>> |
10/28/08(Tue)16:50 No.15912957  File :1225227003.jpg-(14 KB, 225x225, KaitoKid_225_2_rdax_225x225_60.jpg)
 >>15912673 Nope.
You're not alone. I like Conan as a Scooby-Doo series. You watch one
(ok, two, because cases are split) episode get to know who the bad guy
of the day is and everything's fine. Every now and then you get a
4-episode special (which is actually the new years special in Japan)
which ends up being AWESOME (Kaito Kid episodes, Halloween Ship
episode, etc). Only problem is that if you get obsesssed and begin
watching it expecting plot progression like in regular shounens (even
if it's slow progression like in, lol, Bleach) you'll get disappointed
that you could have skipped 100 episodes and shit would still be the
But yeah, to watch ocassionally it's great.
I love Kaito Kid and hate the author for not making more episodes of
Magic Kaito (then again, it would also be eternamek like Conan). |