. He did something no one has attempted before. It was only after the hype and fanwank did he say it was different and how Eva is the shit. His pride's gotten to him and now we have 4 new movies.

    If anything, I think Rebuild is pretentious, and as visually satisfying as it is, I highly doubt it would deliver the same message and feeling as it did ten years ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:44 No.16096749
    Tripfags tripping tripfags

    What the fuck ever happened to good old Anonymous trolls? For fucks sake, if youre going to look like a moron, at least make it look like youre trolling.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:45 No.16096776
    well then that would be YOUR interpretation of his attitude right?
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:48 No.16096819

    also sage for tripfaggotry
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/04/08(Tue)00:50 No.16096869

    Wanting something to be good and different ISN'T being pretentious. Again, pretentiousness is about assuming success, not desiring it.


    It's always easier to find things when you read them into it. If you can find real quotes, or even genuine subtext, then let's see it. Otherwise, don't let your argument instruct your reality.


    Is it not fair enough for him to say that EVA worked really well, when that's exactly what it did? You can't deny that it's been a spectacular success and is critically acclaimed, both the major measures of the success of anime. If you don't like it that's all well and good, but you are, unfortunately, not the master of the common opinion.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:50 No.16096880
    also, besides the fact you feel Anno is a jackass and that Eva was claiming itself to be the best (even though it didnt)

    i haven't seen a reason yet as to why Eva sucks.
    Sucks because of angst? Everyone has angst at some point, especially otakus (look at all the ronrey threads and kill yourselves responses). Anno did it to relate the intended viewers with the characters.
    Sucks because it's not as good as you thought it would have been? Well tough luck, standards too high.
    Sucks because of shitty animation? Eva had great animation, besides the few QUALITY in proportions here and there that was common in the 90's anime.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)00:57 No.16096986
    true but sometimes i feel he's just milking it.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)00:59 No.16097017

    Would rage again
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)01:00 No.16097035
    >part 1
    Let's say you have an identical twin. And let's say this twin goes to the tailor, and asks for a suit. Would you be also able to fit that suit perfectly? Yeah, right? So, would you be able to say that such a suit was tailored for you, even if it was originally tailored for your twin? Do you know what a niche is? Reread my post.
    >part 2
    The fact that you overhype your own work makes it pretentious, by definition.
    >part 3
    Yeah, it is. Evangelion tries to be a mind changing anime. It strives to become a philosophical treaty. It ends up being nothing but a tantrum.

    >He did Eva with a bullshit story in his head but has some neat ideas and people applauded him for that.
    Don't you mean "some people loved him for Gunbuster. Then, he was depressed for a while, and started writing his bawwing. And then he animated it with the recognition that Gunbuster had already given him"?

    Dude, being a tripfag should rate higher in the troll scale. After all, just the fact of reading a tripfag (worse if it is a SW tripfag) adds like 2 points to my scale...
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)01:04 No.16097099
    Evangelion never tried to be a mind changing anime, thats just how it turned out. Anno didnt declare THIS WILL BLOW YOUR MIND or declare anything for that matter.

    I meant he was applauded for Eva, not that people ONLY applauded for Eva
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:06 No.16097127
    >> Furukawa Akio !VA0GUP8ZjM 11/04/08(Tue)01:07 No.16097157
         File :1225778831.jpg-(21 KB, 279x314, 1225485729125.jpg)
    21 KB
    You just earned another Tony stamp for getting more than 100 posts.

    Be grateful dear tripfriend, you're almost a full fledged troll now.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:07 No.16097168
    Oh oh, I sense great butthurtness.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)01:08 No.16097186
    interpretation to his work, actually. I think I've never even read an interview to him. Who the artist is, in his everyday life, shouldn't matter. Otherwise, art would be just shallow.

    Again, this is nothing but an interpretation to his work. Let's set another example: Did J.C. Staff give too much credibility to Code Geass, or were they just trolling? There's a clue: Would you troll all of your clients?
    Once you've answered yourself that question, spoiler: Geass is pretentious, and so is Eva.

    Eva sucks, again, because it tries too hard. Because it thinks too highly of itself. Because it takes itself seriously. And no form of entertainment should take itself seriously, or it'll become... well, yeah, guess the word.
    >> Dr. Baron von Evilsatan 11/04/08(Tue)01:09 No.16097206

    No, you couldn't. Not even in the clothing sense of the word does it mean that, and this isn't /fa/.

    When has Anno overhyped his work? If it is so obvious to you, why can't you demonstrate it? Why are you trying to argue that desiring success is pretension, when it is not, never has been, and will not be, so long as reasonable people have control of the english language?

    If you made a mistake in your wording, correct it and move on. Trying to redefine words to avoid that is more time-consuming and only serves to weaken your argument.

    People did not like EVA because it was written by the man who made Gunbuster. People like EVA because they like EVA. Assuming that EVA is worthless is stupid, as is assuming anything is worthless, and trying to deal with the volume of evidence to the contrary with an argument as weak as this isn't even trying. You don't even try to justify EVA being more popular than Gunbuster.
    >> Elizabeth Beurling !ygsc3vL/Pg 11/04/08(Tue)01:10 No.16097222
    I love you, Tony Danza. Please babysit my son (if I ever have one) and have a homosexual relationship with me.
    >> Anonymous 11/04/08(Tue)01:10 No.16097225
    I like you. But I bet you're dead now.
    >> jUNE !zzH5nB9KnA 11/04/08(Tue)01:11 No.16097234
    Just how is Eva trying too hard?
    Why do I have a feeling you watched Eva because people told you how great it was and all the interpretations there was rather than watching it with no great expectations?

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